Beispiel #1
def auction(cost_dict, min_cost, max_cost, row_numbers, col_numbers):
    """Linear sum assignment procedure based on symetric auction algorithm.

     Re-implementation of a FORTRAN code, taken from:

     and as described in:

     "Auction Algorithms for Network Flow Problems: A Tutorial Introduction"
     Dimitri P. Bertsekas, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol.
     1, pp. 7-66, 1992.

     and other papers by Dimitri P. Bertsekas, see:

     Takes as input a cost dictionary, the minimum and maximum weights in this
     dictionary, and two sorted lists with the row and column numbers.

    #################### START PARALLEL TEST CODE ###############################


        tmp_list = cost_dict.keys()
        tmp_str = str(min_cost) + ' /'  + str(max_cost)+', '+ str(row_numbers) + \
                  ' / ' + str(col_numbers) + ':: '
        for k in tmp_list:
            tmp_list2 = cost_dict[k].items()
            tmp_str = tmp_str + ' ' + str(tmp_list2) + ' / '

        f = open(
            'lap-auction-' + str(parallel.rank()) + '-' + str(parallel.size()),
        f.write(tmp_str + os.linesep)

        #################### END PARALLEL TEST CODE ###############################

    i_large = 100000000  # A value larger than max_cost

    auction_results = {}  # Result dictionary with final record pair matches

    num_rows = len(row_numbers)
    num_cols = len(col_numbers)

    if (num_rows != num_cols):
        print 'error:Asymmetric problem given to symmetric "auction" algorithm'
        raise Exception

    # Set parameters for auction algorithm  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    if (max_cost > int(i_large / (num_rows + 1))):
        print 'error:Cost range too large to work with integer epsilon'
        raise Exception

    max_cost *= (num_rows + 1)

    beg_eps = max_cost / 5  # Maybe smaller, can even be 1, but not smaller
    end_eps = num_rows / 10  # Must be smaller than beg_eps, can be 1
    if (end_eps < 1):
        end_eps = 1
    elif (end_eps > beg_eps):
        end_eps = beg_eps
    factor = 5  # Must be greater than 1
    start_incr = beg_eps / 10  # Maybe even be 1, but not smaller
    if (start_incr < 1):
        start_incr = 1

    # Initialisation
    eps = beg_eps
    i_small = -i_large
    large_incr = int(i_large / 10)
    thresh = min(int(num_rows / 5), 100)  # Maximal value 100
    incr_factor = 2
    cycles = 1
    average = num_cols
    num_phases = 1

    # Initialise dictionaries for prices and row assignments
    pcol = {}
    assigned = {}

    for col_num in col_numbers:
        pcol[col_num] = i_small
        # assigned[col_num] = -1#######

    # Initialise list of un-assigned rows (all rows at the beginning)
    list = row_numbers[:]
    no_list = num_rows

    do_phase = True  # Set flag so a first phase is performed

    # Start sub problem (scaling phase with new epsilon)  - - - - - - - - - - - -
    while (do_phase == True):

        if (eps == 1):
            thresh = 0
        incr = max(start_incr,
                   eps)  # Increment must not be larger than epsilon

        print '2:      Start of a scaling phase with epsilon: %f' % (eps)

        do_cycle = True  # Set flag so a first cycle is performed
        cycle_count = 0

        while (do_cycle == True):

            # Start forward auction cycle - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
            no_new_list = 0  # Initialise count of next list of un-assigned rows

            # Cycle through the current list of un-assigned rows
            for i in range(no_list):
                row_num = list[i]
                row_dict = cost_dict[row_num]
                row_list = row_dict.items()
                row_list.sort()  ################ Maybe not needed ??? #######
                row_len = len(row_dict)

                # Get first and second column number and cost
                col_num, cost = row_list[0]
                col_num2, cost2 = row_list[1]

                max1 = cost - pcol[col_num]
                max2 = cost2 - pcol[col_num2]
                if (max1 > max2):
                    best_col_num = col_num
                elif (max1 < max2):  # Swap maximum values
                    max1, max2 = max2, max1
                    best_col_num = col_num2
                else:  # Both are the same
                    if (col_num < col_num2
                        ):  # Make sure best column number is smallest
                        best_col_num = col_num
                        best_col_num = col_num2

                if (row_len > 2):  # Row has more than two elements
                    for c in range(2, row_len):
                        col_num3, cost3 = row_list[c]  # Loop through cols

                        max_tmp = cost3 - pcol[col_num3]
                        if (max_tmp > max2):
                            if (max_tmp > max1):
                                best_col_num = col_num3  # New best column
                                max2 = max1
                                max1 = max_tmp
                            elif (max_tmp
                                  == max1) and (col_num3 < best_col_num):
                                best_col_num = col_num3  # Best column number is smallest
                                max2 = max_tmp

                # Row bids for best column increasing its price, and gets - - - - - -
                # assigned to best column, while any row assigned to best
                # column gets un-asssigned
                pcol[best_col_num] = pcol[best_col_num] + max1 - max2 + incr

                old_row = assigned.get(best_col_num, -1)  #########
                assigned[best_col_num] = row_num
                if (old_row >= 0):  # Row has been assigned
                        no_new_list] = old_row  # Save un-assigned row into list
                    no_new_list += 1

            cycle_count += 1
            if ((cycle_count % 10000) == 0):
                print '1:        Finished %i cycles, %i out of %i rows un-assigned' % \
                      (cycle_count, no_new_list, num_rows)
                if (no_new_list > 0):
                    print '1:          Un-assigned rows: %s' % (str(

            # Collect statistics
            average = (cycles * average + no_list) / (cycles + 1)
            cycles += 1

            # Check if there are still 'many' unassignedrows, i.e. if the - - - - - -
            # number of unassignd rows is greater than the parameter 'thresh'.
            # If not, replace current list with the new list and go for another
            # cycle. Otherwise, if epsilon > 1, reduce epsilon, reset the
            # asignment to empty and restart auction.
            # If epsilon == 1 terminate.
            # Also increase the minimal bidding increment up to a maximun value
            # of epsilon (this is the adaptive feature)
            incr *= incr_factor
            if (incr > eps):
                incr = eps
            if (no_new_list > thresh):
                no_list = no_new_list
                do_cycle = False  # Set flag so cycle is left

        # End of sub-problem (scaling phase) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        if (eps == 1):
            do_phase = False  # Set flag so phase is left
            num_phases += 1
            eps = int(eps / factor)
            if (eps > incr):
                eps = int(eps / factor)
            if (eps < 1) or (eps < end_eps):
                eps = 1
            thresh = int(thresh / factor)

            print '1:        End of a scaling phase, new epsilon: %3f' % (eps)

            t_min = min(pcol.values() + [i_large])

            col_num_list = assigned.keys()  ##########
            col_num_list.sort()  ##########

            for col_num in assigned:  ###########
                #      for col_num in col_num_list:
                row_num = assigned[col_num]
                if (row_num >= 0):
                    list[no_new_list] = row_num
                    no_new_list += 1
                    assigned[col_num] = -1

            incr = t_min - i_small  # Reset minimum price to i_small
            for col_num in col_numbers:  # Update all prices
                pcol[col_num] = pcol[col_num] - incr

            # Final parameter updates before starting another scaling phase
            no_list = no_new_list

            if (start_incr < eps):
                start_incr *= factor

    return assigned
Beispiel #2
def auction(cost_dict, min_cost, max_cost, row_numbers, col_numbers):
  """Linear sum assignment procedure based on symetric auction algorithm.

     Re-implementation of a FORTRAN code, taken from:

     and as described in:

     "Auction Algorithms for Network Flow Problems: A Tutorial Introduction"
     Dimitri P. Bertsekas, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol.
     1, pp. 7-66, 1992.

     and other papers by Dimitri P. Bertsekas, see:

     Takes as input a cost dictionary, the minimum and maximum weights in this
     dictionary, and two sorted lists with the row and column numbers.

  #################### START PARALLEL TEST CODE ###############################


    tmp_list = cost_dict.keys()
    tmp_str = str(min_cost) + ' /'  + str(max_cost)+', '+ str(row_numbers) + \
              ' / ' + str(col_numbers) + ':: '
    for k in tmp_list:
      tmp_list2 = cost_dict[k].items()
      tmp_str = tmp_str + ' ' + str(tmp_list2) + ' / '

    f = open('lap-auction-'+str(parallel.rank())+'-'+str(parallel.size()),'a')

    #################### END PARALLEL TEST CODE ###############################

  i_large = 100000000  # A value larger than max_cost

  auction_results = {}  # Result dictionary with final record pair matches

  num_rows = len(row_numbers)
  num_cols = len(col_numbers)

  if (num_rows != num_cols):
    print 'error:Asymmetric problem given to symmetric "auction" algorithm'
    raise Exception

  # Set parameters for auction algorithm  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  if (max_cost > int(i_large / (num_rows + 1))):
    print 'error:Cost range too large to work with integer epsilon'
    raise Exception

  max_cost *= (num_rows + 1)

  beg_eps =    max_cost / 5   # Maybe smaller, can even be 1, but not smaller
  end_eps =    num_rows / 10  # Must be smaller than beg_eps, can be 1
  if (end_eps < 1):
    end_eps = 1
  elif (end_eps > beg_eps):
    end_eps = beg_eps
  factor =     5              # Must be greater than 1
  start_incr = beg_eps / 10   # Maybe even be 1, but not smaller
  if (start_incr < 1):
    start_incr = 1

  # Initialisation
  eps =         beg_eps
  i_small =     -i_large
  large_incr =  int(i_large / 10)
  thresh =      min(int(num_rows / 5), 100)  # Maximal value 100
  incr_factor = 2
  cycles =      1
  average =     num_cols
  num_phases =  1

  # Initialise dictionaries for prices and row assignments
  pcol =     {}
  assigned = {}

  for col_num in col_numbers:
    pcol[col_num] =     i_small
    # assigned[col_num] = -1#######

  # Initialise list of un-assigned rows (all rows at the beginning)
  list =     row_numbers[:]
  no_list =  num_rows

  do_phase = True  # Set flag so a first phase is performed

  # Start sub problem (scaling phase with new epsilon)  - - - - - - - - - - - -
  while (do_phase == True):

    if (eps == 1):
      thresh = 0
    incr = max(start_incr, eps)  # Increment must not be larger than epsilon

    print '2:      Start of a scaling phase with epsilon: %f' % (eps)

    do_cycle = True  # Set flag so a first cycle is performed
    cycle_count = 0

    while (do_cycle == True):

      # Start forward auction cycle - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      no_new_list = 0  # Initialise count of next list of un-assigned rows

      # Cycle through the current list of un-assigned rows
      for i in range(no_list):
        row_num =  list[i]
        row_dict = cost_dict[row_num]
        row_list = row_dict.items()
        row_list.sort()  ################ Maybe not needed ??? #######
        row_len = len(row_dict)

        # Get first and second column number and cost
        col_num, cost =   row_list[0]
        col_num2, cost2 = row_list[1]

        max1 = cost -  pcol[col_num]
        max2 = cost2 - pcol[col_num2]
        if (max1 > max2):
          best_col_num = col_num
        elif (max1 < max2):  # Swap maximum values
          max1, max2 = max2, max1
          best_col_num = col_num2
        else:  # Both are the same
          if (col_num < col_num2):  # Make sure best column number is smallest
            best_col_num = col_num
            best_col_num = col_num2

        if (row_len > 2):  # Row has more than two elements
          for c in range(2, row_len):
            col_num3, cost3 = row_list[c] # Loop through cols

            max_tmp = cost3 - pcol[col_num3]
            if (max_tmp > max2):
              if (max_tmp > max1):
                best_col_num = col_num3  # New best column
                max2 = max1
                max1 = max_tmp
              elif (max_tmp == max1) and (col_num3 < best_col_num):
                  best_col_num = col_num3  # Best column number is smallest
                max2 = max_tmp

        # Row bids for best column increasing its price, and gets - - - - - -
        # assigned to best column, while any row assigned to best
        # column gets un-asssigned
        pcol[best_col_num] = pcol[best_col_num] + max1 - max2 + incr

        old_row = assigned.get(best_col_num, -1)  #########
        assigned[best_col_num] = row_num
        if (old_row >= 0):  # Row has been assigned
          list[no_new_list] = old_row  # Save un-assigned row into list
          no_new_list += 1

      cycle_count += 1
      if ((cycle_count % 10000) == 0):
        print '1:        Finished %i cycles, %i out of %i rows un-assigned' % \
              (cycle_count, no_new_list, num_rows)
        if (no_new_list > 0):
          print '1:          Un-assigned rows: %s' % (str(list[:no_new_list]))

      # Collect statistics
      average = (cycles * average + no_list) / (cycles+1)
      cycles += 1

      # Check if there are still 'many' unassignedrows, i.e. if the - - - - - -
      # number of unassignd rows is greater than the parameter 'thresh'.
      # If not, replace current list with the new list and go for another
      # cycle. Otherwise, if epsilon > 1, reduce epsilon, reset the
      # asignment to empty and restart auction.
      # If epsilon == 1 terminate.
      # Also increase the minimal bidding increment up to a maximun value
      # of epsilon (this is the adaptive feature)
      incr *= incr_factor
      if (incr > eps):
        incr = eps
      if (no_new_list > thresh):
        no_list = no_new_list
        do_cycle = False  # Set flag so cycle is left

    # End of sub-problem (scaling phase) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    if (eps == 1):
      do_phase = False  # Set flag so phase is left
      num_phases += 1
      eps = int(eps / factor)
      if (eps > incr):
        eps = int(eps / factor)
      if (eps < 1) or (eps < end_eps):
        eps = 1
      thresh = int(thresh / factor)

      print '1:        End of a scaling phase, new epsilon: %3f' % (eps)

      t_min = min(pcol.values()+[i_large])

      col_num_list = assigned.keys()   ##########
      col_num_list.sort()              ##########

      for col_num in assigned:    ###########
#      for col_num in col_num_list:
        row_num = assigned[col_num]
        if (row_num >= 0):
          list[no_new_list] = row_num
          no_new_list += 1
          assigned[col_num] = -1

      incr = t_min - i_small  # Reset minimum price to i_small
      for col_num in col_numbers:  # Update all prices
        pcol[col_num] = pcol[col_num] - incr

      # Final parameter updates before starting another scaling phase
      no_list = no_new_list

      if (start_incr < eps):
        start_incr *= factor

  return assigned
Beispiel #3
def do_lap(lap_method, results_dict, process_type, threshold):
    """Linear sum assignment procedure.

     This routine calculates a linear assignments for one-to-one matching.

     The routine do_lap does all kinds of preprocessing, including the
     extraction of unique record pairs (which can be removed before the lap is
     applied) and the extraction of sub-set which can be solved independently.
     These sub-sets are then given to the chosen lap routine.

     The routine takes as input a results dictionary, as produced by a
     classifier (see, and returns a dictionary with the
     assigned record pair numbers as keys and the corresponding weight as

     Possible methods are 'auction'

     The process_type attribute must either be set to 'deduplication' or to
     'linkage' in order to be able to preprocess the classifier data prior to
     the lap procedure.

    if (lap_method not in ['auction']):
        print 'error:Illegal method for lap method: %s' % (str(lap_method))
        raise Exception

    if (process_type not in ['deduplication', 'linkage']):
        print 'error:Illegal value for attribute "process_type": %s' %\
        raise Exception

    if (results_dict == {}):
        print 'error:Empty results dictionary'
        raise Exception

    lap_start_time = time.time()  # Start timer

    lap_results = {}  # Result dictionary with final record pair matches

    # Make one (or two) disctionary of all assigned rercord numbers
    if (process_type == 'deduplication'):
        used_rec_nums = {}
        used_rec_nums_a = {}
        used_rec_nums_b = {}

    # Make sure the threshold is a number if it is defined
    if (threshold != None):
        if (not (isinstance(threshold, int) or isinstance(threshold, float))):
            print 'error:Threshold is not a number: %s' % (str(threshold))
            raise Exception

    print '1:  Start linear assignment procedure using method: %s' % (
    print '1:    Original length of results dictionary: %i' % (

    # Step 1: Filter out record pairs with weight lower than the threshold  - - -
    if (threshold != None):
        print '1:    Remove record pairs with weight less than: %f' % (
        threshold = -999999999999.999  # Make it a very very small number

    work_dict = {}  # Make an empty working dictionary

    for row_num in results_dict:  # Loop over all record numbers (keys)
        row_dict = results_dict[row_num]  # Get corresponding record dictionary

        new_row_dict = {}  # Start a new record dictionary

        for col_num in row_dict:  # Loop over all records in this dictionary
            weight = row_dict[col_num]

            if (weight >= threshold):
                new_row_dict[col_num] = weight  # Copy to new dictionary

        if (new_row_dict != {}):  # Only insert non empty dictionaries
            work_dict[row_num] = new_row_dict

    results_len = len(work_dict)  # Save results length (after filtering)

    if (threshold > -999999999999.999):
        print '1:    Length of working dictionary after filtering: %i' % \

    # Step 2: Remove all matches (record pairs) which are unique  - - - - - - - -
    #         (i.e. which don't have matches with other records)
    row_num_dict = {}  # Count occurences of record numbers in rows
    col_num_dict = {}  # Count occurences of record numbers in columns

    for row_num in work_dict:  # First count occurences of rows and columns

        # Insert a count for the row number
        row_num_dict[row_num] = row_num_dict.get(row_num, 0) + 1

        row_dict = work_dict[row_num]

        for col_num in row_dict:

            # Increase a count for a column number
            col_num_dict[col_num] = col_num_dict.get(col_num, 0) + 1

            if (process_type == 'deduplication'):

                # For deduplication, insert symmetric record numbers as well
                row_num_dict[col_num] = row_num_dict.get(col_num, 0) + 1
                col_num_dict[row_num] = col_num_dict.get(row_num, 0) + 1

    for row_num in work_dict.keys():  # Secondly remove unique rows and column

        row_dict = work_dict[row_num]  # Get corresponding record dictionary

        if (len(row_dict) == 1):  # Only one record pair for this record

            col_num, weight = row_dict.items()[
                0]  # Get the only element in row

            if (row_num_dict[row_num] == 1) and (col_num_dict[col_num] == 1):

                #################### START TEST CODE ##################################

                if (DO_TESTS == True):
                    if (process_type == 'deduplication'):
                        if (row_num in used_rec_nums):
                            print 'warning:Record number %i already used for deduplication' \
                                  % (row_num)
                        if (col_num in used_rec_nums):
                            print 'warning:record number %i already used for deduplication' \
                                  % (col_num)
                        if (row_num in used_rec_nums_a):
                            print 'warning:Record number A %i already used for linkage' % \
                        if (col_num in used_rec_nums_b):
                            print 'warning:record number B %i already used for linkage' % \

                #################### END TEST CODE ##################################

                             col_num)] = True  # Insert into final results
                del work_dict[row_num]  # And delete the record in the results

                if (process_type == 'deduplication'):
                    used_rec_nums[row_num] = True
                    used_rec_nums[col_num] = True
                    used_rec_nums_a[row_num] = True
                    used_rec_nums_b[col_num] = True

    print '1:    Found and extracted %i unique record ' % (len(lap_results)) + \
          'pairs in results dictionary'

    for rec_pair in lap_results:
        print '3:      %s' % (str(rec_pair))
    print '3:'

    lap_pair_extract_time = time.time() - lap_start_time

    #################### START PARALLEL TEST CODE ###########################

        tmp_list = lap_results.items()
        f = open('one2one-unique-dedup-'+str(parallel.rank())+'-'+ \
        for c in tmp_list:
            f.write(str(c) + os.linesep)

        tmp_list = work_dict.keys()
        f = open(
            'work-dict-' + str(parallel.rank()) + '-' + str(parallel.size()),
        for c in tmp_list:
            cc = work_dict[c].items()
            f.write(str(c) + ':: ' + str(cc) + os.linesep)

    #################### END PARALLEL TEST CODE #############################

    #################### START TEST CODE ########################################
    # Test if a record only appears once in the lap results dictionary
    if (DO_TESTS == True):
        if (process_type == 'deduplication'):
            test_dict = {}
            for (rec_a, rec_b) in lap_results:
                if (test_dict.has_key(rec_a)):
                    print 'warning:Record %s is already in the test dictionary' % \
                    test_dict[rec_a] = 1
                if (test_dict.has_key(rec_b)):
                    print 'warning:Record %s is already in the test dictionary' % \
                    test_dict[rec_b] = 1

        else:  # Linkage process
            test_dict_a = {}
            test_dict_b = {}
            for (rec_a, rec_b) in lap_results:
                if (test_dict_a.has_key(rec_a)):
                    print 'warning:Record %s is already in test dictionary A' % \
                    test_dict_a[rec_a] = 1
                if (test_dict_b.has_key(rec_b)):
                    print 'warning:Record %s is already in test dictionary B' % \
                    test_dict_b[rec_b] = 1

    #################### END TEST CODE ##########################################

    if (len(work_dict) == 0
        ):  # All record pairs are processed - - - - - - - - -
        return lap_results

    print '1:    Remaining number of records in working dictionary: %i' % \
          (len(work_dict)) + ' (down from: %i)' % (results_len)

    # Step 3: Find connected sub-sets in the results dictionary - - - - - - - - -
    #         (using depth-first search)
    visited = {}  # Dictionary which will contain all so far visited rows
    sub_sets = {}  # Dictionary which will contain the sub-sets extracted

    print '1:    Find connected sub-graphs in results dictionary'

    lap_subset_start_time = time.time()

    max_sub_set_length = -1
    num_visited = 0  # Number of rows visited so far
    row_num_done = 0
    work_dict_len = len(work_dict)

    work_dict_rows = work_dict.keys()

    # Create a column oriented work dictionary  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    col_work_dict = {}

    for row_num in work_dict_rows:  # Loop over all rows
        row_dict = work_dict[row_num]

        for col_num in row_dict:
            col_dict = col_work_dict.get(col_num, {})
                row_num] = True  # Only position is needed, but not the weight
            col_work_dict[col_num] = col_dict

    for row_num in work_dict_rows:  # Loop over all rows

        if (not visited.has_key(row_num)):  # This row has not been visited yet

            visited[row_num] = row_num  # Mark visited as 'seeding' row
            num_visited += 1
            print '2:      Create sub-set with seeding record %i' % (row_num)

            process_queue = [row_num]  # Start a new queue of rows to process
            row_sub_set = {row_num: 1}  # Row numbers connected to this row

            while (process_queue !=
                   []):  # Process rows until all connected rows done
                print '3:        Process queue: %s' % (str(process_queue))

                next_row = process_queue.pop(
                    0)  # Get and remove first row to process
                row_col_numbers = work_dict[next_row].keys(
                )  # Get columns in this row

                # For deduplication, also insert row number into this column numbers
                if (process_type == 'deduplication'):

                print '3:          Row %i with column numbers: %s' % \
                      (next_row, str(row_col_numbers))

                # Get the row numbers from all column numbers
                for col_num in row_col_numbers:

                    # Get list of all row numbers in this column
                    row_num_dict = col_work_dict.get(col_num, {})
                    row_num_list = row_num_dict.keys()

                    if (process_type == 'deduplication') and (col_num in work_dict) and \
                      (col_num not in row_num_list):

                    print '3:          Column: %i with row numbers: %s' % \
                          (col_num, str(row_num_list))

                    for row_num2 in row_num_list:
                        row_sub_set[row_num2] = 1
                        if (not visited.has_key(row_num2)
                            ):  # Check if it's a new row
                            print '3:          Appended row number %i to process queue' % \

                                row_num2] = row_num  # Mark row as visited by seeding row
                            num_visited += 1
                            print '3:          Row %i connected to row %i' % \
                                  (row_num2, row_num)

            sub_sets[row_num] = row_sub_set.keys()  # Only store keys

            if (len(row_sub_set) > max_sub_set_length):
                max_sub_set_length = len(row_sub_set)

            print '3:        Sub-set contains records: %s' % \

        row_num_done += 1

        # Now determine timing and print progress report (every 10%)  - - - - - - -
        # (only if more than 100 records in the work dictionary)
        if (work_dict_len >= 100) and (row_num_done % int(work_dict_len / 10)
                                       == 0):
            used_time = time.time() - lap_subset_start_time
            perc_done = 100.0 * row_num_done / work_dict_len
            #      todo_time =     (work_dict_len - row_num_done) * \  #################
            #                      (used_time / row_num_done)
            todo_time =     (work_dict_len - num_visited) * \
                            (used_time / row_num_done)

            used_time_string = output.time_string(used_time)
            todo_time_string = output.time_string(todo_time)

            print '1:      Processed %.1f%% of records in %s (%i/%i records ' % \
                  (perc_done, used_time_string, num_visited, work_dict_len) + \
            print '1:        Estimated %s until finished' % (todo_time_string)

    del col_work_dict  # Delete the column oriented work dictionary

    num_sub_sets = len(sub_sets)  # Get the total number of sub-sets

    lap_subset_total_time = time.time() - lap_subset_start_time
    lap_subset_total_time_string = output.time_string(lap_subset_total_time)

    print '1:    Extracted %i sub-sets in %s' % \
          (num_sub_sets, lap_subset_total_time_string)
    print '1:      Longest sub-set contains %i rows' % (max_sub_set_length)

    #################### START TEST CODE ########################################
    # Test if all the sub-sets are mutually exclusive, and if the seed rows are
    # in the sub-set record lists
    if (DO_TESTS == True):
        for seed_row in sub_sets:
            row_list = sub_sets[seed_row]
            if (seed_row not in row_list):
                print 'warning:Seed row %s not in sub-set row list: %s' % \
                      (str(seed_rec), str(row_list))
            for rec_num in row_list:
                for seed_row2 in sub_sets:
                    row_list2 = sub_sets[seed_row2]
                    if (seed_row != seed_row2):  # Don't test itself
                        if (rec_num in row_list2):
                            print 'warning:Record %s in more than one sub-set: %s, %s' % \
                                  (str(rec_num), str(row_list), str(row_list2))

    #################### END TEST CODE ##########################################

    #################### START PARALLEL TEST CODE ###########################

        tmp_list = sub_sets.keys()
        f = open('sub-sets-'+str(parallel.rank())+'-'+ \
        for s in tmp_list:
            tmp_sub_set = sub_sets[s]

            f.write(str(s) + '::' + str(tmp_sub_set) + os.linesep)

    #################### END PARALLEL TEST CODE #############################

    # Now loop over all sub-sets  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # (pre-process them first before giving them to the actual linear assignment
    # method)
    lap_lap_start_time = time.time()
    lap_comm_time = 0.0

    sub_set_cnt = 0  # A round robin counter, used for parallelism

    sub_set_rows = sub_sets.keys()
    sub_set_rows.sort()  # Needed to make the same on all processes

    for seed_row in sub_set_rows:

        # Distribute sub-sets equally to all processors
        if ((sub_set_cnt % parallel.size()) == parallel.rank()):

            row_list = sub_sets[seed_row]

            print '1:'
            print '1:    Sub-set %i of %i with seed row %i contains %i rows' % \
                  (sub_set_cnt, num_sub_sets, seed_row, len(row_list))
            print '3:      Sub-set rows:  %s' % (str(row_list))

            if (len(row_list) == 1
                ):  # Special case: One row only  - - - - - - - - -
                max_weight = -99999.9
                max_col = -1
                row_dict = work_dict[
                    row_list[0]]  # Get the dictionary for this row

                # Find element with largest weight
                for col_num in row_dict:
                    weight = row_dict[col_num]
                    if (weight > max_weight):
                        max_weight = weight
                        max_col = col_num

                # Assignment dictionary is of form col_num:row_num
                tmp_assign_dict = {
                    max_col: row_list[0]
                }  # Make record pair dictionary

                print '2:      Special case sub-set with one row only, ' + \
                      'assignment pair: (%i,%i)' % (row_list[0], max_col)

            else:  # General case with more than one row  - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                # Get minimal and maximal weights, and lists with row and column
                # numbers
                min_weight = 999999.9
                max_weight = -999999.9
                col_numbers = {}
                row_col_numbers = {}

                for row_num in row_list:  # Loop over rows in this sub-set
                    row_dict = work_dict[
                        row_num]  # Get the dictionary for this row
                    row_col_numbers[row_num] = 1

                    for col_num in row_dict:
                        weight = row_dict[col_num]
                        col_numbers[col_num] = 1
                        row_col_numbers[col_num] = 1

                        if (weight < min_weight):
                            min_weight = weight
                        if (weight > max_weight):
                            max_weight = weight

                print '3:      Minimal and maximal weight: %.3f / %.3f' % \
                      (min_weight, max_weight)

                row_numbers = work_dict.keys()
                col_numbers = col_numbers.keys()
                num_rows = len(row_numbers)
                num_cols = len(col_numbers)

                row_col_numbers = row_col_numbers.keys()

                #print '1:      Row numbers:    %s' % (str(row_numbers))
                #print '1:      Column numbers: %s' % (str(col_numbers))
                #print '1:      Row/colum numbers: %s' % (str(row_col_numbers))
                #print '1:      Number of unique weights: %i' % (len(weight_dict))

                # Deal with the special case that there is only one column number - - -
                if (num_cols == 1):
                    max_weight = -99999.9
                    max_row = -1

                    col_num = col_numbers[0]  # Get the column number

                    # Find element with largest weight
                    for row_num in row_list:  # Loop over rows

                        # Get only weight in row
                        row_weight = work_dict[row_num].values()[0]

                        if (row_weight > max_weight):
                            max_weight = row_weight
                            max_row = row_num

                    # Assignment dictionary is of form col_num:row_num
                    tmp_assign_dict = {
                        col_num: max_row
                    }  # Make record pair dictionary

                    print '2:      Special case sub-set with one column only, ' + \
                          'assignment pair: (%i,%i)' % (max_row, col_num)

                else:  # General case with more than one row and column - - - - - - - -

                    # Construct the cost dictionary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                    cost_dict = {}
                    dim = len(row_col_numbers)  # Final dimension of the LAP

                    min_cost = -max_weight * (dim + 1)  # Use original wieghts

                    for row_num in row_list:  # Loop over rows

                        row_dict = work_dict[row_num]

                        # Get the column numbers in this row
                        col_list = row_dict.keys()

                        row_cost_dict = cost_dict.get(row_num, {})

                        for col_num in col_list:
                            weight = row_dict[col_num]

                            cost = weight * (dim + 1)  # Use original weights
                                col_num] = cost  # And store into row dictionary

                            # Insert symmetric element as well (if not on diagonal)
                            if (row_num != col_num):
                                row_cost_dict2 = cost_dict.get(col_num, {})

                                if (row_num not in row_cost_dict2
                                    ):  # Only insert if not there

                                    if (process_type == 'deduplication'):
                                            row_num] = cost  # Insert symmetric cost
                                    else:  # Linkage process
                                            row_num] = min_cost  # Insert minimal cost

                                    # And insert diagonal element if there is none
                                    if (not row_cost_dict2.has_key(col_num)):
                                        row_cost_dict2[col_num] = min_cost

                                    cost_dict[col_num] = row_cost_dict2

                        # Make sure there is a diagonal element (for feasibility)
                        if (not row_cost_dict.has_key(row_num)):
                            row_cost_dict[row_num] = min_cost

                        # If more than MAX_ROW_ELEMENTS elements in row only take the
                        # largest (following an idea by William Winkler)
                        if (len(row_cost_dict) > MAX_ROW_ELEMENTS):
                            row_col_numbers = row_cost_dict.keys()
                            row_weights = row_cost_dict.values()
                            row_elem_list = map(None, row_weights,

                            diag_weight = row_cost_dict[
                                row_num]  # Keep diagonal element
                            row_cost_dict = {row_num: diag_weight}

                            ##print '   '
                            ##print '****** row_elem_list: %s' % (str(row_elem_list))
                            ##print '   '

                            for (weight,
                                 col_num) in row_elem_list[-MAX_ROW_ELEMENTS:]:
                                row_cost_dict[col_num] = weight

                        # Insert row into cost dictionary
                        cost_dict[row_num] = row_cost_dict

                    # Get the final row and column numbers  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                    row_numbers = cost_dict.keys()
                    col_numbers = {}
                    for row_dict in cost_dict.values():

                    col_numbers = col_numbers.keys()

                    # Check if number of rows and columns are equal - - - - - - - - - - -
                    if (len(row_numbers) != len(col_numbers)):
                        print 'error:Different number of rows (%i) and columns (%i)' \
                              % (len(row_numbers), len(col_numbers))
                        raise Exception

                    print '1:      Cost dictionary with %i rows/columns given to ' % \
                          (len(row_numbers)) + 'assignment method %s:' % (lap_method)
                    print '2:        Row numbers:    %s' % (str(row_numbers))
                    print '2:        Column numbers: %s' % (str(row_numbers))
                    print '2:        Minimal weight: %3f' % (min_weight)
                    print '2:        Maximal weight: %3f' % (max_weight)
                    print '3:        Cost dictionary: %s' % (str(cost_dict))
                    print '3:        Process type:    %s' % (process_type)

                    #################### START PARALLEL TEST CODE #######################

                    if (SAVE_PARALLEL_TEST_FILES == True):

                        tmp_list = cost_dict.keys()
                        tmp_str = str(sub_set_cnt)+':: '+ str(min_weight) + ' / ' + \
                                  str(max_weight) + ', ' + str(row_numbers) + ', ' + \
                                  process_type + '::'
                        for k in tmp_list:
                            tmp_list2 = cost_dict[k].items()
                            tmp_str = tmp_str + ' ' + str(tmp_list2) + ' / '

                        f = open('lap-calling-'+str(parallel.rank())+'-'+ \
                        f.write(tmp_str + os.linesep)

                    #################### END PARALLEL TEST CODE #########################

                    # Call the lap method which returns an assignment dictionary  - - - -
                    if (lap_method == 'auction'):
                        tmp_assign_dict = auction(cost_dict, min_weight, max_weight, \
                                              row_numbers, col_numbers)
                        print 'error:LAP method %s not implemented' % (
                        raise Exception

            # If run in parallel, send temporary assignment dictionary process 0  - -
            if (parallel.rank() > 0):
                tmp_time = time.time()
                parallel.send(tmp_assign_dict, 0)
                lap_comm_time += (time.time() - tmp_time)
                print '1:      Sent assignment dictionary with %i entries to process' \
                      % (len(tmp_assign_dict)) + ' 0'

        # Only process 0 inserts temporary assignment dictionary into results - - -
        if (parallel.rank() == 0):

            # Receive assignment dictionary from other process if necessary
            p = (sub_set_cnt % parallel.size()
                 )  # Process number to receive from

            if (p != 0):
                tmp_time = time.time()
                tmp_assign_dict = parallel.receive(p)
                lap_comm_time += (time.time() - tmp_time)
                print '1:    Received subset %i of %i assignment dictionary with ' % \
                      (sub_set_cnt, num_sub_sets) + '%i entries from process %i' % \
                      (len(tmp_assign_dict), p)

            # Post-process the assignment dictionary  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
            assign_pairs = {}

            for rec_num_b in tmp_assign_dict:
                rec_num_a = tmp_assign_dict[rec_num_b]

                # Now check if this record pair is in the original results dictionary
                if (rec_num_a in results_dict):
                    row_dict = results_dict[rec_num_a]
                    if (rec_num_b in row_dict):
                        weight = row_dict[rec_num_b]

                        # Insert into dictionary of potential record pairs
                        assign_pairs[(rec_num_a, rec_num_b)] = weight

            #################### START PARALLEL TEST CODE ###########################

            if (SAVE_PARALLEL_TEST_FILES == True):

                tmp_list = tmp_assign_dict.items()
                tmp_list2 = assign_pairs.items()
                tmp_list3 = sub_sets[seed_row]

                f = open('assignments-'+str(parallel.rank())+'-'+ \
                f.write(str(sub_set_cnt) + ', ' + str(seed_row) + os.linesep)
                f.write(str(tmp_list) + os.linesep)
                f.write(str(tmp_list2) + os.linesep)
                f.write(str(tmp_list3) + os.linesep)

            #################### END PARALLEL TEST CODE #############################

            # Sort the assigned pairs according to their weight
            assign_weights = assign_pairs.values()  # Get the weights in a list
            assign_rec_pairs = assign_pairs.keys()  # And the record pairs

            assign_pair_list = map(None, assign_weights, assign_rec_pairs)

            num_assigned_pairs = 0  # Number of assigned pairs for this sub-set
            dedup_check_rec_nums = {}  # Already assigned record numbers

            while (assign_pair_list != []):  # Now check all record pairs
                check_pair = assign_pair_list.pop(
                )  # Get largest weight record pair

                weight = check_pair[0]
                rec_num_a = check_pair[1][0]
                rec_num_b = check_pair[1][1]
                rec_pair = (rec_num_a, rec_num_b)

                # Now check if a record pair has already been used in an assignment
                # and for a deduplication process also check if any of the two
                # records has been used in an assignment
                if ((process_type == 'linkage') and \
                    (rec_num_a not in used_rec_nums_a) and \
                    (rec_num_b not in used_rec_nums_b)) or \
                   ((process_type == 'deduplication') and \
                    (rec_num_a not in used_rec_nums) and \
                    (rec_num_b not in used_rec_nums)):

                    # For deduplication insert record numbers into used record numbers
                    if (process_type == 'deduplication'):
                        used_rec_nums[rec_num_a] = True
                        used_rec_nums[rec_num_b] = True
                        used_rec_nums_a[rec_num_a] = True
                        used_rec_nums_b[rec_num_b] = True

                    if (rec_pair not in lap_results):
                        lap_results[rec_pair] = True
                        num_assigned_pairs += 1
                        print 'warning:Record pair (%i,%i) already in LAP results' \
                              % (rec_num_a, rec_num_b)

            print '2:      Inserted %i (out of %i) record pairs into LAP ' % \
                  (num_assigned_pairs, len(tmp_assign_dict)) + 'results'

        sub_set_cnt += 1

        # Report progress every 10% (only if more than 100 sub-sets)  - - - - - - -
        if (num_sub_sets >= 100) and (sub_set_cnt % int(num_sub_sets / 10)
                                      == 0):
            used_time = time.time() - lap_lap_start_time
            perc_done = 100.0 * sub_set_cnt / num_sub_sets
            sub_set_time = used_time / sub_set_cnt
            todo_time = (num_sub_sets - sub_set_cnt) * sub_set_time

            used_time_string = output.time_string(used_time)
            todo_time_string = output.time_string(todo_time)
            sub_set_time_string = output.time_string(sub_set_time)

            print '1:      Processed %.1f%% (%i/%i) of sub-sets in %s' % \
                    (perc_done, sub_set_cnt, num_sub_sets, used_time_string) + \
                    ' (%s per sub-set)' % (sub_set_time_string)
            print '1:        Estimated %s until finished' % (todo_time_string)

    print '1:  Total number of assignments: %i' % (len(lap_results))
    print '1:    Number of rows in original results dictionary: %i' % \

    #################### START TEST CODE ########################################
    # Test if a record only appears once in the lap results dictionary
    if (DO_TESTS == True) and (parallel.rank() == 0):
        if (process_type == 'deduplication'):
            test_dict = {}
            for (rec_a, rec_b) in lap_results:
                if (test_dict.has_key(rec_a)):
                    print 'warning:Record %i is already in the test dictionary' % \
                          (rec_a)+' rec_pair: (%i,%i)' % (rec_a, rec_b)
                    test_dict[rec_a] = True
                if (test_dict.has_key(rec_b)):
                    print 'warning:Record %i is already in the test dictionary' % \
                          (rec_b)+' rec_pair: (%i,%i)' % (rec_a, rec_b)
                    test_dict[rec_b] = 1

        else:  # Linkage process
            test_dict_a = {}
            test_dict_b = {}
            for (rec_a, rec_b) in lap_results:
                if (test_dict_a.has_key(rec_a)):
                    print 'warning:Record %s is already in test dictionary A' % \
                    test_dict_a[rec_a] = 1
                if (test_dict_b.has_key(rec_b)):
                    print 'warning:Record %s is already in test dictionary B' % \
                    test_dict_b[rec_b] = 1

    #################### END TEST CODE ##########################################

    lap_stop_time = time.time()
    lap_lap_time = lap_stop_time - lap_lap_start_time
    lap_total_time = lap_stop_time - lap_start_time

    lap_pair_extract_time_string = output.time_string(lap_pair_extract_time)
    lap_subset_total_time_string = output.time_string(lap_subset_total_time)
    lap_lap_time_string = output.time_string(lap_lap_time)
    if (parallel.size() > 1):
        lap_comm_time_string = output.time_string(lap_comm_time)
    lap_total_time_string = output.time_string(lap_total_time)

    print '1:'
    print '1:  Finished linear record pair assignment procedure'
    print '1:    Time for extracting unique record pairs: %s' % \
    print '1:    Time for creating record sub-sets:       %s' % \
    print '1:    Time for linear assignment algorithm:    %s' % \
    if (parallel.size() > 1):
        print '1:    Time for communication:                  %s' % \
    print '1:    Total time for linear assignment:        %s' % \
    print '1:'

    return lap_results
Beispiel #4
def do_lap(lap_method, results_dict, process_type, threshold):
  """Linear sum assignment procedure.

     This routine calculates a linear assignments for one-to-one matching.

     The routine do_lap does all kinds of preprocessing, including the
     extraction of unique record pairs (which can be removed before the lap is
     applied) and the extraction of sub-set which can be solved independently.
     These sub-sets are then given to the chosen lap routine.

     The routine takes as input a results dictionary, as produced by a
     classifier (see, and returns a dictionary with the
     assigned record pair numbers as keys and the corresponding weight as

     Possible methods are 'auction'

     The process_type attribute must either be set to 'deduplication' or to
     'linkage' in order to be able to preprocess the classifier data prior to
     the lap procedure.

  if (lap_method not in ['auction']):
    print 'error:Illegal method for lap method: %s' % (str(lap_method))
    raise Exception

  if (process_type not in ['deduplication', 'linkage']):
    print 'error:Illegal value for attribute "process_type": %s' %\
    raise Exception

  if (results_dict == {}):
    print 'error:Empty results dictionary'
    raise Exception

  lap_start_time = time.time()  # Start timer

  lap_results = {}  # Result dictionary with final record pair matches

  # Make one (or two) disctionary of all assigned rercord numbers
  if (process_type == 'deduplication'):
    used_rec_nums = {}
    used_rec_nums_a = {}
    used_rec_nums_b = {}

  # Make sure the threshold is a number if it is defined
  if (threshold != None):
    if (not (isinstance(threshold, int) or isinstance(threshold, float))):
      print 'error:Threshold is not a number: %s' % (str(threshold))
      raise Exception

  print '1:  Start linear assignment procedure using method: %s' % (lap_method)
  print '1:    Original length of results dictionary: %i' % (len(results_dict))

  # Step 1: Filter out record pairs with weight lower than the threshold  - - -
  if (threshold != None):
    print '1:    Remove record pairs with weight less than: %f' % (threshold)
    threshold = -999999999999.999  # Make it a very very small number

  work_dict = {}  # Make an empty working dictionary

  for row_num in results_dict:  # Loop over all record numbers (keys)
    row_dict = results_dict[row_num]  # Get corresponding record dictionary

    new_row_dict = {}  # Start a new record dictionary

    for col_num in row_dict:  # Loop over all records in this dictionary
      weight = row_dict[col_num]

      if (weight >= threshold):
        new_row_dict[col_num] = weight  # Copy to new dictionary

    if (new_row_dict != {}):  # Only insert non empty dictionaries
      work_dict[row_num] = new_row_dict

  results_len = len(work_dict)  # Save results length (after filtering)

  if (threshold > -999999999999.999):
    print '1:    Length of working dictionary after filtering: %i' % \

  # Step 2: Remove all matches (record pairs) which are unique  - - - - - - - -
  #         (i.e. which don't have matches with other records)
  row_num_dict = {}  # Count occurences of record numbers in rows
  col_num_dict = {}  # Count occurences of record numbers in columns

  for row_num in work_dict:  # First count occurences of rows and columns

    # Insert a count for the row number
    row_num_dict[row_num] = row_num_dict.get(row_num, 0) + 1

    row_dict = work_dict[row_num]

    for col_num in row_dict:

      # Increase a count for a column number
      col_num_dict[col_num] = col_num_dict.get(col_num, 0) + 1

      if (process_type == 'deduplication'):

        # For deduplication, insert symmetric record numbers as well
        row_num_dict[col_num] = row_num_dict.get(col_num, 0) + 1
        col_num_dict[row_num] = col_num_dict.get(row_num, 0) + 1

  for row_num in work_dict.keys():  # Secondly remove unique rows and column

    row_dict = work_dict[row_num]  # Get corresponding record dictionary

    if (len(row_dict) == 1):  # Only one record pair for this record

      col_num, weight = row_dict.items()[0]  # Get the only element in row

      if (row_num_dict[row_num] == 1) and (col_num_dict[col_num] == 1):

        #################### START TEST CODE ##################################

        if (DO_TESTS == True):
          if (process_type == 'deduplication'):
            if (row_num in used_rec_nums):
              print 'warning:Record number %i already used for deduplication' \
                    % (row_num)
            if (col_num in used_rec_nums):
              print 'warning:record number %i already used for deduplication' \
                    % (col_num)
            if (row_num in used_rec_nums_a):
              print 'warning:Record number A %i already used for linkage' % \
            if (col_num in used_rec_nums_b):
              print 'warning:record number B %i already used for linkage' % \

        #################### END TEST CODE ##################################

        lap_results[(row_num,col_num)] = True  # Insert into final results
        del work_dict[row_num]  # And delete the record in the results

        if (process_type == 'deduplication'):
          used_rec_nums[row_num] = True
          used_rec_nums[col_num] = True
          used_rec_nums_a[row_num] = True
          used_rec_nums_b[col_num] = True

  print '1:    Found and extracted %i unique record ' % (len(lap_results)) + \
        'pairs in results dictionary'

  for rec_pair in lap_results:
    print '3:      %s' % (str(rec_pair))
  print '3:'

  lap_pair_extract_time = time.time() - lap_start_time

  #################### START PARALLEL TEST CODE ###########################

    tmp_list = lap_results.items()
    f = open('one2one-unique-dedup-'+str(parallel.rank())+'-'+ \
    for c in tmp_list:

    tmp_list = work_dict.keys()
    f = open('work-dict-'+str(parallel.rank())+'-'+str(parallel.size()),'w')
    for c in tmp_list:
      cc = work_dict[c].items()
      f.write(str(c)+':: '+str(cc)+os.linesep)

  #################### END PARALLEL TEST CODE #############################

  #################### START TEST CODE ########################################
  # Test if a record only appears once in the lap results dictionary
  if (DO_TESTS == True):
    if (process_type == 'deduplication'):
      test_dict = {}
      for (rec_a, rec_b) in lap_results:
        if (test_dict.has_key(rec_a)):
          print 'warning:Record %s is already in the test dictionary' % \
          test_dict[rec_a] = 1
        if (test_dict.has_key(rec_b)):
          print 'warning:Record %s is already in the test dictionary' % \
          test_dict[rec_b] = 1

    else:  # Linkage process
      test_dict_a = {}
      test_dict_b = {}
      for (rec_a, rec_b) in lap_results:
        if (test_dict_a.has_key(rec_a)):
          print 'warning:Record %s is already in test dictionary A' % \
          test_dict_a[rec_a] = 1
        if (test_dict_b.has_key(rec_b)):
          print 'warning:Record %s is already in test dictionary B' % \
          test_dict_b[rec_b] = 1

  #################### END TEST CODE ##########################################

  if (len(work_dict) == 0):  # All record pairs are processed - - - - - - - - -
    return lap_results

  print '1:    Remaining number of records in working dictionary: %i' % \
        (len(work_dict)) + ' (down from: %i)' % (results_len)

  # Step 3: Find connected sub-sets in the results dictionary - - - - - - - - -
  #         (using depth-first search)
  visited =  {}  # Dictionary which will contain all so far visited rows
  sub_sets = {}  # Dictionary which will contain the sub-sets extracted 

  print '1:    Find connected sub-graphs in results dictionary'

  lap_subset_start_time = time.time()

  max_sub_set_length = -1
  num_visited = 0  # Number of rows visited so far
  row_num_done = 0
  work_dict_len = len(work_dict)

  work_dict_rows = work_dict.keys()

  # Create a column oriented work dictionary  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  col_work_dict = {}

  for row_num in work_dict_rows:  # Loop over all rows
    row_dict = work_dict[row_num]

    for col_num in row_dict:
      col_dict = col_work_dict.get(col_num,{})
      col_dict[row_num] = True  # Only position is needed, but not the weight
      col_work_dict[col_num] = col_dict

  for row_num in work_dict_rows:  # Loop over all rows

    if (not visited.has_key(row_num)):  # This row has not been visited yet

      visited[row_num] = row_num  # Mark visited as 'seeding' row
      num_visited += 1
      print '2:      Create sub-set with seeding record %i' % (row_num)

      process_queue = [row_num]  # Start a new queue of rows to process
      row_sub_set = {row_num:1}  # Row numbers connected to this row

      while (process_queue != []): # Process rows until all connected rows done
        print '3:        Process queue: %s' % (str(process_queue))

        next_row = process_queue.pop(0)  # Get and remove first row to process
        row_col_numbers = work_dict[next_row].keys()  # Get columns in this row

        # For deduplication, also insert row number into this column numbers
        if (process_type == 'deduplication'):

        print '3:          Row %i with column numbers: %s' % \
              (next_row, str(row_col_numbers))

        # Get the row numbers from all column numbers
        for col_num in row_col_numbers:

          # Get list of all row numbers in this column
          row_num_dict = col_work_dict.get(col_num, {})
          row_num_list = row_num_dict.keys()

          if (process_type == 'deduplication') and (col_num in work_dict) and \
            (col_num not in row_num_list):

          print '3:          Column: %i with row numbers: %s' % \
                (col_num, str(row_num_list))

          for row_num2 in row_num_list:
            row_sub_set[row_num2] = 1
            if (not visited.has_key(row_num2)):  # Check if it's a new row
              print '3:          Appended row number %i to process queue' % \

              visited[row_num2] = row_num  # Mark row as visited by seeding row
              num_visited += 1
              print '3:          Row %i connected to row %i' % \
                    (row_num2, row_num)

      sub_sets[row_num] = row_sub_set.keys()  # Only store keys

      if (len(row_sub_set) > max_sub_set_length):
        max_sub_set_length = len(row_sub_set)

      print '3:        Sub-set contains records: %s' % \

    row_num_done += 1

    # Now determine timing and print progress report (every 10%)  - - - - - - -
    # (only if more than 100 records in the work dictionary)
    if (work_dict_len >= 100) and (row_num_done % int(work_dict_len/10) == 0):
      used_time =     time.time() - lap_subset_start_time
      perc_done =     100.0 * row_num_done / work_dict_len
#      todo_time =     (work_dict_len - row_num_done) * \  #################
#                      (used_time / row_num_done)
      todo_time =     (work_dict_len - num_visited) * \
                      (used_time / row_num_done)

      used_time_string =       output.time_string(used_time)
      todo_time_string =       output.time_string(todo_time)

      print '1:      Processed %.1f%% of records in %s (%i/%i records ' % \
            (perc_done, used_time_string, num_visited, work_dict_len) + \
      print '1:        Estimated %s until finished' % (todo_time_string)

  del col_work_dict  # Delete the column oriented work dictionary

  num_sub_sets = len(sub_sets)  # Get the total number of sub-sets

  lap_subset_total_time = time.time() - lap_subset_start_time
  lap_subset_total_time_string = output.time_string(lap_subset_total_time)

  print '1:    Extracted %i sub-sets in %s' % \
        (num_sub_sets, lap_subset_total_time_string)
  print '1:      Longest sub-set contains %i rows' % (max_sub_set_length)

  #################### START TEST CODE ########################################
  # Test if all the sub-sets are mutually exclusive, and if the seed rows are
  # in the sub-set record lists
  if (DO_TESTS == True):
    for seed_row in sub_sets:
      row_list = sub_sets[seed_row]
      if (seed_row not in row_list):
        print 'warning:Seed row %s not in sub-set row list: %s' % \
              (str(seed_rec), str(row_list))
      for rec_num in row_list:
        for seed_row2 in sub_sets:
          row_list2 = sub_sets[seed_row2]
          if (seed_row != seed_row2):  # Don't test itself
            if (rec_num in row_list2):
              print 'warning:Record %s in more than one sub-set: %s, %s' % \
                    (str(rec_num), str(row_list), str(row_list2))

  #################### END TEST CODE ##########################################

  #################### START PARALLEL TEST CODE ###########################

    tmp_list = sub_sets.keys()
    f = open('sub-sets-'+str(parallel.rank())+'-'+ \
    for s in tmp_list:
      tmp_sub_set = sub_sets[s]


  #################### END PARALLEL TEST CODE #############################

  # Now loop over all sub-sets  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  # (pre-process them first before giving them to the actual linear assignment
  # method)
  lap_lap_start_time = time.time()
  lap_comm_time = 0.0

  sub_set_cnt = 0  # A round robin counter, used for parallelism

  sub_set_rows = sub_sets.keys()
  sub_set_rows.sort()  # Needed to make the same on all processes

  for seed_row in sub_set_rows:

    # Distribute sub-sets equally to all processors
    if ((sub_set_cnt % parallel.size()) == parallel.rank()):

      row_list = sub_sets[seed_row]

      print '1:'
      print '1:    Sub-set %i of %i with seed row %i contains %i rows' % \
            (sub_set_cnt, num_sub_sets, seed_row, len(row_list))
      print '3:      Sub-set rows:  %s' % (str(row_list))

      if (len(row_list) == 1):  # Special case: One row only  - - - - - - - - -
        max_weight = -99999.9
        max_col = -1
        row_dict = work_dict[row_list[0]]  # Get the dictionary for this row

        # Find element with largest weight
        for col_num in row_dict:
          weight = row_dict[col_num]
          if (weight > max_weight):
            max_weight = weight
            max_col = col_num

        # Assignment dictionary is of form col_num:row_num
        tmp_assign_dict = {max_col:row_list[0]}  # Make record pair dictionary

        print '2:      Special case sub-set with one row only, ' + \
              'assignment pair: (%i,%i)' % (row_list[0], max_col)

      else:  # General case with more than one row  - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        # Get minimal and maximal weights, and lists with row and column
        # numbers
        min_weight =  999999.9
        max_weight = -999999.9
        col_numbers = {}
        row_col_numbers = {}

        for row_num in row_list:  # Loop over rows in this sub-set
          row_dict = work_dict[row_num]  # Get the dictionary for this row
          row_col_numbers[row_num] = 1

          for col_num in row_dict:
            weight = row_dict[col_num]
            col_numbers[col_num] = 1
            row_col_numbers[col_num] = 1

            if (weight < min_weight):
              min_weight = weight
            if (weight > max_weight):
              max_weight = weight

        print '3:      Minimal and maximal weight: %.3f / %.3f' % \
              (min_weight, max_weight)

        row_numbers = work_dict.keys()
        col_numbers = col_numbers.keys()
        num_rows = len(row_numbers)
        num_cols = len(col_numbers)

        row_col_numbers = row_col_numbers.keys()

        #print '1:      Row numbers:    %s' % (str(row_numbers))
        #print '1:      Column numbers: %s' % (str(col_numbers))
        #print '1:      Row/colum numbers: %s' % (str(row_col_numbers))
        #print '1:      Number of unique weights: %i' % (len(weight_dict))

        # Deal with the special case that there is only one column number - - -
        if (num_cols == 1):
          max_weight = -99999.9
          max_row = -1

          col_num = col_numbers[0]  # Get the column number

          # Find element with largest weight
          for row_num in row_list:  # Loop over rows

            # Get only weight in row
            row_weight = work_dict[row_num].values()[0]

            if (row_weight > max_weight):
              max_weight = row_weight
              max_row = row_num

          # Assignment dictionary is of form col_num:row_num
          tmp_assign_dict = {col_num:max_row}  # Make record pair dictionary

          print '2:      Special case sub-set with one column only, ' + \
                'assignment pair: (%i,%i)' % (max_row, col_num)

        else:  # General case with more than one row and column - - - - - - - -

          # Construct the cost dictionary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
          cost_dict = {}
          dim = len(row_col_numbers)  # Final dimension of the LAP

          min_cost = -max_weight * (dim + 1)  # Use original wieghts

          for row_num in row_list:  # Loop over rows

            row_dict = work_dict[row_num]

            # Get the column numbers in this row
            col_list = row_dict.keys()

            row_cost_dict = cost_dict.get(row_num, {})

            for col_num in col_list:
              weight = row_dict[col_num]

              cost = weight * (dim + 1)  # Use original weights
              row_cost_dict[col_num] = cost  # And store into row dictionary

              # Insert symmetric element as well (if not on diagonal)
              if (row_num != col_num):
                row_cost_dict2 = cost_dict.get(col_num,{})

                if (row_num not in row_cost_dict2):  # Only insert if not there

                  if (process_type == 'deduplication'):
                    row_cost_dict2[row_num] = cost  # Insert symmetric cost
                  else:  # Linkage process
                    row_cost_dict2[row_num] = min_cost  # Insert minimal cost

                  # And insert diagonal element if there is none
                  if (not row_cost_dict2.has_key(col_num)):
                    row_cost_dict2[col_num] = min_cost

                  cost_dict[col_num] = row_cost_dict2

            # Make sure there is a diagonal element (for feasibility)
            if (not row_cost_dict.has_key(row_num)):
              row_cost_dict[row_num] = min_cost

            # If more than MAX_ROW_ELEMENTS elements in row only take the
            # largest (following an idea by William Winkler)
            if (len(row_cost_dict) > MAX_ROW_ELEMENTS):
              row_col_numbers = row_cost_dict.keys()
              row_weights =     row_cost_dict.values()
              row_elem_list = map(None, row_weights, row_col_numbers)

              diag_weight = row_cost_dict[row_num]  # Keep diagonal element
              row_cost_dict = {row_num:diag_weight}

              ##print '   '
              ##print '****** row_elem_list: %s' % (str(row_elem_list))
              ##print '   '

              for (weight, col_num) in row_elem_list[-MAX_ROW_ELEMENTS:]:
                row_cost_dict[col_num] = weight

            # Insert row into cost dictionary
            cost_dict[row_num] = row_cost_dict

          # Get the final row and column numbers  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
          row_numbers = cost_dict.keys()
          col_numbers = {}
          for row_dict in cost_dict.values():

          col_numbers = col_numbers.keys()

          # Check if number of rows and columns are equal - - - - - - - - - - -
          if (len(row_numbers) != len(col_numbers)):
            print 'error:Different number of rows (%i) and columns (%i)' \
                  % (len(row_numbers), len(col_numbers))
            raise Exception

          print '1:      Cost dictionary with %i rows/columns given to ' % \
                (len(row_numbers)) + 'assignment method %s:' % (lap_method)
          print '2:        Row numbers:    %s' % (str(row_numbers))
          print '2:        Column numbers: %s' % (str(row_numbers))
          print '2:        Minimal weight: %3f' % (min_weight)
          print '2:        Maximal weight: %3f' % (max_weight)
          print '3:        Cost dictionary: %s' % (str(cost_dict))
          print '3:        Process type:    %s' % (process_type)

          #################### START PARALLEL TEST CODE #######################

          if (SAVE_PARALLEL_TEST_FILES == True):

            tmp_list = cost_dict.keys()
            tmp_str = str(sub_set_cnt)+':: '+ str(min_weight) + ' / ' + \
                      str(max_weight) + ', ' + str(row_numbers) + ', ' + \
                      process_type + '::'
            for k in tmp_list:
              tmp_list2 = cost_dict[k].items()
              tmp_str = tmp_str + ' ' + str(tmp_list2) + ' / '

            f = open('lap-calling-'+str(parallel.rank())+'-'+ \

          #################### END PARALLEL TEST CODE #########################

          # Call the lap method which returns an assignment dictionary  - - - -
          if (lap_method == 'auction'):
            tmp_assign_dict = auction(cost_dict, min_weight, max_weight, \
                                  row_numbers, col_numbers)
             print 'error:LAP method %s not implemented' % (lap_method)
             raise Exception

      # If run in parallel, send temporary assignment dictionary process 0  - -
      if (parallel.rank() > 0):
        tmp_time = time.time()
        parallel.send(tmp_assign_dict, 0)
        lap_comm_time += (time.time() - tmp_time)
        print '1:      Sent assignment dictionary with %i entries to process' \
              % (len(tmp_assign_dict)) + ' 0'

    # Only process 0 inserts temporary assignment dictionary into results - - -
    if (parallel.rank() == 0):

      # Receive assignment dictionary from other process if necessary
      p = (sub_set_cnt % parallel.size())  # Process number to receive from

      if (p != 0):
        tmp_time = time.time()
        tmp_assign_dict = parallel.receive(p)
        lap_comm_time += (time.time() - tmp_time)
        print '1:    Received subset %i of %i assignment dictionary with ' % \
              (sub_set_cnt, num_sub_sets) + '%i entries from process %i' % \
              (len(tmp_assign_dict), p)

      # Post-process the assignment dictionary  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      assign_pairs = {}

      for rec_num_b in tmp_assign_dict:
        rec_num_a = tmp_assign_dict[rec_num_b]

        # Now check if this record pair is in the original results dictionary
        if (rec_num_a in results_dict):
          row_dict = results_dict[rec_num_a]
          if (rec_num_b in row_dict):
            weight = row_dict[rec_num_b]

            # Insert into dictionary of potential record pairs
            assign_pairs[(rec_num_a, rec_num_b)] = weight

      #################### START PARALLEL TEST CODE ###########################

      if (SAVE_PARALLEL_TEST_FILES == True):

        tmp_list = tmp_assign_dict.items()
        tmp_list2 = assign_pairs.items()
        tmp_list3 = sub_sets[seed_row]

        f = open('assignments-'+str(parallel.rank())+'-'+ \
        f.write(str(sub_set_cnt)+', '+str(seed_row)+os.linesep)

      #################### END PARALLEL TEST CODE #############################

      # Sort the assigned pairs according to their weight
      assign_weights = assign_pairs.values()  # Get the weights in a list
      assign_rec_pairs = assign_pairs.keys()  # And the record pairs

      assign_pair_list = map(None, assign_weights, assign_rec_pairs)

      num_assigned_pairs = 0  # Number of assigned pairs for this sub-set
      dedup_check_rec_nums = {}  # Already assigned record numbers

      while (assign_pair_list != []):  # Now check all record pairs
        check_pair = assign_pair_list.pop()  # Get largest weight record pair

        weight = check_pair[0]
        rec_num_a = check_pair[1][0]
        rec_num_b = check_pair[1][1]
        rec_pair = (rec_num_a, rec_num_b)

        # Now check if a record pair has already been used in an assignment
        # and for a deduplication process also check if any of the two
        # records has been used in an assignment
        if ((process_type == 'linkage') and \
            (rec_num_a not in used_rec_nums_a) and \
            (rec_num_b not in used_rec_nums_b)) or \
           ((process_type == 'deduplication') and \
            (rec_num_a not in used_rec_nums) and \
            (rec_num_b not in used_rec_nums)):

          # For deduplication insert record numbers into used record numbers
          if (process_type == 'deduplication'):
            used_rec_nums[rec_num_a] = True
            used_rec_nums[rec_num_b] = True
            used_rec_nums_a[rec_num_a] = True
            used_rec_nums_b[rec_num_b] = True

          if (rec_pair not in lap_results):
            lap_results[rec_pair] = True
            num_assigned_pairs += 1
            print 'warning:Record pair (%i,%i) already in LAP results' \
                  % (rec_num_a, rec_num_b)

      print '2:      Inserted %i (out of %i) record pairs into LAP ' % \
            (num_assigned_pairs, len(tmp_assign_dict)) + 'results'

    sub_set_cnt += 1

    # Report progress every 10% (only if more than 100 sub-sets)  - - - - - - -
    if (num_sub_sets >= 100) and (sub_set_cnt % int(num_sub_sets / 10) == 0):
        used_time =    time.time() - lap_lap_start_time
        perc_done =    100.0 * sub_set_cnt / num_sub_sets
        sub_set_time = used_time / sub_set_cnt
        todo_time =    (num_sub_sets - sub_set_cnt) * sub_set_time

        used_time_string =    output.time_string(used_time)
        todo_time_string =    output.time_string(todo_time)
        sub_set_time_string = output.time_string(sub_set_time)

        print '1:      Processed %.1f%% (%i/%i) of sub-sets in %s' % \
                (perc_done, sub_set_cnt, num_sub_sets, used_time_string) + \
                ' (%s per sub-set)' % (sub_set_time_string)
        print '1:        Estimated %s until finished' % (todo_time_string)

  print '1:  Total number of assignments: %i' % (len(lap_results))
  print '1:    Number of rows in original results dictionary: %i' % \

  #################### START TEST CODE ########################################
  # Test if a record only appears once in the lap results dictionary
  if (DO_TESTS == True) and (parallel.rank() == 0):
    if (process_type == 'deduplication'):
      test_dict = {}
      for (rec_a, rec_b) in lap_results:
        if (test_dict.has_key(rec_a)):
          print 'warning:Record %i is already in the test dictionary' % \
                (rec_a)+' rec_pair: (%i,%i)' % (rec_a, rec_b)
          test_dict[rec_a] = True
        if (test_dict.has_key(rec_b)):
          print 'warning:Record %i is already in the test dictionary' % \
                (rec_b)+' rec_pair: (%i,%i)' % (rec_a, rec_b)
          test_dict[rec_b] = 1

    else:  # Linkage process
      test_dict_a = {}
      test_dict_b = {}
      for (rec_a, rec_b) in lap_results:
        if (test_dict_a.has_key(rec_a)):
          print 'warning:Record %s is already in test dictionary A' % \
          test_dict_a[rec_a] = 1
        if (test_dict_b.has_key(rec_b)):
          print 'warning:Record %s is already in test dictionary B' % \
          test_dict_b[rec_b] = 1

  #################### END TEST CODE ##########################################

  lap_stop_time = time.time()
  lap_lap_time = lap_stop_time - lap_lap_start_time
  lap_total_time = lap_stop_time - lap_start_time

  lap_pair_extract_time_string = output.time_string(lap_pair_extract_time)
  lap_subset_total_time_string = output.time_string(lap_subset_total_time)
  lap_lap_time_string =          output.time_string(lap_lap_time)
  if (parallel.size() > 1):
    lap_comm_time_string =         output.time_string(lap_comm_time)
  lap_total_time_string =        output.time_string(lap_total_time)

  print '1:'
  print '1:  Finished linear record pair assignment procedure'
  print '1:    Time for extracting unique record pairs: %s' % \
  print '1:    Time for creating record sub-sets:       %s' % \
  print '1:    Time for linear assignment algorithm:    %s' % \
  if (parallel.size() > 1):
    print '1:    Time for communication:                  %s' % \
  print '1:    Total time for linear assignment:        %s' % \
  print '1:'

  return lap_results