def test_cp_ode():
    diff_eq = LotkaVolterraEquation()
    cp = ConstrainedProblem(diff_eq)

    assert cp.mesh is None
    assert cp.static_y_vertex_constraints is None
    assert cp.static_boundary_vertex_constraints is None
    assert cp.static_boundary_cell_constraints is None
    assert cp.static_boundary_constraints(True) is None
    assert cp.static_boundary_constraints(False) is None
    assert cp.boundary_conditions is None
    assert cp.y_shape(True) == cp.y_shape(False) == (diff_eq.y_dimension, )
    assert not cp.are_all_boundary_conditions_static
    assert not cp.are_there_boundary_conditions_on_y
    def __init__(
            cp: ConstrainedProblem,
            y_0: np.ndarray,
            vertex_oriented: Optional[bool] = None,
            interpolation_method: str = 'linear'):
        :param cp: the constrained problem to turn into an initial value
            problem by providing the initial conditions for it
        :param y_0: the array containing the initial values of y over a spatial
            mesh (which may be 0 dimensional in case of an ODE)
        :param vertex_oriented: whether the initial conditions are evaluated at
            the vertices or cell centers of the spatial mesh; it the
            constrained problem is an ODE, it can be None
        :param interpolation_method: the interpolation method to use to
            calculate values that do not exactly fall on points of the y_0
            grid; if the constrained problem is based on an ODE, it can be None
        if cp.differential_equation.x_dimension and vertex_oriented is None:
            raise ValueError('vertex orientation must be defined for PDEs')
        if y_0.shape != cp.y_shape(vertex_oriented):
            raise ValueError(
                f'discrete initial value shape {y_0.shape} must match '
                'constrained problem solution shape '

        self._cp = cp
        self._y_0 = np.copy(y_0)
        self._vertex_oriented = vertex_oriented
        self._interpolation_method = interpolation_method

        if vertex_oriented:
                cp.static_y_vertex_constraints, self._y_0)
def test_cp_1d_pde():
    diff_eq = DiffusionEquation(1)
    mesh = Mesh([(0., 1.)], [.1])
    bcs = [(NeumannBoundaryCondition(lambda x, t: np.zeros((1, 1)),
                                     is_static=True), ) * 2]
    cp = ConstrainedProblem(diff_eq, mesh, bcs)

    assert cp.are_all_boundary_conditions_static
    assert not cp.are_there_boundary_conditions_on_y
    assert cp.y_shape(True) == (11, 1)
    assert cp.y_shape(False) == (10, 1)

    assert cp.differential_equation == diff_eq
    assert cp.mesh == mesh
    assert np.array_equal(cp.boundary_conditions, bcs)

    y_vertex_constraints = cp.static_y_vertex_constraints
    assert y_vertex_constraints.shape == (1, )
    assert np.all(y_vertex_constraints[0].mask == [False])
    assert np.all(y_vertex_constraints[0].values == [])

    vertex_boundary_constraints = cp.static_boundary_constraints(True)
    y_vertex_boundary_constraints = vertex_boundary_constraints[0]
    assert y_vertex_boundary_constraints.shape == (1, 1)
    assert y_vertex_boundary_constraints[0, 0][0] is None
    assert y_vertex_boundary_constraints[0, 0][1] is None
    d_y_vertex_boundary_constraints = vertex_boundary_constraints[1]
    assert d_y_vertex_boundary_constraints.shape == (1, 1)
    assert np.all(d_y_vertex_boundary_constraints[0, 0][0].mask == [True])
    assert np.all(d_y_vertex_boundary_constraints[0, 0][0].values == [0.])
    assert np.all(d_y_vertex_boundary_constraints[0, 0][1].mask == [True])
    assert np.all(d_y_vertex_boundary_constraints[0, 0][1].values == [0.])

    cell_boundary_constraints = cp.static_boundary_constraints(False)
    y_cell_boundary_constraints = cell_boundary_constraints[0]
    assert y_cell_boundary_constraints.shape == (1, 1)
    assert y_cell_boundary_constraints[0, 0][0] is None
    assert y_cell_boundary_constraints[0, 0][1] is None
    d_y_cell_boundary_constraints = cell_boundary_constraints[1]
    assert d_y_cell_boundary_constraints.shape == (1, 1)
    assert np.all(d_y_cell_boundary_constraints[0, 0][0].mask == [True])
    assert np.all(d_y_cell_boundary_constraints[0, 0][0].values == [0.])
    assert np.all(d_y_cell_boundary_constraints[0, 0][1].mask == [True])
    assert np.all(d_y_cell_boundary_constraints[0, 0][1].values == [0.])
Beispiel #4
def test_fdm_operator_on_3d_pde():
    diff_eq = CahnHilliardEquation(3)
    mesh = Mesh([(0., 5.), (0., 5.), (0., 10.)], [.5, 1., 2.])
    bcs = [(NeumannBoundaryCondition(lambda x, t: np.zeros((len(x), 2)),
            NeumannBoundaryCondition(lambda x, t: np.zeros((len(x), 2)),
                                     is_static=True))] * 3
    cp = ConstrainedProblem(diff_eq, mesh, bcs)
    ic = DiscreteInitialCondition(
        cp, .05 * np.random.uniform(-1., 1., cp.y_shape(True)), True)
    ivp = InitialValueProblem(cp, (0., 5.), ic)
    op = FDMOperator(RK4(), ThreePointCentralDifferenceMethod(), .05)
    solution = op.solve(ivp)

    assert solution.vertex_oriented
    assert solution.d_t == .05
    assert solution.discrete_y().shape == (100, 11, 6, 6, 2)
    assert solution.discrete_y(False).shape == (100, 10, 5, 5, 2)
Beispiel #5
def test_auto_regression_operator_on_pde():

    diff_eq = WaveEquation(2)
    mesh = Mesh([(-5., 5.), (-5., 5.)], [1., 1.])
    bcs = [(DirichletBoundaryCondition(lambda x, t: np.zeros((len(x), 2)),
            DirichletBoundaryCondition(lambda x, t: np.zeros((len(x), 2)),
                                       is_static=True))] * 2
    cp = ConstrainedProblem(diff_eq, mesh, bcs)
    ic = GaussianInitialCondition(
        cp, [(np.array([0., 2.5]), np.array([[.1, 0.], [0., .1]]))] * 2,
        [3., .0])
    ivp = InitialValueProblem(cp, (0., 10.), ic)

    oracle = FDMOperator(RK4(), ThreePointCentralDifferenceMethod(), .1)
    ref_solution = oracle.solve(ivp)

    ml_op = AutoRegressionOperator(2.5, True)
        ivp, oracle,
      , 100, 50,
                diff_eq.y_dimension * 10
            ], [1 + diff_eq.x_dimension, 50, 50, diff_eq.y_dimension * 10],
                    1e-2, decay_steps=500, decay_rate=.95)),
        ), 20, lambda t, y: y + np.random.normal(0., t / 75., size=y.shape))
    ml_solution = ml_op.solve(ivp)

    assert ml_solution.vertex_oriented
    assert ml_solution.d_t == 2.5
    assert ml_solution.discrete_y().shape == (4, 11, 11, 2)

    diff = ref_solution.diff([ml_solution])
    assert np.all(diff.matching_time_points == np.linspace(2.5, 10., 4))
    assert np.max(np.abs(diff.differences[0])) < .5
def test_cp_2d_pde():
    diff_eq = WaveEquation(2)
    mesh = Mesh([(2., 6.), (-3., 3.)], [.1, .2])
    bcs = ((DirichletBoundaryCondition(
        vectorize_bc_function(lambda x, t: (999., None)), is_static=True),
                vectorize_bc_function(lambda x, t: (100., -100.)),
               vectorize_bc_function(lambda x, t: (-x[0], None)),
                vectorize_bc_function(lambda x, t: (x[0], x[1])),
    cp = ConstrainedProblem(diff_eq, mesh, bcs)

    assert cp.are_all_boundary_conditions_static
    assert cp.are_there_boundary_conditions_on_y

    y_vertices = np.full(cp.y_shape(True), 13.)

    assert np.all(y_vertices[0, :-1, 0] == 999.)
    assert np.all(y_vertices[0, :-1, 1] == 13.)
    assert np.all(y_vertices[-1, :-1, :] == 13.)
    assert np.all(y_vertices[1:, 0, :] == 13.)
    assert np.allclose(y_vertices[:, -1, 0],
                       np.linspace(2., 6., y_vertices.shape[0]))
    assert np.all(y_vertices[:, -1, 1] == 3.)

    y_vertices = np.zeros(cp.y_shape(True))
    diff = ThreePointCentralDifferenceMethod()
    d_y_boundary_constraints = cp.static_boundary_vertex_constraints[1]

    d_y_0_over_d_x_0 = diff.gradient(y_vertices[..., :1], mesh, 0,
                                     d_y_boundary_constraints[:, :1])

    assert np.all(d_y_0_over_d_x_0[-1, :, :] == 100.)
    assert np.all(d_y_0_over_d_x_0[:-1, :, :] == 0.)

    d_y_0_over_d_x_1 = diff.gradient(y_vertices[..., :1], mesh, 1,
                                     d_y_boundary_constraints[:, :1])

    assert np.allclose(d_y_0_over_d_x_1[:, 0, 0],
                       np.linspace(-2., -6., y_vertices.shape[0]))
    assert np.all(d_y_0_over_d_x_1[:, 1:, :] == 0.)

    d_y_1_over_d_x_0 = diff.gradient(y_vertices[..., 1:], mesh, 0,
                                     d_y_boundary_constraints[:, 1:])

    assert np.all(d_y_1_over_d_x_0[-1, :, :] == -100.)
    assert np.all(d_y_1_over_d_x_0[:-1, :, :] == 0.)

    d_y_1_over_d_x_1 = diff.gradient(y_vertices[..., 1:], mesh, 1,
                                     d_y_boundary_constraints[:, 1:])

    assert np.all(d_y_1_over_d_x_1 == 0.)

    y_boundary_cell_constraints = cp.static_boundary_cell_constraints[0]

    assert np.all(y_boundary_cell_constraints[0, 0][0].mask == [True] *
    assert np.all(y_boundary_cell_constraints[0, 0][0].values == 999.)
    assert np.all(y_boundary_cell_constraints[0, 1][0].mask == [False] *
    assert y_boundary_cell_constraints[0, 1][0].values.size == 0

    assert np.all(y_boundary_cell_constraints[1, 0][1].mask == [True] *
    assert np.allclose(y_boundary_cell_constraints[1, 0][1].values,
                       np.linspace(2.05, 5.95, cp.y_cells_shape[0]))
    assert np.all(y_boundary_cell_constraints[1, 1][1].mask == [True] *
    assert np.all(y_boundary_cell_constraints[1, 1][1].values == 3.)
    assert y_boundary_cell_constraints[1, 0][0] is None
def test_cp_3d_pde():
    mesh = Mesh([(2., 6.), (-3., 3.), (10., 12.)], [.1, .2, .5])

    assert mesh.shape(True) == (41, 31, 5)
    assert mesh.shape(False) == (40, 30, 4)

    diff_eq = WaveEquation(3)
    cp = ConstrainedProblem(
        diff_eq, mesh,
            vectorize_bc_function(lambda x, t: (999., None)), is_static=True),
              vectorize_bc_function(lambda x, t: (None, None)),
             vectorize_bc_function(lambda x, t: (0., 0.)), is_static=True),
          NeumannBoundaryCondition(lambda x, t: np.full((len(x), 2), t))),
         (NeumannBoundaryCondition(lambda x, t: -x[:, :2] * x[:, 1:3],
              vectorize_bc_function(lambda x, t: (-999., None))))))

    assert cp.y_shape(True) == (41, 31, 5, 2)
    assert cp.y_shape(False) == (40, 30, 4, 2)

    assert not cp.are_all_boundary_conditions_static
    assert cp.are_there_boundary_conditions_on_y

    assert cp.static_y_vertex_constraints.shape == (2, )

    y = np.full(cp._y_vertices_shape, -1)
    cp.static_y_vertex_constraints[0].apply(y[..., :1])
    cp.static_y_vertex_constraints[1].apply(y[..., 1:])

    assert np.all(y[0, 1:, :, 0] == 999.)
    assert np.all(y[:, 0, :, 0] == 0.)
    assert np.all(y[1:, 1:, :, 0] == -1.)
    assert np.all(y[:, 0, :, 1] == 0.)
    assert np.all(y[:, 1:, :, 1] == -1.)

    vertex_boundary_constraints = cp.static_boundary_vertex_constraints
    cell_boundary_constraints = cp.static_boundary_cell_constraints

    for y_boundary_constraints in \
            [vertex_boundary_constraints[0], cell_boundary_constraints[0]]:
        assert y_boundary_constraints.shape == (3, 2)
        assert y_boundary_constraints[0, 0][0] is not None
        assert y_boundary_constraints[0, 1][0] is not None
        assert y_boundary_constraints[0, 0][1] is None
        assert y_boundary_constraints[0, 1][1] is None
        assert y_boundary_constraints[1, 0][0] is not None
        assert y_boundary_constraints[1, 1][0] is not None
        assert y_boundary_constraints[1, 0][1] is None
        assert y_boundary_constraints[1, 1][1] is None
        assert y_boundary_constraints[2, 0][0] is None
        assert y_boundary_constraints[2, 1][0] is None
        assert y_boundary_constraints[2, 0][1] is None
        assert y_boundary_constraints[2, 1][1] is None

    for d_y_boundary_constraints in \
            [vertex_boundary_constraints[1], cell_boundary_constraints[1]]:
        assert d_y_boundary_constraints.shape == (3, 2)
        assert d_y_boundary_constraints[0, 0][0] is None
        assert d_y_boundary_constraints[0, 1][0] is None
        assert d_y_boundary_constraints[0, 0][1] is not None
        assert d_y_boundary_constraints[0, 1][1] is not None
        assert d_y_boundary_constraints[1, 0][0] is None
        assert d_y_boundary_constraints[1, 1][0] is None
        assert d_y_boundary_constraints[1, 0][1] is None
        assert d_y_boundary_constraints[1, 1][1] is None
        assert d_y_boundary_constraints[2, 0][0] is not None
        assert d_y_boundary_constraints[2, 1][0] is not None
        assert d_y_boundary_constraints[2, 0][1] is None
        assert d_y_boundary_constraints[2, 1][1] is None

    new_vertex_boundary_constraints = cp.create_boundary_constraints(True, 1.)
    new_y_boundary_constraints = new_vertex_boundary_constraints[0]
    new_d_y_boundary_constraints = new_vertex_boundary_constraints[1]
    assert new_y_boundary_constraints[2, 0][1] is not None
    assert new_y_boundary_constraints[2, 1][1] is not None
    assert new_d_y_boundary_constraints[1, 0][1] is not None
    assert new_d_y_boundary_constraints[1, 1][1] is not None

    d_y_boundary = np.full((41, 1, 5, 2), np.nan)
    new_d_y_boundary_constraints[1, 0][1].apply(d_y_boundary[..., :1])
    new_d_y_boundary_constraints[1, 1][1].apply(d_y_boundary[..., 1:])
    assert np.all(d_y_boundary == 1.)

    new_y_vertex_constraints = \
    assert new_y_vertex_constraints.shape == (2, )

    y = np.full(cp._y_vertices_shape, -1)
    new_y_vertex_constraints[0].apply(y[..., :1])
    new_y_vertex_constraints[1].apply(y[..., 1:])

    assert np.all(y[0, 1:, :-1, 0] == 999.)
    assert np.all(y[:, 0, :-1, 0] == 0.)
    assert np.all(y[:, :, -1, 0] == -999.)
    assert np.all(y[1:, 1:, :-1, 0] == -1.)
    assert np.all(y[:, 0, :, 1] == 0.)
    assert np.all(y[:, 1:, :, 1] == -1.)