Beispiel #1
    def get_task_candidates_path(self):
        path = self.opt['model_file'] + '.cands-' + self.opt['task'] + '.cands'
        if os.path.isfile(path) and self.opt['fixed_candidate_vecs'] == 'reuse':
            return path
        print("[ *** building candidates file as they do not exist: " + path + ' *** ]')
        from parlai.scripts.build_candidates import build_cands
        from copy import deepcopy

        opt = deepcopy(self.opt)
        opt['outfile'] = path
        opt['datatype'] = 'train:evalmode'
        opt['batchsize'] = 1
        return path
    def get_task_candidates_path(self):
        path = self.opt['model_file'] + '.cands-' + self.opt['task'] + '.cands'
        if os.path.isfile(path) and self.opt['fixed_candidate_vecs'] == 'reuse':
            return path
        logging.warn(f'Building candidates file as they do not exist: {path}')
        from parlai.scripts.build_candidates import build_cands
        from copy import deepcopy

        opt = deepcopy(self.opt)
        opt['outfile'] = path
        opt['datatype'] = 'train:evalmode'
        opt['interactive_task'] = False
        opt['batchsize'] = 1
        return path