Beispiel #1
def parse(filename):

    svg_file = xml.dom.minidom.parse(filename)

    svg = svg_file.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0]

    x, y = 800, 600
    #x , y = None, None
    groups = 'States'
    groups = None

    width = svg.getAttribute('width')
    height = svg.getAttribute('height')
    #width, height = 958.691, 592.79

    raw_width = float(width)
    raw_height = float(height)

    width_ratio = x and (x / raw_width) or 1
    height_ratio = y and (y / raw_height) or 1

    if groups:
        elements = [g for g in svg.getElementsByTagName('g') if (g.hasAttribute('id') and g.getAttribute('id') in groups)]
        elements.extend([p for p in svg.getElementsByTagName('path') if (p.hasAttribute('id') and p.getAttribute('id') in groups)])
        elements = svg.getElementsByTagName('glyph')

    parsed_groups = {}
    for e in elements:
        paths = []
        if e.nodeName == 'glyph':
            for path in e.getElementsByTagName('path'):
                points = parse_path.get_points(path.getAttribute('d'))
                print points
                #print points
                #points = path.getAttribute('d')
                for pointset in points:
                    paths.append([path.getAttribute('id'), pointset])
            points = parse_path.get_points(e.getAttribute('d'))
            for pointset in points:
                paths.append([e.getAttribute('id'), pointset])
        if e.hasAttribute('transform'):
            #print e.getAttribute('id'), e.getAttribute('transform')
            for transform in re.findall(r'(\w+)\((-?\d+.?\d*),(-?\d+.?\d*)\)', e.getAttribute('transform')):
                if transform[0] == 'translate':
                    x_shift = float(transform[1])
                    y_shift = float(transform[2])
                    for path in paths:
                        path[1] = [(p[0] + x_shift, p[1] + y_shift) for p in path[1]]
        parsed_groups[e.getAttribute('id')] = paths

    return parsed_groups
Beispiel #2
def points_from_path(path):
    paths = []
    points = parse_path.get_points(path.getAttribute('d'))
    for pointset in points:
        paths.append([path.getAttribute('id'), pointset])
    apply_element_transform(paths, path)
    return paths
Beispiel #3
def parse(filename):

    svg_file = xml.dom.minidom.parse(filename)

    svg = svg_file.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0]

    x, y = 800, 600

    width = svg.getAttribute("width")
    height = svg.getAttribute("height")

    raw_width = float(width)
    raw_height = float(height)

    width_ratio = x and (x / raw_width) or 1
    height_ratio = y and (y / raw_height) or 1
    elements = [g for g in svg.getElementsByTagName("g") if (g.hasAttribute("id"))]
    elements.extend([p for p in svg.getElementsByTagName("path") if (p.hasAttribute("id"))])

    parsed_groups = {}
    colors = {}
    for e in elements:
        color = e.getAttribute("style")[6:12]
        paths = []
        points = parse_path.get_points(e.getAttribute("d"))
        for pointset in points:
            paths.append([e.getAttribute("id"), pointset])
        parsed_groups[e.getAttribute("id")] = paths
        colors[e.getAttribute("id")] = color

    return parsed_groups
Beispiel #4
raw_height = float(svg.getAttribute('height'))
width_ratio = x and (x / raw_width) or 1
height_ratio = y and (y / raw_height) or 1

if groups:
    elements = [g for g in svg.getElementsByTagName('g') if (g.hasAttribute('id') and g.getAttribute('id') in groups)]
    elements.extend([p for p in svg.getElementsByTagName('path') if (p.hasAttribute('id') and p.getAttribute('id') in groups)])
    elements = svg.getElementsByTagName('g')

parsed_groups = {}
for e in elements:
    paths = []
    if e.nodeName == 'g':
        for path in e.getElementsByTagName('path'):
            points = parse_path.get_points(path.getAttribute('d'))
            for pointset in points:
                paths.append([path.getAttribute('id'), pointset])
        points = parse_path.get_points(e.getAttribute('d'))
        for pointset in points:
            paths.append([e.getAttribute('id'), pointset])
    if e.hasAttribute('transform'):
        print e.getAttribute('id'), e.getAttribute('transform')
        for transform in re.findall(r'(\w+)\((-?\d+.?\d*),(-?\d+.?\d*)\)', e.getAttribute('transform')):
            if transform[0] == 'translate':
                x_shift = float(transform[1])
                y_shift = float(transform[2])
                for path in paths:
                    path[1] = [(p[0] + x_shift, p[1] + y_shift) for p in path[1]]
        g for g in svg.getElementsByTagName('g')
        if (g.hasAttribute('id') and g.getAttribute('id') in groups)
        p for p in svg.getElementsByTagName('path')
        if (p.hasAttribute('id') and p.getAttribute('id') in groups)
    elements = svg.getElementsByTagName('g')

parsed_groups = {}
for e in elements:
    paths = []
    if e.nodeName == 'g':
        for path in e.getElementsByTagName('path'):
            points = parse_path.get_points(path.getAttribute('d'))
            for pointset in points:
                paths.append([path.getAttribute('id'), pointset])
        points = parse_path.get_points(e.getAttribute('d'))
        for pointset in points:
            paths.append([e.getAttribute('id'), pointset])
    if e.hasAttribute('transform'):
        print e.getAttribute('id'), e.getAttribute('transform')
        for transform in re.findall(r'(\w+)\((-?\d+.?\d*),(-?\d+.?\d*)\)',
            if transform[0] == 'translate':
                x_shift = float(transform[1])
                y_shift = float(transform[2])
                for path in paths:
                    path[1] = [(p[0] + x_shift, p[1] + y_shift)