def main():
    """ overall function, checks the spreadsheet and outputs the errors """

    workbook = open_workbook(sys.argv[1], on_demand=True)
    errorMessageList_setup = []
    errorMessageList_questions = []
    errorMessageList_choices = []

    print ""

    if not check4correctSheets(workbook, errorMessageList_setup):
        for error in errorMessageList_setup:
            print error
        return "FATAL ERROR  --  incorrect sheets in workbook"
    print "checking for correct worksheets.......................................OK!"

    # I wonder if it's ok to only have user input questions, and then no choices sheet or a blank one?
    # This definitely has to get checked and parsed before the survey questions can get checked
    if not choicesSheetHasCorrectSetup(workbook, errorMessageList_setup):
        for error in errorMessageList_setup:
            print error
        return "FATAL ERROR  --  choices could not be parsed"

    choicesDict = parseChoices(workbook, errorMessageList_choices)
    print "checking choices sheet setup..........................................OK!"

    if not surveySheetHasCorrectSetup(workbook, errorMessageList_setup):
        for error in errorMessageList_setup:
            print error
        return "FATAL ERROR  --  survey could not be parsed"
    questionsList = parseQuestions(workbook)
    print "checking survey sheet setup...........................................OK!"

    checkQuestions(questionsList, errorMessageList_questions)

    # This matters less so I put it below the other two so that they could still get checked if this fails
    if not settingsSheetHasCorrectSetup(workbook, errorMessageList_setup):
        for error in errorMessageList_setup:
            print error
        return "FATAL ERROR  --  survey could not be parsed"
    print "checking settings sheet setup.........................................N/A"

    print ""

    if len(errorMessageList_choices) > 0:
        for error in errorMessageList_choices:
            print error
            print ""

    if len(errorMessageList_questions) > 0:
        for error in errorMessageList_questions:
            print error
            print ""

    print "Enjoy your survey!....................................................OK!"
    print ""
Beispiel #2
def main():
    """ overall function, checks the spreadsheet and outputs the errors """

    workbook = open_workbook(sys.argv[1], on_demand=True)
    errorMessageList_setup = []
    errorMessageList_questions = []
    errorMessageList_choices = []

    print ""

    if not check4correctSheets(workbook, errorMessageList_setup):
        for error in errorMessageList_setup:
            print error
        return "FATAL ERROR  --  incorrect sheets in workbook"
    print "checking for correct worksheets.......................................OK!"

    # I wonder if it's ok to only have user input questions, and then no choices sheet or a blank one?
    # This definitely has to get checked and parsed before the survey questions can get checked
    if not choicesSheetHasCorrectSetup(workbook, errorMessageList_setup):
        for error in errorMessageList_setup:
            print error
        return "FATAL ERROR  --  choices could not be parsed"

    choicesDict = parseChoices(workbook, errorMessageList_choices)
    print "checking choices sheet setup..........................................OK!"

    if not surveySheetHasCorrectSetup(workbook, errorMessageList_setup):
        for error in errorMessageList_setup:
            print error
        return "FATAL ERROR  --  survey could not be parsed"
    questionsList = parseQuestions(workbook)
    print "checking survey sheet setup...........................................OK!"

    checkQuestions(questionsList, errorMessageList_questions)

    # This matters less so I put it below the other two so that they could still get checked if this fails
    if not settingsSheetHasCorrectSetup(workbook, errorMessageList_setup):
        for error in errorMessageList_setup:
            print error
        return "FATAL ERROR  --  survey could not be parsed"
    print "checking settings sheet setup.........................................N/A"

    print ""

    if len(errorMessageList_choices) > 0:
        for error in errorMessageList_choices:
            print error
            print ""

    if len(errorMessageList_questions) > 0:
        for error in errorMessageList_questions:
            print error
            print ""

    print "Enjoy your survey!....................................................OK!"
    print ""
Beispiel #3
def game():
    # On charge les questions
    questions = parseQuestions()

    # Initialisation des variables de depart
    dead = 0
    nb_people = [25]
    nb_wealth = [25]

    # Tant qu'on n'est pas mort et qu'il reste des questions
    while (len(questions) and not dead):
        print("\nPeuple:", nb_people[0])
        print("Richesse:", nb_wealth[0])

        # Recuperer la fonction et la supprimer du tableau
        question = getQuestion(questions)
        if (verbose):

        # Afficher le dilemne

        # Recuperer le choix
        choice = readChoice(question, nb_people, nb_wealth)

        # Appliquer l'effet de la question
        applyEffect(nb_people, nb_wealth, question, choice)

        # Check si on est dans les limites (peuple, richesse)
        if (checkDead(nb_people[0], nb_wealth[0])):
            dead = 1

    # yes la meuf est dead
    if (dead):
        print("t mort pas dchance lol")
def main():
    """ overall function, checks the spreadsheet and outputs the errors """

    #workbook = open_workbook(sys.argv[1], on_demand=True)
    data = get_data(sys.argv[1])
    workbookString = json.dumps(data)
    workbookDict = ast.literal_eval(workbookString)

    errorMessageList_setup = []
    errorMessageList_questions = []
    errorMessageList_choices = []

    print ""

    if not check4correctSheets(workbookDict, errorMessageList_setup):
        for error in errorMessageList_setup:
            print error
        print "FATAL ERROR  --  incorrect sheets in workbook"
        return False
    print "checking for correct worksheets.......................................OK!"

    # I wonder if it's ok to only have user input questions, and then no choices sheet or a blank one?
    # This definitely has to get checked and parsed before the survey questions can get checked
    if not choicesSheetHasCorrectSetup(workbookDict, errorMessageList_setup):
        for error in errorMessageList_setup:
            print error
        print "FATAL ERROR  --  choices could not be parsed"
        return False

    choicesDict = parseChoices(workbookDict, errorMessageList_choices)
    print "checking choices sheet setup..........................................OK!"

    if not surveySheetHasCorrectSetup(workbookDict, errorMessageList_setup):
        for error in errorMessageList_setup:
            print error
        print "FATAL ERROR  --  survey could not be parsed"
        return False
    questionsList = parseQuestions(workbookDict, errorMessageList_questions)
    questionsList = questionsList[:263]
    #print "there are this many questions: "+str(len(questionsList))
#    print questionsList[-3].__dict__
    print "checking survey sheet setup...........................................OK!"

    checkQuestions(questionsList, errorMessageList_questions, choicesDict)

    # This matters less so I put it below the other two so that they could still get checked if this fails
    if not settingsSheetHasCorrectSetup(workbookDict, errorMessageList_setup):
        for error in errorMessageList_setup:
            print error
        print "FATAL ERROR  --  survey could not be parsed"
        return False
    print "checking settings sheet setup.........................................N/A"

    print ""

    if len(errorMessageList_choices) > 0:
        for error in errorMessageList_choices:
            print error
            print ""

    if len(errorMessageList_questions) > 0:
        for error in errorMessageList_questions:
            print error
            print ""

    print "Enjoy your survey!....................................................OK!"
    print ""
    return True