Beispiel #1
    def test_skip_arguments(self):
        from partial import SKIP
        template = "{0} {1} {2} and {3}"
        skip_first = partial(template.format, SKIP, 2)
        skip_last = partial(template.format, 1, 2, SKIP)
        with_two_skips = partial(template.format, SKIP, 2, SKIP)

        # Unevaluated skips
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            with_two_skips(1, 2)

        # Correct skips
        self.assertEqual(skip_last(3, 4), "1 2 3 and 4")
        self.assertEqual(with_two_skips(4, 6, 7), "4 2 6 and 7")
        self.assertEqual(with_two_skips(4, 7, 8), "4 2 7 and 8")
        self.assertEqual(skip_first(1, 3, 4), "1 2 3 and 4")

        # Unevaluated skips still don't work
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            with_two_skips(3, 4)
Beispiel #2
    def test_sanity(self):
        def foo(x,y,z): return 100*x + 10*y + z
        f = partial(foo) # don't bind anything

        f = partial(foo,1)
        f = partial(foo,1,z=3)
Beispiel #3
 def test_arguments_held_for_later_execution(self):
     def add(x, y):
         return x + y
     add_3_and_4 = partial(add, 3, 4)
     self.assertEqual(add_3_and_4(), 7)
     add_3 = partial(add, 3)
     self.assertEqual(add_3(7), 10)
     add_1_and_4 = partial(add, x=1, y=4)
     self.assertEqual(add_1_and_4(), 5)
     add_4 = partial(add, y=4)
     self.assertEqual(add_4(8), 12)
     self.assertEqual(add_4(8), 12)  # Calling twice works
Beispiel #4
 def test_nice_string_representation(self):
     fake_file = StringIO()
     fake_print = partial(print, file=fake_file)
     self.assertIn('print', repr(fake_print))
     self.assertIn('file', repr(fake_print))
     print_one_two_three = fake_print.partial(1, 2, 3)
     self.assertIn('print', repr(print_one_two_three))
     self.assertIn('file', repr(print_one_two_three))
     self.assertIn('1, 2, 3', repr(print_one_two_three))
Beispiel #5
 def test_partial_method(self):
     template = "{0} {1} and {2} and {red} {green} and {blue}"
     x = partial(template.format, 'purple', 'white')
     y = x.partial(green=2, blue=3)
     z = y.partial('red', red=1)
     w = y.partial('black', blue=4, green=2)
         x('pink', green=1, blue=2, red=3),
         "purple white and pink and 3 1 and 2",
         "Original partial shouldn't change on .partial() method call!",
     self.assertEqual(z(), "purple white and red and 1 2 and 3")
     self.assertEqual(w(red=0), "purple white and black and 0 2 and 4")
     self.assertEqual(y(None, red=9), "purple white and None and 9 2 and 3")
Beispiel #6
def main():
    options = sys.argv[1]
    # options='010000000'
    if int(options) == 0: options = '1' + options[1:]
    options = options[0:4] + '0' + options[4:10]  # extrema
    options = options[0:10] + '0' + options[10]  # work,circulation,flux
    pick = []
    for i in range(len(options)):
        if options[i] == '1': pick.append(i)
    type1 = pick[random.randrange(0, len(pick))]

    # type1=2
    # Derivatives
    # 0 Partial Derivatives
    # 1 Chain Rule
    # 2 Directional,  and (need to be added) gradient, Tangent Planes
    # 3 Lagrange Multipliers
    ####4 Extrema
    # Integrals
    # 5-7 Multiple (rectangular, polar, combine spherical/cylindrical) Integrals
    # Vectors
    # 8 divergence and curl
    ####9 Line Integrals
    ####10 Work, Circulation, Flux
    # 11 potential functions

    # Add later
    # 4 Extrema and Saddle Points
    # 7'Green’s Theorem'
    # 8'Divergence/Stokes Theorem'

    master_bank = {}
    # partial derivatives
    if type1 == 0:
        subtype = random.randint(1, 5)
        if subtype < 3:
            implicit = partial.partial(2, 'mixed')
            func = 'f(x,y)'
        if subtype >= 3:
            implicit = partial.partial(3, 'dummy')
            func = 'f(x,y,z)'
        f = implicit.f
        if subtype == 1 or subtype == 3:
            ans = implicit.fx
            der = 'f_x'
        if subtype == 2 or subtype == 4:
            ans = implicit.fy
            der = 'f_y'
        if subtype == 5:
            ans = implicit.fz
            der = 'f_z'
        probtex = 'Given the function $' + func + '=' + frac(
            toTEX(f)) + '$, find $' + der + '$.'
        prefix = '$' + der + '=$'
        anstex = 'The answer is $' + der + '=' + frac(toTEX(ans)) + '$'
        prefix = ''
        hint = ''

    # Chain Rule
    if type1 == 1:
        subtype = random.randint(1, 4)
        if subtype % 2 == 0:
            option = 't'
            option = 'uv'
        uorv = random.randint(0, len(option) - 1)
        der = 'f_%s' % option[uorv]
        if subtype < 3:
            implicit = partial.partial(2, 'short')
            implicit.tuv(option, 2)
            f = [implicit.fx, implicit.fy]
            func = 'f(x,y)'
            df = '(' + f[0] + ')' + '*' + implicit.dtuv[0][
                uorv] + '+' + '(' + f[1] + ')' + '*' + implicit.dtuv[1][uorv]
            df = df.replace('x', '(' + implicit.tuv[0] + ')')
            df = df.replace('y', '(' + implicit.tuv[1] + ')')
        if subtype >= 3:
            implicit = partial.partial(3, 'short')
            f = [implicit.fx, implicit.fy, implicit.fz]
            implicit.tuv(option, 3)
            func = 'f(x,y,z)'
            df = '(' + f[0] + ')' + '*' + implicit.dtuv[0][
                uorv] + '+' + '(' + f[1] + ')' + '*' + implicit.dtuv[1][
                    uorv] + '+' + f[2] + '*' + implicit.dtuv[2][uorv]
            df = df.replace('x', implicit.tuv[0])
            df = df.replace('y', implicit.tuv[1])
            df = df.replace('z', implicit.tuv[2])
        if subtype == 1:
            probtex = 'Given the function $' + func + '=' + toTEX(
                implicit.f) + '$, <br>with $x(u,v)=' + toTEX(
                    implicit.tuv[0]) + '$ and $y(u,v)=' + toTEX(
                        implicit.tuv[1]) + '$ find $' + der + '$.'
        if subtype == 2:
            probtex = 'Given the function $' + func + '=' + toTEX(
                implicit.f) + '$, <br>with $x(t)=' + toTEX(
                    implicit.tuv[0]) + '$ and $y(t)=' + toTEX(
                        implicit.tuv[1]) + '$ find $' + der + '$.'
        if subtype == 3:
            probtex = 'Given the function $' + func + '=' + toTEX(
                implicit.f) + '$, <br>with $x(u,v)=' + toTEX(
                    implicit.tuv[0]) + '$, $y(u,v)=' + toTEX(
                        implicit.tuv[1]) + '$ and $z(u,v)=' + toTEX(
                            implicit.tuv[2]) + '$ find $' + der + '$.'
        if subtype == 4:
            probtex = 'Given the function $' + func + '=' + toTEX(
                implicit.f) + '$, <br>with $x(t)=' + toTEX(
                    implicit.tuv[0]) + '$, $y(t)=' + toTEX(
                        implicit.tuv[1]) + '$ and $z(t)=' + toTEX(
                            implicit.tuv[2]) + '$ find $' + der + '$.'

        import sympy
        from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr
        t, u, v, x, y, z = sympy.symbols('t u v x y z')
        df = df.replace('^', '**')
        sympy_exp = parse_expr(df)
        ans = str(sympy_exp)
        ans = ans.replace('**', '^')
        ans = ans.replace('log', 'ln')

        # ans=df
        prefix = '$' + der + '=$'
        anstex = 'The answer is $' + der + '=' + toTEX(ans) + '$'
        prefix = ''
        hint = ''

    # Directional Derivatives
    if type1 == 2:
        subtype = random.randint(1, 2)
        if subtype == 1:
            grad = partial.partial(2, 'mixed')
            vect = vector.vector(2)
            (x, y) = vect.point
            evalfx = grad.fx.replace('^', '**')
            evalfy = grad.fy.replace('^', '**')
            evalfx = evalfx.replace('x', str(vect.point[0]))
            evalfy = evalfy.replace('y', str(vect.point[1]))
            totalder = (eval(reduce(evalfx)), eval(reduce(evalfy)))
            func = 'f(x,y)'
            probtex = 'Given the function $' + func + '=' + toTEX(
            ) + '$, find the derivative at $(%d,%d)$ in the direction $ \left\langle %d,%d \\right\\rangle $.' % tuple(
                vect.point + vect.vec1)
        if subtype == 2:
            grad = partial.partial(3, 'dummy')
            vect = vector.vector(3)
            (x, y, z) = vect.point
            grad.fx = grad.fx.replace('x', str(vect.point[0]))
            grad.fy = grad.fy.replace('y', str(vect.point[1]))
            grad.fz = grad.fz.replace('z', str(vect.point[2]))
            totalder = (eval(reduce(grad.fx)), eval(reduce(grad.fy)),
            func = 'f(x,y,z)'
            probtex = 'Given the function $' + func + '=' + toTEX(
            ) + '$, find the derivative at $(%d,%d,%d)$ in the direction $\left\langle %d,%d,%d \\right\\rangle$.' % tuple(
                vect.point + vect.vec1)
        roundlim = 4
        ans = str(float(, vect.vec1)) / float(vect.norm1))
        ans = str(round(
  , vect.vec1) / vect.norm1, roundlim))
        prefix = ''
        anstex = 'The answer is %s $ %s $.' % (prefix, toTEX(ans))
        hint = ''

    # Lagrange Multipliers
    if type1 == 3:
        bank = {}
        # bank['problem']=['ans','prefix','hint','anstex']
            'Find the maximum volume of a box with a surface area of $24$.'] = [
                '8', '$V=$',
                'Optimize $f=xyz$ constrained by $g=2xy+2yz+2xz-24=0$.'
            'Find the maximum volume contained by a box with a surface area of $12$ with the top missing (5 sides).'] = [
                '4', '$V=$',
                'Optimize $f=xyz$ constrained by $g=2xy+2yz+xz-12=0$.'
        # more geo? cylinder?
            'Find the maximum volume of a cylinder inscribed in a sphere with radius $r_s=5$.'] = [
                '32*pi', '$V=$', 'Use the constraint $r_s=\sqrt{r^2+(h/2)^2}$.'
            'Find the maximum volume of a rectangular prism inscribed in a sphere with a diameter $d_s=3$.'] = [
                '1', '$V=$', 'Use the constraint $d_s=\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}$.'

            'Maximize the equation $f=xy$, subject to the constraints $x,y>0$ and $x^2+4y^2=50$.'] = [
                '25/2', '', ''
            'Maximize the equation $f=xy$, subject to the constraint $x+4y=16$.'] = [
                '16', '', ''

            'Maximize the equation $f=xy^3z$, subject to the constraints $x,y,z>0$ and $x+y+z=5$.'] = [
                '27', '', ''
            'Maximize the equation $f=xy\sqrt{z}$, subject to the constraints $x,y,z>0$ and $x+y+z=20$.'] = [
                '128', '', ''
            'Maximize the equation $f=x^2+y^2+z^2$, subject to the constraints $x,y,z>0$ and $x+y+z=6$.'] = [
                '12', '', ''

            'Maximize the equation $2x-3y$ subject to the constraint $x^2+y^2=13$.'] = [
                '13', '', ''
            'Maximize the equation $3x-y$ subject to the constraint $x^2+y^2=40$.'] = [
                '20', '', ''
            'Minimize the equation $x-2y$ subject to the constraint $x^2+y^2=45$.'] = [
                '15', '', ''

            'Find the minimum distance from the surface $xyz=1$ to the origin'] = [
                '3^(1/2)', '', 'Let $f=x^2+y^2+z^2$'
            'Find the minimum distance from the surface $x^2y=1$ to the origin'] = [
                '(2^(1/3)+2^(-2/3))^(1/2)', '', ''
            'Find the minimum distance from the surface $x^3y=1$ to the origin'] = [
                '(3^(1/4)+3^(-3/4))^(1/2)', '', ''

        # to finish (2 each)
            'Find the maximum value of $x+y+z$ if the points lie on the sphere $x^2+y^2+z^2=5$.'] = [
                'ans', 'prefix', 'hint', 'anstex'
        # bank['Find the point on the plane $$ closest to the point $$.']=['ans','prefix','hint','anstex']

        probtex = random.choice(bank.keys())
        ans_set = bank[probtex]
        ans = ans_set[0]
        prefix = ans_set[1]
        hint = ans_set[2]
        if len(ans_set) == 3:
            if prefix != '': prefix += ' '
            anstex = 'The answer is %s$%s$.' % (prefix, toTEX(ans))
            anstex = ans_set[3]

    # Extrema
    if type == 4:

    # Multiple Integrals
    if type1 == 5 or type1 == 6 or type1 == 7:
        if type1 == 5:
            rando = random.randint(1, 4)
            if rando == 1:
                type2 = 'triple'
                type2 = 'double'
        elif type1 == 6:  # polar
            type2 = 'polar'
        elif type1 == 7:  # cylindrical integrals
            type2 = 'sphercyn'
        intprob = integral(type2)
        probtex = intprob.problem
        ans = intprob.ans
        anstex = 'The answer is $%s$.' % toTEX(ans)
        prefix = ''
        hint = ''
    # Divergence and Curl
    if type1 == 8:
        dc = partial.divcurl()
        subtype = random.randint(1, 2)
        if subtype == 1:
            dc.prob = 'divergence'
            ans = dc.div
            anstex = 'The divergence is $' + toTEX(ans) + '$.'
        if subtype == 2:
            dc.prob = 'curl'
            ans = '<%s,%s,%s>' % (dc.curl[0], dc.curl[1], dc.curl[2])
            anstex = 'The curl is $ \left\langle %s, \ %s, \ %s \\right\\rangle $.' % (
                toTEX(dc.curl[0]), toTEX(dc.curl[1]), toTEX(dc.curl[2]))
        dcftex = []
        for i in range(3):
        probtex = 'Find the ' + dc.prob + ' of the field described by $ \left\langle %s,%s,%s \\right\\rangle $.' % tuple(
        prefix = ''
        hint = ''

    # Line Integrals
    if type1 == 9:
        bank = {}
        # answer, prefix, hint
        # circle x,y
            'Evaluate the integral $\int_C{xy^2 \ ds}$ where $C$ is the path from $(2,0)$ to $(0,2)$ clockwise on $x^2+y^2=4$.'] = [
                '16/3', '', ''
            'Evaluate the integral $\int_C{xy \ ds}$ where $C$ is the clockwise path from $\\theta=0$ to $\\theta=\pi/2$ on the unit circle.'] = [
                '1/2', '', ''
            'Evaluate the integral $\int_C{\\frac{1}{x^2} \ ds}$ where $C$ is the clockwise path from $\\theta=0$ to $\\theta=\pi/4$ on the unit circle.'] = [
                '1', '', ''
        bank['Evaluate the integral $\int_C{\\frac{y}{x}\cdot \\frac{1}{x^2} \ ds}$ where $C$ is the clockwise path from $\\theta=0$ to $\\theta=\pi/3$ on the unit circle.'] = [
            '1', '',
            'After substituting $x(t)=\cos(t)$ and $y(t)=\sin(t)$, you can put the integrand in the form $\sec^2(t)\\tan(t)$, or $\sin(t) / \cos^3(t)$, either of which can be integrated with $u$-substitution.'

        # line segment
            'Evaluate the integral $\int_C{x-y^2z \ ds}$ where $C$ is the line segment from $(0,0,0)$ to $(2,1,2)$.'] = [
                '3/2', '', ''
            'Evaluate the integral $\int_C{\pi\cdot\sin(\pi x)-xy \ ds}$ where $C$ is the line segment from $(0,0)$ to $(3,4)$.'] = [
                '-50/3', '', ''
            'Evaluate the integral $\int_C{xy+z \ ds}$ where $C$ is the line segment from $(-2,-1,0)$ to $(1,3,12)$.'] = [
                '169/2', '', ''
            'Evaluate the integral $\int_C{\\frac{x}{y}+z \ ds}$ where $C$ is the line segment from $(1,2,1)$ to $(3,6,5)$.'] = [
                '21', '', ''
            'Evaluate the integral $\int_C{\\frac{z}{xy} \ ds}$ where $C$ is the line segment from $(1,2,3)$ to $(2,3,5)$.'] = [
                'sqrt(6)*ln(3)', '', ''
            'Evaluate the integral $\int_C{x\cdot\sin(y) \ ds}$ where $C$ is the line segment from $(0,0)$ to $(1,\pi)$.'] = [
                '1/pi*sqrt(pi^2 + 1)', '', ''

        # more complex
            'Evaluate the integral $\int_C{ds}$ where $C$ is the path from $(0,0)$ to $(1,1)$ on $y=x^4$.'] = [
                '(17^(3/2)-1)/144', '', ''
        master_bank['Find the arc length of the curve $y=.75*x$ from $x=0$ to $x=5$.']=['','6.25','']
        master_bank['Find the arc length of the curve $y=(x+5)^{3/2}$ from $x=0$ to $x=8$.']=['','988/27','']
        master_bank['Find the arc length of the curve $y=\sinh(x)$ from $x=0$ to $x=1$.']=['','(e^2-1)/(2*e)','']

        master_bank['Find the arc length of the parametric curve $x=\cos(t)$ $y=\sin(t)$ from $t=0$ to $t=\pi$']=['','pi','']
        master_bank['Find the arc length of the parametric curve $x=t^{3/2}$ $y=t$ from $t=0$ to $t=1$']=['','61/27','']
        master_bank['Find the arc length of the parametric curve $x=3*t^2$ $y=1/2*t^3$ from $t=0$ to $t=3$']=['','30.5','']
        master_bank['Find the arc length of the parametric curve $x=t^3$ $y=t^{4.5}$ from $t=0$ to $t=1$']=['','1.43971','']


        # helix
            'Evaluate the integral $\int_C{ xy^2+z \ ds}$ where $C$ is the path along the helix  $\\vec{r}(t)=\langle\cos(t), \sin(t), t \\rangle$ for $t=[0,2\pi]$.'] = [
                '2*sqrt(2)*pi^2', '',
                'You may need to use the identity $\sin^2(x)+\cos^2(x)=1$.'
            'Evaluate the integral $\int_C{\displaystyle\\frac{x^2z}{1-y^2} \ ds}$ where $C$ is the path along the helix  $\\vec{r}(t)=\langle\cos(t), \sin(t), t \\rangle$ for $t=[0,2\pi]$.'] = [
                '2*sqrt(2)*pi^2', '',
                'You may need to use the identity $\sin^2(x)+\cos^2(x)=1$.'
        bank['Evaluate the integral $\int_C{xy+z \ ds}$ where $C$ is the path along the helix  $\\vec{r}(t)=\langle\cos(t), \sin(t), t/2 \\rangle$ for $t=[0,4\pi]$.'] = [
            '2*sqrt(5)*pi^2', '',
            'You may need to use the identity $\sin^2(x)+\cos^2(x)=1$ and you will need integration by parts.'
        bank['Evaluate the integral $\int_C{x^2 \ ds}$ where $C$ is the path along the helix  $\\vec{r}(t)=\langle\cos(t), \sin(t), 2t \\rangle$ for $t=[0,2\pi]$.'] = [
            'pi*sqrt(5)', '',
            'You may need to use the identity $\sin^2(x)+\cos^2(x)=1$ and $\cos^2(t)=1/2(\cos(2t)+1)$.'
        # split integrals intdx+intdy+intdz

        probtex = random.choice(bank.keys())
        ans_set = bank[probtex]
        ans = ans_set[0]
        prefix = ans_set[1]
        hint = ans_set[2]
        anstex = 'The answer is %s $%s$.' % (prefix, toTEX(ans))
        probtex = probtex.replace('\int', '\displaystyle\int')
    # Work, Circulation, Flux
    if type1 == 10:

    # Potential Functions
    if type1 == 11:
        subtype = random.randint(1, 2)
        if subtype == 1:  # (2 variables)
            grad = partial.partial(2, 'mixed')
            func = 'f(x,y)'
            probtex = 'Given the conservative vector field $\\vec{F}=\left(%s\\right)\hat{i}+\left(%s\\right)\hat{j}$, find the potential function $f(x,y)$.' % (
                toTEX(grad.fx), toTEX(grad.fy))
        if subtype == 2:  # (3 variables)
            grad = partial.partial(3, 'dummy')
            func = 'f(x,y,z)'
            probtex = 'Given the conservative vector field $\\vec{F}=\left(%s\\right)\hat{i}+\left(%s\\right)\hat{j}+\left(%s\\right)\hat{k}$, find the potential function $f(x,y,z)$.' % (
                toTEX(grad.fx), toTEX(grad.fy), toTEX(grad.fz))
        prefix = '$' + func + '=$'
        suffix = ' $+c$ '
        ans = grad.f
        anstex = 'The answer is %s $%s$.' % (prefix, toTEX(grad.f))
        hint = ''
    if type1 != 11: suffix = ''
    print probtex
    print ans
    print anstex
    print prefix
    print suffix
    print hint
Beispiel #7
def main():
    options = sys.argv[1]

    # php issues
    # options='00101111'
    options = options[4:8] + options[0:4]
    if int(options[0:4]) == 0: options = '1' + options[1:]
    if int(options[4:8]) == 0: options = options[:4] + '1' + options[5:]

    # type 1 is functions, type 2 is derivative type
    pick1 = []
    for i in range(4):
        if options[i] == '1': pick1.append(i)
    # makes poly/trig/trans 2x as likely as hypinv
    for i in range(3):
        if options[i] == '1': pick1.append(i)
    pick2 = []
    for i in range(4):
        if options[i + 4] == '1': pick2.append(i)
    type1 = pick1[random.randrange(0, len(pick1))]
    type2 = pick2[random.randrange(0, len(pick2))]
    # type1=1
    # type2=0

    # options[0]=poly
    # options[1]=trig
    # options[2]=trans
    # options[3]=hypinv
    # options[4]=basic
    # options[5]=chain
    # options[6]=product
    # options[7]=implicit
    master_bank = {}

    # print options
    poly = {}
    if type1 == 0 and type2 == 0:
        poly['x'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        poly['x^2'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        poly['x^3'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        poly['x^4'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        poly['x^5'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        poly['x^6'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        poly['x^pi'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        poly['x^e'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        # fraction
        poly['x^(1/2)'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        poly['x^(1/3)'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        poly['x^(7/3)'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        poly['x^(-1/2)'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        poly['x^(-1/3)'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        # 1/over
        poly['1/x'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        poly['1/x^2'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        poly['1/x^1.3'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        poly['x^100'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        # decimal
        poly['x^1.2'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        poly['x^.1'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        # combination
        poly['x^3+x^(1/3)'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        poly['x+1/x'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
        poly['x^2+2*x+1'] = [
            'Use the <a class="hintlink" href=""  target="_blank">Power rule</a> for derivatives.'
    trig = {}
    if type1 == 1 and type2 == 0:  # options[1]=='1' and options[4]=='1':
        trig['sin(x)'] = [
            'Use <a class="hintlink" href="" target="_blank">this</a> table for trigonometric derivatives.'
        trig['cos(x)'] = [
            'Use <a class="hintlink" href="" target="_blank">this</a> table for trigonometric derivatives.'
        trig['tan(x)'] = [
            'Use <a class="hintlink" href="" target="_blank">this</a> table for trigonometric derivatives.'
        trig['sec(x)'] = [
            'Use <a class="hintlink" href="" target="_blank">this</a> table for trigonometric derivatives.'
        trig['csc(x)'] = [
            'Use <a class="hintlink" href="" target="_blank">this</a> table for trigonometric derivatives.'
        trig['cot(x)'] = [
            'Use <a class="hintlink" href="" target="_blank">this</a> table for trigonometric derivatives.'

    trans = {}
    if type1 == 2 and type2 == 0:
        trans = master_bank
        trans['e^x'] = [
            'Use <a class="hintlink" href="" target="_blank">this</a> rule for exponential derivatives.'
        trans['ln(x)'] = [
            'Use <a class="hintlink" href="" target="_blank">this</a> rule for logarthmic derivatives.'

    hypinv = {}
    if type1 == 3 and type2 == 0:
        hypinv['asin(x)'] = ['1/(1-x^2)^(1/2)', '']
        hypinv['acos(x)'] = ['-1/(1-x^2)^(1/2)', '']
        hypinv['atan(x)'] = ['1/(1+x^2)', '']
        hypinv['asec(x)'] = ['1/(x*(1-x^2)^(1/2))', '']
        hypinv['acsc(x)'] = ['-1/(x*(1-x^2)^(1/2))', '']
        hypinv['acot(x)'] = ['-1/(1+x^2)', '']
        hypinv['sinh(x)'] = ['cosh(x)', '']
        hypinv['cosh(x)'] = ['sinh(x)', '']
        hypinv['tanh(x)'] = ['sech(x)^2', '']
        hypinv['sech(x)'] = ['-sech(x)*tanh(x)', '']
        hypinv['csch(x)'] = ['-csch(x)*coth(x)', '']
        hypinv['coth(x)'] = ['-csch(x)^2', '']


    # poly(poly)
    chain = {}
    if type1 == 0 and type2 == 1:
        chain['(3*x-1)^3'] = ['9*(3*x - 1)^2', '']
        chain['(5*x-3)^10'] = ['50*(5*x - 3)^9', '']
        chain['(2*x^2-7*x+1)^3'] = ['3*(4*x-7)*(2*x^2-7*x+1)^2', '']
        chain['1/(3*x^2+1)'] = ['-(6*x)/(3*x^2 + 1)^2', '']
        chain['2/(x^5-x^2)^3'] = ['(6*(2*x - 5*x^4))/(x^2 - x^5)^4', '']
        chain['(x^2-1)^3.1'] = ['6.2*x*(x^2-1)^(2.1)', '']

    # trig(trig)
    if type1 == 1 and type2 == 1:
        chain['sin(sin(x))'] = ['cos(x)*cos(sin(x))', '']
        chain['sin(cos(x))'] = ['-sin(x)*cos(cos(x))', '']
        chain['sin(tan(x))'] = ['sec(x)^2*cos(tan(x))', '']
        chain['sin(sec(x))'] = ['sec(x)*tan(x)*cos(sec(x))', '']
        chain['sin(csc(x))'] = ['-csc(x)*cot(x)*cos(csc(x))', '']
        chain['sin(cot(x))'] = ['-csc(x)^2*cos(cot(x))', '']

        chain['cos(cos(x))'] = ['sin(x)*sin(cos(x))', '']
        chain['cos(sin(x))'] = ['-cos(x)*sin(sin(x))', '']
        chain['cos(tan(x))'] = ['-sec(x)^2*sin(tan(x))', '']
        chain['cos(sec(x))'] = ['-sec(x)*tan(x)*sin(sec(x))', '']
        chain['cos(csc(x))'] = ['csc(x)*cot(x)*sin(csc(x))', '']
        chain['cos(cot(x))'] = ['csc(x)^2*sin(cot(x))', '']

        chain['tan(tan(x))'] = ['sec(x)^2*sec(tan(x))^2', '']
        chain['tan(sec(x))'] = ['sec(x)*tan(x)*sec(sec(x))*tan(sec(x))', '']
        chain['tan(csc(x))'] = ['csc(x)*cot(x)*csc(csc(x))*cot(csc(x))', '']
        chain['tan(cot(x))'] = ['csc(x)^2*csc(cot(x))^2', '']

    # ln(ln)
    if type1 == 2 and type2 == 1:
        chain['ln(ln(x))'] = ['1/(x*ln(x))', '']
        chain['e^(e^x)'] = ['e^x*e^(e^x)', '']
        chain['2^(2^x)'] = ['ln(2)^2*2^x*2^(2^x)', '']

    # ln(poly)
    if options[0] == '1' and options[2] == '1' and type2 == 1:
        chain['ln(2*x)'] = ['1/x', '']
        chain['ln(x^2)'] = ['2/x', '']
        chain['ln(x^3)'] = ['3/x', '']
        chain['ln(3*x^2+2*x)'] = ['(6*x+2)/(3*x^2 + 2*x)', '']
        chain['ln((x-1)^2)'] = ['2/(x-1)', '']
        chain['ln(1/x)'] = ['-1/x', '']

        # poly(ln)
        chain['ln(x)^2'] = ['2*ln(x)/x', '']
        chain['ln(x)^3'] = ['3*ln(x)^2/x', '']
        chain['1/ln(x)'] = ['-1/(x*ln(x)^2)', '']
        chain['1/ln(x)^2'] = ['-2/(x*ln(x)^3)', '']
        chain['ln(x)^1.3'] = ['ln(x)^.3/x', '']

    if options[1] == '1' and options[2] == '1' and type2 == 1:
        # ln(trig)
        chain['ln(sin(x))'] = ['cot(x)', '']
        chain['ln(cos(x))'] = ['-tan(x)', '']
        chain['e^(sin(x))'] = ['cos(x)*e^(sin(x))', '']
        chain['e^(sin(x)^2)'] = ['2*sin(x)cos(x)*e^(sin(x)^2)', '']
        chain['e^(cos(x))'] = ['-cos(x)*e^(cos(x))', '']
        chain['2^(sin(x))'] = ['ln(2)*cos(x)*2^(sin(x))', '']

        # trig(ln)
        chain['sin(ln(x))'] = ['cos(ln(x))/x', '']
        chain['sin(e^x)'] = ['e^x*cos(e^x)', '']
        chain['sin(2^x)'] = ['ln(2)*2^x*cos(2^x)', '']

    if options[0] == '1' and options[1] == '1' and type2 == 1:
        # trig(poly)
        chain['sin(x+1/x)'] = ['-cos(x + 1/x)*(1/x^2 - 1)', '']
        chain['sin(x^2)'] = ['2*x*2)', '']
        chain['sin(x^(1/2))'] = ['-1/(2*x^(1/2)*cos(x^(1/2)', '']
        chain['sin(x^3+x)'] = ['(3*x^2+1)*cos(x^3+x)', '']
        chain['sin(x^4)'] = ['4*x^3*cos(x^4)', '']

        chain['cos(x^2)'] = ['-2*x*sin(x^2)', '']
        chain['cos(x^3)'] = ['-3*x^2*sin(x^3)', '']
        chain['cos(x^4+1/x)'] = ['-(4*x^3-1/x^2)*sin(x^4+1/x)', '']

        chain['tan(x+1)'] = ['sec(x+1)^2', '']
        chain['sec(x^(1/2))'] = ['1/(2*x^(1/2))*sec(x^(1/2))*tan(x^(1/2))', '']
        chain['csc(1-x^2)'] = ['2*x*csc(1-x^2)*cot(1-x^2)', '']
        chain['cot(3*x^3)'] = ['-9*x^2*csc(3*x^3)^2', '']
        # poly(trig)
        chain['sin(x)^2'] = ['2*x*cos(x^2)', '']

    if (int(options[0:3]) == 111) and type2 == 1:
        # trig(trig+ln, trig+poly, ln+poly)
        chain['sin(ln(x)+x^2)'] = ['(1/x+2*x)*cos(ln(x)+x^2)', '']

        # ln(trig+ln, trig+poly, ln+poly)
        chain['ln(sin(x)+x)'] = ['(cos(x)+1)/(sin(x)+x)', '']

        # poly(trig+ln, trig+poly, ln+poly)
        chain['(3*sin(x)+ln(x))^2'] = ['2*(3*cos(x)+1/x)*(3*sin(x)+ln(x))', '']

        # trig(poly(poly))
        chain['sin((3*x-2)^2)'] = ['2*(3*x-2)*cos((3*x-2)^2)', '']
        chain['sin((2*x+7)^3)'] = ['3*(2*x+7)^2*cos((2*x+7)^3)', '']

        # ln(poly(poly))
        chain['ln((3-2*x)^2)'] = ['(8*x - 12)/(2*x - 3)^2', '']
        chain['ln(3-2*x)^2'] = ['(4*ln(3 - 2*x))/(2*x - 3)', '']

        # 3 same
        chain['ln(ln(ln(x)))'] = ['1/(x*ln(ln(x))*ln(x))', '']
        chain['e^(e^(e^x))'] = ['e^x*e^(e^x)*e^(e^(e^x))', '']
        chain['sin(sin(sin(x)))'] = ['cos(x)*cos(sin(x))*cos(sin(sin(x)))', '']

    if options[3] == '1' and type2 == 1:
        chain['sinh(cosh(x))'] = ['cosh(cosh(x))*sinh(x)', '']
        chain['cosh(sinh(x))'] = ['sinh(sinh(x))*cosh(x)', '']
        chain['sinh(sinh(x))'] = ['cosh(sinh(x))*cosh(x)', '']
        chain['cosh(cosh(x))'] = ['sinh(cosh(x))*sinh(x)', '']


    product = {}
    if type1 == 2 and type2 == 2:
        # if options[2]=='1' and options[6]=='1':
        # ln*ln
        product['ln(x)*ln(2*x)'] = ['(ln(x)+ln(2*x))/x', '']
        product['ln(x^3+1)*ln(2*x)'] = [
            'ln(x^3+1)/x+(3*x^2*ln(2*x))/(x^3+1)', ''
        product['ln(3*x)*e^(2*x^3)'] = ['e^(2*x^3)*(6*x^2*ln(3*x)+1/x)', '']
        product['e^x*ln(2*x)'] = ['(ln(2*x)+1/x)*e^x', '']

    if type1 == 0 and type2 == 2:
        # if options[0]=='1' and options[6]=='1':
        # poly*poly
        product['(3*x^7+5*x^2)*(x^2+6*x^3)'] = [
            '180*x^9+27*x^8+150*x^4+20*x^3', ''
        product['(x+1)*(x^4+5*x)'] = ['5*x^4+4*x^3+10*x+5', '']
        product['(2*x^2+1)*(5*x^3+1)'] = ['50*x^4 + 15*x^2 + 4*x', '']
        product['(1-x^2)*(2*x^5-1)'] = ['-14*x^6+10*x^4+2*x', '']
        product['(2*x^2-3*x+1)*(5*x^2-4*x)'] = ['40*x^3-69*x^2+34*x-4', '']
        product['(3*x^2+1)*(x+7)'] = ['9*x^2+42*x+1', '']
        product['(3*x^5+4)*(x^10-5*x^2)'] = [
            '-15*x^4*(5*x^2-x^10)-(10*x-10*x^9)*(3*x^5+4)', ''
        product['(x+1)*(x-1)'] = ['2*x', '']

    if type1 == 1 and type2 == 2:
        # if options[1]=='1' and options[6]=='1':
        # trig*trig
        product['sin(x)*cos(x)'] = ['cos(x)^2 - sin(x)^2', '']
        product['sin(x)*tan(x)'] = ['cos(x)*tan(x) + sin(x)*(sec(x)^2)', '']
        product['sin(x)*sec(x)'] = ['tan(x)', '']
        product['sin(x)*csc(x)'] = ['0', '']
        product['sin(x)*cot(x)'] = ['-sin(x)', '']
        product['cos(x)*tan(x)'] = ['cos(x)', '']
        product['cos(x)*sec(x)'] = ['0', '']
        product['cos(x)*csc(x)'] = ['tan(x)', '']
        product['cos(x)*cot(x)'] = ['-cos(x)*(2+cot(x)^2)', '']
        product['tan(x)*sec(x)'] = ['-(cos(x)^2 - 2)/cos(x)^3', '']
        product['tan(x)*csc(x)'] = ['sin(x)/cos(x)^2', '']
        product['tan(x)*cot(x)'] = ['0', '']
        product['sec(x)*csc(x)'] = ['1/cos(x)^2 - 1/sin(x)^2', '']
        product['sec(x)*cot(x)'] = ['-cos(x)/sin(x)^2', '']
        product['csc(x)*cot(x)'] = ['(sin(x)^2 - 2)/sin(x)^3', '']

    if options[0] == '1' and options[1] == '1' and type2 == 2:
        # if options[0]=='1' and options[1]=='1' and options[6]=='1':
        # trig*poly
        product['x*sin(x)'] = ['x*cos(x)+sin(x)', '']
        product['x^2*sin(x)'] = ['x^2*cos(x)+2*x*sin(x)', '']
        product['x*cos(x)'] = ['cos(x)-x*sin(x)', '']
        product['x^2*cos(x)'] = ['2*x*cos(x)-x^2*sin(x)', '']
        product['x*tan(x)'] = ['tan(x)+sec(x)^2', '']
        product['x*sec(x)'] = ['sec(x)+x*sec(x)*tan(x)', '']
        product['x*csc(x)'] = ['csc(x)-x*csc(x)*cot(x)', '']
        product['x*cot(x)'] = ['cot(x)-x*csc(x)^2', '']

    if options[1] == '1' and options[2] == '1' and type2 == 2:
        # ln*trig
        product['ln(x)*sin(x)'] = ['ln(x)*cos(x)+sin(x)/x', '']
        product['ln(x)*cos(x)'] = ['-ln(x)*sin(x)+cos(x)/x', '']
        product['e^x*sin(x)'] = ['e^x*(sin(x)+cos(x))', '']
        product['e^x*cos(x)'] = ['e^x*(-sin(x)+cos(x))', '']

    if options[0] == '1' and options[2] == '1' and type2 == 2:
        # poly*ln
        product['x*ln(x)'] = ['ln(x)+1', '']
        product['x^2*ln(x)'] = ['2*x*ln(x)+x', '']
        product['x^3*ln(x)'] = ['3*x^2*ln(x)+x^2', '']
        product['x*e^x'] = ['(x+1)*e^x', '']
        product['x^2*e^x'] = ['(x^2+2*x)*e^x', '']
        product['x^3*e^x'] = ['(x^3+3*x^2)*e^x', '']
    # poly^3

    # trig^3

    # ln^3

    # ln^2* poly or trig

    # poly^2*trig or ln

    # trig^2* ln or poly
    if options[0] == '1' and options[1] == '1' and options[
            2] == '1' and type2 == 2:
        # poly*trig*ln
        product['(x+1)*ln(x)*sin(x)'] = [
            'ln(x)*sin(x)+cos(x)*ln(x)*(x+1)+(sin(x)*(x+1))/x', ''
    if options[3] == '1' and type2 == 2:
        product['sinh(x)*cosh(x)'] = ['cosh(x)^2+sinh(x)^2', '']
        product['sinh(x)*(sinh(x)^2+cosh(x))'] = [
            'sinh(x)*(sinh(x) + 2*cosh(x)*sinh(x)) + cosh(x)*(sinh(x)^2 + cosh(x))',
        product['cosh(x)*(sinh(x)+2)'] = ['cosh(x)^2+sinh(x)^2+2*sinh(x)', '']

    quotient = {}
    if type1 == 2 and type2 == 2:
        # if options[2]=='1' and options[6]=='1':
        # ln*ln

        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{ln(x)}{ln(2*x)}'] = [
            'ln(2)', '(x*ln(2*x)^2)', ''
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{ln(x^3+1)}{ln(3*x)}'] = [
            '((3*x^2*ln(3*x))/(x^3 - 1) - ln(x^3 - 1)/x)', '(ln(3*x)^2)', ''

    # quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{ln(3*x)*e^(2*x^3)}']=['exp(2*x^3)*(6*x^2*ln(3*x)+1/x)','']
    # quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{e^x*ln(2*x)}']=['(ln(2*x)+1/x)*e^x','']

    if type1 == 0 and type2 == 2:
        # if options[0]=='1' and options[6]=='1':
        # poly*poly
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{7*x^4 + x^3 - 3}{x^2 - 1}'] = [
            '(x^2 - 1)*(28*x^3 + 3*x^2) - 2*x*(7*x^4 + x^3 - 3)',
            '(x^2 - 1)^2', ''
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{x^2 + x}{x - 1}'] = [
            '(2*x + 1)*(x - 1) - x - x^2', '(x - 1)^2', ''
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{x}{x^2 - 1/x}'] = [
            'x^2 - 1/x - x*(2*x + 1/x^2)', '(1/x - x^2)^2', ''
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{x + 3}{1 - x}'] = ['4', '(x - 1)^2', '']
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{x^4 + 2*x + 1}{1 - x^3}'] = [
            '3*x^2*(x^4 + 2*x + 1) - (x^3 - 1)*(4*x^3 + 2)', '(x^3 - 1)^2', ''
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{x^2 + 2*x + 1}{x + 3}'] = [
            '(2*x + 2)*(x + 3) - 2*x - x^2 - 1', '(x + 3)^2', ''

    if type1 == 1 and type2 == 2:
        # if options[1]=='1' and options[6]=='1':
        # trig*trig
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{cos(x)}{sin(x) - 1}'] = [
            '- cos(x)^2 - sin(x)*(sin(x) - 1)', '(sin(x) - 1)^2', ''
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{sin(x)}{sin(x) + 1}'] = [
            'cos(x)*(sin(x) + 1) - cos(x)*sin(x)', '(sin(x) + 1)^2', ''
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{tan(x)}{sin(x) - cos(x)}'] = [
            '- tan(x)*(cos(x) + sin(x)) - (cos(x) - sin(x))*(tan(x)^2 + 1)',
            '(cos(x) - sin(x))^2', ''
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{sin(x) - cos(x)}{cos(x) + sin(x)}'] = [
            '2', '(cos(x) + sin(x))^2', ''

    if options[0] == '1' and options[1] == '1' and type2 == 2:
        # if options[0]=='1' and options[1]=='1' and options[6]=='1':
        # trig*poly
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{sin(x)}{x}'] = [
            'x*cos(x) - sin(x)', 'x^2', ''
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{tan(x)}{x}'] = [
            'x*sec(x)^2 - tan(x)', 'x^2', ''
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{cos(x)}{x^2 + 3}'] = [
            '- sin(x)*(x^2 + 3) - 2*x*cos(x)', '(x^2 + 3)^2', ''

        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{x + sin(x)}{x^2 - 1}'] = [
            '(x^2 - 1)*(cos(x) + 1) - 2*x*(x + sin(x))', '(x^2 - 1)^2', ''
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{x - cos(x)}{x^2 + x}'] = [
            '(sin(x) + 1)*(x^2 + x) - (x - cos(x))*(2*x + 1)', '(x^2 + x)^2',

        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{x}{sin(x)}'] = [
            'sin(x) - x*cos(x)', 'sin(x)^2', ''
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{x}{x + cos(x)}'] = [
            'x + cos(x) + x*(sin(x) - 1)', '(x + cos(x))^2', ''
    # quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{x^2 }{tan(x) - x^3}']=['2*x*(tan(x) - x^3) - x^2*(- 3*x^2 + tan(x)^2 + 1)','(tan(x) - x^3)^2','']

    if options[1] == '1' and options[2] == '1' and type2 == 2:
        # ln*trig
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{sin(x)}{e^(x) - 1}'] = [
            'cos(x)*(e^(x) - 1) - e^(x)*sin(x)', '(e^(x) - 1)^2', ''
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{tan(x)}{ln(x)}'] = [
            'ln(x)*(tan(x)^2 + 1) - tan(x)/x', 'ln(x)^2', ''
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{sin(x) + tan(x)}{e^x+ln(x)}'] = [
            '(e^x + ln(x))*(sec(x)^2 + cos(x))-(e^x + 1/x)*(sin(x)+tan(x))',
            '(e^x + ln(x))^2', ''
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{ln(x)}{cos(x)}'] = [
            'cos(x)/x + ln(x)*sin(x)', 'cos(x)^2', ''

        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{cos(x) + e^(x)}{ln(x)}'] = [
            'ln(x)*(e^(x) - sin(x)) - (cos(x) + e^(x))/x', 'ln(x)^2', ''

    if options[0] == '1' and options[2] == '1' and type2 == 2:
        # poly*ln
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{ln(x)}{x}'] = ['1 - ln(x)', 'x^2', '']
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{ln(x)}{x^2 + 1}'] = [
            '(x^2 + 1)/x - 2*x*ln(x)', '(x^2 + 1)^2', ''
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{x}{e^(x) + 1}'] = [
            'e^(x) - x*e^(x) + 1', '(e^(x) + 1)^2', ''
        quotient['\displaystyle\\frac{ln(x)}{e^(x) + ln(x)}'] = [
            '(e^(x) + ln(x))/x - ln(x)*(e^(x) + 1/x)', '(e^(x) + ln(x))^2', ''

    # poly^3

    # trig^3

    # ln^3

    # ln^2* poly or trig

    # poly^2*trig or ln

    if options[3] == '1' and type2 == 2:
        product['sinh(x)*cosh(x)'] = ['cosh(x)^2+sinh(x)^2', '']
        product['sinh(x)*(sinh(x)^2+cosh(x))'] = [
            'sinh(x)*(sinh(x) + 2*cosh(x)*sinh(x)) + cosh(x)*(sinh(x)^2 + cosh(x))',
        product['cosh(x)*(sinh(x)+2)'] = ['cosh(x)^2+sinh(x)^2+2*sinh(x)', '']


    # implicit={}

    if type2 == 3:
        if int(options[0:3]) == 111:
            implicit = partial.partial(2, 'mixed')
            if type1 == 0:  # poly
                implicit = partial.partial(2, 'poly')
            if type1 == 1:  # trig
                implicit = partial.partial(2, 'trig')
            if type1 == 2:  # trans
                implicit = partial.partial(2, 'trans')
            if type1 == 3:  # hypinv
                implicit = partial.partial(2, 'hypinv')

            #  master_bank.update(implicit)

    # print len(master_bank)
    if type2 != 3:
        rand1 = random.randrange(0, len(master_bank))
        f = master_bank.keys()[rand1]
        if len(master_bank[f]) == 3:
            ans = '(%s)/(%s)' % (master_bank[f][0], master_bank[f][1])
            anstex = 'The answer is $f\'(x)=\displaystyle\\frac{%s}{%s}$' % (
                toTEX(master_bank[f][0]), toTEX(master_bank[f][1]))
            ans = master_bank[f][0]
            anstex = 'The answer is $f\'(x)=' + toTEX(ans) + '$'
        probtex = 'Given the function $f(x)=' + toTEX(
            f) + '$, find the derivative $f\'(x)$'
        prefix = '$f\'(x)=$'
        hint = ''

        f = implicit.f
        ans = implicit.yx
        hint = ''
        probtex = 'Given the equation $' + frac(toTEX(f)) + '=0$, find $y\'.$'
        prefix = '$y\'=$'
        anstex = 'The answer is $y\'=' + frac(toTEX(ans)) + '$'

    suffix = ''

    if type2 == 1:
        hint = 'Use <a class="hintlink" href="" target="_blank">Chain Rule</a>.'
    elif type2 == 2 and len(master_bank[f]) == 3:
        hint = 'Use <a class="hintlink" href="" target="_blank">Product Rule or the Quotient Rule</a>.'
    elif type2 == 2 and len(master_bank[f]) < 3:
        hint = 'Use <a class="hintlink" href="" target="_blank">Product Rule</a>.'

    print probtex
    print ans
    print anstex
    print prefix
    print suffix
    print hint
Beispiel #8
 def test_with_many_arguments(self):
     template = "{0} {1} and {2} and {red} {green} and {blue}"
     with_four_args = partial(template.format, 1, 2, 3, 4)
     with_kwargs_too = partial(with_four_args, red=4, green=5, blue=6)
     self.assertEqual(with_kwargs_too(), "1 2 and 3 and 4 5 and 6")
Beispiel #9
 def register(self, entry_name, constructor, *args, **kargs):
     ''' register a constructor '''
     if self.is_registered(entry_name):
         raise ValueError('Duplicate %s' % entry_name)
     self.registered[entry_name] = partial(constructor, *args, **kargs)
Beispiel #10
 def register(self, methodName, constructor, *args, **kargs):
     ''' register a constructor '''
     if self.is_registered(methodName):
         raise ValueError(methodName)
     setattr(self, methodName, partial(constructor, *args, **kargs))
Beispiel #11
 def register(self, entry_name, constructor, *args, **kargs):
     ''' register a constructor '''
     if self.is_registered(entry_name):
         raise ValueError( 'Duplicate %s' % entry_name )
     self.registered[entry_name] = partial(constructor, *args, **kargs)
Beispiel #12
 def register(self, methodName, constructor, *args, **kargs):
     ''' register a constructor '''
     if self.is_registered(methodName):
         raise ValueError( methodName )
     setattr(self, methodName, partial(constructor, *args, **kargs) )