def stringToPrint():
    answer = ""
    answer += "Here are the **" + str(participantCollection.size()) + " participants** who have already signed up:\n\n"
    for participant in participantCollection.participants:
        answer += "/u/" +
        answer += "\n\n"
    return answer
def stringToPrint():
    answer = ""
    answer += "Here are the **" + str(participantCollection.size(
    )) + " participants** who have already signed up:\n\n"
    for participant in participantCollection.participants:
        answer += "/u/" +
        answer += "\n\n"
    return answer
currentDayOfWeekName = {
    0: 'Monday',
    1: 'Tuesday',
    2: 'Wednesday',
    3: 'Thursday',
    4: 'Friday',
    5: 'Saturday',
    6: 'Sunday'

#TODO: testing
#currentDayOfMonthIndex = 28

participantCollection = participantCollection.ParticipantCollection()
initialNumber = participantCollection.size()

def templateForParticipants():
    answer = ""
    answer += "Here are the **INITIAL_NUMBER participants** who have already signed up:\n\n"
    for participant in participantCollection.participants:
        answer += "/u/" +
        answer += "\n\n"
    return answer

def templateForTooEarly():
    answer = ""
    answer += "(Too early.  Come back on CURRENT_MONTH_NAME " + str(
        currentMonthTotalDays - 6) + ")\n"
Beispiel #4
currentMonthTotalDays = 30
currentMonthPenultimateDayIndex = currentMonthTotalDays - 1
currentMonthName = {1:'January', 2:'February', 3:'March', 4:'April', 5:'May', 6:'June', 7:'July', 8:'August', 9:'September', 10:'October', 11:'November', 12:'December'}[currentMonthIndex]
nextMonthIndex = currentMonthIndex % 12 + 1
nextMonthName = {1:'January', 2:'February', 3:'March', 4:'April', 5:'May', 6:'June', 7:'July', 8:'August', 9:'September', 10:'October', 11:'November', 12:'December'}[nextMonthIndex]
currentDayOfMonthIndex =
# TODO: testing...
currentDayOfMonthIndex = 29
# TODO:  more...
currentDayOfMonthName = {1:'first', 2:'second', 3:'third', 4:'fourth', 5:'fifth', 6:'sixth', 7:'seventh', 8:'eighth', 9:'ninth', 10:'tenth', 11:'eleventh', 12:'twelfth', 13:'thirteenth', 14:'fourteenth', 15:'fifteenth', 16:'sixteenth', 17:'seventeenth', 18:'eighteenth', 19:'nineteenth', 20:'twentieth', 21:'twenty-first', 22:'twenty-second', 23:'twenty-third', 24:'twenty-fourth', 25:'twenty-fifth', 26:'twenty-sixth', 27:'twenty-seventh', 28:'twenty-eighth', 29:'twenty-ninth', 30:'thirtieth', 31:'thirty-first'}[currentDayOfMonthIndex]
currentDayOfWeekName = {0:'Monday', 1:'Tuesday', 2:'Wednesday', 3:'Thursday', 4:'Friday', 5:'Saturday', 6:'Sunday'}[]

participantCollection = participantCollection.ParticipantCollection()
numberStillIn = participantCollection.sizeOfParticipantsWhoAreStillIn()
initialNumber = participantCollection.size()
percentStillIn = int(round(100*numberStillIn/initialNumber,0))

# print "There are currently **" + str(numberStillIn) + " out of " + str(initialNumber) +"** original participants.  That's **" + str(int(round(100*numberStillIn/initialNumber,0))) + "%**  Here is the list of participants still with the challenge:\n"

def stringToPrintLegacy():
    answer = "There are currently **NUMBER_STILL_IN out of INITIAL_NUMBER** original participants.  That's **PERCENT_STILL_IN%**.  Here is the list of participants still with the challenge:\n\n"
    answer = re.sub( 'NUMBER_STILL_IN', str(numberStillIn), answer )
    answer = re.sub( 'INITIAL_NUMBER', str(initialNumber), answer )
    answer = re.sub( 'PERCENT_STILL_IN', str(percentStillIn), answer )
    for participant in participantCollection.participantsWhoAreStillIn():
        answer += "/u/" +
        if not participant.hasCheckedIn:
            answer += " ~"
        answer += "\n\n"
import participantCollection

participantCollection = participantCollection.ParticipantCollection()
print "Here are the **" + str(participantCollection.size()) + " participants** who have already signed up:\n"
for participant in participantCollection.participants:
    print "/u/" +
    print ""