Beispiel #1
def writeNYNetwork():
	print "Loading file"
	filename = 'bin/zhangNYDataOSM.mat'
	raw = planparser.loadMatData(filename)
	print "Loading variables"
	RoadGraph = raw['RoadGraph']
	NodesLocation = raw['NodesLocation']
	RoadCap = sp.csr_matrix(raw['RoadCap'])
	TravelTimes = sp.csr_matrix(raw['LinkTime'])
	LinkLengths = sp.csr_matrix(raw['LinkLength'])
	NumLanes = sp.csr_matrix(raw['NumLanes'])
	LinkSpeed = sp.csr_matrix(raw['LinkSpeed'])

	print "Creating things"
	network = ET.Element('network')
	nodes = ET.SubElement(network, 'nodes')
	links = ET.SubElement(network, 'links')
	links.set('capperiod', '01:00:00')

	print "Calling writer for nodes"
	writeNodes(nodes, NodesLocation)
	print "Calling writer for links"
	writeLinks(links, RoadGraph, RoadCap, LinkLengths, NumLanes, LinkSpeed)

	parsed = pathwriter.cleanXML(network)

	parsed = parsed[0:22] + '\n<!DOCTYPE network SYSTEM "">' + \
	outfilename = 'res/NYOSMnetwork_225cap.xml'
	print "Saving"
	with open(outfilename, 'w') as f:
Beispiel #2
def writeNYNetwork():
	filename = 'bin/zhangNYdata.mat'
	raw = planparser.loadMatData(filename)
	RoadGraph = raw['RoadGraph']
	NodesLocation = raw['NodesLocation']
	RoadCap = sp.csr_matrix(raw['RoadCap'])
	TravelTimes = sp.csr_matrix(raw['LinkTime'])
	LinkLengths = sp.csr_matrix(raw['LinkLength'])
	NumLanes = sp.csr_matrix(raw['NumLanes'])
	LinkSpeed = sp.csr_matrix(raw['LinkSpeed'])

	network = ET.Element('network')
	nodes = ET.SubElement(network, 'nodes')
	links = ET.SubElement(network, 'links')
	links.set('capperiod', '01:00:00')

	writeNodes(nodes, NodesLocation)
	writeLinks(links, RoadGraph, RoadCap, LinkLengths, NumLanes, LinkSpeed)

	parsed = pathwriter.cleanXML(network)

	parsed = parsed[0:22] + '\n<!DOCTYPE network SYSTEM "">' + \
	outfilename = 'res/nynetwork.xml'

	with open(outfilename, 'w') as f:
Beispiel #3
def turnCSVIntoPlans(filename, roads):
	plans = ET.Element("population")
	rawdata = planparser.loadMatData('bin/zhangNYdata.mat')
	locations = rawdata['NodesLocation']

	with open(filename, 'r') as f:
		reader = csv.reader(f)
		for i, trip in enumerate(reader):
			dropoffx, dropoffy = float(trip[7])*1000000, float(trip[8])*1000000
			pickupx, pickupy = float(trip[5])*1000000, float(trip[6])*1000000
			closestpickupnode = planparser.findClosestNode(pickupx, pickupy, locations)
			listoflinks = roads.get(str(closestpickupnode))
			pickuplink = str(random.choice(listoflinks))
			closestdropoffnode = planparser.findClosestNode(dropoffx, dropoffy, locations)
			listoflinks = roads.get(str(closestdropoffnode))
			dropofflink = random.choice(listoflinks)

			if (dropofflink != pickuplink):
				person = ET.SubElement(plans, "person")
				person.set('id', str(i+1))
				plan = ET.SubElement(person, "plan")
				plan.set('selected', 'yes')
				hour, minute, second = int(trip[2]), int(trip[3]), int(trip[4])
				time = datetime.datetime(100,1,1,hour,minute,second)
				act = ET.SubElement(plan, 'act')
				act.set('type', 'dummy')
				act.set('end_time', str(time.time()))
				act.set('link', pickuplink)
				leg = ET.SubElement(plan, 'leg')
				leg.set('mode', 'taxi')
				leg.set('dep_time', str(time.time()))
				leg.set('trav_time', '00:01:00')
				delta = datetime.timedelta(0,TRAV_TIME_SECONDS)
				leg.set('arr_time', str((time + delta).time()))
				route = ET.SubElement(leg, 'route')
				act2 = ET.SubElement(plan, 'act')
				act2.set('type', 'dummy')
				act2.set('link', dropofflink)			

	print("Cleaning XML...")
	parsed = pathwriter.cleanXML(plans)
	parsed = parsed[0:22] + '\n<!DOCTYPE population SYSTEM "">' + \

	print("Writing XML...")
	outfilename = 'res/amod1820plans.xml'
	with open(outfilename, 'w') as f:
Beispiel #4
def makeVehicles():
    vehicles = ET.Element('vehicles')
    for i in range(NUMVEHICLES):
        initializeVehicle(vehicles, i)

    parsed = pathwriter.cleanXML(vehicles)

    parsed = parsed[0:22] + '\n<!DOCTYPE vehicles SYSTEM "">' + \

    outfile = 'res/amod_vehicles_OSM.xml'
    with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
Beispiel #5
def makeVehicles():
    vehicles = ET.Element("vehicles")
    for i in range(NUMVEHICLES):
        initializeVehicle(vehicles, i)

    parsed = pathwriter.cleanXML(vehicles)

    parsed = (
        + '\n<!DOCTYPE vehicles SYSTEM "">'
        + parsed[22:]

    outfile = "res/amod_vehicles.xml"
    with open(outfile, "w") as f:
Beispiel #6
def turnCSVIntoPlans(filename, roadsIn, roadsOut, roadMap):
	plans = ET.Element("population")
	rawdata = planparser.loadMatData('bin/zhangNYDataOSM.mat')
	locations = rawdata['NodesLocation']

	with open(filename, 'r') as f:
		reader = csv.reader(f)
		possiblepickups = [locations[int(node)-1] for node in list(roadsOut.keys())]
		possiblepickupsidx = [node for node in list(roadsOut.keys())]
		possibledropoffs = [locations[int(node)-1] for node in list(roadsIn.keys())]
 		possibledropoffsidx = [node for node in list(roadsIn.keys())]
		possiblenodes = [locations[int(node)-1] for node in list(set(roadsOut.keys()) & set(roadsIn.keys()))]
		possiblenodesidx= [node for node in list(set(roadsOut.keys()) & set(roadsIn.keys()))]

		for i, trip in enumerate(reader):
			# if i > count:
			#   break

			hour, minute, second = int(trip[2]), int(trip[3]), int(trip[4])

			if (START_HOUR <= hour < END_HOUR):
				dropoffx, dropoffy = float(trip[7])*1000, float(trip[8])*1000
				pickupx, pickupy = float(trip[5])*1000, float(trip[6])*1000
				closestpickupnode = planparser.findClosestNode(pickupx, pickupy, possiblepickups)
				#closestpickupnode = planparser.findClosestNode(pickupx, pickupy, possiblenodes)
				#print("Pickup distance (short):",planparser.findDistance(pickupx,pickupy,possiblenodes[int(closestpickupnode-1)]))
				#Map the node back to the original list of nodes (not the list of pickupnodes)
				#I do not really understand why we need the -1...Federico
				closestpickupnode = possiblepickupsidx[closestpickupnode-1]
				#closestpickupnode = possiblenodesidx[closestpickupnode-1]
				#print("Pickup distance (long) :",planparser.findDistance(pickupx,pickupy,locations[int(closestpickupnode)-1]))
				listoflinks = roadsOut.get(str(closestpickupnode))
				# Now, what nodes do these links lead to? 
				#Let us only keep the links such that the end node (exit) has neighbors
				#listoflinks = [link for link in listoflinks if len([roadsOut.get(roadMap[link][1])])]
				#listoflinks = [link for link in listoflinks if roadMap[link][1] in possiblenodesidx]
				pickuplink = str(random.choice(listoflinks))

				closestdropoffnode = planparser.findClosestNode(dropoffx, dropoffy, possibledropoffs)
				#closestdropoffnode = planparser.findClosestNode(dropoffx, dropoffy, possiblenodes)
				#print("Dropoff distance (short):",planparser.findDistance(dropoffx,dropoffy,possiblenodes[int(closestdropoffnode-1)]))
				closestdropoffnode = possibledropoffsidx[closestdropoffnode-1]
				#closestdropoffnode = possiblenodesidx[closestdropoffnode-1]
				#print("Dropoff distance (long) :",planparser.findDistance(dropoffx,dropoffy,locations[int(closestdropoffnode)-1]))
				listoflinks = roadsIn.get(str(closestdropoffnode))
				#listoflinks = [link for link in listoflinks if roadMap[link][1] in possiblenodesidx]
				dropofflink = random.choice(listoflinks)


				if (dropofflink != pickuplink):
					person = ET.SubElement(plans, "person")
					person.set('id', str(i+1))
					plan = ET.SubElement(person, "plan")
					plan.set('selected', 'yes')
					time = datetime.datetime(100,1,1,hour-START_HOUR,minute,second)
					act = ET.SubElement(plan, 'act')
					act.set('type', 'dummy')
					act.set('end_time', str(time.time()))
					act.set('link', pickuplink)
					leg = ET.SubElement(plan, 'leg')
					leg.set('mode', 'taxi')
					leg.set('dep_time', str(time.time()))
					leg.set('trav_time', '00:01:00')
					delta = datetime.timedelta(0,TRAV_TIME_SECONDS)
					leg.set('arr_time', str((time + delta).time()))
					#route = ET.SubElement(leg, 'route')
					act2 = ET.SubElement(plan, 'act')
					act2.set('type', 'dummy')
					act2.set('link', dropofflink)           

	print("Cleaning XML...")
	parsed = pathwriter.cleanXML(plans)
	parsed = parsed[0:22] + '\n<!DOCTYPE population SYSTEM "">' + \

	print("Writing XML...")
	outfilename = 'res/march05plansOSM.xml'
	with open(outfilename, 'w') as f: