def test_nodes_view(mock_app, database, test_node, test_client):
    """testing viewing the list of connected nodes as an authenticated client"""

    # insert a test client in database
    add_node(mongo_db=database, obj=test_client, is_client=True)
    ok_token = test_client["auth_token"]

    # If you try to see nodes without being authorized
    response = mock_app.test_client().get("nodes")
    # You should get a not authorized code from server
    assert response.status_code == 401

    # since there are no connected nodes in database
    assert database["nodes"].find_one() is None
    # When you send an authorized request
    response = mock_app.test_client().get("nodes",
    data = json.loads(
    # you shoud get an empty list
    assert data == []

    # insert a test node in database
    add_node(mongo_db=database, obj=test_node, is_client=False)
    # When you send an authorized request
    response = mock_app.test_client().get("nodes",
    data = json.loads(
    # this time you should get a list with one element
    assert len(data) == 1
    # and the id of the element is the id of the node
    assert data[0]["id"] == test_node["_id"]
def test_delete_patient(mock_app, database, gpx4_patients, test_client,
    """Test deleting a patient from database by sending a DELETE request"""

    # load 2 patients from demo data in mock database
    assert len(gpx4_patients) == 2
    inserted_ids = []
    for pat in gpx4_patients:
        # convert patient in mme patient type (convert also gene to ensembl)
        mme_pat = mme_patient(pat, True)
        inserted_ids.append(backend_add_patient(database, mme_pat))

    assert len(inserted_ids) == 2

    # 50 cases present on patients collection
    delete_id = "P0001058"

    # try to delete patient without auth token:
    response = mock_app.test_client().delete("".join(
        ["patient/delete/", delete_id]))
    assert response.status_code == 401

    # Add a valid client node
    ok_token = test_client["auth_token"]
    add_node(mongo_db=mock_app.db, obj=test_client, is_client=True)

    # Send delete request providing a valid token but a non valid id
    response = mock_app.test_client().delete("".join(
        ["patient/delete/", "not_a_valid_ID"]),
    assert response.status_code == 200
    data = json.loads(
    # but server returns error
    assert (
        data["message"] ==
        "ERROR. Could not delete a patient with ID not_a_valid_ID from database"

    assert database["matches"].find_one() is None  # no matches in database
    # insert into database some mock matching objects

    # patient "delete_id" should have two associated matches in database
    results = database["matches"].find({"": delete_id})
    assert len(list(results)) == 2

    # Send valid patient ID and valid token
    response = mock_app.test_client().delete("".join(
        ["patient/delete/", delete_id]),
    assert response.status_code == 200

    # make sure that the patient was removed from database
    results = database["patients"].find()
    assert len(list(results)) == 1

    # make sure that patient matches are also gone
    results = database["matches"].find()
    assert len(list(results)) == 1
def test_match_hgnc_symbol_patient(mock_app, gpx4_patients, test_client,
    """Testing matching patient with gene symbl against patientMatcher database (internal matching)"""

    # add an authorized client to database
    ok_token = test_client["auth_token"]
    add_node(mongo_db=mock_app.db, obj=test_client, is_client=True)

    query_patient = {"patient": gpx4_patients[0]}
    assert query_patient["patient"]["genomicFeatures"][0]["gene"][
        "id"] == "GPX4"

    # load 2 test patient in mock database
    assert len(gpx4_patients) == 2
    inserted_ids = []
    for pat in gpx4_patients:
        # convert patient in mme patient type (convert also gene to ensembl)
        mme_pat = mme_patient(pat, True)
        inserted_ids.append(backend_add_patient(database, mme_pat))

    assert len(inserted_ids) == 2

    # test the API response validator with non valid patient data:
    malformed_match_results = {"results": "fakey_results"}
    assert validate_response(malformed_match_results) == 422

    # make sure that there are no patient matches in the 'matches collection'
    assert database["matches"].find_one() is None

    # send a POST request to match patient with patients in database
    response = mock_app.test_client().post("/match",
    assert response.status_code == 200  # POST request should be successful
    data = json.loads(
    # data should contain results and the max number of results is as defined in the config file
    assert len(data["results"]) == 2
    assert type(data["results"]) == list  # which is a list
    assert "patient" in data["results"][0]  # of patients
    assert "score" in data["results"][0]  # with matching scores
    assert "contact" in data["results"][0][
        "patient"]  # contact info should be available as well

    # make sure that there are match object is created in db for this internal matching
    match = database["matches"].find_one()
    for res in match["results"]:
        for pat in res["patients"]:
            assert pat["patient"][
                "contact"]  # each result should have a contact person
            assert pat["score"]["patient"] > 0
Beispiel #4
def test_match_entrez_patient(mock_app, test_client, gpx4_patients, database):
    """Test matching patient with ensembl gene against patientMatcher database (internal matching)"""

    # add an authorized client to database
    ok_token = test_client['auth_token']
    add_node(mongo_db=mock_app.db, obj=test_client, is_client=True)

    query_patient = gpx4_patients[0]
    query_patient = {'patient': gpx4_patients[0]}
    for feat in query_patient['patient']['genomicFeatures']:
        feat['gene']['id'] == "2879"  # entrez id for GPX4

    # load 2 test patient in mock database
    assert len(gpx4_patients) == 2
    inserted_ids = []
    for pat in gpx4_patients:
        # convert patient in mme patient type (convert also gene to ensembl)
        mme_pat = mme_patient(pat, True)
        inserted_ids.append(backend_add_patient(database, mme_pat))

    assert len(inserted_ids) == 2

    # make sure that there are no patient matches in the 'matches collection'
    assert database['matches'].find().count() == 0

    # send a POST request to match patient with patients in database
    response = mock_app.test_client().post('/match',
    assert response.status_code == 200  # POST request should be successful
    data = json.loads(
    # data should contain results and the max number of results is as defined in the config file
    assert len(data['results']) == 2
    assert type(data['results']) == list  # which is a list
    assert 'patient' in data['results'][0]  # of patients
    assert 'score' in data['results'][0]  # with matching scores
    assert 'contact' in data['results'][0][
        'patient']  # contact info should be available as well

    # make sure that a match object is created in db for this internal matching
    match = database['matches'].find_one()
    for res in match['results']:
        for pat in res['patients']:
            assert pat['patient'][
                'contact']  # each result should have a contact person
            assert pat['score']['patient'] > 0
    # and query patient should have hgnc gene symbol saved as non-standard _geneName field
    assert match['data']['patient']['genomicFeatures'][0]['gene'][
        '_geneName'] == 'GPX4'
Beispiel #5
def test_metrics(mock_app, database, test_client, demo_data_path, match_objs):
    """Testing viewing the list of patients on server for authorized users"""

    # send a get request without being authorized
    response = mock_app.test_client().get('metrics')
    assert response.status_code == 401

    # add an authorized client to database
    ok_token = test_client['auth_token']

    add_node(mongo_db=mock_app.db, obj=test_client, is_client=True)

    # make sure that database contains at least one client with auth_token == test_client['auth_token']
    clients = mock_app.db['clients'].find({'auth_token': ok_token}).count()
    assert clients > 0

    # load demo data of 50 test patients
    inserted_ids = load_demo(demo_data_path, database)
    assert len(inserted_ids) == 50  # 50 test cases should be loaded

    # load mock matches into database
    assert database.matches.find().count() == 3

    # if a valid token is provided the server should return metrics with patient data and matching results
    auth_response = mock_app.test_client().get('metrics',
    assert auth_response.status_code == 200

    data = json.loads(
    assert data['disclaimer']  # disclaimer should be returned
    metrics = data['metrics']

    assert metrics['numberOfCases'] == 50
    assert metrics['numberOfSubmitters'] > 0
    assert metrics['numberOfGenes'] > metrics['numberOfUniqueGenes']
    assert metrics['numberOfVariants'] > metrics['numberOfUniqueVariants']
    assert metrics['numberOfFeatures'] > metrics['numberOfUniqueFeatures']
    assert metrics['numberOfCasesWithDiagnosis'] > 0
    assert metrics[
        'numberOfUniqueGenesMatched'] == 0  # no gene was provided in match_obj results
    assert metrics['numberOfRequestsReceived'] == 2  # Sent 2 requests
    assert metrics[
        'numberOfPotentialMatchesSent'] == 1  # Just one has returned results
def test_add_client(database, test_client):
    """Test adding a client with auth token to the database"""

    is_client = True

    # no clients should be present in demo database
    nclients = database['clients'].find().count()
    assert nclients == 0

    inserted_id, collection = add_node(mongo_db=database, obj=test_client, is_client=is_client)

    assert inserted_id == test_client['_id']
    assert collection == 'clients'
    nclients = database['clients'].find().count()
    assert nclients == 1

    # make sure that once a node is inserted it's not possible to add another node with the same id
    inserted_id, collection = add_node(mongo_db=database, obj=test_client, is_client=True)
    assert inserted_id == None
def test_add_server(database, test_node):
    """Test adding a server with auth token to the database"""

    is_client = False

    # no server should be present in demo database
    nservers = database['nodes'].find().count()
    assert nservers == 0

    inserted_id, collection = add_node(mongo_db=database, obj=test_node, is_client=is_client)

    assert inserted_id == test_node['_id']
    assert collection == 'nodes'
    nservers = database['nodes'].find().count()
    assert nservers == 1

    # make sure that once a node is inserted it's not possible to add another node with the same id
    inserted_id, collection = add_node(mongo_db=database, obj=test_node, is_client=is_client)
    assert inserted_id == None
def test_add_patient_malformed_data(mock_app, test_client, gpx4_patients,
    """Test sending a POST request to server to add a patient with malformed data"""

    patient_data = gpx4_patients[1]

    # Given a node with authorized token
    ok_token = test_client["auth_token"]

    add_node(mongo_db=mock_app.db, obj=test_client, is_client=True)
    add_node(mongo_db=mock_app.db, obj=test_node,
             is_client=False)  # add a test node, to perform external matching

    # add a patient not conforming to MME API using a valid auth token
    response = mock_app.test_client().post("patient/add",
    # and check that the server returns an error 422 (unprocessable entity)
    assert response.status_code == 422
def test_add_patient_malformed_patient(mock_app, test_client, gpx4_patients,
    """Test sending a POST request to server to add a patient with malformed patient json"""

    patient_data = gpx4_patients[1]

    # Given a node with authorized token
    ok_token = test_client["auth_token"]

    add_node(mongo_db=mock_app.db, obj=test_client, is_client=True)
    add_node(mongo_db=mock_app.db, obj=test_node, is_client=False)  #

    # send a malformed json object using a valid auth token
    malformed_json = "{'_id': 'patient_id' }"
    response = mock_app.test_client().post("patient/add",
    # and check that you get the correct error code from server(400)
    assert response.status_code == 400
def test_update_patient(mock_app, test_client, gpx4_patients, test_node,
    """Test updating a patient by sending a POST request to the add endpoint with valid data"""

    patient_data = gpx4_patients[1]

    # Given a node with authorized token
    ok_token = test_client["auth_token"]

    add_node(mongo_db=mock_app.db, obj=test_client, is_client=True)
    add_node(mongo_db=mock_app.db, obj=test_node,
             is_client=False)  # add a test node, to perform external matching

    # a matches collection without documents
    assert database["matches"].find_one() is None

    # and an empty patients collection
    assert database["patients"].find_one() is None

    # GIVEN a patient added using the add enpoint
    patient_obj = {"patient": patient_data}  # this is a valid patient object
    response = mock_app.test_client().post("patient/add",
    assert response.status_code == 200

    # WHEN the patient is updated using the same add endpoint
    patient_data["label"] = "modified patient label"
    patient_obj = {"patient": patient_data}  # this
    response = mock_app.test_client().post("patient/add",
    assert response.status_code == 200

    # Then there should still be one patient in the database
    results = database["patients"].find()
    assert len(list(results)) == 1

    # And the update has triggered an additional external patient matching
    results = database["matches"].find()
    assert len(list(results)) == 2
Beispiel #11
def test_add_client(database, test_client):
    """Test adding a client with auth token to the database"""

    is_client = True

    # no clients should be present in demo database
    assert database["clients"].find_one() is None

    inserted_id, collection = add_node(mongo_db=database,

    assert inserted_id == test_client["_id"]
    assert collection == "clients"
    assert database["clients"].find_one()

    # make sure that once a node is inserted it's not possible to add another node with the same id
    inserted_id, collection = add_node(mongo_db=database,
    assert inserted_id == None
Beispiel #12
def test_add_server(database, test_node):
    """Test adding a server with auth token to the database"""

    is_client = False

    # no server should be present in demo database
    assert database["nodes"].find_one() is None

    inserted_id, collection = add_node(mongo_db=database,

    assert inserted_id == test_node["_id"]
    assert collection == "nodes"
    assert database["nodes"].find_one()

    # make sure that once a node is inserted it's not possible to add another node with the same id
    inserted_id, collection = add_node(mongo_db=database,
    assert inserted_id == None
def test_add_patient(mock_app, test_client, gpx4_patients, test_node,
    """Test adding a patient by sending a POST request to the add endpoint with valid data"""

    patient_data = gpx4_patients[1]

    # Given a node with authorized token
    ok_token = test_client["auth_token"]

    add_node(mongo_db=mock_app.db, obj=test_client, is_client=True)
    add_node(mongo_db=mock_app.db, obj=test_node,
             is_client=False)  # add a test node, to perform external matching

    # a matches collection without documents
    assert database["matches"].find_one() is None

    # and an empty patients collection
    assert database["patients"].find_one() is None

    patient_obj = {"patient": patient_data}  # this is a valid patient object
    # WHEN the patient is added using the add enpoint
    response = mock_app.test_client().post("patient/add",
    assert response.status_code == 200

    # make sure that the POST request to add the patient triggers the matching request to an external node
    assert database["matches"].find_one()

    # There should be one patient in database now
    assert database["patients"].find_one()

    # the patient in database has label "Patient number 1"
    result = database["patients"].find_one({"label": "350_2-test"})
    # make sure patient's gene was converted to ensembl
    assert result["genomicFeatures"][0]["gene"]["id"].startswith("ENSG")
    # and that non-standard but informative _geneName field was added to genomic feature
    assert result["genomicFeatures"][0]["gene"]["_geneName"] == "GPX4"
def test_heartbeat(mock_app, database, test_client):
    """Test sending a GET request to see if app has a heartbeat"""

    # send a get request without being authorized
    response = mock_app.test_client().get("heartbeat")
    assert response.status_code == 401

    # add an authorized client to database
    ok_token = test_client["auth_token"]
    add_node(mongo_db=mock_app.db, obj=test_client, is_client=True)

    # make sure that the request using its token is valid
    response = mock_app.test_client().get("heartbeat",
    assert response.status_code == 200

    # Make sure that all important info is returned
    data = json.loads(
    assert data["disclaimer"] == mock_app.config.get("DISCLAIMER")
    assert data["heartbeat"]["version"] == __version__
    assert isinstance(data["heartbeat"]["production"], bool)
    assert isinstance(data["heartbeat"]["accept"], list)
    assert len(data["heartbeat"]["accept"]) > 0
Beispiel #15
def client(id, token, url, contact=None):
    """Adds a new client to database"""
    click.echo("Adding a new client to database")
    client_obj = {
        '_id' : id,
        'created' :,
        'auth_token' : token,
        'base_url' : url,
        'contact' : contact
    inserted_id, collection = add_node(mongo_db=current_app.db, obj=client_obj, is_client=True)
    if inserted_id:
        click.echo('Inserted client with ID "{}" into database collection {}'.format(inserted_id, collection))
Beispiel #16
def node(id, label, token, matching_url, accepted_content, contact=None):
    """Adds a new server to database"""
    click.echo("Adding a new MatchMaker node to database")
    node_obj = {
        '_id' : id,
        'label' : label,
        'created' :,
        'auth_token' : token,
        'matching_url' : matching_url,
        'accepted_content' : accepted_content,
        'contact' : contact
    inserted_id, collection = add_node(mongo_db=current_app.db, obj=node_obj, is_client=False)
    if inserted_id:
        click.echo('Inserted node with ID "{}" into database collection {}'.format(inserted_id, collection))
Beispiel #17
def client(id, token, url, contact=None):
    """Adds a new client to database"""
    click.echo("Adding a new client to database")
    client_obj = {
        "_id": id,
        "auth_token": token,
        "base_url": url,
        "contact": contact,
    inserted_id, collection = add_node(mongo_db=current_app.db,
    if inserted_id:
            'Inserted client with ID "{}" into database collection {}'.format(
                inserted_id, collection))
Beispiel #18
def node(id, label, token, matching_url, accepted_content, contact=None):
    """Adds a new server to database"""
    click.echo("Adding a new MatchMaker node to database")
    node_obj = {
        "_id": id,
        "label": label,
        "auth_token": token,
        "matching_url": matching_url,
        "accepted_content": accepted_content,
        "contact": contact,
    inserted_id, collection = add_node(mongo_db=current_app.db,
    if inserted_id:
            'Inserted node with ID "{}" into database collection {}'.format(
                inserted_id, collection))
def test_match_external(mock_app, test_client, test_node, database,
    """Testing the view that is sending post request to trigger matches on external nodes"""

    # add an authorized client to database
    ok_token = test_client["auth_token"]
    add_node(mongo_db=mock_app.db, obj=test_client,
             is_client=True)  # required to trigger external matches

    a_patient = json_patients[0]
    parsed_patient = mme_patient(a_patient)

    # insert patient into mock database:
    assert database["patients"].find_one() is None
    inserted_id = database["patients"].insert_one(parsed_patient).inserted_id
    assert database["patients"].find_one()

    # send an un-authorized match request to server
    response = mock_app.test_client().post("".join(
        ["/match/external/", inserted_id]))
    # server should return 401 (not authorized)
    assert response.status_code == 401

    # send an authorized request with a patient ID that doesn't exist on server:
    response = mock_app.test_client().post("".join(
        ["/match/external/", "not_a_valid_ID"]),
    # Response is valid
    assert response.status_code == 200
    data = json.loads(
    # but server returns error
    assert data[
        "message"] == "ERROR. Could not find any patient with ID not_a_valid_ID in database"

    # there are no matches in mock database
    assert database["matches"].find_one() is None
    # after sending an authorized request with a patient ID that exists on database

    # Check that external matching doesn't work if there are no connected nodes:
    response = mock_app.test_client().post("".join(
        ["/match/external/", inserted_id]),
    assert response.status_code == 200
    data = json.loads(
    assert data[
        "message"] == "Could not find any other node connected to this MatchMaker server"

    # Try to send a request for a match on a node that does not exist
    response = mock_app.test_client().post("".join(
        ["/match/external/", inserted_id, "?node=meh"]),
    assert response.status_code == 200
    data = json.loads(
    # And check that node not found is in response message
    assert data[
        "message"] == "ERROR. Could not find any connected node with id meh in database"

    # insert a connected node
    add_node(mongo_db=mock_app.db, obj=test_node,
             is_client=False)  # required for external matches
    # send a request to match patients against all nodes
    response = mock_app.test_client().post("".join(
        ["/match/external/", inserted_id]),

    # Response should be valid
    assert response.status_code == 200
    # And a new match should be created in matches collection
    assert database["matches"].find_one()

    # send a request to match patients against the specific existing node:
    response = mock_app.test_client().post(
        "".join(["/match/external/", inserted_id, "?node=", test_node["_id"]]),
    # Response should be valid
    assert response.status_code == 200

    # And a new match should be created in matches collection. So total matches are 2
    results = database["matches"].find()
    assert len(list(results)) == 2
def test_patient_matches(mock_app, database, match_objs, test_client):
    """testing the endpoint that retrieves the matchings by patient ID"""

    # Add a valid client node
    ok_token = test_client["auth_token"]
    add_node(mongo_db=mock_app.db, obj=test_client, is_client=True)

    # start from a database with no matches
    assert database["matches"].find_one() is None
    # import mock matches into datababase
    # database now should have two matching objects

    # test endpoint to get matches by ID
    # test by sending a non-authorized request
    response = mock_app.test_client().get("matches/P0001058")
    # response gives a 401 code (not authorized)
    assert response.status_code == 401

    # try with an authorized request with a used ID that is not in database
    response = mock_app.test_client().get("matches/unknown_patient",
    # response gives success
    assert response.status_code == 200
    data = json.loads(
    # but the patient is not found by server
    assert (
        data["message"] ==
        "Could not find any matches in database for patient ID unknown_patient"

    # Try with authenticates request and valid patient
    response = mock_app.test_client().get("matches/P0001058",
    # response gives success
    assert response.status_code == 200
    data = json.loads(
    # and there are matches in it
    assert (
        len(data["matches"]) == 2
    )  # 2 matches returned because endpoint returns only matches with results

    # Test that there are actually 3 matches by calling directly the function returning matches
    matches = patient_matches(database=database,
    assert len(matches) == 3
    for match in matches:
        for result in match["results"]:
            for patient in result["patients"]:
                assert patient["patient"]["id"]

    # Call the same function to get only external matches
    matches = patient_matches(database=database,
    assert len(matches) == 1

    # Call the same function to get only external matches
    matches = patient_matches(database=database,
    assert len(matches) == 2
Beispiel #21
def test_add_patient(mock_app, database, gpx4_patients, test_client,
    """Test sending a POST request to server to add a patient"""

    assert len(gpx4_patients) == 2  # patients with variants in this gene

    patient_data = gpx4_patients[1]
    # try to add a patient without being authorized
    response = mock_app.test_client().post('patient/add',
    assert response.status_code == 401

    # add an authorized client to database
    ok_token = test_client['auth_token']

    add_node(mongo_db=mock_app.db, obj=test_client, is_client=True)
    add_node(mongo_db=mock_app.db, obj=test_node,
             is_client=False)  # add a test node, to perform external matching

    # make sure there are no matchings in 'matches' collection
    assert database['matches'].find().count() == 0

    # send a malformed json object using a valid auth token
    malformed_json = "{'_id': 'patient_id' }"
    response = mock_app.test_client().post('patient/add',
    # and check that you get the correct error code from server(400)
    assert response.status_code == 400

    # add a patient not conforming to MME API using a valid auth token
    response = mock_app.test_client().post('patient/add',
    # and check that the server returns an error 422 (unprocessable entity)
    assert response.status_code == 422

    # check that patient collection in database is empty
    assert database['patients'].find().count() == 0

    patient_obj = {'patient': patient_data}  # this is a valid patient object
    response = mock_app.test_client().post('patient/add',
    assert response.status_code == 200

    # make sure that the POST request to add the patient triggers the matching request to an external node
    assert database['matches'].find_one()

    # There should be one patient in database now
    assert database['patients'].find().count() == 1

    # the patient in database has label "Patient number 1"
    result = database['patients'].find_one({'label': '350_2-test'})
    # make sure patient's gene was converted to ensembl
    assert result['genomicFeatures'][0]['gene']['id'].startswith('ENSG')
    # and that non-standard but informative _geneName field was added to genomic feature
    assert result['genomicFeatures'][0]['gene']['_geneName'] == 'GPX4'

    # Add same patient again and see that label is unchanged and there is still one patient in database:
    patient_obj = {'patient': patient_data}  # this is a valid patient object
    response = mock_app.test_client().post('patient/add',
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert database['patients'].find().count() == 1
    assert database['patients'].find({'label': '350_2-test'}).count() == 1

    # modify patient label and check the update command (add a patient with the same id) works
    patient_data['label'] = 'modified patient label'
    patient_obj = {'patient': patient_data}
    response = mock_app.test_client().post('patient/add',
    assert response.status_code == 200

    # There should still be one patient in database
    assert database['patients'].find().count() == 1

    # But its label is changed
    assert database['patients'].find({'label': '350_2-test'}).count() == 0
    assert database['patients'].find({
        'label': 'modified patient label'
    }).count() == 1

    # make sure that the POST request to add modify patient triggers the matching request to an external node again
    assert database['matches'].find().count() == 3