Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.db = Database('website_history')
Beispiel #2
from pattern.db import Database, SQLITE, MYSQL
from pattern.db import field, pk, STRING, INTEGER, DATE, NOW
from pattern.db import rel

# In this example, we'll build a mini-store:
# with products, customers and orders.
# We can combine the data from the three tables in an invoice query.

# Create a new database.
# Once it is created, you can use Database(name) to access it.
# SQLite will create the database file in the current folder.
# MySQL databases require a username and a password.
# MySQL also requires that you install MySQLdb, see the installation instructions at:
db = Database("store.db", type=SQLITE)

# Create the products table if it doesn't exist yet.
# An error will be raised if the table already exists.
# Add sample data.
if not "products" in db:
    # Note: in SQLite, the STRING type is mapped to TEXT (unlimited length).
    # In MySQL, the length matters. Smaller fields have faster lookup.
            pk(),  # Auto-incremental id.
            field("description", STRING(50)),
            field("price", INTEGER)))
Beispiel #3
from pattern.db import field, pk, STRING, INTEGER, DATE, NOW
from pattern.db import assoc
from pattern.db import rel
from pattern.db import pd  # pd() = parent directory of current script.

# In this example, we'll build a mini-store:
# with products, customers and orders.
# We can combine the data from the three tables in an invoice query.

# Create a new database.
# Once it is created, you can use Database(name) to access it.
# SQLite will create the database file in the current folder.
# MySQL databases require a username and a password.
# MySQL also requires that you install MySQLdb, see the installation instructions at:
db = Database(pd("store.db"), type=SQLITE)
# db._delete()

# Create the products table if it doesn't exist yet.
# An error will be raised if the table already exists.
# Add sample data.
if not "products" in db:
    # Note: in SQLite, the STRING type is mapped to TEXT (unlimited length).
    # In MySQL, the length matters. Smaller fields have faster lookup.
    schema = (
        pk(),  # Auto-incremental id.
        field("description", STRING(50)),
        field("price", INTEGER))
    db.create("products", schema)
    db.products.append(description="pizza", price=15)
Beispiel #4
from pattern.db import Database, field, pk, STRING, BOOLEAN, DATE, NOW, date,\

db = Database(name='hootguy_tweetgraph',
              #, type = MYSQL

print 'tables = ', db.tables
print 'relations = ', db.relations
print 'query = ', db.query

#db.create('chows', fields=[
#    pk()
#    , field('manufacturer', STRING(80))
#    , field('brand', STRING(80), index=True)
#    , field('price', STRING(15))

# db.create('pets', fields=[
#           pk(),
#           field('name', STRING(80), index=True),
#           field('type', STRING(20)),
#           field('tail', BOOLEAN),
#           field('date_birth', DATE, default=None),
#           field('date_created', DATE, default=NOW)
# ])
Beispiel #5
from pattern.db import Database, SQLITE, MYSQL
from pattern.db import field, pk, STRING, INTEGER, DATE, NOW
from pattern.db import relation

# In this example, we'll build a mini-store:
# with products, customers and orders.
# We can combine the data from the three tables in an invoice query.

# Create a new database.
# Once it is created, you can use Database(name) to access it.
# SQLite will create the database file in the current folder.
# MySQL databases require a username and a password.
# MySQL also requires that you install MySQLdb, see the installation instructions at:
db = Database("store", type=MYSQL, user="******", password="******")

# Create the products table if it doesn't exist yet.
# An error will be raised if the table already exists.
# Add sample data.
if not "products" in db:
    # Note: in SQLite, the STRING type is mapped to TEXT (unlimited length).
    # In MySQL, the length matters. Smaller fields have faster lookup.
            pk(),  # Auto-incremental id.
            field("description", STRING(50)),
            field("price", INTEGER)))