Beispiel #1
    def _get_mts(self):
        Connect to IVM and get the machine type/model/serial based on adapter

        :returns mts: String in the form of type.model.serial
        if(not hasattr(self, 'powervm_mts') or
           len(self.powervm_mts.strip()) == 0):
            cmd = utils.get_all_sea_with_physloc_cmd()
            output = self._pvmops.run_vios_command(cmd)
            virt_eths = utils.parse_physloc_adapter_output(output)
            self.powervm_mts = utils.get_mts(virt_eths)
        return self.powervm_mts
Beispiel #2
    def _populate_adapters_into_vios(self, vios, dom_factory=model.No_DB_DOM_Factory()):
        Overridden method from

        This method returns all the adapters, both SEA and VEA, for the VIOS
        this IVM runs on.  Each VEA will be attached to it's owning SEA, if it
        has one.

        :param vios: VioServer to fetch adapters from
        :param dom_factory: Factory used to create the DOM objects, optional.
        :returns boolean: True if at least one adapter was found, False
        ras.function_tracepoint(LOG, __name__, ras.TRACE_DEBUG, "Enter")

            # If the VIOS RMC state is down, we can't use adapters on it.
            if vios.rmc_state.lower() != "active":
                ras.trace(LOG, __name__, ras.TRACE_INFO, _("RMC state is not active on VIOS lpar %s") % vios.lpar_name)
                return False

            # Find all of the adapters on the VIOS
            cmd = utils.get_all_sea_with_physloc_cmd()
            output = self._pvmops.run_vios_command(cmd)
            virt_eths = utils.parse_physloc_adapter_output(output)

            # Find all of the SEAs on this IVM
            seas_found = {}
            for vea in virt_eths:
                if virt_eths[vea][0].strip() != "Shared Ethernet Adapter":
                    # this is not a SEA device.
                seas_found[vea] = virt_eths[vea]

            # Go through the SEAs and get their current configuration from IVM
            veas_attached_to_seas = []
            for sea_devname in seas_found:

                # Connect to the IVM endpoint and collect the SEA info
                sea_dev = self._get_sea_from_ivm(vios, sea_devname, virt_eths, dom_factory)

                # Keep track of which VEAs are owned by an SEA so we can later
                # detect orphan VEAs
                for vea in sea_dev.additional_veas:

            # Any VEA not on an SEA is considered an orphan
            self._find_orphaned_veas(vios, virt_eths, veas_attached_to_seas, dom_factory)

            # Return True if adapters were found
            if len(seas_found.values()) > 0:
                ras.trace(LOG, __name__, ras.TRACE_DEBUG, "SEA discover finished successfully.")
                return True

            ras.trace(LOG, __name__, ras.TRACE_ERROR, ras.vif_get_msg("error", "VIOS_NOSEA"))
            raise excp.IBMPowerVMValidSEANotFound()

        except pvmexcp.IBMPowerVMCommandFailed:
            ras.trace(LOG, __name__, ras.TRACE_EXCEPTION, ras.vif_get_msg("error", "VIOS_CMDFAIL") % {"cmd": cmd})
            return False
        except Exception as e:
                LOG, __name__, ras.TRACE_EXCEPTION, ras.vif_get_msg("error", "VIOS_UNKNOWN") + " (" + _("%s") % e + ")"
            return False