def __call__(self, request):
        processor_key = self.processor_configuration.KEY.value.lower()
        template = 'shop/checkout/%s/confirm.html' % processor_key

        controller = ConfirmController(request, self.payment_module)

        controller.templates['CONFIRM'] = template


        return controller.response
 def __call__(self, request):
     processor_key = self.processor_configuration.KEY.value.lower()
     template = 'shop/checkout/%s/confirm.html' % processor_key
     controller = ConfirmController(request, self.payment_module)
     controller.templates['CONFIRM'] = template
     return controller.response
Beispiel #3
def confirm_info(request):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return confirm.credit_confirm_info(request, dibs)
    controller = ConfirmController(request, dibs)
    test = controller.confirm(True)
    # Getting the settings and the order object.
    settings = config_get_group('PAYMENT_DIBS')
    order = Order.objects.from_request(request)

    # Preparing the data that we are sending to DIBS
    # Order total to be sent to DIBS must be an int specified in cents or
    # equivalent.
    order_total = int( * 100)
    if settings['LIVE'].value:
        order_id =
        order_id = 'TEST-%s' %

    # Create md5 hash to make payment secure:
    md5_key_1 =['MD51'].value + 'merchant=%s&orderid=%s&currency=%s&amount=%s' % (settings['MERCHANT'].value, order_id, settings['CURRENCY'].value, order_total)).hexdigest()
    md5_key =['MD52'].value + md5_key_1).hexdigest()

    # Create the cancel and accept url, based on the request to get the host
    # and reverse to get the url.
    cancelurl = 'http://' + request.META['HTTP_HOST'] + reverse('satchmo_checkout-step1')
    accepturl = 'http://' + request.META['HTTP_HOST'] + reverse('DIBS_satchmo_checkout-success')
    callbackurl = 'http://' + request.META['HTTP_HOST'] + reverse('DIBS_satchmo_checkout-step4') + '?order_id=' + str(

    data = [
        ('merchant', settings['MERCHANT'].value),
        ('amount', order_total),
        ('currency', settings['CURRENCY'].value),
        ('orderid', order_id),
        ('accepturl', accepturl),
        ('cancelurl', cancelurl),
        ('callbackurl', callbackurl),
        #('uniqueoid', 'yes'),
        ('lang', settings['LANG'].value),
        ('md5key', md5_key),
        ('calcfee', 'yes')
        # Currently not implemented in the flex window.
        # ('delivery1', order.ship_addressee),
        # ('delivery2', order.ship_street1),
        # ('delivery3',  order.ship_postal_code + ' ' +  order.ship_city)

    if settings['CAPTURE'].value:
        data.append(('capturenow', 'yes'))
    if not settings['LIVE'].value:
        data.append(('test', 'yes'))

    send_data = urllib.urlencode(data)
    return HttpResponseRedirect('' + send_data)