Beispiel #1
 def _get_config(self):
     registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
     config = registry.forInterface(IPaypalConfiguration)
     if config.api_username and config.api_password and \
         config.api_signature and config.api_environment:
         kw = {'API_USERNAME': config.api_username,
               'API_PASSWORD': config.api_password,
               'API_SIGNATURE': config.api_signature,
               'API_ENVIRONMENT': config.api_environment}
         return PayPalConfig(**kw)
         return None
    def __init__(self, config=None, **kwargs):
        Constructor, which passes all config directives to the config class
        via kwargs. For example:

            paypal = PayPalInterface(API_USERNAME='******')

        Optionally, you may pass a 'config' kwarg to provide your own
        PayPalConfig object.
        if config:
            # User provided their own PayPalConfig object.
            self.config = config
            # Take the kwargs and stuff them in a new PayPalConfig object.
            self.config = PayPalConfig(**kwargs)