Beispiel #1
    def updated(self, ep):
        if self.p1_point.is_set:
            if self.p_bottom_corner.is_set:
                v = (self.p_bottom_corner.get() - self.p1_point.get())
                mag = v.mag()
                v = v.norm()
                self._cmodel.theta = v.angle()

                self._model.pin_spacing = mag / (self._model.side1_pins - 1)

            self.v_base = Vec2.from_polar(self._cmodel.theta, 1)
            self.v_vert = Vec2(-self.v_base.y, self.v_base.x).norm()

            p_edge_center = self.v_base * self._model.pin_spacing * (
                self._model.side1_pins - 1) / 2

            if self.p_side_3_1.is_set:
                dv = self.p_side_3_1.get() - self.p1_point.get()

                v, _ = project_point_line(dv, Point2(0, 0), self.v_vert, False)
                self._model.dim_2_pincenter = v.mag()

   = self.v_vert * self._model.dim_2_pincenter / 2 + p_edge_center + self.p1_point.get(

            if self.p_side_2_1.is_set:
                v, _ = project_point_line(
                    self.p_side_2_1.get() -, Point2(0, 0),
                    self.v_base, False)

                self._model.dim_1_pincenter = v.mag() * 2
Beispiel #2
    def updated(self, ep):
        if self.p1_point.is_set:
            if self.p_bottom_corner.is_set:
                v = (self.p_bottom_corner.get() - self.p1_point.get())
                mag = v.mag()
                v = v.norm()
                self.__theta = v.angle()

                self._model.pin_spacing = mag / (self._model.side1_pins - 1)

            self.v_base = Vec2.fromPolar(self.__theta, 1)
            self.v_vert = Vec2(-self.v_base.y, self.v_base.x).norm()

            p_edge_center = self.v_base * self._model.pin_spacing * (self._model.side1_pins - 1) / 2

            if self.p_side_3_1.is_set:
                dv = self.p_side_3_1.get() - self.p1_point.get()

                v, _ = project_point_line(dv, Point2(0,0), self.v_vert, False)
                self._model.dim_2_pincenter = v.mag()

   = self.v_vert * self._model.dim_2_pincenter / 2 + p_edge_center + self.p1_point.get()

            if self.p_side_2_1.is_set:
                v, _ = project_point_line(self.p_side_2_1.get() -, Point2(0,0), self.v_base, False)

                self._model.dim_1_pincenter = v.mag() * 2
Beispiel #3
def dist_pt_line_seg(pt, s_pt1, s_pt2):
    :param pt:
    :param seg:

    pt, dist = project_point_line(pt, s_pt1, s_pt2, True, True)
    return dist
Beispiel #4
def dist_pt_line_seg(pt, s_pt1, s_pt2):
    :param pt:
    :param seg:

    pt, dist = project_point_line(pt, s_pt1, s_pt2, True, True)
    return dist
Beispiel #5
    def get_line_query_for_mouse(self, pos: Vec2) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[Vec2]]:
        for n, (p1, p2) in enumerate(self.model.lines()):
            p1_v = self.im2V(p1)
            p2_v = self.im2V(p2)

            p, d = project_point_line(pos, p1_v, p2_v)
            if d is not None and d < HANDLE_HALF_SIZE:
                return n, p

        return None, None
Beispiel #6
    def get_line_query_for_mouse(self, pos):
        for n, (p1, p2) in enumerate(self.model.line_iter()):
            p1_v = self.im2V(p1)
            p2_v = self.im2V(p2)

            p, d = project_point_line(pos, p1_v, p2_v)
            if p is not None and d < HANDLE_HALF_SIZE:
                return n, p

        return None, None
Beispiel #7
    def get_line_query_for_mouse(self, pos):
        for n, (p1, p2) in enumerate(self.model.line_iter()):
            p1_v = self.im2V(p1)
            p2_v = self.im2V(p2)

            p, d = project_point_line(pos, p1_v, p2_v)
            if p is not None and d < HANDLE_HALF_SIZE:
                return n, p

        return None, None
Beispiel #8
    def __update_line_pos(self, h_idx: int, _pos: Optional[Vec2]) -> None:
        :param h_idx: index of the moved handle
        :param pos: point it was moved to
        if _pos is None:
            self.move_handle(h_idx, None)

        pos = _pos.dup()

        # If we're moving an endpoint
        if h_idx < 4:
            anchors_ahead = self.get_anchors(h_idx)
            anchors_prev = self.get_anchors((h_idx - 1) % 4)

            ahead_idx_2 = (h_idx + 1) % 4
            line_ahead_2 = self.lines()[(h_idx + 1) % 4]
            pt_ahead_2 = None

            line_behind_2 = self.lines()[(h_idx - 2) % 4]
            behind_idx_2 = (h_idx - 1) % 4
            pt_behind_2 = None

            if len(anchors_ahead) == 2 and len(anchors_prev) == 2:
                # Our lines are anchored on both sides by double-anchors, so we can't move at all

            # If the ahead of prev line constrain us, then project the point to the line for motion
            elif len(anchors_ahead) == 2:
                pos, _ = project_point_line(pos, anchors_ahead[0], anchors_ahead[1], False)
            elif len(anchors_prev) == 2:
                pos, _ = project_point_line(pos, anchors_prev[0], anchors_prev[1], False)

            assert pos is not None

            if len(anchors_ahead) == 1:
                itype, pt_ahead_2 = line_intersect(pos, anchors_ahead[0], line_ahead_2[0], line_ahead_2[1])
                if itype != Intersect.NORMAL:

            if len(anchors_prev) == 1:
                itype, pt_behind_2 = line_intersect(pos, anchors_prev[0], line_behind_2[0], line_behind_2[1])
                if itype != Intersect.NORMAL:

            if pt_ahead_2 is not None:
                self.move_handle(ahead_idx_2, pt_ahead_2)

            if pt_behind_2 is not None:
                self.move_handle(behind_idx_2, pt_behind_2)

            self.move_handle(h_idx, pos)

            line_idx = (h_idx - 4) // 2
            o_idx = (h_idx & ~1) | (h_idx ^ 1)

            this_anchor = self.align_handles[h_idx].dup()
            other_anchor = self.align_handles[o_idx]

            lines = list(self.lines())

            this_line = lines[line_idx]
            prev_line = lines[(line_idx - 1) % 4]
            next_line = lines[(line_idx + 1) % 4]

            if other_anchor is None:
                if this_anchor is None:
                    delta = Vec2(0, 0)
                    # One anchor, move the whole line by pos - this_anchor
                    delta = pos - this_anchor
                pt_a = this_line[0].dup() + delta
                pt_b = this_line[1].dup() + delta

                pt_a = pos
                pt_b = other_anchor.dup()

            # Recalculate the endpoints
            intersect_cond, pt_prev = line_intersect(pt_a, pt_b, prev_line[0], prev_line[1])

            if intersect_cond != Intersect.NORMAL:

            intersect_cond, pt_next = line_intersect(pt_a, pt_b, next_line[0], next_line[1])

            if intersect_cond != Intersect.NORMAL:

            self.move_handle(line_idx, pt_prev)
            self.move_handle((line_idx + 1) % 4, pt_next)

            # We can always move an anchor
            self.move_handle(h_idx, pos)
Beispiel #9
    def __update_line_pos(self, h_idx, pos):
        :param h_idx: index of the moved handle
        :param pos: point it was moved to
        if pos is None:
            self.align_handles[h_idx] = None

        pos = Vec2(pos)

        # If we're moving an endpoint
        if h_idx < 4:
            anchors_ahead = self.get_anchors(h_idx)
            anchors_prev = self.get_anchors((h_idx - 1) % 4)

            ahead_idx_2 = (h_idx + 1) % 4
            line_ahead_2 = self.line_iter()[(h_idx + 1) % 4]
            pt_ahead_2 = None

            line_behind_2 = self.line_iter()[(h_idx - 2) % 4]
            behind_idx_2 = (h_idx - 1) % 4
            pt_behind_2 = None

            if len(anchors_ahead) == 2 and len(anchors_prev) == 2:
                # Our lines are anchored on both sides by double-anchors, so we can't move at all

            # If the ahead of prev line constrain us, then project the point to the line for motion
            elif len(anchors_ahead) == 2:
                pos, _ = project_point_line(pos, anchors_ahead[0], anchors_ahead[1], False)
            elif len(anchors_prev) == 2:
                pos, _ = project_point_line(pos, anchors_prev[0], anchors_prev[1], False)

            if len(anchors_ahead) == 1:
                itype, pt_ahead_2 = line_intersect(pos, anchors_ahead[0], line_ahead_2[0], line_ahead_2[1])
                if itype != INTERSECT_NORMAL:

            if len(anchors_prev) == 1:
                itype, pt_behind_2 = line_intersect(pos, anchors_prev[0], line_behind_2[0], line_behind_2[1])
                if itype != INTERSECT_NORMAL:

            if pt_ahead_2 is not None:
                self.align_handles[ahead_idx_2] = pt_ahead_2

            if pt_behind_2 is not None:
                self.align_handles[behind_idx_2] = pt_behind_2
            self.align_handles[h_idx] = pos

            line_idx = (h_idx - 4) // 2
            o_idx = (h_idx & ~1) | (h_idx ^ 1)

            this_anchor = Vec2(self.align_handles[h_idx])
            other_anchor = self.align_handles[o_idx]

            lines = list(self.line_iter())

            this_line = lines[line_idx]
            prev_line = lines[(line_idx - 1) % 4]
            next_line = lines[(line_idx + 1) % 4]

            if other_anchor is None:
                if this_anchor is None:
                    delta = Vec2(0,0)
                    # One anchor, move the whole line by pos - this_anchor
                    delta = pos - this_anchor
                pt_a = Vec2(this_line[0]) + delta
                pt_b = Vec2(this_line[1]) + delta

                pt_a = pos
                pt_b = Vec2(other_anchor)

            # Recalculate the endpoints
            intersect_cond, pt_prev = line_intersect(pt_a, pt_b, prev_line[0], prev_line[1])

            if intersect_cond != INTERSECT_NORMAL:

            intersect_cond, pt_next = line_intersect(pt_a, pt_b, next_line[0], next_line[1])

            if intersect_cond != INTERSECT_NORMAL:

            self.align_handles[line_idx] = pt_prev
            self.align_handles[(line_idx + 1) % 4] = pt_next

            # We can always move an anchor
            self.align_handles[h_idx] = pos