Beispiel #1
def send_velocity():
    global sonarF_val
    global sonarFL_val
    global sonarFR_val
    global sonarL_val
    global sonarR_val
    global pd0, pd, state, substate, state2start
    global sonarF, sonarL, sonarFL
    global imuYaw
    global state
    global count_state_0
    velocity_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1)
    velocity = Twist()

    velocity.linear.x = 0.0
    velocity.angular.z = 0

    if point_dist(X, end_point) < 0.13:
        state = 3

    # line pose torwards target point
    if state == 0:
        velocity.angular.z =  -min(max(pd_turn.pd_out(imuYaw), -2.8), 2.8)
        if abs(imuYaw - theta) < 0.07:
            count_state_0 += 1
            if count_state_0 >= 5:
                velocity.angular.z = 0
                print "f**k"
                state = 2
    # follow the straight line connection x, y to target point
    elif state == 1:
        velocity.linear.x = 0.2
        theta1 = math.atan2(end_point[1]-X[1], end_point[0]-X[0])
        pd_line = pdcon.pd_controller(setpoint = theta1, kp = 12, kd = 1.5)
        velocity.angular.z = -min(max(pd_line.pd_out(X[2]), -0.5), 0.5)

    elif state == 2:
        velocity.linear.x = 0.2
        minp = float("inf")
        mini = 0
        for i in range(0, 8):

            x_cell, y_cell = find_cell(X[0], X[1])
            print "{} {}".format(x_cell,y_cell)
            x_cell += moves[i][0]
            y_cell += moves[i][1]
            print "{} {} {} {}".format(x_cell, y_cell, len(pmap), len(pmap[0]))
            if x_cell >= len(pmap) or y_cell >= len(pmap[0]):

                p = float("inf")
                p = pmap[x_cell][y_cell]

            if minp > p:

                minp = p
                mini = i
                x_choice = x_cell * grid_resolution - 0.75
                y_choice = y_cell * grid_resolution - 0.75
            print "{} {}".format(x_choice, y_choice)
        theta_choice = math.atan2(y_choice-X[1], x_choice-X[0])
        pd_turn1 = pdcon.pd_controller(setpoint = theta_choice, kp = 9, kd = 1.9)
        velocity.angular.z =  -min(max(pd_turn1.pd_out(X[2]), -1.5), 1.5)
    # target reached
    elif state == 3:
        velocity.linear.x = 0.0
        velocity.angular.z = 0.0

    #rospy.loginfo("Velocity x, z: %s, %s", velocity.linear.x, velocity.angular.z)
   ### rospy.loginfo("Right Scan %s", sonarR_val)
   # rospy.loginfo("Front Right Scan %s", sonarFR_val)
   # rospy.loginfo("Left Scan %s", sonarL_val)
   #### rospy.loginfo("Front Left Scan %s", sonarFL_val)
   # rospy.loginfo("Front Scan %s", sonarF_val)
    rospy.loginfo("Imu Yaw %s", imuYaw)
    rospy.loginfo("Velocity %s", velocity.angular.z)
    rospy.loginfo("Target %s", theta)
    rospy.loginfo("X[2] %s", X[2] * 180 / math.pi)
    #fhandle.write("Right Scan {}\n".format( sonarR_val))
    #fhandle.write("Front Right Scan {}\n".format( sonarFR_val))
    #fhandle.write("Left Scan {}\n".format( sonarL_val))
    #fhandle.write("Front Left Scan {}\n".format( sonarFL_val))
    #fhandle.write("Front Scan {}\n".format( sonarF_val))
    #fhandle.write("Angular Velocity {}\nLinear Velocity {}\n".format(velocity.angular.z, velocity.linear.x))
Beispiel #2
imuAngVelZ = 0.0
imuLinAccX = 0.0 # linear acceleration
imuLinAccY = 0.0
imuLinAccZ = 0.0

start_point = [0.45, 0.45, -math.pi / 2]

end_point = [0.0, -0.45]

target_ang = 0.0
state = 2
count_state_0 = 0
theta = math.atan2(end_point[1]- start_point[1], end_point[0]- start_point[0]) - start_point[2]
pd_turn = pdcon.pd_controller(setpoint = theta, kp = 9, kd = 1.9)

attractive_gain = 80.0
repulsive_gain = 150.0
grid_area_width = 1.5
grid_resolution = 0.075
robot_radious = 0.17
cells_count = int(grid_area_width / grid_resolution)
obstacle = [(0.15 + 0.075, -0.15 - 0.075)]
obstacle1 = (0.1,-0.1)

moves = [[1,0],
Beispiel #3
cur, obs, obs_s = curvemath.find_curve(
    plot_ret=True)  # curvemath returns the curve
startang_curve = np.arctan2(cur[1][1] - cur[0][1],
                            cur[1][0] - cur[0][0])  # find the starting angle
startangle = linemath.norm(startang_curve - startang_robot)
fhandle = file("/home/ubuntu/catkin_ws/src/alpha_star/scripts/info",
               'w')  # for debugging and plotting
pd_turn = pdcon.pd_controller(setpoint=startangle,
esc_pd = False

def send_velocity():
    global pd0, pd, state, state2start, startangle, ready_to_write
    global imuYaw
    global state, esc_pd
    global count_state_0
    global X
    x, y, theta = X
    velocity_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1)
    velocity = Twist()
    if time.time() - globalstarttime > 40 and ready_to_write:
        state = 2
state = 0
ready_to_write = True
angular_velocity_limit = 2

start = (0.45, 0.45)
end = (0.30, -0.55)
startang_robot = -np.pi / 2
obstacles = [((0.30, 0.15), (-0.30, -0.15))]

cur, obs, obs_s = curvemath.find_curve(start=start,
pd = pdcon.pd_controller(setpoint=0, kp=13, kd=5)
startang_curve = np.arctan2(cur[1][1] - cur[0][1], cur[1][0] - cur[0][0])
startangle = linemath.norm(startang_curve - startang_robot)
fhandle = file("/home/ubuntu/catkin_ws/src/alpha_star/scripts/info", 'w')
pd_turn = pdcon.pd_controller(setpoint=startangle, kp=5, kd=0.4)

def send_velocity():
    global pd0, pd, state, substate, state2start, startangle, ready_to_write
    global imuYaw
    global state
    global count_state_0
    global X
    x, y, theta = X
    velocity_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1)
    velocity = Twist()
Beispiel #5
#using 3 as inf
sonarFL_val = 3.0
sonarFR_val = 3.0
sonarL_val = 3.0
sonarR_val = 3.0
sonarL = []  #lists for smoothing inputs
sonarFL = []
sonarF = []
bound = 0.4
see_bound = 0.3
pd_bound = 0.3
state = 0
substate = 0
state2start = 0

pd0 = pdcon.pd_controller(setpoint=0.3, kp=25, kd=2.5)
pd = pdcon.pd_controller(setpoint=0.2, kp=25, kd=2.5)

def send_velocity():
    global sonarF_val
    global sonarFL_val
    global sonarFR_val
    global sonarL_val
    global sonarR_val
    global pd0, pd, state, substate, state2start
    global sonarF, sonarL, sonarFL

    velocity_pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1)
    velocity = Twist()
    ctime = time.time()
Beispiel #6
            tentative_gScore = gScore.get(current, inf) + h(current, neighbor)
            if neighbor not in openSet:
            if tentative_gScore < gScore.get(neighbor, inf):
                cameFrom[neighbor] = current
                gScore[neighbor] = tentative_gScore
                fScore[neighbor] = gScore.get(neighbor, inf) + h(
                    neighbor, goal)
    return None

curve = A_Star(which_cell(start), which_cell(end), my_dist)
#1, 30
#0.5, 40
#pda = pdcon.pd_controller(setpoint = 0, kp = 0.05, kd = 1)
pda = pdcon.pd_controller(setpoint=0, kp=4 / np.pi, kd=1 / (2 * np.pi))

pd = pdcon.pd_controller(setpoint=0, kp=10, kd=12)
obs = [coords(i) for i in plotobstacles]
cur = [coords(i) for i in curve]
startang_curve = np.arctan2(cur[1][1] - cur[0][1], cur[1][0] - cur[0][0])
startangle = linemath.norm(startang_curve - startang_robot)
fhandle = file("/home/ubuntu/catkin_ws/src/alpha_star/scripts/info", 'w')
pd_turn = pdcon.pd_controller(setpoint=startangle, kp=6, kd=4)

def send_velocity():
    global sonarF_val
    global sonarFL_val
    global sonarFR_val
    global sonarL_val