def test_boundary_interpolation_vector():
    """test boundary interpolation"""
    grid = CartesianGrid([[0.1, 0.3], [-2, 3]], [3, 3])
    field = VectorField.random_normal(grid)

    # test boundary interpolation
    bndry_val = np.random.randn(2, 3)
    for bndry in grid._iter_boundaries():
        val = field.get_boundary_values(*bndry, bc={"value": bndry_val})
        np.testing.assert_allclose(val, bndry_val)
Beispiel #2
def test_pde_vector():
    """test PDE with a single vector field"""
    eq = PDE({"u": "vector_laplace(u) + exp(-t)"})
    assert eq.explicit_time_dependence
    assert not eq.complex_valued
    grid = grids.UnitGrid([8, 8])
    field = VectorField.random_normal(grid)

    res_a = eq.solve(field, t_range=1, dt=0.01, backend="numpy", tracker=None)
    res_b = eq.solve(field, t_range=1, dt=0.01, backend="numba", tracker=None)

def test_vector_plot_quiver_reduction():
    """test whether quiver plots reduce the resolution"""
    grid = UnitGrid([6, 6])
    field = VectorField.random_normal(grid)
    ref = field.plot(method="quiver", max_points=4)
    assert len(ref.element.U) == 16