def rounded(self): "report rounded val +/- stat +/- syst" is_data = not self.has_tot_err and not self.has_stat_err if is_data: return "%d"%self.value else: max_err = max([self.syst_err, self.stat_err]) min_err = min([v for v in [self.syst_err, self.stat_err] if v!=0.0]) err = min_err # not sure whether we want to round on max or min value, _ = pdgRound(self.value, err) stat_err, _ = pdgRound(self.stat_err, err) syst_err, _ = pdgRound(self.syst_err, err) return "%s +/- %s +/- %s"%(value, stat_err, syst_err)
def computeAndPlotHfSf2d(fileIter, fileHf, lepton, variable_name, outdir) : eff_da = fileIter.Get(lepton+'_corHFRate_eta') eff_mc = buildRate(fileHf, lepton+'_fakeHF_all_l_pt_eta') ratio = buildRatioHistogram(eff_da, eff_mc) ratio.Print() xAx, yAx = ratio.GetXaxis(), ratio.GetYaxis() print ratio.GetName(),": bins (%d, %d)"%(ratio.GetNbinsX(), ratio.GetNbinsY()) nEtaBins = yAx.GetNbins() print 'nEtaBins: ',nEtaBins xMin, xMax = xAx.GetXmin(), xAx.GetXmax() fitFunc = r.TF1('fit_func_const_'+ratio.GetName(), '[0]', xMin, xMax) etaBins = range(1, 1+nEtaBins) slices = [ratio.ProjectionX("%s_bin%d"%(ratio.GetName(), b), b, b, 'e') for b in etaBins] for b, s in zip(etaBins, slices) : s.SetTitle(lepton+" data/mc heavyflavor : eta bin %d"%b) s.Fit(fitFunc.GetName(), '0RQ') # do not draw, range, quiet p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitFunc) p0, p0Err = pdgRound(p0, p0Err) print "bin %d : %s +/- %s"%(b, p0, p0Err) can = r.TCanvas('') s.Draw('ep') fitFunc.Draw('same') tex = r.TLatex() tex.SetNDC(True) fitParLabel = "Const. fit : %s #pm %s"%(p0, p0Err) fitGoodLabel = "#chi^{2}/DOF : %.2f / %d"%(chi2, ndf) tex.SetTextSize(yAx.GetTitleSize()) tex.SetTextFont(yAx.GetTitleFont()) tex.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.45, s.GetTitle()) tex.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.40, "#splitline{%s}{%s}"%(fitParLabel, fitGoodLabel)) can.Update() for ext in ['eps','png'] : can.SaveAs(outdir+'/fit_'+lepton+"_heavyflavor_etabin%d.%s"%(b, ext)) return p0
def computeAndPlotConvSf(fileData, fileMc, lepton, variable_name, outdir): "Electron conversion: simplest case, just data/mc" eff_da = buildRate(fileData, lepton + '_fakeConv_' + variable_name) eff_mc = buildRate(fileMc, lepton + '_fakeConv_' + variable_name) ratio = buildRatioHistogram(eff_da, eff_mc) fitFunc = fitWithConst(ratio) p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitFunc) p0, p0Err = pdgRound(p0, p0Err) print "SF for %s fake conv : %s +/- %s" % (lepton, p0, p0Err) graphics = { 'xtitle': xTitle(lepton, variable_name), 'ytitle': lepton + ' p(tight | fake conv)', 'colors': { 'data': r.kBlack, 'mc': mcColor(lepton) }, 'markers': { 'data': r.kFullCircle, 'mc': mcMarker(lepton) }, 'labels': { 'data': 'Data: Conversion CR', 'mc': 'MC Comb: Conv CR' } } plotHistRatioAndFit({ 'data': eff_da, 'mc': eff_mc }, ratio, fitFunc, outdir + lepton + '_fakeconv', graphics)
def computeAndPlotRealSf(file_data, file_mc, lepton, variable_name, outdir): "Scale factor from the real control region, Z tag and probe" eff_da = buildSideBandSubRate(file_data, lepton, variable_name) eff_mc = buildSideBandSubRate(file_mc, lepton, variable_name) ratio = buildRatioHistogram(eff_da, eff_mc) fitFunc = fitWithConst(ratio) p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitFunc) p0, p0Err = pdgRound(p0, p0Err) print "SF for %s real : %s +/- %s" % (lepton, p0, p0Err) graphics = { 'xtitle': xTitle(lepton, variable_name), 'ytitle': lepton + ' p(tight | real)', 'colors': { 'data': r.kBlack, 'mc': mcColor(lepton) }, 'markers': { 'data': r.kFullCircle, 'mc': mcMarker(lepton) }, 'labels': { 'data': 'Data: Z Tag and Probe', 'mc': 'MC Comb: Z Tag and Probe' } } plotHistRatioAndFit({ 'data': eff_da, 'mc': eff_mc }, ratio, fitFunc, outdir + lepton + '_real', graphics)
def computeAndPlotHfSf(fileIter, fileHf, lepton, variable_name, outdir): "HF tag and probe; in this case we need to subract out the contamination" eff_da = fileIter.Get(lepton + '_corHFRate') eff_mc = buildRate(fileHf, lepton + '_fakeHF_' + variable_name) ratio = buildRatioHistogram(eff_da, eff_mc) fitFunc = fitWithConst(ratio) p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitFunc) p0, p0Err = pdgRound(p0, p0Err) print "SF for %s fake HF : %s +/- %s" % (lepton, p0, p0Err) graphics = { 'xtitle': xTitle(lepton, variable_name), 'ytitle': lepton + ' p(tight | fake hf)', 'colors': { 'data': r.kBlack, 'mc': mcColor(lepton) }, 'markers': { 'data': r.kFullCircle, 'mc': mcMarker(lepton) }, 'labels': { 'data': 'Data HF Tag and Probe (Iterative Subtraction)', 'mc': 'b#bar{b}/c#bar{c} MC: HF Tag and Probe' } } plotHistRatioAndFit({ 'data': eff_da, 'mc': eff_mc }, ratio, fitFunc, outdir + lepton + '_fakehf', graphics)
def plotHistRatioAndFit(histos, ratio, fitfunc, outfname, graphics_attributes={}) : can = r.TCanvas('can_'+outfname, outfname, 800, 600) botPad, topPad = buildBotTopPads(can, splitFraction=0.35) topPad.Draw() pm = first(histos) pm.Draw('axis') xAx, yAx = pm.GetXaxis(), pm.GetYaxis() xAx.SetTitle('') xAx.SetLabelSize(0) yAx.SetRangeUser(0.0, 1.2) yAx.SetNdivisions(505) # for some reason some of the inputs are already ratios with -201 textScaleUp = 1.0/topPad.GetHNDC() yAx.SetLabelSize(textScaleUp*0.04) yAx.SetTitleSize(textScaleUp*0.04) yAx.SetTitle(graphics_attributes['ytitle']) yAx.SetTitleOffset(yAx.GetTitleOffset()/textScaleUp) for k, h in histos.iteritems() : h.SetMarkerStyle(graphics_attributes['markers'][k]) h.SetMarkerColor(graphics_attributes['colors'][k]) h.SetLineColor(graphics_attributes['colors'][k]) h.Draw('same') labels = graphics_attributes['labels'] drawLegendWithDictKeys(topPad, dict([(labels[s], histos[s]) for s in histos.keys()]), legWidth=0.4) botPad.Draw() ratio.Draw('axis') textScaleUp = 1.0/botPad.GetHNDC() xAx, yAx = ratio.GetXaxis(), ratio.GetYaxis() yAx.SetRangeUser(0.0, 2.0) xAx.SetTitle(graphics_attributes['xtitle']) yAx.SetNdivisions(-202) yAx.SetTitle('Data/Sim') yAx.CenterTitle() for a in [xAx, yAx] : if a.GetLabelSize()>0.04 : continue a.SetLabelSize(a.GetLabelSize()*textScaleUp) a.SetTitleSize(a.GetTitleSize()*textScaleUp) a.SetTitleOffset(a.GetTitleOffset()/textScaleUp) ratio.SetMarkerStyle(graphics_attributes['markers']['data']) fitfunc.SetLineWidth(2) fitfunc.SetLineStyle(2) fitfunc.Draw('same') ratio.Draw('same') tex = r.TLatex() tex.SetNDC(True) p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitfunc) fitParLabel = "Const. fit : %s #pm %s"%(pdgRound(p0, p0Err)) fitGoodLabel = "#chi^{2}/DOF : %.2f / %d"%(chi2, ndf) tex.SetTextSize(yAx.GetTitleSize()) tex.SetTextFont(yAx.GetTitleFont()) tex.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.40, "#splitline{%s}{%s}"%(fitParLabel, fitGoodLabel)) can.Update() outfname = outfname+'.png' rmIfExists(outfname) # avoid root warnings can.SaveAs(outfname)
def computeAndPlotHfSf(fileIter, fileHf, lepton, variable_name, outdir) : "HF tag and probe; in this case we need to subract out the contamination" eff_da = fileIter.Get(lepton+'_corHFRate') eff_mc = buildRate(fileHf, lepton+'_fakeHF_'+variable_name) ratio = buildRatioHistogram(eff_da, eff_mc) fitFunc = fitWithConst(ratio) p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitFunc) p0, p0Err = pdgRound(p0, p0Err) print "SF for %s fake HF : %s +/- %s"%(lepton, p0, p0Err) graphics = {'xtitle' : xTitle(lepton, variable_name), 'ytitle' : lepton+' p(tight | fake hf)', 'colors' : {'data' : r.kBlack, 'mc' : mcColor(lepton)}, 'markers': {'data' : r.kFullCircle, 'mc' : mcMarker(lepton)}, 'labels' : {'data' : 'Data HF Tag and Probe (Iterative Subtraction)', 'mc' : 'b#bar{b}/c#bar{c} MC: HF Tag and Probe'}} plotHistRatioAndFit({'data':eff_da, 'mc':eff_mc}, ratio, fitFunc, outdir+lepton+'_fakehf', graphics)
def computeAndPlotConvSf(fileData, fileMc, lepton, variable_name, outdir) : "Electron conversion: simplest case, just data/mc" eff_da = buildRate(fileData, lepton+'_fakeConv_'+variable_name) eff_mc = buildRate(fileMc, lepton+'_fakeConv_'+variable_name) ratio = buildRatioHistogram(eff_da, eff_mc) fitFunc = fitWithConst(ratio) p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitFunc) p0, p0Err = pdgRound(p0, p0Err) print "SF for %s fake conv : %s +/- %s"%(lepton, p0, p0Err) graphics = {'xtitle' : xTitle(lepton, variable_name), 'ytitle' : lepton+' p(tight | fake conv)', 'colors' : {'data' : r.kBlack, 'mc' : mcColor(lepton)}, 'markers': {'data' : r.kFullCircle, 'mc' : mcMarker(lepton)}, 'labels' : {'data' : 'Data: Conversion CR', 'mc' : 'MC Comb: Conv CR'}} plotHistRatioAndFit({'data':eff_da, 'mc':eff_mc}, ratio, fitFunc, outdir+lepton+'_fakeconv', graphics)
def computeAndPlotRealSf(file_data, file_mc, lepton, variable_name, outdir) : "Scale factor from the real control region, Z tag and probe" eff_da = buildSideBandSubRate(file_data, lepton, variable_name) eff_mc = buildSideBandSubRate(file_mc, lepton, variable_name) ratio = buildRatioHistogram(eff_da, eff_mc) fitFunc = fitWithConst(ratio) p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitFunc) p0, p0Err = pdgRound(p0, p0Err) print "SF for %s real : %s +/- %s"%(lepton, p0, p0Err) graphics = {'xtitle' : xTitle(lepton, variable_name), 'ytitle' : lepton+' p(tight | real)', 'colors' : {'data' : r.kBlack, 'mc' : mcColor(lepton)}, 'markers': {'data' : r.kFullCircle, 'mc' : mcMarker(lepton)}, 'labels' : {'data' : 'Data: Z Tag and Probe', 'mc' : 'MC Comb: Z Tag and Probe'}} plotHistRatioAndFit({'data':eff_da, 'mc':eff_mc}, ratio, fitFunc, outdir+lepton+'_real', graphics)
def computeAndPlotConvSf(fileData, fileMc, lepton, variable_name, outdir, outfile=None) : "Electron conversion: simplest case, just data/mc" eff_da = buildRate(fileData, lepton+'_fakeConv_'+variable_name) eff_mc = buildRate(fileMc, lepton+'_fakeConv_'+variable_name) ratio = buildRatioHistogram(eff_da, eff_mc) print ratio.GetName(),' : ',["%.3f"%ratio.GetBinContent(b) for b in range(1, 1+ratio.GetNbinsX())] fitFunc = fitWithConst(ratio) p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitFunc) p0, p0Err = pdgRound(p0, p0Err) print "SF for %s fake conv : %s +/- %s"%(lepton, p0, p0Err) graphics = {'xtitle' : xTitle(lepton, variable_name), 'ytitle' : lepton+' p(tight | fake conv)', 'colors' : {'data' : r.kBlack, 'mc' : mcColor(lepton)}, 'markers': {'data' : r.kFullCircle, 'mc' : mcMarker(lepton)}, 'labels' : {'data' : 'Data: Conversion CR', 'mc' : 'MC Comb: Conv CR'}} plotHistRatioAndFit({'data':eff_da, 'mc':eff_mc}, ratio, fitFunc, outdir+'/fit_'+lepton+'_conv', graphics) if outfile : saveObject(outfile, ratio, 'elec_convSF_pt') return p0
def computeAndPlotConvSf2d(fileData, fileMc, lepton, variable_name, outdir) : "Electron conversion: simplest case, just data/mc" histoname = 'elec_fakeConv_all_l_pt_eta' eff_da = buildRate(fileData, histoname) eff_mc = buildRate(fileMc, histoname) print 'SF conversion: using histo ',histoname ratio = buildRatioHistogram(eff_da, eff_mc) ratio.Print() xAx, yAx = ratio.GetXaxis(), ratio.GetYaxis() #pt_eta : check that x is pt, y is eta nEtaBins = yAx.GetNbins() xMin, xMax = xAx.GetXmin(), xAx.GetXmax() fitFunc = r.TF1('fit_func_const_'+ratio.GetName(), '[0]', xMin, xMax) etaBins = range(1, 1+nEtaBins) slices = [ratio.ProjectionX("%s_bin%d"%(ratio.GetName(), b), b, b, 'e') for b in etaBins] for b, s in zip(etaBins, slices) : s.SetTitle("data/mc conversion : eta bin %d"%b) s.Fit(fitFunc.GetName(), '0RQ') # do not draw, range, quiet p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitFunc) p0, p0Err = pdgRound(p0, p0Err) print "bin %d : %s +/- %s"%(b, p0, p0Err) can = r.TCanvas('') s.Draw('ep') fitFunc.Draw('same') tex = r.TLatex() tex.SetNDC(True) fitParLabel = "Const. fit : %s #pm %s"%(p0, p0Err) fitGoodLabel = "#chi^{2}/DOF : %.2f / %d"%(chi2, ndf) tex.SetTextSize(yAx.GetTitleSize()) tex.SetTextFont(yAx.GetTitleFont()) tex.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.45, s.GetTitle()) tex.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.40, "#splitline{%s}{%s}"%(fitParLabel, fitGoodLabel)) can.Update() for ext in ['eps','png'] : can.SaveAs(outdir+"/fit_el_conv_etabin%d.%s"%(b, ext)) # graphics = {'xtitle' : xTitle(lepton, variable_name), # 'ytitle' : lepton+' p(tight | fake conv)', # 'colors' : {'data' : r.kBlack, 'mc' : mcColor(lepton)}, # 'markers': {'data' : r.kFullCircle, 'mc' : mcMarker(lepton)}, # 'labels' : {'data' : 'Data: Conversion CR', # 'mc' : 'MC Comb: Conv CR'}} # plotHistRatioAndFit({'data':eff_da, 'mc':eff_mc}, ratio, fitFunc, outdir+lepton+'_fakeconv', # graphics) return p0
def plotHistRatioAndFit(histos, ratio, fitfunc, outfname, graphics_attributes={}): can = r.TCanvas('can_' + outfname, outfname, 800, 600) botPad, topPad = buildBotTopPads(can, splitFraction=0.35) topPad.Draw() pm = first(histos) pm.Draw('axis') xAx, yAx = pm.GetXaxis(), pm.GetYaxis() xAx.SetTitle('') xAx.SetLabelSize(0) yAx.SetRangeUser(0.0, 1.2) yAx.SetNdivisions( 505) # for some reason some of the inputs are already ratios with -201 textScaleUp = 1.0 / topPad.GetHNDC() yAx.SetLabelSize(textScaleUp * 0.04) yAx.SetTitleSize(textScaleUp * 0.04) yAx.SetTitle(graphics_attributes['ytitle']) yAx.SetTitleOffset(yAx.GetTitleOffset() / textScaleUp) for k, h in histos.iteritems(): h.SetMarkerStyle(graphics_attributes['markers'][k]) h.SetMarkerColor(graphics_attributes['colors'][k]) h.SetLineColor(graphics_attributes['colors'][k]) h.Draw('same') labels = graphics_attributes['labels'] drawLegendWithDictKeys(topPad, dict([(labels[s], histos[s]) for s in histos.keys()]), legWidth=0.4) botPad.Draw() ratio.Draw('axis') textScaleUp = 1.0 / botPad.GetHNDC() xAx, yAx = ratio.GetXaxis(), ratio.GetYaxis() yAx.SetRangeUser(0.0, 2.0) xAx.SetTitle(graphics_attributes['xtitle']) yAx.SetNdivisions(-202) yAx.SetTitle('Data/Sim') yAx.CenterTitle() for a in [xAx, yAx]: if a.GetLabelSize() > 0.04: continue a.SetLabelSize(a.GetLabelSize() * textScaleUp) a.SetTitleSize(a.GetTitleSize() * textScaleUp) a.SetTitleOffset(a.GetTitleOffset() / textScaleUp) ratio.SetMarkerStyle(graphics_attributes['markers']['data']) fitfunc.SetLineWidth(2) fitfunc.SetLineStyle(2) fitfunc.Draw('same') ratio.Draw('same') tex = r.TLatex() tex.SetNDC(True) p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitfunc) fitParLabel = "Const. fit : %s #pm %s" % (pdgRound(p0, p0Err)) fitGoodLabel = "#chi^{2}/DOF : %.2f / %d" % (chi2, ndf) tex.SetTextSize(yAx.GetTitleSize()) tex.SetTextFont(yAx.GetTitleFont()) tex.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.40, "#splitline{%s}{%s}" % (fitParLabel, fitGoodLabel)) can.Update() outfname = outfname + '.png' rmIfExists(outfname) # avoid root warnings can.SaveAs(outfname)