def test_stop_on_errors():
    """ Unit test cusrom ParseFixer.stop_on_errors
    # fmt: off
    table_lines = [
        [ "a1"  , "a2"  , "a3"  , "a4"  ],
        [ "-"   , "-"   , "-"   , "-"   ],
        [ 1     , 2     , 3     , 3.14  ],
        [ "a1"  , "a2"  , "a3"  , "a4"  ],
        [ "-"   , "-"   , "-"   , "-"   ],
        [ "NaN" , "nan" , "Nine", "Ten" ],
        [ 1     , 2     , 3     , 4     ],
    # fmt: on

    fix = ParseFixer()
    fix.stop_on_errors = True
    fix._dbg = False  # ignore during test
    pi = 0
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        for typ, tab in parse_blocks(table_lines, fixer=fix, to="pdtable"):
            if typ != BlockType.TABLE:
            assert tab.df["a4"][0] == 3.14
            pi += 1

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        for typ, tab in parse_blocks(table_lines, fixer=fix, to="jsondata"):
            if typ != BlockType.TABLE:
            assert tab["columns"]["a4"]["values"][0] == 3.14
            pi += 1

    # cellgrid does not parse values, i.e. no ValueError
    for typ, tab in parse_blocks(table_lines, fixer=fix, to="cellgrid"):
        if typ != BlockType.TABLE:
        if tab[0][0] == "**tab_ok":
            assert tab[4][3] == 3.14
            pi += 1
        if tab[0][0] == "**tab_errors":
            assert tab[4][3] == "Ten"

    assert pi == 3  # 😉
def test_json_pdtable():
    """ ensure dict-obj to pdtable conversion
        compare to target created w. read_stream_csv
    cell_rows = [
        line.split(";") for line in dedent("""\
        your_farm my_farm farms_galore;;;
        species;  num;  flt;    log;
        text;       -;   kg;  onoff;
        chicken;    2;    3;      1;
        pig;        4;   39;      0;
        goat;       4;    -;      1;
        zybra;      4;    -;      0;
        cow;      NaN;  200;      1;
        goose;      2;    9;      0;
    pandas_pdtab = None
    # with io.StringIO(csv_src) as fh:
    g = parse_blocks(cell_rows,
                     **{"origin": '"types1.csv" row 1'},
    for tp, tab in g:
        pandas_pdtab = tab
    # fmt: off
    table_json_data = {
        "name": "farm_types1",
        "columns": {
            "species": {
                "unit": "text",
                "values": ["chicken", "pig", "goat", "zybra", "cow", "goose"]
            "num": {
                "unit": "-",
                "values": [2.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, None, 2.0]
            "flt": {
                "unit": "kg",
                "values": [3.0, 39.0, None, None, 200.0, 9.0]
            "log": {
                "unit": "onoff",
                "values": [True, False, True, False, True, False]
        "destinations": {
            "your_farm": None,
            "my_farm": None,
            "farms_galore": None
    # fmt: on

    json_pdtab = json_data_to_table(table_json_data, fixer=custom_test_fixer)
    assert pandas_pdtab.equals(json_pdtab)
def test_fat():
    """ Factory Acceptance Test

        Read input files as dictionary objects.
        Compare objects to stored target objects (input_dir() / all.json)

    all_files = 0
    for fn in os.listdir(input_dir()):
        path = input_dir() / fn
        if not os.path.isfile(path):
        if fn in ["", "", "all.json", "all.csv"]:
        all_files += 1

    with open(input_dir() / "all.json") as f:
        all_json = json.load(f)

    count = 0
    for fn in os.listdir(input_dir()):
        path = input_dir() / fn
        if not os.path.isfile(path):
        if fn in ["", "", "all.json", "all.csv"]:
        with open(input_dir() / fn, "r") as fh:
            cell_rows = (line.rstrip("\n").split(";") for line in fh)
            g = parse_blocks(cell_rows,
                                 "origin": f'"{fn}"',
                                 "to": "jsondata"

            for tp, tt in g:
                if tp == BlockType.TABLE:
                    """  compare generic object
                         i.e. containing None instead of pd.NaT, np.nan &c.
                    count += 1
                    assert tt == all_json[fn]

    assert count == all_files
def test_stop_on_errors_default_fixer():
    """ Unit test ParseFixer: raise ValueError on empty float and empty onoff
    # fmt: off
    table_lines_flt = [
        [ "a1"  , "a2"  , "a3"  , "a4"  ],
        [ "-"   , "-"   , "-"   , "-"   ],
        [ 1     , 2     , 3     , 3.14  ],
        [ "a1"  , "a2"  , "a3"  , "a4"  ],
        [ "-"   , "-"   , "-"   , "-"   ],
        [ 1     , 2     , 3     , ""    ],
    # fmt: on

    g = parse_blocks(table_lines_flt, filter=lambda ty, tn: ty == BlockType.TABLE)
    typ, tab = next(g)
    assert == "tab_ok"
    assert tab.df["a4"][0] == 3.14

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        typ, tab = next(g)
        print(f"-oOo-: {typ} {tab}")

    # fmt: off
    table_lines_onoff = [
        [ "a1"  , "a2"],
        [ "-"   , "onoff"],
        [ 3.14  , 1      ],
        [ "a1"  , "a2" ],
        [ "-"   , "onoff" ],
        [ 1     ,  None   ],
    # fmt: on
    g = parse_blocks(table_lines_onoff, filter=lambda ty, tn: ty == BlockType.TABLE)
    typ, tab = next(g)
    assert == "tab_ok"
    assert tab.df["a1"][0] == 3.14

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        typ, tab = next(g)
        print(f"-oOo-: {typ} {tab}")

    # fmt: off
    table_lines_datetime = [
        [ "a1"  , "a2"],
        [ "-"   , "datetime"   ],
        [ 14    , pd.to_datetime("2020-08-11")],
        [ 3.14  , "2020-08-12" ],
        [ "a1"  , "a2" ],
        [ "-"   , "datetime" ],
        [ 14    , pd.to_datetime("2020-08-13")],
        [ 1     ,  None   ],
    # fmt: on
    g = parse_blocks(table_lines_datetime, filter=lambda ty, tn: ty == BlockType.TABLE)
    typ, tab = next(g)
    assert == "tab_ok"
    assert tab.df["a1"][1] == 3.14
    assert tab.df["a2"][1] == pd.to_datetime("2020-08-12")

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        typ, tab = next(g)
        print(f"-oOo-: {typ} {tab}")