def __init__(self): self.project = Penguins() # self.project.__migrate__() # tkinter stuff self.root = tkinter.Tk() self.root.geometry('900x700') self.root.title("Marmot") self.root.resizable(False,False) # ttk stuff - congrads if you understand the difference between tkinter and ttk self.mainframe = ttk.Frame(self.root, padding="3 3 12 12") self.mainframe.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=(tkinter.N, tkinter.W, tkinter.E, tkinter.S)) self.mainframe.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.mainframe.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.root.option_add('*tearOff', False) self.links = [] self.true_probabilities = {} self.false_probabilities = {} self.percentage_thresholds = {} self.probability_threshold = {} self.weightings = {} # might have to truly random - but this way, we don't always download new images random.seed(1) # store all of the subjects in a random order self.subjects = [] # self.subjects = self.project.__get_retired_subjects__(1,True) # # random.shuffle(self.subjects) self.page_index = 0 self.step_size = 45 # see for deleting previous thumbnails when we go to a new page self.thumbnails = [] self.true_positives = {} self.false_positives = {} self.unknown_positives = {} self.run_mode = None # used that we can store values when we go back to an image self.matplotlib_points = {} self.probabilities = {} # by default no self.require_gold_standard = False
#!/usr/bin/env python __author__ = 'ggdhines' from penguin import Penguins import json project = Penguins() stmt = "select subject_id,aggregation from aggregations where workflow_id = -1" cursor = project.postgres_session.cursor() # cursor.execute(stmt) # for i in cursor.fetchall(): # path = None # aggregations = i[1]#json.loads(i[1]) # # for cluster_index,cluster in aggregations["1"]["point clusters"].items(): # if cluster_index in ["param","all_users"]: # continue # # # print cluster["existence"][0] # if isinstance(cluster["existence"][0],dict): # p = cluster["existence"][0]["1"] # else: # # p = cluster["existence"][0][1] # # if p > 0.5: # if path is None: # subject = project.subject_collection.find_one({"zooniverse_id":i[0]}) # path = subject["metadata"]["path"][:-4] # url = subject["location"]["standard"]
def __init__(self): Penguins.__init__(self)
class Marmot: def __init__(self): self.project = Penguins() # self.project.__migrate__() # tkinter stuff self.root = tkinter.Tk() self.root.geometry('900x700') self.root.title("Marmot") self.root.resizable(False,False) # ttk stuff - congrads if you understand the difference between tkinter and ttk self.mainframe = ttk.Frame(self.root, padding="3 3 12 12") self.mainframe.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=(tkinter.N, tkinter.W, tkinter.E, tkinter.S)) self.mainframe.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.mainframe.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.root.option_add('*tearOff', False) self.links = [] self.true_probabilities = {} self.false_probabilities = {} self.percentage_thresholds = {} self.probability_threshold = {} self.weightings = {} # might have to truly random - but this way, we don't always download new images random.seed(1) # store all of the subjects in a random order self.subjects = [] # self.subjects = self.project.__get_retired_subjects__(1,True) # # random.shuffle(self.subjects) self.page_index = 0 self.step_size = 45 # see for deleting previous thumbnails when we go to a new page self.thumbnails = [] self.true_positives = {} self.false_positives = {} self.unknown_positives = {} self.run_mode = None # used that we can store values when we go back to an image self.matplotlib_points = {} self.probabilities = {} # by default no self.require_gold_standard = False def __create_thumb__(self,subject_id): fname = self.project.__image_setup__(subject_id) openImg = openImg.thumbnail((250, 250)) + subject_id+".jpg") def __image_select__(self,require_gold_standard=False): # setup for when the user wants to explore results that don't have a gold standard return self.project.__get_retired_subjects__(1,False) # random.shuffle(self.subjects) def __run__(self): # create the welcome window run_type = None t = tkinter.Toplevel(self.root) t.resizable(False,False) frame = ttk.Frame(t, padding="3 3 12 12") frame.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=(tkinter.N, tkinter.W, tkinter.E, tkinter.S)) frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) ttk.Label(frame,text="Welcome to Marmot.").grid(column=1,row=1) def setup(require_gold_standard): # this will determine the whole run mode from here on in self.require_gold_standard = require_gold_standard self.subjects = self.__image_select__(require_gold_standard) # if r == "a": # self.subjects = self.project.__get_retired_subjects__(1,True) # self.run_mode = "a" # else: # # when we want to explore subjects which don't have gold standard # # basically creating some as we go # # False => read in all subjects, not just those with gold standard annotations # # todo - takes a while in read in all subjects. Better way? # self.subjects = self.project.__get_retired_subjects__(1,False) # self.run_mode = "b" random.shuffle(self.subjects) self.__thumbnail_display__() self.__add_buttons__() t.destroy() ttk.Button(frame, text="Explore results using existing expert annotations", command = lambda : setup(True)).grid(column=1, row=2) ttk.Button(frame, text="Explore and create gold standard on the fly", command = lambda : setup(False)).grid(column=1, row=3) t.lift(self.root) # self.outputButtons() self.root.mainloop() def __calculate__(self): if self.percentage_thresholds != {}: plt.close() subject_ids = self.probability_threshold.keys() X = [self.probability_threshold[s] for s in subject_ids] Y = [self.weightings[s] for s in subject_ids] plt.plot(X,Y,'.') plt.xlim((-0.02,1.02)) def __thumbnail_display__(self): # destroy any previously existing thumbnails - for when we're flipping through pages for thumb_index in range(len(self.thumbnails)-1,-1,-1): old_thumb = self.thumbnails.pop(thumb_index) old_thumb.destroy() for ii,subject_id in enumerate(self.subjects[9*self.page_index:9+9*self.page_index]): # do we already have a thumb for this file? thumb_path = DIR_THUMBS+str(subject_id)+".jpg" if not os.path.exists(thumb_path): self.__create_thumb__(subject_id) render_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file=thumb_path) but = ttk.Button(self.root, image=render_image) but.grid(column=ii/3+1, row=(1+ii)%3,sticky=tkinter.W) # the interaction with the subject will depend on whether we have gold standard data for it or not # if not, the user will need to create some if self.require_gold_standard: assert False # but.bind('<Button-1>', lambda event,t=thumb_path: self.(t) if self.run_mode == "a" else self.__create_gold_standard__(t)) else: but.bind('<Button-1>', lambda event,t=thumb_path: self.__create_gold_standard__(t)) self.thumbnails.append(but) # sigh - I hate having to do this # MUST keep - otherwise garbage collection in Python will remove it self.links.append(render_image) # todo - this window is not actually popping up # determine which of the subjects we are interested in have actually been processed # we may need to do some additional aggregation aggregated_subjects = self.project.__get_aggregated_subjects__(-1) not_aggregated = [s for s in self.subjects[:self.step_size] if s not in aggregated_subjects] # print not_aggregated if not_aggregated != []: self.project.__aggregate__([-1],self.subjects[:self.step_size]) def __increment__(self): self.page_index += 1 self.__thumbnail_display__() def __decrement__(self): self.page_index -= 1 self.__thumbnail_display__() def __add_buttons__(self): # for ii,thumbfile in enumerate(thumbfiles[:3]): ttk.Button(self.root, text="<--", command=self.__decrement__).grid(column=2, row=4) ttk.Button(self.root, text="-->", command=self.__increment__).grid(column=2, row=5) # ttk.Button(self.root, text="Threshold Plot", command=self.__calculate__).grid(column=1, row=5) # ttk.Button(self.root, text="Re-aggregate", command=self.__reaggregate__).grid(column=1, row=6) ttk.Button(self.root, text="ROC estimate", command=self.__roc_estimate__).grid(column=1, row=6) def __roc_estimate__(self): plt.close() true_positives = [] false_positives = [] unknowns = [] for subject_id in self.true_positives: for pt in self.true_positives[subject_id]: true_positives.append(self.probabilities[subject_id][pt]) for pt in self.false_positives[subject_id]: false_positives.append(self.probabilities[subject_id][pt]) for pt in self.unknown_positives[subject_id]: unknowns.append(self.probabilities[subject_id][pt]) overall_probabilities = true_positives[:] overall_probabilities.extend(false_positives) # remove duplicates and sort overall_probabilities = sorted(list(set(overall_probabilities)),reverse=True) X = [] Y = [] for p in overall_probabilities: num_true = sum([1 for p1 in true_positives if p1 >= p]) num_false = sum([1 for p1 in false_positives if p1 >= p]) # treat them as positives num_true += sum([1 for p1 in unknowns if p1 >= p]) Y.append(num_true) X.append(num_false) X = [x/float(max(X)) for x in X] Y = [y/float(max(Y)) for y in Y] plt.plot(X,Y,"o-") X = [] Y = [] for p in overall_probabilities: num_true = sum([1 for p1 in true_positives if p1 >= p]) num_false = sum([1 for p1 in false_positives if p1 >= p]) # treat them as negatives num_false += sum([1 for p1 in unknowns if p1 >= p]) Y.append(num_true) X.append(num_false) X = [x/float(max(X)) for x in X] Y = [y/float(max(Y)) for y in Y] plt.plot(X,Y,"o-") def __reaggregate__(self): """ just rerun aggregation stuff for the current selection of subjects :return: """ # todo - just rid of the hard coded 45 assert (self.true_positives != {}) or (self.false_positives != {}) self.project.__aggregate__([-1],self.subjects[:45],(self.true_positives,self.false_positives)) def __update_threshold__(self,new_percentile_threshold,matplotlib_objects): """ update whether we think objects are true positives or not - without using gold standard data so this is for creating gold standard returns a tuple of all TP probabilities and the FP ones too, according to the given threshold :param new_percentile_threshold: :return: """ assert isinstance(matplotlib_objects,dict) # TP = [] # FP = [] # if self.probabilities == []: # return None,([],[],[],[]) objects,individual_probabilities = zip(*matplotlib_objects.values()) prob_threshold = numpy.percentile(individual_probabilities,(1-new_percentile_threshold)*100) print new_percentile_threshold print individual_probabilities print prob_threshold print # clusters we have corrected identified as true positivies green_pts = [] # clusters we have incorrectly identified as true positives red_pts = [] # clusters have incorrectly idenfitied as false positivies yellow_pts = [] # etc. blue_pts = [] for center,(obj,prob_existence) in matplotlib_objects.items(): # x,y = matplotlib_pt.get_data() # x = x[0] # y = y[0] # if correct_pts is not None: # if prob_existence >= prob_threshold: # # based on the threshold - we think this point exists # if center in correct_pts: # # woot - we were right # matplotlib_pt.set_color("green") # # green_pts.append(prob_existence) # else: # # boo - we were wrong # matplotlib_pt.set_color("red") # # green_pts.append(prob_existence) # else: # # we think this point is a false positive # if center in correct_pts: # matplotlib_pt.set_color("yellow") # # green_pts.append(prob_existence) # else: # matplotlib_pt.set_color("blue") # # green_pts.append(prob_existence) # else: # in this case, with no expert data, we are assuming that all points accepted # are correctly accepted and making no judgement about rejected points # do not change any points which have been assigned to be a false positive if prob_existence >= prob_threshold: if obj.get_color() != "red": obj.set_color("green") green_pts.append(prob_existence) else: if obj.get_color() != "red": obj.set_color("yellow") print "yellow" yellow_pts.append(prob_existence) print (1-new_percentile_threshold)*100 print prob_threshold print green_pts print yellow_pts print return prob_threshold def __create_gold_standard__(self,thumb_path): print "hello world" slash_index = thumb_path.rindex("/") subject_id = thumb_path[slash_index+1:-4] # get the clusters # close any previously open graph plt.close() fig = plt.figure() axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # get the cluster markings from the aggregation api self.probabilities[subject_id] = self.project.__get_cluster_markings__(-1,subject_id,1,"point") # if this is the first time we are seeing this particular image # by default, accept the 50% in terms of probability threshold if subject_id not in self.percentage_thresholds: self.percentage_thresholds[subject_id] = 0.5 # plot centers matplotlib_objects = self.__plot_cluster_markings__(self.probabilities[subject_id],"point",axes,self.percentage_thresholds[subject_id]) # if this is the first time we've seen this image # accept all points above the threshold # any point below the threshold is just unknown - NOT a false positive if subject_id not in self.true_positives: # ,"point",axes,self.percentage_thresholds[subject_id] # use the colour to determine if a point has been labelled as true positive self.true_positives[subject_id] = [pt for pt,(obj,prob) in matplotlib_objects.items() if obj.get_color() == "green"] # by default any point above the threshold is just unknown - NOT a false positive self.false_positives[subject_id] = [] self.unknown_positives[subject_id] = [pt for pt in matplotlib_objects if pt not in self.true_positives[subject_id]] else: # immediately reload previous colours for pt,(obj,prob) in matplotlib_objects.items(): if pt in self.true_positives[subject_id]: obj.set_color("green") elif pt in self.false_positives[subject_id]: obj.set_color("red") else: obj.set_color("yellow") fig.canvas.draw_idle() dimensions = self.project.__plot_image__(subject_id,axes) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) # axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' # todo - 1.92 is a hack for penguin watch # this rescaling must happen before we add the slider axes - because why not if dimensions is not None: plt.axis((0,dimensions["width"]/1.92,dimensions["height"]/1.92,0)) # plt.xlim((dimensions["height"],0)) # plt.ylim((0,dimensions["width"])) axfreq = plt.axes([0.25, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03]) # todo - has got to be a better to initalize this # self.weightings[subject_id] = len(matplotlib_points) threshold_silder = Slider(axfreq, 'Percentage', 0., 1., valinit=self.percentage_thresholds[subject_id]) # self.project.__get_expert_annotations__(-1,subject_id) # needs to be an inner function - grrrr def update(val): new_threshold = threshold_silder.val # store this new threshold for future use i.e. when the image is reopened self.percentage_thresholds[subject_id] = new_threshold self.probability_threshold[subject_id] = self.__update_threshold__(new_threshold,matplotlib_objects) # if a point is not a true positive - we make no claim about what it is self.true_positives[subject_id] = [pt for pt,(obj,prob) in matplotlib_objects.items() if obj.get_color() == "green"] self.unknown_positives[subject_id] = [pt for pt,(obj,prob) in matplotlib_objects.items() if obj.get_color() == "yellow"] # false positives should not change fig.canvas.draw_idle() def onpick3(event): x = event.xdata y = event.ydata if (x is None) or (y is None): return # pt = event.xdata,event.ydata nearest_pt = None closest_dist = float("inf") for x2,y2 in matplotlib_objects.keys(): dist = math.sqrt((x-x2)**2+(y-y2)**2) if dist < closest_dist: closest_dist = dist nearest_pt = (x2,y2) if closest_dist < 20: obj,prob = matplotlib_objects[nearest_pt] # new_color = color_list[(color_list.index(color)+1)%3] # matplotlib_objects[nearest_pt] = pt,prob,new_color # pt.set_color(new_color) old_colour = obj.get_color() # first is going from red to green if old_colour == "red": # gone from a false positive to a true positive self.false_positives[subject_id].remove(nearest_pt) self.true_positives[subject_id].append(nearest_pt) obj.set_color("green") elif old_colour == "green": # gone from true positive to don't know self.true_positives[subject_id].remove(nearest_pt) self.unknown_positives[subject_id].append(nearest_pt) obj.set_color("yellow") else: # gone from don't know to false positive self.unknown_positives[subject_id].remove(nearest_pt) self.false_positives[subject_id].append(nearest_pt) obj.set_color("red") fig.canvas.draw_idle() threshold_silder.on_changed(update) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onpick3) def __compare_aggregations__(self,agg1,agg2): X = [] Y = [] plt.close() for subject_id in agg1: if subject_id == "param": continue print agg1[subject_id] assert subject_id in agg2 for task_id in agg1[subject_id]: if task_id == "param": continue print agg1[subject_id][task_id] assert task_id in agg2[subject_id] for shape in agg1[subject_id][task_id]: if shape == "param": continue print agg1[subject_id][task_id][shape] assert shape in agg2[subject_id][task_id] for cluster_index in agg1[subject_id][task_id][shape]: if (cluster_index == "param") or (cluster_index == "all_users"): continue assert cluster_index in agg2[subject_id][task_id][shape] print cluster_index X.append(agg1[subject_id][task_id][shape][cluster_index]["existence"][0][1]) Y.append(agg2[subject_id][task_id][shape][cluster_index]["existence"][0][1]) plt.close() plt.plot(X,Y,"o") def __plot_cluster_markings__(self,cluster_list,shape,axes,percentile_threshold=None,correct_pts=None,incorrect_pts=None): """ take a listing of cluster centers and mark them on the image - cluster list is a dictionary with the keywords the centers and values the probabilities of existence. With these, we can figure out which colour to make each image """ # main thing we are returning so that objects can be updated matplotlib_objects = {} # convert from a percentile threshold to a probability threshold if percentile_threshold is not None: prob_threshold = numpy.percentile(cluster_list.values(),(1-percentile_threshold)*100) marker = '.' else: prob_threshold = None marker = '^' for center,prob_existence in cluster_list.items(): if shape == "point": # with whatever alg we used, what do we think the probability is that # this cluster actually exists? # if we have gold standard to compare to - use that to determine the colour if correct_pts is not None: # if is equal to None - just compared directly against gold standard with out threshold if prob_threshold is not None: # we have both a threshold and gold standard - gives us four options if prob_existence >= prob_threshold: # based on the threshold - we think this point exists if center in correct_pts: # woot - we were right color = "green" else: # boo - we were wrong color = "red" else: # we think this point is a false positive if center in correct_pts: # boo - we were wrong color = "yellow" else: # woot color = "blue" else: # we have just the gold standard - so we are purely reviewing the expert results if center in correct_pts: color = "green" else: color = "red" matplotlib_objects[center] = axes.plot(center[0],center[1],marker=marker,color=color)[0],prob_existence else: # we have nothing to compare against - so we are not showing correctness so much # as just showing which points would be rejected/accepted with the default understanding # that points will be correctly accepted - points that are rejected - we make no statement about # they will not be included in the gold standard if prob_existence >= prob_threshold: color = "green" # matplotlib_cluster[center] = axes.plot(center[0],center[1],".",color="green"),prob_existence else: # we think this is a false positive color = "yellow" # matplotlib_cluster[center] = axes.plot(center[0],center[1],".",color="red"),prob_existence matplotlib_objects[center] = axes.plot(center[0],center[1],marker=marker,color=color)[0],prob_existence return matplotlib_objects
__author__ = 'ggdhines' from penguin import Penguins import numpy import math import scipy project = Penguins() subjects = project.__get_retired_subjects__(1, False) jj = 0 for zooniverse_id in subjects: subject = project.subject_collection.find_one( {"zooniverse_id": zooniverse_id}) count = subject["classification_count"] raw_classifications, raw_markings = project.__sort_annotations__( -1, [zooniverse_id], False) # clusters = project.__get_users_per_cluster__(-1,zooniverse_id,1,"point") clustering_aggregations = project.__cluster__(raw_markings) print subject # print raw_markings centers = [] for cluster_index, cluster in clustering_aggregations[zooniverse_id][1][ "point clusters"].items(): if not (cluster_index in ["param", "all_users"]): # print cluster_index # print cluster centers.append( (cluster["center"][0], cluster["center"][1], cluster["users"]))