Beispiel #1
    def test_is_pauli_word(self):
        """Test for determining whether input ``Observable`` instance is a Pauli word."""

        observable_1 = PauliX(0)
        observable_2 = PauliZ(1) @ PauliX(2) @ PauliZ(4)
        observable_3 = PauliX(1) @ Hadamard(4)
        observable_4 = Hadamard(0)

        assert is_pauli_word(observable_1)
        assert is_pauli_word(observable_2)
        assert not is_pauli_word(observable_3)
        assert not is_pauli_word(observable_4)
def diagonalize_pauli_word(pauli_word):
    """Transforms the Pauli word to diagonal form in the computational basis.

    **Usage example:**

    >>> diagonalize_pauli_word(PauliX('a') @ PauliY('b') @ PauliZ('c'))
    Tensor(PauliZ(wires=['a']), PauliZ(wires=['b']), PauliZ(wires=['c']))

        pauli_word (Observable): the Pauli word to diagonalize in computational basis

        Observable: the Pauli word diagonalized in the computational basis

        TypeError: if the input is not a Pauli word, i.e., a Pauli operator, identity, or `Tensor`
        instances thereof


    if not is_pauli_word(pauli_word):
        raise TypeError(
            "Input must be a Pauli word, instead got: {}.".format(pauli_word))

    paulis_with_identity = (qml.PauliX, qml.PauliY, qml.PauliZ, qml.Identity)
    diag_term = None

    if isinstance(pauli_word, Tensor):
        for sigma in pauli_word.obs:
            if != "Identity":
                if diag_term is None:
                    diag_term = qml.PauliZ(wires=sigma.wires)
                    diag_term @= qml.PauliZ(wires=sigma.wires)

    elif isinstance(pauli_word, paulis_with_identity):
        sigma = pauli_word
        if != "Identity":
            diag_term = qml.PauliZ(wires=sigma.wires)

    if diag_term is None:
        diag_term = qml.Identity(pauli_word.wires.tolist()[0])

    return diag_term