def test_associativity(self):
     """ Command construction satisfies associativity. """
     expected = "fseq -d input_folder -o output -of npf input_file"
     assert expected == build_command(expected.split())
     assert expected == build_command([
         "fseq", ("-d", "input_folder"), "-o", ("output", "-of"), "npf",
     assert expected == build_command([("fseq", "-d"),
                                       ("input_folder", "-o"), "output",
                                       "-of", ("npf", "input_file")])
 def test_ignores_null_singletons(self):
     """ Conditional expression for positional arg may evaluate to null. """
     cmd_chunks = [
         "java", ("-jar", "trimmomatic.jar"), None, ("-o", None),
     expected = "java -jar trimmomatic.jar input_file.txt"
     assert expected == build_command(cmd_chunks)
 def test_trims_spaces_from_optarg(self, expected_opt):
     """ Space characters are trimmed from option and argument. """
     expected_arg = "output_dir"
     opt_template = "  {}   "
     arg_template = " {}  "
     opt_input = opt_template.format(expected_opt)
     arg_input = arg_template.format(expected_arg)
     expected = "{} {}".format(expected_opt, expected_arg)
     observed = build_command([(opt_input, arg_input)])
     assert expected == observed
 def test_conditional_argument_specification(self, arg_by_opt):
     """ Null-valued options are ignored. """
     optnames = ["--gsize", "--qvalue"]
     program = "macs2 callpeak"
     opts_text = "-f BED --nomodel"
     options = [(opt, arg_by_opt[opt] if opt in arg_by_opt else None)
                for opt in optnames]
     cmd = build_command([program] + [opts_text] + options)
     for opt in optnames:
         if opt in arg_by_opt:
             assert "{} {}".format(opt, arg_by_opt[opt]) in cmd
             assert opt not in cmd
     expected_num_spaces = -1 + sum(
         len(command_section) for command_section in
         [program.split(" "),
          opts_text.split(" "), options])
     print("Expecting {} spaces in command: {}".format(
         expected_num_spaces, cmd))
     assert expected_num_spaces == cmd.count(" ")
 def test_prohibits_container_element_with_more_than_two_items(
         self, chunks):
     """ Only raw strings and two-tuples are allowed. """
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
 def test_retains_non_space_whitespace(self, option, argument):
     """ Command builder retains non-space whitespace (e.g., delimiter). """
     assert "{} {}".format(option,
                           argument) == build_command([(option, argument)])
 def test_trims_spaces_raw_string(self, text):
     """ Space characters are trimmed from text ends. """
     assert text.strip(" ") == build_command([text])
 def test_single_non_null_valued_option_is_used(self, option, argument):
     """ Non-null-valued option is included in command, single-spaced. """
     assert "{} {}".format(option,
                           argument) == build_command([(option, argument)])
 def test_single_null_value_option_is_omitted(self, option):
     """ Null-valued option is excluded from command. """
     assert "" == build_command([(option, None)])
 def test_single_wrapped_string_is_unchanged(self):
     """ Raw command within contained type is returned as the command. """
     digits_string = "".join(random.choice(string.digits))
     assert digits_string == build_command(digits_string)
 def test_raw_string_is_unchanged(self):
     """ Single raw text command is returned as such. """
     text = "".join(random.choice(string.letters))
     assert text == build_command(text)
 def test_ignores_single_null(self):
     """ Command builder ignores each null singleton. """
     assert "" == build_command([None])
 def test_requires_chunks(self, chunks):
     """ Fail loudly to halt processing if no command parts are there. """
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):