Beispiel #1
def get_db_host(client_hostname):
    """Get address of local database host.

    If an access-network has been configured, expect selected address to be
    on that network. If none can be found, revert to primary address.

    If vip(s) are configured, chooses first available.
    vips = config('vip').split() if config('vip') else []
    access_network = config('access-network')
    if access_network:
        client_ip = get_host_ip(client_hostname)
        if is_address_in_network(access_network, client_ip):
            if is_clustered():
                for vip in vips:
                    if is_address_in_network(access_network, vip):
                        return vip

                log("Unable to identify a VIP in the access-network '%s'" %
                    (access_network), level=WARNING)
                return get_address_in_network(access_network)
            log("Client address '%s' not in access-network '%s'" %
                (client_ip, access_network), level=WARNING)

    if is_clustered() and vips:
        return vips[0]  # NOTE on private network

    if config('prefer-ipv6'):
        return get_ipv6_addr(exc_list=vips)[0]

    return unit_get('private-address')
def render_config(clustered=False, hosts=[]):
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(resolve_cnf_file())):

    context = {
        'cluster_name': 'juju_cluster',
        'private_address': get_host_ip(),
        'clustered': clustered,
        'cluster_hosts': ",".join(hosts),
        'sst_method': config('sst-method'),
        'sst_password': config('sst-password'),
        'innodb_file_per_table': config('innodb-file-per-table'),
        'table_open_cache': config('table-open-cache'),
        'lp1366997_workaround': config('lp1366997-workaround'),

    if config('prefer-ipv6'):
        # NOTE(hopem): this is a kludge to get percona working with ipv6.
        # See lp 1380747 for more info. This is intended as a stop gap until
        # percona package is fixed to support ipv6.
        context['bind_address'] = '::'
        context['wsrep_provider_options'] = 'gmcast.listen_addr=tcp://:::4567;'
        context['ipv6'] = True
        context['ipv6'] = False

           resolve_cnf_file(), context, perms=0o444)
def get_db_host(client_hostname, interface='shared-db'):
    """Get address of local database host.

    If an access-network has been configured, expect selected address to be
    on that network. If none can be found, revert to primary address.

    If network spaces are supported (Juju >= 2.0), use network-get to
    retrieve the network binding for the interface.

    If vip(s) are configured, chooses first available.
    vips = config('vip').split() if config('vip') else []
    dns_ha = config('dns-ha')
    access_network = config('access-network')
    client_ip = get_host_ip(client_hostname)
    if is_clustered() and dns_ha:
        log("Using DNS HA hostname: {}".format(config('os-access-hostname')))
        return config('os-access-hostname')
    elif access_network:
        if is_address_in_network(access_network, client_ip):
            if is_clustered():
                for vip in vips:
                    if is_address_in_network(access_network, vip):
                        return vip

                log("Unable to identify a VIP in the access-network '%s'" %
                return get_address_in_network(access_network)
            log("Client address '%s' not in access-network '%s'" %
                (client_ip, access_network),
            # NOTE(jamespage)
            # Try to use network spaces to resolve binding for
            # interface, and to resolve the VIP associated with
            # the binding if provided.
            interface_binding = network_get_primary_address(interface)
            if is_clustered() and vips:
                interface_cidr = resolve_network_cidr(interface_binding)
                for vip in vips:
                    if is_address_in_network(interface_cidr, vip):
                        return vip
            return interface_binding
        except NotImplementedError:
            # NOTE(jamespage): skip - fallback to previous behaviour

    if is_clustered() and vips:
        return vips[0]  # NOTE on private network

    if config('prefer-ipv6'):
        return get_ipv6_addr(exc_list=vips)[0]

    return unit_get('private-address')
def get_db_host(client_hostname, interface='shared-db'):
    """Get address of local database host.

    If an access-network has been configured, expect selected address to be
    on that network. If none can be found, revert to primary address.

    If network spaces are supported (Juju >= 2.0), use network-get to
    retrieve the network binding for the interface.

    If vip(s) are configured, chooses first available.
    vips = config('vip').split() if config('vip') else []
    access_network = config('access-network')
    client_ip = get_host_ip(client_hostname)
    if access_network:
        if is_address_in_network(access_network, client_ip):
            if is_clustered():
                for vip in vips:
                    if is_address_in_network(access_network, vip):
                        return vip

                log("Unable to identify a VIP in the access-network '%s'" %
                    (access_network), level=WARNING)
                return get_address_in_network(access_network)
            log("Client address '%s' not in access-network '%s'" %
                (client_ip, access_network), level=WARNING)
            # NOTE(jamespage)
            # Try to use network spaces to resolve binding for
            # interface, and to resolve the VIP associated with
            # the binding if provided.
            interface_binding = network_get_primary_address(interface)
            if is_clustered() and vips:
                interface_cidr = resolve_network_cidr(interface_binding)
                for vip in vips:
                    if is_address_in_network(interface_cidr, vip):
                        return vip
            return interface_binding
        except NotImplementedError:
            # NOTE(jamespage): skip - fallback to previous behaviour

    if is_clustered() and vips:
        return vips[0]  # NOTE on private network

    if config('prefer-ipv6'):
        return get_ipv6_addr(exc_list=vips)[0]

    return unit_get('private-address')
def shared_db_changed(relation_id=None, unit=None):
    if not seeded():
        log("Percona cluster not yet bootstrapped - deferring shared-db rel "
            "until bootstrapped", DEBUG)

    if not is_elected_leader(DC_RESOURCE_NAME):
        # NOTE(jamespage): relation level data candidate
        log('Service is peered, clearing shared-db relation '
            'as this service unit is not the leader')
        # Each unit needs to set the db information otherwise if the unit
        # with the info dies the settings die with it Bug# 1355848
        if is_relation_made('cluster'):
            for rel_id in relation_ids('shared-db'):
                peerdb_settings = \
                    peer_retrieve_by_prefix(rel_id, exc_list=['hostname'])

                passwords = [key for key in peerdb_settings.keys()
                             if 'password' in key.lower()]
                if len(passwords) > 0:
                    relation_set(relation_id=rel_id, **peerdb_settings)

    settings = relation_get(unit=unit, rid=relation_id)
    access_network = config('access-network')
    db_helper = get_db_helper()

                       relation_settings={'access-network': access_network})

    singleset = set(['database', 'username', 'hostname'])
    if singleset.issubset(settings):
        # Process a single database configuration
        hostname = settings['hostname']
        database = settings['database']
        username = settings['username']

        normalized_address = get_host_ip(hostname)
        if access_network and not is_address_in_network(access_network,
            # NOTE: for configurations using access-network, only setup
            #       database access if remote unit has presented a
            #       hostname or ip address thats within the configured
            #       network cidr
            log("Host '%s' not in access-network '%s' - ignoring" %
                (normalized_address, access_network), level=INFO)

        # NOTE: do this before querying access grants
        password = configure_db_for_hosts(hostname, database, username,

        allowed_units = db_helper.get_allowed_units(database, username,
        allowed_units = unit_sorted(allowed_units)
        allowed_units = ' '.join(allowed_units)
        relation_set(relation_id=relation_id, allowed_units=allowed_units)

        db_host = get_db_host(hostname)
        # Process multiple database setup requests.
        # from incoming relation data:
        #  nova_database=xxx nova_username=xxx nova_hostname=xxx
        #  quantum_database=xxx quantum_username=xxx quantum_hostname=xxx
        # create
        # {
        #   "nova": {
        #        "username": xxx,
        #        "database": xxx,
        #        "hostname": xxx
        #    },
        #    "quantum": {
        #        "username": xxx,
        #        "database": xxx,
        #        "hostname": xxx
        #    }
        # }
        databases = {}
        for k, v in settings.iteritems():
            db = k.split('_')[0]
            x = '_'.join(k.split('_')[1:])
            if db not in databases:
                databases[db] = {}
            databases[db][x] = v

        allowed_units = {}
        return_data = {}
        for db in databases:
            if singleset.issubset(databases[db]):
                database = databases[db]['database']
                hostname = databases[db]['hostname']
                username = databases[db]['username']

                normalized_address = get_host_ip(hostname)
                if (access_network and
                        not is_address_in_network(access_network,
                    # NOTE: for configurations using access-network,
                    #       only setup database access if remote unit
                    #       has presented a hostname or ip address
                    #       thats within the configured network cidr

                # NOTE: do this before querying access grants
                password = configure_db_for_hosts(hostname, database, username,

                a_units = db_helper.get_allowed_units(database, username,
                a_units = ' '.join(unit_sorted(a_units))
                allowed_units['%s_allowed_units' % (db)] = a_units

                return_data['%s_password' % (db)] = password
                db_host = get_db_host(hostname)

        if allowed_units:
            relation_set(relation_id=relation_id, **allowed_units)
            log("No allowed_units - not setting relation settings",

        if return_data:
            peer_store_and_set(relation_id=relation_id, db_host=db_host,
            log("No return data - not setting relation settings", level=DEBUG)