Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.x = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2
     self.y = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2
     self.tx = 0
     self.ty = 0
     self.noiseX = PerlinNoise(octaves=10, seed=1)
     self.noiseY = PerlinNoise(octaves=10, seed=2)
Beispiel #2
def noiseMountain(oldpic, mountHeight, size):
    noise1 = PerlinNoise(octaves=20)
    noise2 = PerlinNoise(octaves=21)
    noise3 = PerlinNoise(octaves=22)
    noise4 = PerlinNoise(octaves=23)

    xpix, ypix = size, size
    pic = []
    newnoise = noise(size)
    for i in range(xpix):
        row = []
        for j in range(ypix):
            noise_val = noise1([i / xpix, j / ypix])
            noise_val += 0.5 * noise2([i / xpix, j / ypix])
            noise_val += 0.25 * noise3([i / xpix, j / ypix])
            noise_val += 0.125 * noise4([i / xpix, j / ypix])
            print(i, j)
            noise_val -= oldpic[i][j] * mountHeight
            noise_val += newnoise[i][j] * mountHeight
    return pic
Beispiel #3
    def _generate_map(self):
        map_margin = 32
        mid_y = int(MAP_H / 2)
        noise1 = PerlinNoise(octaves=4)
        noise2 = PerlinNoise(octaves=12)
        noise3 = PerlinNoise(octaves=16)
        self.collision_noise = [0 for x in range(MAP_W)]

        for x in range(MAP_W):
            n = noise1([0, x/MAP_W]) + \
                0.5 * noise2([0, x/MAP_W]) + \
                0.25 * noise3([0, x/MAP_W])

            y2 = clamp(mid_y + n * 200, map_margin, MAP_H - map_margin)
            self.collision_noise[x] = int(y2)
Beispiel #4
 def make_perlin_mountains(self,num): #processo (lento) di creazione mappe con PerlinNoise
     print "[WORLD MAKER]: generation of perlin_maps\t"
     for k in xrange(num):
         print "%3.2f %%" % (float(k*100.0/num)),"\r",
         matr = []
         P = PerlinNoise()
         matr =, H_WORLD, 0.25,[0.065,0.125,0.25,0.5,0.7,1,1.6,1.8,2],D_WORLD+randint(-2,2))
         t = ''
         for i in range(W_WORLD):
             for j in range(H_WORLD):
                 t += str(matr[i+j*W_WORLD]).ljust(2,' ')+ ' '
             t += '\n'
         with open(r"lib_grows/perlin_maps/collina"+str(k)+".txt","w") as out:
def test_perlin_noise_works_in_2D():
    """Check value in [-1, 1] range."""
    noise = PerlinNoise(octaves=13)
    lim = 100
    for i in range(lim):
        for j in range(lim):
            assert -1 <= noise([i / lim, j / lim]) <= 1
Beispiel #6
    def perlin(terrain: np.ndarray, amplitude: float, octaves: float,
               seed: int):
            Apply the Perlin noise on a terrain.

            terrain: numpy.ndarray, shape (M, N)
                Terrain to modify.
            amplitude: float
                Maximum noise amplitude.
            octaves: float
                Number of sub rectangles in each range [0, 1].
            seed: int 
                Specific seed you want to initialize the random generator with.
        p_noise = PerlinNoise(octaves=octaves, seed=seed)
        rows, cols = terrain.shape

        # Calculate the noise.
        noise = np.zeros((rows, cols))
        for i in range(rows):
            for j in range(cols):
                noise[i][j] = p_noise([i / rows, j / cols])

        # Apply the noise to the terrain.
        terrain += amplitude * (noise - np.min(noise))
Beispiel #7
def noise(size):
    noise = PerlinNoise(octaves=10, seed=uuid.uuid1().int >> 64)
    xpix, ypix = size, size
    pic = [[noise([i / xpix, j / ypix]) for j in range(xpix)]
           for i in range(ypix)]
    return pic
Beispiel #8
def naturaLine(octaves=9, y=200,scale=60):
    '''Makes a HORIZONTAL naturalistic line, like a mountain range or river
    using perlin nosie. For more riverlike look, increase the number of octaves.)'''
    noise = PerlinNoise(octaves=octaves)
    x_pix = w # width of line
    outline = turtle.Turtle()
    outline.goto(-int(w/2),y-30) # start lower to fill in below the peaks
    for i in range(w):
        yval = noise(i/int(x_pix))
        panel.update() # animates the line being drawn.
    outline.goto(int(w/2),y-30) # move down to fill in below the peaks
Beispiel #9
 def __init__(self, pos, size, color):
     new_pos = (pos[0] + random.randint(-size * 2, size * 2),
                pos[1] + random.randint(-size * 3, size))
     super(FireParticle, self).__init__(new_pos, size, color)
     self.noise = PerlinNoise()
     self.start_size = size + random.randint(-10, 10) / 2
     self.lifespan = 1
     self.set_acceleration((0, -1))
Beispiel #10
def create_plants_perlin(flat_terrain_2d: MapgenTerrain,
                         plants_profile: PerlinPlantProfile):
    octaves = math.sqrt(
        max(flat_terrain_2d.size_x, flat_terrain_2d.size_z) / 2)
    print('perlin octaves: ' + str(octaves))
    perlin = PerlinNoise(octaves)
    for pp in plants_profile.plant_distributions:
        create_plants_perlin_sub(flat_terrain_2d, pp, perlin)
def test_perlin_noise_works_in_1D():
    """Check if values in -1 1 range and changes slowly"""
    p_noise = PerlinNoise()
    lim = 2000
    prev = 0
    for i in range(lim):
        noise = p_noise([i / lim])
        assert -1 < noise < 1
        assert 0 <= abs(noise - prev) < 0.001
        prev = noise
Beispiel #12
 def __init__(self, tcp_clients, noise, logs):
     self.noise = noise
     self.tcp_clients = tcp_clients
     self.chunks = {}
     self.entities = {}
     self.logs = logs
     self.chunks_indexes = {}
     self.last_id = 0
     self.noise2 = PerlinNoise(octaves=6, seed=SEED)
 def __init__(self, x, y):
     global map_size
     # self.x = random.choice([random.randint(25,50),random.randint(map_size-50,map_size-25)])
     # self.y = random.choice([random.randint(25,50),random.randint(map_size-50,map_size-25)])
     self.x = x
     self.y = y
     self.noise = PerlinNoise(octaves=10, seed=random.randint(1, 100))
     self.noise_resolution = 100
     # self.noise_map = [[self.noise([i/noise_resolution,j/noise_resolution]) for i in range(1,noise_resolution)] for j in range(1,noise_resolution)]
     # self.noise_map = [[self.noise([i/self.noise_resolution, i/self.noise_resolution]) for i in range(self.noise_resolution)]]
     self.noise_index = 0
def test_perlin_noise_works_in_high_dimensions():
    """Checks if values in -1 1 in high dimensions."""
    n_dims = 10
    noise = PerlinNoise(octaves=3)
    vec = []
    n_passes = 100
    for check in range(n_passes):
        vec = []
        for dim in range(n_dims):
            vec.append(random.uniform(-10, 10))
        assert -1 <= noise(vec) <= 1
Beispiel #15
    def get_price(self, time):
        noise = PerlinNoise(octaves=10, seed=self.s + 1)
        s = (noise(time * 4) - 0.5) * 2
        s *= (self.v * self.i) * 0.5
        self.c = self.i + s

        #self.c = (self.i * 2) * (sum([PerlinNoise(octaves=8**j,seed=j + 69)(i/100)/(3**j) for j in range(10)]) + 0.5)

        if self.c < 1:
            self.c = 1
        return self.c
Beispiel #16
    def setup(self):
        #create the block terrain using perlin noise
        noise = PerlinNoise(octaves=self.noiseOctaves, seed=self.noiseSeed)

        self.blocks =[[0 for j in range(self.size)] for i in range(self.size)]

        for i in range(self.size):
            for j in range(self.size):
                value = noise([(i+self.noiseX)/self.zoom, (j+self.noiseY)/self.zoom])
                if value <= self.landCutoff: #water
                    self.blocks[i][j] = 0
                    self.blocks[i][j] = 1
Beispiel #17
    def generate_terrain(self, seed=123):
        bkg_res = 10
        for chunk in self.chunks:
            for j in range(bkg_res):
                for k in range(bkg_res):
                    pattern = random.randint(0, 30)
                    if pattern == 9:
                                    chunk.rect.x + j * int(500 / bkg_res),
                                    chunk.rect.y + k * int(500 / bkg_res)
                                size=[int(500 / bkg_res),
                                      int(500 / bkg_res)],
                    elif pattern == 8 or pattern == 7:
                                    chunk.rect.x + j * int(500 / bkg_res),
                                    chunk.rect.y + k * int(500 / bkg_res)
                                size=[int(500 / bkg_res),
                                      int(500 / bkg_res)],
                    # else:
                    #     chunk.backgrounds.append(Background([chunk.rect.x + j*int(500/bkg_res), chunk.rect.y + k*int(500/bkg_res)],
                    #                                 "./img/background/ground_grass_1.png",
                    #                                 size=[int(500/bkg_res),int(500/bkg_res)]))

        #ToDo: add procedural generation
        noise = PerlinNoise()
        for i in range(1000):
            pos = random_in_rect(self.rect)
            chance = noise(
                [pos[0] / self.rect.width, pos[1] / self.rect.height]) + 0.5
            if chance > 0.2:
                self.add_entity(Oak(pos, size=[64, 64]))

            pos = random_in_rect(self.rect)
            chance = noise(
                [pos[0] / self.rect.width, pos[1] / self.rect.height]) + 0.5
            if chance > 0.2:
                self.add_entity(Pine(pos, size=[64, 64]))
            #self.add_entity(Oak(random_in_rect(self.rect), size=[64,64]))
            #self.add_entity(Pine(random_in_rect(self.rect), size=[64,64]))
            if i % 4 == 0:
                self.add_entity(Rock(random_in_rect(self.rect), size=[32, 32]))
def get_perlin_line2(density: int,
                     num_points: int,
                     amplitude: int = 75) -> np.array:
    This one's unpredictable but has done some cool stuff

    noise1 = PerlinNoise(octaves=4)
    noise2 = PerlinNoise(octaves=8)
    noise3 = PerlinNoise(octaves=12)
    noise4 = PerlinNoise(octaves=16)
    pts = np.zeros((num_points, 2))

    for i in range(num_points):

        noise_val = noise1(i / num_points)
        noise_val += 0.5 * noise2(i / num_points)
        noise_val += 0.25 * noise3(i / num_points)
        noise_val += 0.125 * noise4(i / num_points)

        noise_val *= amplitude
        pts[i] = np.array([0 + noise_val, i / density])

    return pts
Beispiel #19
    def __init__(self,
                 width: int,
                 height: int,
                 amplitudes: list,
                 zoomed: bool = False,
                 elevation: float = 1):
        To simplify things, the map will me created blank. The user needs to refer to static methods to add and
        tweak features.
        :param width:
        :param height:
        :param amplitudes: related to the octaves
        self.width = int(width)
        self.height = int(height)
        amplitudes.sort(key=lambda x: abs(x))
        noise = []

        for amplitude in amplitudes:

        pic = []
        for i in range(self.width):
            row = []
            for j in range(self.height):
                noise_val = 0
                for octave, amplitude in zip(noise, amplitudes):
                    Multiplying by 1/amplitude yields a zoomed in map, while amplitude/max(amplitudes) yields a very
                    sparse ocean-filled map. It may be interesting to let the user play with this.
                    if zoomed:
                        weight = (1 / amplitude)
                        weight = amplitude / max(amplitudes)

                    noise_val += weight * octave(
                        [i / self.width, j / self.height])

            pic.append(row) = np.array(pic) / sum(amplitudes)

        if elevation != 1:
Beispiel #20
    def __init__(self, pos, size=[16, 16], transparency=128, update_rate=1):
        super(Light, self).__init__()
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(pos[0], pos[1], size[0], size[1])
        self.size = size
        self.update_rate = update_rate
        self.alpha = transparency

        self.images = []
        self.image = None

        self.counter = 0
        self.index = 0

        self.noise = PerlinNoise(octaves=30, seed=777)

        self.is_active = True
Beispiel #21
def random_terrain(height, width=None):
    '''Generate a random terrain

    Returns a matrix of size (height, width), where the value of each
    grid point is determined using Perlin noise.

    if width == None: width = height

    noise = PerlinNoise(octaves=10)
    grid = np.matrix([[noise([i / height, j / width]) for j in range(width)]
                      for i in range(height)])
    grid = (grid - grid.min()) / (grid.max() - grid.min())
    start = (0, 0)
    goal = (height - 1, width - 1)

    return grid, start, goal
Beispiel #22
def makeExits(graph, width, height):
    noisey = PerlinNoise()
    width = (width) / pi
    height = (height) / pi

    leftNoise = (noisey([0, height / 2]))
    botNoise = noisey([width / 2, 0])
    topNoise = noisey([width / 2, height])
    rightNoise = noisey([width, height / 2])

    bigy = 100

    leftNoise = int(abs(leftNoise * bigy) % height)
    botNoise = int(abs(botNoise * bigy) % width)
    topNoise = int(abs(topNoise * bigy) % width)
    rightNoise = int(abs(rightNoise * bigy) % height)

    print(leftNoise, botNoise, topNoise, rightNoise)
Beispiel #23
    def steps(cls, rows: int, cols: int, width: float, height: float,
              seed: int) -> np.ndarray:
            Generate a cubes terrain. 

            rows: int
                Number of rows of the terrain.
            cols: int
                Number of columns of the terrain.
            width: float
                Width and length of the cubes.
            height: float
                Maximum height of the cubes.
            seed: int 
                Specific seed you want to initialize the random generator with.

                Resulting terrain.
        width = int(width / SCALE)

        # Generate the terrain
        terrain = cls.terrain(rows, cols)
        p_noise = PerlinNoise(octaves=STEPS_FREQUENCY, seed=seed)

        # Calculate the Perlin noise
        noise = np.zeros((rows, cols))
        for i in range(0, rows, width):
            for j in range(0, cols, width):
                noise[i][j] = p_noise([i / rows, j / cols])
                noise[i][j] += uniform(-STEPS_NOISE, STEPS_NOISE)

        # Add the blocks following the Perlin noise
        min_noise = np.min(noise)
        for i in range(0, rows, width):
            for j in range(0, cols, width):
                cls.step(terrain, i, j, width, width,
                         height * (noise[i][j] - min_noise))

        return terrain
Beispiel #24
    def generate_heights(self, detail=1, freqmult=0.5):
        # Creates the random noise used to define the heights on the map
        noisemaps = []
        start_time = time.time()

        print("Generating noise:")
        percentage = 100 // detail

        for i in range(1, detail + 1):
            noisemaps.append(PerlinNoise(2 ** i, random.randint(1, 1000)))

        for k in range(len(noisemaps)):
            self.height_values += freqmult ** k * np.array(
                [[noisemaps[k]([i / self.N, j / self.N]) for j in range(self.N)] for i in range(self.N)])
            print("(" + str(percentage * (k + 1)) + "%" + " " + str(time.time() - start_time) + "s)", end=" ")

        print("Noise generated!")
        self.map_exists = True
def get_perlin_line(density: int,
                    num_points: int,
                    octaves: int = 4,
                    amplitude: int = 75) -> np.array:
    Returns perlin noise based on given level of stochasticity

    Octaves: Number of layered noise functions being used to create the
    perlin noise. More octaves means more stochasticty and more jaggedness

    noise = PerlinNoise(octaves=octaves)
    pts = np.zeros((num_points, 2))

    for i in range(num_points):

        noise_val = noise(i / num_points)
        noise_val += 0.25 * noise((i - 1) / num_points)
        noise_val += 0.125 * noise((i + 1) / num_points)
        noise_val *= amplitude
        pts[i] = np.array([0 + noise_val, i / density])

    return pts