def setUp(self): # permset.dump_db(con, "dump.sql") self.permset = Permset() self.permset.load_db(os.path.join(this_path, "testset-1.sql"))
class TestBasic(TestCase): def setUp(self): # permset.dump_db(con, "dump.sql") self.permset = Permset() self.permset.load_db(os.path.join(this_path, "testset-1.sql")) def tearDown(self): for fname in ("dump.sql", "r.txt", ".permset"): fname = os.path.join(this_path, fname) if os.path.exists(fname): os.remove(fname) def pp_patterns(self, patterns, expected, do_print): if do_print: print "\n" print "\n".join(map(str, patterns)) print "----" self.assertEqual(len(patterns), len(expected)) for p,e in zip(patterns, expected): self.assertEqual(p[:len(e)], e) def test_basic_files(self): self.permset.patterns = [] patterns = self.permset.calculate_pattern("F")[0] self.pp_patterns(patterns, [ ('F', 'P', 'R' , 'rlujo|staff|rw-r--r--', '.', 0, ) , ('F', 'P', 'R' , 'rlujo|admin|rw-r--r--', './sites', 1, ) , ('F', 'S', None, 'rlujo|admin|rw-------', './sites/pak/', 2, ) , ('F', 'S', None, 'rlujo|admin|rw-------', './sites/pak/local_settings.pyc',2, ) , ('F', 'S', None, 'rlujo|admin|rw-------', './sites/ws/', 2, ) , ('F', 'S', None, 'rlujo|admin|rw-------', './sites/ws/local_settings.pyc', 2, ) ], False) cmds = self.permset.get_apply_patterns_commands(patterns) # pp(cmds) self.assertEqual(cmds, [u'chown -h rlujo $(find . -type f)', u'chgrp -h staff $(find . -type f)', u'chmod -h u+rw,u-x,g+r,g-wx,o+r,o-wx $(find . -type f)', u'chown -h rlujo $(find ./sites -type f)', u'chgrp -h admin $(find ./sites -type f)', u'chmod -h u+rw,u-x,g+r,g-wx,o+r,o-wx $(find ./sites -type f)', u'chown -h rlujo ./sites/pak/', u'chgrp -h admin ./sites/pak/', u'chmod -h u+rw,u-x,g-rwx,o-rwx ./sites/pak/', u'chown -h rlujo ./sites/pak/local_settings.pyc', u'chgrp -h admin ./sites/pak/local_settings.pyc', u'chmod -h u+rw,u-x,g-rwx,o-rwx ./sites/pak/local_settings.pyc', u'chown -h rlujo ./sites/ws/', u'chgrp -h admin ./sites/ws/', u'chmod -h u+rw,u-x,g-rwx,o-rwx ./sites/ws/', u'chown -h rlujo ./sites/ws/local_settings.pyc', u'chgrp -h admin ./sites/ws/local_settings.pyc', u'chmod -h u+rw,u-x,g-rwx,o-rwx ./sites/ws/local_settings.pyc'] ) def test_basic_dirs(self): # 2nd param is True/False for the case the parent pattern applies # recursively self.permset.patterns = [] patterns = self.permset.calculate_pattern("D")[0] pp(patterns) self.pp_patterns(patterns, [ ('D', 'P', 'R', 'rlujo|staff|rwxr-xr-x', '.', 0) , ('D', 'P', 'R', 'rlujo|admin|rwxr-xr-x', './sites', 1) ], False) cmds = self.permset.get_apply_patterns_commands(patterns) # pp(cmds) self.assertEqual(cmds, [u'chown -h rlujo $(find . -type d)', u'chgrp -h staff $(find . -type d)', u'chmod -h u+rwx,g+rx,g-w,o+rx,o-w $(find . -type d)', u'chown -h rlujo $(find ./sites -type d)', u'chgrp -h admin $(find ./sites -type d)', u'chmod -h u+rwx,g+rx,g-w,o+rx,o-w $(find ./sites -type d)'] ) def test_cmd_get(self): # dummy to test call # process([]) # process(["--save", this_path]) # process(["--set", this_path]) # process(["--output", "r.txt", this_path]) process([this_path]) process([this_path, "--save"]) process([this_path, "--set"]) process([this_path, "--output", "r.txt"])