Beispiel #1
def brute_force():
  count = 0
  from permut import couple
  for n in range(N,1,-1):
    for c in couple(integers,n):
      if reduce(lambda x,y: x+int(y),c, 0) == N:
        #print c
        count += 1
  return count
Beispiel #2
def solve():
  # polygon = 3
  # first_digit = 4
  # r = filter(lambda x: x!=first_digit, range(1,7))
  polygon = 5
  first_digit = 10
  r = filter(lambda x: x!=first_digit, range(1,11))

  matchs = []
  for c in couple(r, 2, optimized=False):
    if c[0] == c[1]: continue
    c = map(int, c)
    c.insert(0, first_digit)
    glines = [[c]]
    for lines in glines:
      rr = filter(lambda x: x not in reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, lines), r)
      if len(lines) == polygon-1:
        last = [rr[0], lines[-1][-1], lines[0][1]]
        if sum(last) == sum(lines[0]):
          print "find", lines
      for cc in couple(rr, 2, optimized=False):
        if cc[0] == cc[1]: continue
        cc = map(int, cc)
        cc.insert(1, lines[-1][-1])
        if sum(cc) != sum(lines[0]): continue
        newlines = lines[:]
  # "sort" the lines by turning cyclicly until the first element of the first line has the minimal value
  matchs_sorted = []
  for lines in matchs:
    index = lines.index(min(lines))
    matchs_sorted.append( lines[index:] + lines[:index] )
  return max([int(''.join(map(str, reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, m)))) for m in matchs_sorted])