def main():
    ###### set this to a file you don't upload to github before you upload (.gitignore)
    creds = pickle.load(open("api_config.p", "rb"))
    api_key = creds['api_key']
    api_secret = creds['api_secret']
    zip_code = sys.argv[1]  #change to input

    # Instantiate the client with your credentials.
    api = petfinder.PetFinderClient(api_key=api_key, api_secret=api_secret)

    image_detect = 0  #how many cats actually have detectable faces
    cat = 0
    for pet in api.pet_find(animal="cat", location=zip_code, output="full"):
        cat += 1
            line = pet['photos'][0]['url']  #detect picture URL
        except IndexError:
            line = 'null'
        sub_image_detect = 0
        if line != 'null':  #if no picture, skip record
            sub_image_detect = run_algo(pet)
        if sub_image_detect > 0:
            write_nameTable(pet, sub_image_detect)
            image_detect += 1
        if image_detect % 10 == 0:
            print 'images detected: ' + str(image_detect)
            print 'cats looped: ' + str(cat)
        if image_detect == 500:
Beispiel #2
    def setUp(self):
        This is executed for every unit test.

        self.api = petfinder.PetFinderClient(
Beispiel #3
    def post(self):
            # Parse the arguments
            parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
            parser.add_argument('url', type=str)
	   # parser.add_argument('breed', type=str)
	    parser.add_argument('location', type=str)	
            args = parser.parse_args()
	    url= args['url']
	    location = args['location']
	    #breed = args['breed']
            breed = 'Beagle'
            # Download the image from the url
            # Search Wikipedia for info
	    search = wikipedia.summary(breed, sentences =5)
            # Instantiate the client with your credentials.
            api = petfinder.PetFinderClient(api_key='90999df88cd81af6e271a7a661ee5bf6', api_secret='57d9d3da742d84021f892c623667db77')
            # search for pets
 	    pet = api.pet_getrandom(animal="dog", location=location,breed=breed, output = "basic")
  	    # Package Info in dict/json object
            data = {}
            data['breed'] = breed
            data['name'] = pet['name']
	    data['shelterId'] = pet['shelterId']
            data['sex'] = pet['sex']
            data['age'] = pet['age']	
            data['size'] = pet['size']     
            data['breed_info'] = search
            data['shelter Contact'] = pet['contact']
            data['photos'] = pet['photos']

            return data

        except Exception as e:
            return {'error': str(e)}
Beispiel #4
import petfinder #petfinder API
from sqlalchemy import exc # this handles Integrity Errors
import json
import newrelic.agent

#add password hash using sha256_crypt
from passlib.hash import sha256_crypt

# Google Maps api key
maps_api_key = os.environ["GOOGLEMAPS_API_KEY"]

# Petfinder API credentials
api_key = os.environ["PETFINDER_API_KEY"]
api_secret = os.environ["PETFINDER_API_SECRET"]
# Instantiate petfinder api with my credentials
api = petfinder.PetFinderClient(api_key=api_key,

app = Flask(__name__)


# Required to use Flask sessions and the debug toolbar
app.secret_key = "LGkjsdFlfkjaBldsmDasVfd36p9!9u0m43qlnXalrCd1f43aB"

# Normally, if you use an undefined variable in Jinja2, it fails silently.
# This is horrible. Fix this so that, instead, it raises an error.
app.jinja_env.undefined = StrictUndefined

def index():
Beispiel #5
    def post(self):
            # Instantiate the client with your credentials.
            api = petfinder.PetFinderClient(
            data = {}
            # Parse the arguments
            parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
            parser.add_argument('url', type=str)
            #parser.add_argument('breed', type=str)
            parser.add_argument('location', type=str)

            #get args in memory
            args = parser.parse_args()
            url = args['url']
            location = args['location']

            #query model, if no result return model error
            result, prob = mManager().queryModel(url)
            if result == 'Model cannot identify the breed':
                data['model_error'] = 'Model cannot identify the breed'
                return data

#format the way wiki wants
            if '_' in result:
                breed = result.replace("_", " ").title()
                breed = result.title()

            # Search Wikipedia for info, if no result return wiki error
                search = wikipedia.summary(breed, sentences=5)
            except Exception:
                data['breed'] = breed
                data['prob'] = prob
                data['wikipedia_error'] = 'cannot find info about ' + breed
                return data

            # search for pets
                found = 0
                for pet in api.pet_find(
                    if found != 1:
                        contact = pet['contact']
                        for key, val in contact.items():
                            if key == 'address1':
                                if val != None:
                                    found = 1
                    if found == 1:

                if not pet is None:
                    data['name'] = pet['name']
                    data['sex'] = pet['sex']
                    data['age'] = pet['age']
                    data['size'] = pet['size']
                    data['shelter_contact'] = pet['contact']
                    data['photos'] = pet['photos']

                    data['name'] = 'none'
                    data['sex'] = 'none'
                    data['age'] = 'none'
                    data['size'] = 'none'
                    data['shelter_contact'] = 'none'
                    data['photos'] = 'none'

                data['breed'] = breed
                data['prob'] = prob
                data['breed_info'] = search
                return data
            except Exception as e:
                data['breed'] = breed
                data['prob'] = prob
                data['breed_info'] = search
                data['petfinder_error'] = 'Breed not in PF Database'
                return data

            # Package Info in dict/json object
            #data['breed'] = breed
            #data['prob'] = prob
            #data['name'] = pet['name']
            #data['sex'] = pet['sex']
            #data['age'] = pet['age']
            #data['size'] = pet['size']
            #data['breed_info'] = search
            #data['shelter_contact'] = pet['contact']
            #data['photos'] = pet['photos']

            #return data

        except Exception as e:
            return {'server_error': 'if you are seeing this, save the picture'}
Beispiel #6
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect, get_object_or_404
from django.urls import reverse
from django.views import View
from django.utils import timezone
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login, logout
from django.contrib import messages

import requests, json, googlemaps, petfinder, datetime

from .forms import UserForm
gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key='AIzaSyDWRoV2ae3J-BCp0LKXcoFdmpHxIEQnXXE')
petapi = petfinder.PetFinderClient(

# Create your views here.

def toCleanedTime(str):
    return ' '.join(str.split('T'))

class Home(View):
    def get(self, request):
        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            return render(request, 'pets/index.html')
        form = UserForm()
        return render(request, 'pets/index.html', {'form': form})
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpRequest, HttpResponseRedirect
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login, logout
from friendFinder import settings
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
import urllib2
import models
# import yaml
import re
import json
from django.http import JsonResponse
import petfinder
import config

# Instantiate the client with your credentials.
api = petfinder.PetFinderClient(api_key=config.API_KEY,

def login(request):
    # next = request.GET.get('next', '/home/')
    if request.method == 'POST':
        username = request.POST['username']
        password = request.POST['password']
        user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)

        if user is not None:
            login(request, user)
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
Beispiel #8
# This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8
import os, sys
import petfinder

# Instantiate the client with your credentials.
api = petfinder.PetFinderClient(api_key="3edba6cadbd9d8fcdc5864a85e648862", 

# Query away!
# zip_code = int(raw_input("Enter your zip code to find a shelter near you: "))

# try:
#     for shelter in api.shelter_find(location=zip_code, count=500):
#         import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # ability to pause program, for debugging    
#         print(shelter["name"])
# except petfinder.exceptions.LimitExceeded: 
    # pass   

# species = raw_input("Would you like to adopt a dog or a cat?  ")
# # age = raw_input("Enter an age:  ")
# # gender = raw_input("Enter a gender:  ")

# # Search for pets.
# for pet in api.pet_find(animal=species, location='94132', output="basic",
#                         breed="German Shepherd", count=200,):

species = raw_input("Would you like to adopt a dog or a cat?  ")
location = raw_input("Enter your zip code or city/State to find the animal nearest you: ")
age = raw_input("Would you like to adopt a Baby, Young, Adult or Senior pet? ")
gender = raw_input("Male, Female?  ")
Beispiel #9
from flask import Flask, request, session
from twilio import twiml
import os
import petfinder

# The session object makes use of a secret key.
SECRET_KEY = 'a_secret_key'

app = Flask(__name__)

api = petfinder.PetFinderClient(api_key=os.environ['api_key'],

@app.route("/", methods=['GET','POST'])
def shelter_or_pet():
    if request.values.get('Body', None):
        text = request.values.get('Body', None).encode('utf-8')
        text = 'default'
    if text is not None and session.get('shelterId'):
        if 'I want to adopt' in text:
            return send_shelter()
        elif 'next' in text or 'more' in text or 'pass' in text:
            return send_pet()
            resp = twiml.Response()
import petfinder

api = petfinder.PetFinderClient(api_key='710fb86300ed19f143a1671a3c171456', api_secret='64e4de99d362e6b4b1b53bda89c65296')
#Getting pet's dictionary id
id = api.pet_getrandom(
    animal="dog", location="02912", output="basic",
    breed="Golden Retriever")
photo = id['photos'][0]['url']
name = id['name']
breed = id['breeds']
contact = id'contact']
print photo + name + breed + shelter