def test_Point_doubling():
    Test whether the EC point doubling is correct.

    from pytest import raises
    from import EcGroup, EcPt
    G = EcGroup(713)  # NIST curve
    d = G.parameters()
    a, b, p = d["a"], d["b"], d["p"]
    g = G.generator()
    gx0, gy0 = g.get_affine()

    gx2, gy2 = (2 * g).get_affine()

    from Lab01Code import is_point_on_curve
    from Lab01Code import point_double

    x2, y2 = point_double(a, b, p, gx0, gy0)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, x2, y2)
    assert x2 == gx2 and y2 == gy2

    x2, y2 = point_double(a, b, p, None, None)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, x2, y2)
    assert x2 == None and y2 == None
def test_Point_scalar_mult_montgomerry_ladder():
    Test the scalar multiplication using double and add.

    from pytest import raises
    from import EcGroup, EcPt
    G = EcGroup(713)  # NIST curve
    d = G.parameters()
    a, b, p = d["a"], d["b"], d["p"]
    g = G.generator()
    gx0, gy0 = g.get_affine()

    r = G.order().random()

    gx2, gy2 = (r * g).get_affine()

    from Lab01Code import is_point_on_curve
    from Lab01Code import point_scalar_multiplication_montgomerry_ladder

    x2, y2 = point_scalar_multiplication_montgomerry_ladder(
        a, b, p, gx0, gy0, r)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, x2, y2)
    assert gx2 == x2
    assert gy2 == y2
def time_scalar_mul():
    # setup curve
    G = EcGroup(713)  # NIST curve
    d = G.parameters()
    a, b, p = d["a"], d["b"], d["p"]
    g = G.generator()
    gx0, gy0 = g.get_affine()
    order = G.order()

    r = order.random()

    gx2, gy2 = (r * g).get_affine()

    # First a value with low hamming weight
    scalar_1 = Bn.from_hex('11111111111111111111111111111111111111111')

    # The second scalar value with a much higher hamming weight
    # Scalar values with higher hamming weight will take longer to
    # compute the multiplication of.
    t1 = time.clock()
    x2, y2 = point_scalar_multiplication_double_and_add(
        a, b, p, gx0, gy0, scalar_1)
    t2 = time.clock()
    runtime = t2 - t1
    print("Runtime for scalar 1: " + str(runtime))

    t1 = time.clock()
    x2, y2 = point_scalar_multiplication_double_and_add(
        a, b, p, gx0, gy0, scalar_2)
    t2 = time.clock()
    runtime = t2 - t1
    print("Runtime for scalar 2: " + str(runtime))
Beispiel #4
def test_Point_doubling():
    Test whether the EC point doubling is correct.

    from pytest import raises
    from import EcGroup, EcPt
    G = EcGroup(713) # NIST curve
    d = G.parameters()
    a, b, p = d["a"], d["b"], d["p"]
    g = G.generator()
    gx0, gy0 = g.get_affine()

    gx2, gy2 = (2*g).get_affine()

    from Lab01Code import is_point_on_curve
    from Lab01Code import point_double

    x2, y2 = point_double(a, b, p, gx0, gy0)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, x2, y2)
    assert x2 == gx2 and y2 == gy2

    x2, y2 = point_double(a, b, p, None, None)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, x2, y2)
    assert x2 == None and y2 == None
Beispiel #5
def time_scalar_mul():
    import time, pprint

    G = EcGroup()
    d = G.parameters()
    a, b, p = d["a"], d["b"], d["p"]
    g = G.generator()
    x, y = g.get_affine()
    scalars = G.order().hex()
    results = []

    for i in range(0, len(scalars), 3):
        r = Bn.from_hex(scalars[:i+1])
        start = time.clock()
        point_scalar_multiplication_double_and_add(a, b, p, x, y, r)
        elapsed = (time.clock() - start)
        results.append((r, elapsed))
    pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2, width=160)

    for i in range(0, len(scalars), 3):
        r = Bn.from_hex(scalars[:i+1])
        start = time.clock()
        point_scalar_multiplication_montgomerry_ladder(a, b, p, x, y, r)
        elapsed = (time.clock() - start)
        results.append((r, elapsed))
    pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2, width=160)
Beispiel #6
def time_scalar_mul():
    G = EcGroup(713)  # NIST curve
    d = G.parameters()
    a, b, p = d["a"], d["b"], d["p"]
    g = G.generator()
    gx0, gy0 = g.get_affine()

    def average_time(func, scalar_name, samples=20):
        scalar = globals()[scalar_name]
        times = []
        for i in range(samples):
            t1 = clock()
            func(a, b, p, gx0, gy0, scalar)
            t2 = clock()
            times.append(t2 - t1)

        mean = reduce((lambda x, y: x + y), times) / samples
        print('{}, {}, mean of {} samples: {}'.format(func.__name__,
                                                      scalar_name, samples,

    average_time(point_scalar_multiplication_double_and_add, 'R1')
    average_time(point_scalar_multiplication_double_and_add, 'R2')
    average_time(point_scalar_multiplication_montgomerry_ladder, 'R1')
    average_time(point_scalar_multiplication_montgomerry_ladder, 'R2')
Beispiel #7
def test_Point_addition():
    Test whether the EC point addition is correct.
    from pytest import raises
    from import EcGroup, EcPt
    G = EcGroup(713)  # NIST curve
    d = G.parameters()
    a, b, p = d["a"], d["b"], d["p"]
    g = G.generator()
    gx0, gy0 = g.get_affine()

    r = G.order().random()
    gx1, gy1 = (r * g).get_affine()

    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, gx0, gy0)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, gx1, gy1)

    ## Test a simple addition
    h = (r + 1) * g
    hx1, hy1 = h.get_affine()

    x, y = point_add(a, b, p, gx0, gy0, gx1, gy1)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, x, y)
    assert x == hx1
    assert y == hy1

    ## Ensure commutativity
    xp, yp = point_add(a, b, p, gx1, gy1, gx0, gy0)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, xp, yp)
    assert x == xp
    assert y == yp

    ## Ensure addition with neutral returns the element
    xp, yp = point_add(a, b, p, gx1, gy1, None, None)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, xp, yp)
    assert xp == gx1
    assert yp == gy1

    xp, yp = point_add(a, b, p, None, None, gx0, gy0)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, xp, yp)
    assert gx0 == xp
    assert gy0 == yp

    ## An error is raised in case the points are equal
    with raises(Exception) as excinfo:
        point_add(a, b, p, gx0, gy0, gx0, gy0)
    assert 'EC Points must not be equal' in str(excinfo.value)

    with raises(Exception) as excinfo:
        point_add(a, b, p, None, None, None, None)
    assert 'EC Points must not be equal' in str(excinfo.value)
Beispiel #8
def time_scalar_mul():
    # Get EC Parameters
    G = EcGroup(713)
    d = G.parameters()
    a, b, p = d["a"], d["b"], d["p"]
    g = G.generator()
    x, y = g.get_affine()

    # Generate graph data
    double_add = list()
    fixed_double_add = list()
    montgomerry_ladder = list()
    n = 500
    bits_set = range(1, n)
    for i in bits_set:
        scalar = Bn.from_decimal(("1" * i) + ("0" * (n - i - 1)))
        print i, scalar
                         (a, b, p, x, y, scalar)))
                         (a, b, p, x, y, scalar)))
                         (a, b, p, x, y, scalar)))

    fig = plt.figure("Runtime graphs")

    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 4)

    ax = plt.subplot(gs[0:2, 0:2])
    ax.set_title("Double and Add")
    ax.plot(bits_set, double_add)
    ax.set_xlabel("Number of bits set")
    ax.set_ylabel("Time taken to multiply")

    ax = plt.subplot(gs[0:2, 2:])
    ax.set_title("Montgomerry Ladder")
    ax.plot(bits_set, montgomerry_ladder)
    ax.set_xlabel("Number of bits set")
    ax.set_ylabel("Time taken to multiply")

    ax = plt.subplot(gs[2:4, 1:3])
    ax.set_title("Fixed Double and Add")
    ax.plot(bits_set, fixed_double_add)
    ax.set_xlabel("Number of bits set")
    ax.set_ylabel("Time taken to multiply")

Beispiel #9
def test_Point_addition():
    Test whether the EC point addition is correct.
    from pytest import raises
    from import EcGroup, EcPt
    G = EcGroup(713) # NIST curve
    d = G.parameters()
    a, b, p = d["a"], d["b"], d["p"]
    g = G.generator()
    gx0, gy0 = g.get_affine()

    r = G.order().random()
    gx1, gy1 = (r*g).get_affine()

    from Lab01Code import is_point_on_curve
    from Lab01Code import point_add

    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, gx0, gy0)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, gx1, gy1)

    ## Test a simple addition
    h = (r + 1) * g
    hx1, hy1 = h.get_affine()

    x, y = point_add(a, b, p, gx0, gy0, gx1, gy1)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, x, y)
    assert x == hx1
    assert y == hy1

    ## Ensure commutativity
    xp, yp = point_add(a, b, p, gx1, gy1, gx0, gy0)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, xp, yp)
    assert x == xp
    assert y == yp

    ## Ensure addition with neutral returns the element
    xp, yp = point_add(a, b, p, gx1, gy1, None, None)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, xp, yp)
    assert xp == gx1
    assert yp == gy1
    xp, yp = point_add(a, b, p, None, None, gx0, gy0)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, xp, yp)
    assert gx0 == xp
    assert gy0 == yp

    ## An error is raised in case the points are equal
    with raises(Exception) as excinfo:
        point_add(a, b, p, gx0, gy0, gx0, gy0)
    assert 'EC Points must not be equal' in str(excinfo.value)
Beispiel #10
def test_on_curve():
    Test the procedues that tests whether a point is on a curve.


    ## Example on how to define a curve
    from import EcGroup, EcPt
    G = EcGroup(713)  # NIST curve
    d = G.parameters()
    a, b, p = d["a"], d["b"], d["p"]
    g = G.generator()
    gx, gy = g.get_affine()

    from Lab01Code import is_point_on_curve
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, gx, gy)

    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, None, None)
Beispiel #11
def test_on_curve():
    Test the procedues that tests whether a point is on a curve.


    ## Example on how to define a curve
    from import EcGroup, EcPt
    G = EcGroup(713) # NIST curve
    d = G.parameters()
    a, b, p = d["a"], d["b"], d["p"]
    g = G.generator()
    gx, gy = g.get_affine()

    from Lab01Code import is_point_on_curve
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, gx, gy)

    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, None, None)
Beispiel #12
def test_Point_addition_check_inf_result():
    Test whether the EC point addition is correct for pt - pt = inf
    from pytest import raises
    from import EcGroup, EcPt
    G = EcGroup(713)  # NIST curve
    d = G.parameters()
    a, b, p = d["a"], d["b"], d["p"]
    g = G.generator()
    gx0, gy0 = g.get_affine()
    gx1, gy1 = gx0, p - gy0

    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, gx0, gy0)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, gx1, gy1)

    x, y = point_add(a, b, p, gx0, gy0, gx1, gy1)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, x, y)
    assert (x, y) == (None, None)
Beispiel #13
def test_Point_addition_check_inf_result():
    Test whether the EC point addition is correct for pt - pt = inf
    from pytest import raises
    from import EcGroup, EcPt
    G = EcGroup(713) # NIST curve
    d = G.parameters()
    a, b, p = d["a"], d["b"], d["p"]
    g = G.generator()
    gx0, gy0 = g.get_affine()
    gx1, gy1 = gx0, p - gy0

    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, gx0, gy0)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, gx1, gy1)

    x, y = point_add(a, b, p, gx0, gy0, gx1, gy1)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, x, y)
    assert (x,y) == (None, None)
Beispiel #14
def test_Point_scalar_mult_double_and_add():
    Test the scalar multiplication using double and add.

    from pytest import raises
    from import EcGroup, EcPt
    G = EcGroup(713) # NIST curve
    d = G.parameters()
    a, b, p = d["a"], d["b"], d["p"]
    g = G.generator()
    gx0, gy0 = g.get_affine()
    r = G.order().random()

    gx2, gy2 = (r*g).get_affine()

    x2, y2 = point_scalar_multiplication_double_and_add(a, b, p, gx0, gy0, r)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, x2, y2)
    assert gx2 == x2
    assert gy2 == y2
Beispiel #15
def test_Point_scalar_mult_double_and_add():
    Test the scalar multiplication using double and add.

    from pytest import raises
    from import EcGroup, EcPt
    G = EcGroup(713)  # NIST curve
    d = G.parameters()
    a, b, p = d["a"], d["b"], d["p"]
    g = G.generator()
    gx0, gy0 = g.get_affine()
    r = G.order().random()

    gx2, gy2 = (r * g).get_affine()

    x2, y2 = point_scalar_multiplication_double_and_add(a, b, p, gx0, gy0, r)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, x2, y2)
    assert gx2 == x2
    assert gy2 == y2

    x3, y3 = point_scalar_multiplication_double_and_add(a, b, p, None, None, r)
    assert x3 is None
    assert y3 is None