Beispiel #1
def test_reify_unwrapped():
    class Dummy(): pass
    x = Dummy()
    gen_sym = GenSym()
    node, gen_sym, binding = reify_unwrapped(x, gen_sym)
    assert_ast_equal(node, ast.Name(id='__peval_temp_1', ctx=ast.Load()))
    assert binding == dict(__peval_temp_1=x)
Beispiel #2
    def bind_partial(self, *args, **kwds):
        Binds the provided positional and keyword arguments
        and returns a new ``Function`` object with an updated signature.

        # We only need the signature, so clean the function body before eval'ing.
        empty_func = self.replace(tree=replace_fields(self.tree, body=[ast.Pass()]))
        signature = inspect.signature(empty_func.eval())
        bargs = signature.bind_partial(*args, **kwds)

        # Remove the bound arguments from the function AST
        bound_argnames = set(bargs.arguments.keys())
        new_tree = filter_function_def(self.tree, bound_argnames)

        # Add assignments for bound parameters
        assignments = []
        gen_sym = GenSym.for_tree(new_tree)
        new_bindings = {}
        for name, value in bargs.arguments.items():
            node, gen_sym, binding = reify_unwrapped(value, gen_sym)
            assignments.append(ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(id=name, ctx=ast.Store())], value=node))

        new_globals = dict(self.globals)

        new_tree = replace_fields(new_tree, body=assignments + new_tree.body)

        return Function(new_tree, new_globals, self.closure_vals, self._compiler_flags)