Beispiel #1
 def _iter_non_pyc_files(cls, directory):
     # type: (str) -> Iterator[str]
     normpath = os.path.realpath(os.path.normpath(directory))
     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(normpath):
         dirs[:] = list(filter_pyc_dirs(dirs))
         for f in filter_pyc_files(files):
             yield os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, f), normpath)
Beispiel #2
    def zip_hash(
        zip_file,  # type: str
        relpath=None,  # type: Optional[str]
        # type: (...) -> str
        """Return a reproducible hash of the contents of a zip; excluding all `.pyc` files."""
        with open_zip(zip_file) as zf:
            names = sorted(
                    for name in zf.namelist()
                    if not name.endswith("/") and not relpath or name.startswith(relpath)

            def stream_factory(name):
                # type: (str) -> BinaryIO
                return cast("BinaryIO",, "r"))

            return cls._compute_hash(names, stream_factory)
Beispiel #3
def vendor_runtime(chroot,
    """Includes portions of vendored distributions in a chroot.

    The portion to include is selected by root module name. If the module is a file, just it is
    included. If the module represents a package, the package and all its sub-packages are added

    :param chroot: The chroot to add vendored code to.
    :type chroot: :class:`pex.common.Chroot`
    :param str dest_basedir: The prefix to store the vendored code under in the ``chroot``.
    :param str label: The chroot label for the vendored code fileset.
    :param root_module_names: The names of the root vendored modules to include in the chroot.
    :type root_module_names: :class:`collections.Iterable` of str
    :param bool include_dist_info: Include the .dist-info dirs associated with the root module
    :raise: :class:`ValueError` if any of the given ``root_module_names`` could not be found amongst
            the vendored code and added to the chroot.
    vendor_module_names = {
        root_module_name: False
        for root_module_name in root_module_names

    for spec in iter_vendor_specs():
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(spec.target_dir):
            if root == spec.target_dir:
                packages = [
                    pkg_name for pkg_name in dirs
                    if pkg_name in vendor_module_names
                modules = [
                    mod_name for mod_name in files
                    if mod_name[:-3] in vendor_module_names
                vendored_names = packages + [
                    filename[:-3] for filename in modules
                if not vendored_names:
                    dirs[:] = []
                    files[:] = []

                pkg_path = ""
                for pkg in spec.relpath.split(os.sep):
                    pkg_path = os.path.join(pkg_path, pkg)
                    pkg_file = os.path.join(pkg_path, "")
                    src = os.path.join(VendorSpec.ROOT, pkg_file)
                    dest = os.path.join(dest_basedir, pkg_file)
                    if os.path.exists(src):
                        chroot.copy(src, dest, label)
                        # We delete `pex/vendor/_vendored/<dist>/` when isolating
                        # third_party.
                        chroot.touch(dest, label)
                for name in vendored_names:
                    vendor_module_names[name] = True
                    TRACER.log("Vendoring {} from {} @ {}".format(
                        name, spec, spec.target_dir),
                dirs[:] = packages + [
                    d for d in dirs
                    if include_dist_info and d.endswith(".dist-info")
                files[:] = modules

            # We copy over sources and data only; no pyc files.
            dirs[:] = filter_pyc_dirs(dirs)
            for filename in filter_pyc_files(files):
                src = os.path.join(root, filename)
                dest = os.path.join(dest_basedir, spec.relpath,
                                    os.path.relpath(src, spec.target_dir))
                chroot.copy(src, dest, label)

    if not all(vendor_module_names.values()):
        raise ValueError(
            "Failed to extract {module_names} from:\n\t{specs}".format(
                module_names=", ".join(
                    module for module, written in vendor_module_names.items()
                    if not written),
                specs="\n\t".join("{} @ {}".format(spec, spec.target_dir)
                                  for spec in iter_vendor_specs()),