Beispiel #1
    def load_verify_sample(self):
        if self.__sample_index >= self.__training_samples:
            self.__sample_index = 0
            self.epoch += 1

        img = scipy.misc.imread(
            self.__params.left_path +
        img = img[:, :, 0] * 0.299 + img[:, :, 1] * 0.587 + img[:, :,
                                                                2] * 0.114
        model = self.__params.kitti_disp_path

        disp = pfm.load(model +
        gt = pfm.load(self.__params.gt_path +
        gt_noc = pfm.load(self.__params.gt_path_noc +
        s = img.shape
        height, width = img.shape
        if s[0] < self.__heightresize:
            padding = self.__heightresize - s[0]
            img = np.lib.pad(img, [(padding, 0), (0, 0)], 'edge')
            disp = np.lib.pad(disp, [(padding, 0), (0, 0)], 'edge')
            gt = np.lib.pad(gt, [(padding, 0), (0, 0)], 'edge')
            gt_noc = np.lib.pad(gt_noc, [(padding, 0), (0, 0)], 'edge')
        if s[1] < self.__widthresize:
            padding = self.__widthresize - s[1]
            img = np.lib.pad(img, [(0, 0), (padding, 0)], 'edge')
            disp = np.lib.pad(disp, [(0, 0), (padding, 0)], 'edge')
            gt = np.lib.pad(gt, [(0, 0), (padding, 0)], 'edge')
            gt_noc = np.lib.pad(gt_noc, [(0, 0), (padding, 0)], 'edge')

        data = np.stack([disp, img], axis=2)
        data = np.reshape(data,
                          [1, data.shape[0], data.shape[1], data.shape[2]])
        gt = np.reshape(gt, [1, gt.shape[0], gt.shape[1], 1])
        gt_noc = np.reshape(gt_noc, [1, gt_noc.shape[0], gt_noc.shape[1], 1])

        self.__sample_index += 1

        return data, gt, gt_noc, self.__sample_index, height, width, self.__img_contets[
            self.__sample_index - 1]
Beispiel #2
    def load_training_sample(self):
        if self.__sample_index >= self.__training_samples:
            self.__sample_index = 0
            self.epoch += 1

        img = scipy.misc.imread(
            self.__params.left_path +
        img = img[:, :, 0] * 0.299 + img[:, :, 1] * 0.587 + img[:, :,
                                                                2] * 0.114

        model = self.__params.kitti_disp_path
        if (bool(random.getrandbits(1))):
            model = self.__params.kitti15_disp_path

        disp = pfm.load(model +
        gt = pfm.load(self.__params.gt_path +
        gt_noc = pfm.load(self.__params.gt_path_noc +
        s = img.shape
        maxheight = s[0] - 256
        maxwidth = s[1] - 256
        x = random.randint(0, maxheight)
        y = random.randint(0, maxwidth)
        disp = disp[x:x + 256, y:y + 256]
        img = img[x:x + 256, y:y + 256]
        gt = gt[x:x + 256, y:y + 256]
        gt_noc = gt_noc[x:x + 256, y:y + 256]
        data = np.stack([disp, img], axis=2)
        data = np.reshape(data,
                          [1, data.shape[0], data.shape[1], data.shape[2]])
        gt = np.reshape(gt, [1, gt.shape[0], gt.shape[1], 1])
        gt_noc = np.reshape(gt_noc, [1, gt_noc.shape[0], gt_noc.shape[1], 1])

        self.__sample_index += 1

        return data, gt, gt_noc, self.__sample_index
Beispiel #3
from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import sys
import math
import random
import os

sys.path.insert(0, '../pylibs')
sys.path.insert(0, '../src')

import cpputils
import pfmutil as pfm

l_gt_p = "..../Freiburg/driving/disparity/15mm_focallength/scene_forwards/slow/left/"
r_gt_p = "..../Freiburg/driving/disparity/15mm_focallength/scene_forwards/slow/right/"
save_p = ".../Freiburg/driving/disparity/15mm_focallength/scene_forwards/slow/left_nonocc/"

ims = os.listdir(l_gt_p)

for im in ims:
    l_gt = pfm.load(l_gt_p + im)[0]
    r_gt = pfm.load(r_gt_p + im)[0]
    occ = cpputils.make_occ(l_gt, r_gt) + im, occ)
Beispiel #4
# error gcnet-disparity
PATH_TO_ERR_CBMV_IMAGES = "/media/ccjData2/research-projects/kitti-devkit/results/cbmvnet-gc-F8-RMSp-sf-epo26Based-epo30-4dsConv-k5-testKT15/errors_disp_img_0"
# error cbmv-gcnet disparity
PATH_TO_ERR_GC_IMAGES = "/media/ccjData2/research-projects/kitti-devkit/results/gcnet-F8-RMSp-sf-epo30-4dsConv-k5-testKT15/errors_disp_img_0"

if 0:
    for i in range(0, 200):
        src_limg_name = PATH_TO_LEFT_IMAGES + '/%06d_10.png' % i
        dst_limg_name = 'results/msnet-supp-figs/kt15/left/%06d_L_10.png' % i
        os.system("cp {} {}".format(src_limg_name, dst_limg_name))

        src_rimg_name = PATH_TO_RIGHT_IMAGES + '/%06d_10.png' % i
        dst_rimg_name = 'results/msnet-supp-figs/kt15/right/%06d_R_10.png' % i
        os.system("cp {} {}".format(src_rimg_name, dst_rimg_name))

        dispGT = pfm.load(PATH_TO_LEFT_DISP_GT + '/%06d_10.pfm' % i)
        dispGT[dispGT == np.inf] = .0
        dispGT = kitti_colormap(dispGT)
        # here we directly read the pfm disparity
        #disp0 = kitti_colormap( pfm.load(PATH_TO_DISP_GC_IMAGES+'/%06d.pfm'%i) )
        #disp1 = kitti_colormap( pfm.load(PATH_TO_DISP_CBMV_IMAGES+'/0%09d.pfm'%i) )
        disp0 = cv2.imread(PATH_TO_DISP_GC_IMAGES + '/%06d_10.png' % i)
        print(PATH_TO_DISP_GC_IMAGES + '/%06d.png' % i)
        disp1 = cv2.imread(PATH_TO_DISP_CBMV_IMAGES + '/%06d_10.png' % i)
        w = disp0.shape[1]

        disp0_err = cv2.imread(PATH_TO_ERR_GC_IMAGES + '/%06d_10.png' % i)
        disp1_err = cv2.imread(PATH_TO_ERR_CBMV_IMAGES + '/%06d_10.png' % i)

        cv2.imwrite('results/msnet-supp-figs/kt15/disp_gc/%06d_10_gc.png' % i,
Beispiel #5
    #for i in range(503, 504):
    #for i in range(990, 1100):
    #for i in range(1115, 1161):
    #for i in range(0, 400):
    #for i in range(599):
    src_limg_name = PATH_TO_LEFT_IMAGES + '/0%09d.png' % i
    left = cv2.imread(src_limg_name)[:, :, ::-1]
    dst_limg_name = 'results/msnet-supp-figs/left/0%09d_L.png' % i
    os.system("cp {} {}".format(src_limg_name, dst_limg_name))

    src_rimg_name = PATH_TO_RIGHT_IMAGES + '/0%09d.png' % i
    right = cv2.imread(src_rimg_name)[:, :, ::-1]
    dst_rimg_name = 'results/msnet-supp-figs/right/0%09d_R.png' % i
    os.system("cp {} {}".format(src_rimg_name, dst_rimg_name))
    # here we directly read the pfm disparity
    disp0 = kitti_colormap(pfm.load(PATH_TO_PSM_IMAGES + '/0%09d.pfm' % i))
    disp1 = kitti_colormap(pfm.load(PATH_TO_CBMV_IMAGES + '/0%09d.pfm' % i))
    w = disp0.shape[1]

    cv2.imwrite('results/msnet-supp-figs/disp_gc/0%06d_gc.png' % i,
                disp0[:, :, [2, 1, 0]])
    cv2.imwrite('results/msnet-supp-figs/disp_msgc/0%06d_msgc.png' % i,
                disp1[:, :, [2, 1, 0]])

    board_tmp = np.zeros((10, w, 3))
    collage = np.concatenate(
        (left, board_tmp, right, board_tmp, disp0, board_tmp, disp1), 0)
    cv2.imwrite('results/msnet-supp-figs/concat/0%06d_all.png' % i,
                collage[:, :, [2, 1, 0]])
Beispiel #6
    def __create_samples_mem(self, iml, imr, index):
        w, h, ndisp = self.__read_calib(index)

        gt = pfm.load(self.__data_path + self.__trainset[index] +

        gt = np.reshape(gt, [gt.shape[0] * gt.shape[1], 1])
        infs = np.concatenate((np.argwhere(gt == np.inf), np.argwhere(gt < 0)),
        # infs = np.empty((0,2))
        gt = np.delete(gt, infs[:, 0], axis=0)
        gt = np.round(gt)
        gt = gt.astype(np.int32)
        #print ("loading gt ... gt shape = {}".format(gt.shape))

        random_samples = fte.generate_d_indices(gt, ndisp, 1)
        assert random_samples.shape[
            1] == 3  # here : 3 means 1 positive sample + 2 negative ones;
        samples = np.empty(
            (random_samples.shape[0] * random_samples.shape[1], 21))
        #print ("samples shape = {}".format(samples.shape))
        #print ("staring census ...")

        ################## Census compute ##########################################################
        #print ('w = {}, h = {}, ndisp = {}, censW = {}'.format(w, h, ndisp, self.__censw))
        #print ('last iml = {}, last imr = {}'.format(iml[h-1,w-1], imr[h-1,w-1]))
        costcensus = mtc.census(iml, imr, ndisp,
        #print ('costcensus shape = {}'.format(costcensus.shape))
        costcensusR = fte.get_right_cost(costcensus)
        costcensus = np.reshape(
            [costcensus.shape[0] * costcensus.shape[1], costcensus.shape[2]])
        costcensusR = np.reshape(costcensusR, [
            costcensusR.shape[0] * costcensusR.shape[1], costcensusR.shape[2]

        costcensus = np.delete(costcensus, infs[:, 0], axis=0)

        samples[:, 0] = fte.get_samples(costcensus, random_samples)
        samples[:, 4] = fte.extract_ratio(costcensus, random_samples, .01)
        samples[:, 8] = fte.extract_likelihood(costcensus, random_samples,
        del costcensus
        #print ("census done!")

        r_pkrn = fte.extract_ratio(costcensusR, .01)

        r_pkrn = np.reshape(r_pkrn, [h, w, ndisp])

        r_pkrn = fte.get_left_cost(r_pkrn)
        r_pkrn = np.reshape(
            r_pkrn, [r_pkrn.shape[0] * r_pkrn.shape[1], r_pkrn.shape[2]])
        r_pkrn = np.delete(r_pkrn, infs[:, 0], axis=0)

        samples[:, 12] = fte.get_samples(r_pkrn, random_samples)
        del r_pkrn

        r_aml = fte.extract_likelihood(costcensusR, self.__cens_sigma)
        r_aml = np.reshape(r_aml, [h, w, ndisp])
        r_aml = fte.get_left_cost(r_aml)
        r_aml = np.reshape(r_aml,
                           [r_aml.shape[0] * r_aml.shape[1], r_aml.shape[2]])
        r_aml = np.delete(r_aml, infs[:, 0], axis=0)
        samples[:, 16] = fte.get_samples(r_aml, random_samples)

        del r_aml
        del costcensusR

        ############################### NCC compute ##########################################

        costncc = mtc.nccNister(iml, imr, ndisp, self.__nccw)
        costncc = fte.swap_axes(costncc)
        costnccR = fte.get_right_cost(costncc)
        costncc = np.reshape(
            costncc, [costncc.shape[0] * costncc.shape[1], costncc.shape[2]])
        costnccR = np.reshape(
            [costnccR.shape[0] * costnccR.shape[1], costnccR.shape[2]])

        costncc = np.delete(costncc, infs[:, 0], axis=0)

        samples[:, 1] = fte.get_samples(costncc, random_samples)
        samples[:, 5] = fte.extract_ratio(costncc, random_samples, 1.01)
        samples[:, 9] = fte.extract_likelihood(costncc, random_samples,
        del costncc

        r_pkrn = fte.extract_ratio(costnccR, 1.01)
        r_pkrn = np.reshape(r_pkrn, [h, w, ndisp])
        r_pkrn = fte.get_left_cost(r_pkrn)
        r_pkrn = np.reshape(
            r_pkrn, [r_pkrn.shape[0] * r_pkrn.shape[1], r_pkrn.shape[2]])
        r_pkrn = np.delete(r_pkrn, infs[:, 0], axis=0)
        samples[:, 13] = fte.get_samples(r_pkrn, random_samples)
        del r_pkrn

        r_aml = fte.extract_likelihood(costnccR, self.__ncc_sigma)
        r_aml = np.reshape(r_aml, [h, w, ndisp])
        r_aml = fte.get_left_cost(r_aml)
        r_aml = np.reshape(r_aml,
                           [r_aml.shape[0] * r_aml.shape[1], r_aml.shape[2]])
        r_aml = np.delete(r_aml, infs[:, 0], axis=0)
        samples[:, 17] = fte.get_samples(r_aml, random_samples)

        del r_aml
        del costnccR

        ############################### Sob compute ##########################################

        sobl = mtc.sobel(iml)
        sobr = mtc.sobel(imr)

        costsob = mtc.sadsob(sobl, sobr, ndisp, 5).astype(np.float64)
        costsob = fte.swap_axes(costsob)
        costsobR = fte.get_right_cost(costsob)
        costsob = np.reshape(
            costsob, [costsob.shape[0] * costsob.shape[1], costsob.shape[2]])
        costsobR = np.reshape(
            [costsobR.shape[0] * costsobR.shape[1], costsobR.shape[2]])

        costsob = np.delete(costsob, infs[:, 0], axis=0)

        samples[:, 2] = fte.get_samples(costsob, random_samples)
        samples[:, 6] = fte.extract_ratio(costsob, random_samples, .01)
        samples[:, 10] = fte.extract_likelihood(costsob, random_samples,
        del costsob

        r_pkrn = fte.extract_ratio(costsobR, .01)
        r_pkrn = np.reshape(r_pkrn, [h, w, ndisp])
        r_pkrn = fte.get_left_cost(r_pkrn)
        r_pkrn = np.reshape(
            r_pkrn, [r_pkrn.shape[0] * r_pkrn.shape[1], r_pkrn.shape[2]])
        r_pkrn = np.delete(r_pkrn, infs[:, 0], axis=0)
        samples[:, 14] = fte.get_samples(r_pkrn, random_samples)
        del r_pkrn

        r_aml = fte.extract_likelihood(costsobR, self.__sad_sigma)
        r_aml = np.reshape(r_aml, [h, w, ndisp])
        r_aml = fte.get_left_cost(r_aml)
        r_aml = np.reshape(r_aml,
                           [r_aml.shape[0] * r_aml.shape[1], r_aml.shape[2]])
        r_aml = np.delete(r_aml, infs[:, 0], axis=0)
        samples[:, 18] = fte.get_samples(r_aml, random_samples)

        del r_aml
        del costsobR

        ############################### Sad compute ##########################################

        costsad = mtc.zsad(iml, imr, ndisp, self.__sadw).astype(np.float64)
        costsad = fte.swap_axes(costsad)
        costsadR = fte.get_right_cost(costsad)
        costsad = np.reshape(
            costsad, [costsad.shape[0] * costsad.shape[1], costsad.shape[2]])
        costsadR = np.reshape(
            [costsadR.shape[0] * costsadR.shape[1], costsadR.shape[2]])

        costsad = np.delete(costsad, infs[:, 0], axis=0)

        samples[:, 3] = fte.get_samples(costsad, random_samples)
        samples[:, 7] = fte.extract_ratio(costsad, random_samples, .01)
        samples[:, 11] = fte.extract_likelihood(costsad, random_samples,
        del costsad

        r_pkrn = fte.extract_ratio(costsadR, .01)
        r_pkrn = np.reshape(r_pkrn, [h, w, ndisp])
        r_pkrn = fte.get_left_cost(r_pkrn)
        r_pkrn = np.reshape(
            r_pkrn, [r_pkrn.shape[0] * r_pkrn.shape[1], r_pkrn.shape[2]])
        r_pkrn = np.delete(r_pkrn, infs[:, 0], axis=0)
        samples[:, 15] = fte.get_samples(r_pkrn, random_samples)
        del r_pkrn

        r_aml = fte.extract_likelihood(costsadR, self.__sad_sigma)
        r_aml = np.reshape(r_aml, [h, w, ndisp])
        r_aml = fte.get_left_cost(r_aml)
        r_aml = np.reshape(r_aml,
                           [r_aml.shape[0] * r_aml.shape[1], r_aml.shape[2]])
        r_aml = np.delete(r_aml, infs[:, 0], axis=0)
        samples[:, 19] = fte.get_samples(r_aml, random_samples)

        del r_aml
        del costsadR

        samples[:, 20] = fte.generate_labels(random_samples)
        return samples
Beispiel #7
sys.path.insert(0, '../../pylibs')

import pfmutil as pfm

freiburg_35mm_forward_fast = '/media/kbatsos/Data2/datasets/Freiburg/disparity/35mm_focallength/scene_forwards/fast/left/'
freiburg_35mm_forward_slow = '/media/kbatsos/Data2/datasets/Freiburg/disparity/35mm_focallength/scene_forwards/slow/left/'
freiburg_35mm_backward_fast = '/media/kbatsos/Data2/datasets/Freiburg/disparity/35mm_focallength/scene_backwards/fast/left/'
freiburg_35mm_backward_slow = '/media/kbatsos/Data2/datasets/Freiburg/disparity/35mm_focallength/scene_backwards/slow/left/'

freiburg_15mm_forward_fast = '/media/kbatsos/Data2/datasets/Freiburg/disparity/15mm_focallength/scene_forwards/fast/left/'
freiburg_15mm_forward_slow = '/media/kbatsos/Data2/datasets/Freiburg/disparity/15mm_focallength/scene_forwards/slow/left/'
freiburg_15mm_backward_fast = '/media/kbatsos/Data2/datasets/Freiburg/disparity/15mm_focallength/scene_backwards/fast/left/'
freiburg_15mm_backward_slow = '/media/kbatsos/Data2/datasets/Freiburg/disparity/15mm_focallength/scene_backwards/slow/left/'

set_search = freiburg_15mm_backward_slow

freiburg_sets = os.listdir(set_search)

max_d = 0

for set_n in freiburg_sets:
    disp = pfm.load(set_search + set_n)
    dmax = np.max(disp[0])
    print "##################### set " + set_n + " ############################"
    print dmax
    if max_d < dmax:
        max_d = dmax

print max_d
print len(freiburg_sets)