Beispiel #1
    def test_read_next_chunk_resize(self):
        # Setup: Create a byte array for test input
        test_bytes = bytearray(b'1234567890')

        with io.BytesIO(test_bytes) as stream:
            # If:
            # ... I create a reader with an artificially low initial buffer size
            #     and prefill the buffer
            reader = JSONRPCReader(stream, logger=utils.get_mock_logger())
            reader._buffer = bytearray(5)
            reader._buffer_end_offset = 4

            # ... and I read a chunk from the stream
            result = reader._read_next_chunk()

            # Then:
            # ... The read should have succeeded
            self.assertTrue(result, True)

            # ... The size of the buffer should have doubled
            self.assertEqual(len(reader._buffer), 10)

            # ... The buffer end offset should be the size of the buffer
            self.assertEqual(reader._buffer_end_offset, 10)

            # ... The buffer should contain the first 6 elements of the test data
            expected = test_bytes[:6]
            actual = reader._buffer[4:]
            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
Beispiel #2
    def test_read_next_chunk_eof(self):
        with io.BytesIO() as stream:
            # If:
            # ... I create a reader with a stream that has no bytes
            reader = JSONRPCReader(stream, logger=utils.get_mock_logger())

            # ... and I read a chunk from the stream
            # Then: I should get an exception
            with self.assertRaises(EOFError):
Beispiel #3
    def test_closes(self):
        with io.BytesIO(b'') as stream:
            # If:
            # ... I create a JSON RPC reader with an opened stream
            reader = JSONRPCReader(stream, logger=utils.get_mock_logger())

            # ... and I close the reader

            # Then: The stream should be closed
Beispiel #4
    def test_read_next_chunk_closed(self):
        # Setup: Create a stream that has already been closed
        stream = io.BytesIO()

        # If:
        # ... I create a reader with a closed stream
        reader = JSONRPCReader(stream, logger=utils.get_mock_logger())

        # ... and I read a chunk from the stream
        # Then: I should get an exception
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Beispiel #5
    def test_read_message_invalid_json(self):
        # Setup: Reader with a stream that has an invalid message
        test_bytes = bytearray(b'Content-Length: 10\r\n\r\nabcdefghij')
        with io.BytesIO(test_bytes) as stream:
            reader = JSONRPCReader(stream, logger=utils.get_mock_logger())
            reader._buffer = bytearray(100)

            # If: I read a message
            # Then:
            # ... It should throw an exception
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

            # ... The buffer should be trashed
            self.assertEqual(len(reader._buffer), reader.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
Beispiel #6
    def test_closes_exception():
        # Setup: Patch the stream to have a custom close handler
        stream = io.BytesIO(b'')
        close_orig = stream.close
        stream.close = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=AttributeError)

        # If: Close a reader and it throws an exception
        logger = utils.get_mock_logger()
        reader = JSONRPCReader(stream, logger=logger)

        # Then: There should not have been an exception throws

        # Cleanup: Close the stream
Beispiel #7
    def test_read_headers_not_found(self):
        # Setup: Create a reader with a loaded buffer that does not contain the \r\n\r\n control
        reader = JSONRPCReader(None, logger=utils.get_mock_logger())
        reader._buffer = bytearray(b'1234567890')
        reader._buffer_end_offset = len(reader._buffer)

        # If: I look for a header block in the buffer
        result = reader._try_read_headers()

        # Then:
        # ... I should not have found any

        # ... The current reading position of the buffer should not have moved
        self.assertEqual(reader._read_offset, 0)
        self.assertEqual(reader._read_state, JSONRPCReader.ReadState.Header)
Beispiel #8
    def test_read_next_chunk_success(self):
        # Setup: Create a byte array for test input
        test_bytes = bytearray(b'123')

        with io.BytesIO(test_bytes) as stream:
            # If: I attempt to read a chunk from the stream
            reader = JSONRPCReader(stream, logger=utils.get_mock_logger())
            result = reader._read_next_chunk()

            # Then:
            # ... The result should be true

            # ... The buffer should contain 3 byte and should not have been read yet
            self.assertEqual(reader._buffer_end_offset, len(test_bytes))
            self.assertEqual(reader._read_offset, 0)

            # ... The buffer should now contain the bytes from the stream
            buffer_contents = reader._buffer[:len(test_bytes)]
            self.assertEqual(buffer_contents, test_bytes)
Beispiel #9
    def test_read_headers_success(self):
        # Setup: Create a reader with a loaded buffer that contains a a complete header
        reader = JSONRPCReader(None, logger=utils.get_mock_logger())
        reader._buffer = bytearray(b'Content-Length: 56\r\n\r\n')
        reader._buffer_end_offset = len(reader._buffer)

        # If: I look for a header block in the buffer
        result = reader._try_read_headers()

        # Then:
        # ... I should have found a header

        # ... The current reading position should have moved to the end of the buffer
        self.assertEqual(reader._read_offset, len(reader._buffer))
        self.assertEqual(reader._read_state, JSONRPCReader.ReadState.Content)

        # ... The headers should have been stored
        self.assertEqual(reader._expected_content_length, 56)
        self.assertDictEqual(reader._headers, {'content-length': '56'})
Beispiel #10
    def test_create_standard_encoding(self):
        with io.BytesIO(b'') as stream:
            # If: I create a JSON RPC reader with a stream without specifying the encoding
            reader = JSONRPCReader(stream, logger=utils.get_mock_logger())

            # Then: The stream and encoding should be set appropriately
            self.assertIs(, stream)
            self.assertEqual(reader.encoding, 'UTF-8')
Beispiel #11
    def test_read_multiple_messages(self):
        test_string = b'Content-Length: 32\r\n\r\n{"method":"test", "params":null}'
        test_bytes = bytearray(test_string + test_string)
        with io.BytesIO(test_bytes) as stream:
            reader = JSONRPCReader(stream, logger=utils.get_mock_logger())
            reader._buffer = bytearray(100)

            # If:
            # ... I read a message
            msg1 = reader.read_message()

            # ... And I read another message
            msg2 = reader.read_message()

            # Then:
            # ... The messages should be real

            # ... The buffer should have been trashed
            self.assertEqual(len(reader._buffer), reader.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
Beispiel #12
    def test_create_nonstandard_encoding(self):
        with io.BytesIO(b'') as stream:
            # If: I create a JSON RPC reader with a non-standard encoding
            reader = JSONRPCReader(stream,

            # Then: The stream and encoding should be set appropriately
            self.assertIs(, stream)
            self.assertEqual(reader.encoding, 'ascii')
Beispiel #13
    def test_read_message_multi_read_content(self):
        # Setup: Reader with a stream that has an entire message read
        test_bytes = bytearray(
            b'Content-Length: 32\r\n\r\n{"method":"test", "params":null}')
        with io.BytesIO(test_bytes) as stream:
            reader = JSONRPCReader(stream, logger=utils.get_mock_logger())
            reader._buffer = bytearray(25)

            # If: I read a message with the reader
            message = reader.read_message()

            # Then:
            # ... I should have a successful message

            # ... The reader should be back in header mode

            # ... The buffer should have been trimmed
    def __init__(self, in_stream, out_stream, logger=None, version='0'):
        Initializes internal state of the server and sets up a few useful built-in request handlers
        :param in_stream: Input stream that will provide messages from the client
        :param out_stream: Output stream that will send message to the client
        :param logger: Optional logger
        :param version: Protocol version. Defaults to 0
        self.writer = JSONRPCWriter(out_stream, logger=logger)
        self.reader = JSONRPCReader(in_stream, logger=logger)
        self._logger = logger
        self._version = version
        self._stop_requested = False

        self._output_queue = Queue()

        self._request_handlers = {}
        self._notification_handlers = {}
        self._shutdown_handlers = []

        self._output_consumer = None
        self._input_consumer = None

        # Register built-in handlers
        # 1) Echo
        echo_config = IncomingMessageConfiguration('echo', None)
        self.set_request_handler(echo_config, self._handle_echo_request)

        # 2) Protocol version
        version_config = IncomingMessageConfiguration('version', None)
        self.set_request_handler(version_config, self._handle_version_request)

        # 3) Shutdown/exit
        shutdown_config = IncomingMessageConfiguration('shutdown', None)
        exit_config = IncomingMessageConfiguration('exit', None)
        self.set_request_handler(exit_config, self._handle_shutdown_request)
Beispiel #15
    def test_read_content_success(self):
        # Setup: Create a reader that has read in headers and has all of a message buffered
        test_buffer = bytearray(b"message")
        reader = JSONRPCReader(None, logger=utils.get_mock_logger())
        reader._buffer = test_buffer
        reader._buffer_end_offset = len(reader._buffer)
        reader._read_offset = 0
        reader._read_state = JSONRPCReader.ReadState.Content
        reader._expected_content_length = 5

        # If: I read a message from the buffer
        output = ['']
        result = reader._try_read_content(output)

        # Then:
        # ... The message should be successfully read
        self.assertEqual(output[0], 'messa')

        # ... The state of the reader should have been updated
        self.assertEqual(reader._read_state, JSONRPCReader.ReadState.Header)
        self.assertEqual(reader._read_offset, 5)
        self.assertEqual(reader._buffer_end_offset, len(reader._buffer))
Beispiel #16
    def test_read_headers_no_colon(self):
        # Setup: Create a reader with a buffer that contains the control sequence but does not
        #        match the header format
        test_buffer = bytearray(b'1234567890\r\n\r\n')
        reader = JSONRPCReader(None, logger=utils.get_mock_logger())
        reader._buffer = test_buffer
        reader._buffer_end_offset = len(reader._buffer)
        reader._read_offset = 1

        # If: I look for a header block in the buffer
        # Then:
        # ... I should get an exception b/c of the malformed header
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):

        # ... The current reading position of the buffer should be reset to 0
        self.assertEqual(reader._read_offset, 0)

        # ... The buffer should have been trashed
        self.assertIsNot(reader._buffer, test_buffer)
Beispiel #17
    def test_read_content_not_enough_buffer(self):
        # Setup: Create a reader that has read in headers and has part of a message buffered
        test_buffer = bytearray(b'message')
        reader = JSONRPCReader(None, logger=utils.get_mock_logger())
        reader._buffer = test_buffer
        reader._buffer_end_offset = len(reader._buffer)
        reader._read_offset = 0
        reader._read_state = JSONRPCReader.ReadState.Content
        reader._expected_content_length = 15

        # If: I read a message from the buffer
        output = ['']
        result = reader._try_read_content(output)

        # Then:
        # ... The result should be false and the output should be empty
        self.assertEqual(output[0], '')

        # ... The state of the reader should stay the same
        self.assertEqual(reader._read_state, JSONRPCReader.ReadState.Content)
        self.assertEqual(reader._read_offset, 0)
        self.assertEqual(reader._expected_content_length, 15)
        self.assertEqual(reader._buffer_end_offset, len(reader._buffer))
Beispiel #18
    def test_read_recover_from_content_message(self):
        test_string = b'Content-Length: 10\r\n\r\nabcdefghij' + \
                      b'Content-Length: 32\r\n\r\n{"method":"test", "params":null}'
        test_bytes = bytearray(test_string)
        with io.BytesIO(test_bytes) as stream:
            reader = JSONRPCReader(stream, logger=utils.get_mock_logger())
            reader._buffer = bytearray(100)

            # If: I read a message with invalid content
            # Then: I should get an exception
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

            # If: I read another valid message
            msg = reader.read_message()

            # Then: I should have a valid message
Beispiel #19
    def test_read_headers_bad_format(self):
        # Setup: Create a reader with a header block that contains invalid content-length
        test_buffer = bytearray(b'Content-Length: abc\r\n\r\n')
        reader = JSONRPCReader(None, logger=utils.get_mock_logger())
        reader._buffer = test_buffer
        reader._buffer_end_offset = len(reader._buffer)
        reader._read_offset = 1

        # If: I look for a header block in the buffer
        # Then:
        # ... I should get an exception from there not being a content-length header
        with self.assertRaises(LookupError):

        # ... The current reading position of the buffer should be reset to 0
        self.assertEqual(reader._read_offset, 0)

        # ... The buffer should have been trashed
        self.assertIsNot(reader._buffer, test_buffer)

        # ... The headers should have been trashed
        self.assertEqual(len(reader._headers), 0)
class JSONRPCServer:
    Handles async requests, async notifications, and async responses
    # CONSTANTS ############################################################
    OUTPUT_THREAD_NAME = u"JSON_RPC_Output_Thread"
    INPUT_THREAD_NAME = u"JSON_RPC_Input_Thread"

    class Handler:
        def __init__(self, class_, handler):
            self.class_ = class_
            self.handler = handler

    def __init__(self, in_stream, out_stream, logger=None, version='0'):
        Initializes internal state of the server and sets up a few useful built-in request handlers
        :param in_stream: Input stream that will provide messages from the client
        :param out_stream: Output stream that will send message to the client
        :param logger: Optional logger
        :param version: Protocol version. Defaults to 0
        self.writer = JSONRPCWriter(out_stream, logger=logger)
        self.reader = JSONRPCReader(in_stream, logger=logger)
        self._logger = logger
        self._version = version
        self._stop_requested = False

        self._output_queue = Queue()

        self._request_handlers = {}
        self._notification_handlers = {}
        self._shutdown_handlers = []

        self._output_consumer = None
        self._input_consumer = None

        # Register built-in handlers
        # 1) Echo
        echo_config = IncomingMessageConfiguration('echo', None)
        self.set_request_handler(echo_config, self._handle_echo_request)

        # 2) Protocol version
        version_config = IncomingMessageConfiguration('version', None)
        self.set_request_handler(version_config, self._handle_version_request)

        # 3) Shutdown/exit
        shutdown_config = IncomingMessageConfiguration('shutdown', None)
        exit_config = IncomingMessageConfiguration('exit', None)
        self.set_request_handler(exit_config, self._handle_shutdown_request)

    # METHODS ##############################################################

    def add_shutdown_handler(self, handler):
        Adds the provided shutdown handler to the list of shutdown handlers
        :param handler: The callable handler to call when shutdown occurs

    def count_shutdown_handlers(self) -> int:
        Returns the number of shutdown handlers registered
        return len(self._shutdown_handlers)

    def start(self):
        Starts the background threads to listen for responses and requests from the underlying
        streams. Encapsulated into its own method for future async extensions without threads
        if self._logger is not None:
  "JSON RPC server starting...")

        self._output_consumer = threading.Thread(target=self._consume_output,
        self._output_consumer.daemon = True

        self._input_consumer = threading.Thread(target=self._consume_input,
        self._input_consumer.daemon = True

    def stop(self):
        Signal input and output threads to halt asap
        self._stop_requested = True

        # Enqueue None to optimistically unblock output thread so it can check for the cancellation flag

        if self._logger is not None:
  'JSON RPC server stopping...')

    def send_request(self, method, params):
        Add a new request to the output queue
        :param method: Method string of the request
        :param params: Data to send along with the request
        message_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

        # Create the message
        message = JSONRPCMessage.create_request(message_id, method, params)

        # TODO: Add support for handlers for the responses
        # Add the message to the output queue

    def send_notification(self, method, params):
        Sends a notification, independent of any request
        :param method: String name of the method for the notification
        :param params: Data to send with the notification
        # Create the message
        message = JSONRPCMessage.create_notification(method, params)

        # TODO: Add support for handlers for the responses
        # Add the message to the output queue

    def set_request_handler(self, config, handler):
        Sets the handler for a request with a given configuration
        :param config: Configuration of the request to listen for
        :param handler: Handler to call when the server receives a request that matches the config
        self._request_handlers[config.method] = self.Handler(
            config.parameter_class, handler)

    def set_notification_handler(self, config, handler):
        Sets the handler for a notification with a given configuration
        :param config: Configuration of the notification to listen for
        :param handler: Handler to call when the server receives a notification that matches the config
        self._notification_handlers[config.method] = self.Handler(
            config.parameter_class, handler)

    def wait_for_exit(self):
        Blocks until both input and output threads return, ie, until the server stops.
        if self._logger is not None:
  'Input and output threads have completed')

        # Close the reader/writer here instead of in the stop method in order to allow "softer"
        # shutdowns that will read or write the last message before halting

    # BUILT-IN HANDLERS ####################################################

    def _handle_echo_request(request_context, params):

    def _handle_version_request(self, request_context, params):

    def _handle_shutdown_request(self, request_context, params):
        # Signal that the threads should stop
        if self._logger is not None:
  'Received shutdown request')
        self._stop_requested = True

        # Execute the shutdown request handlers
        for handler in self._shutdown_handlers:


    # IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS ###############################################

    def _consume_input(self):
        Listen for messages from the input stream and dispatch them to the registered listeners
        :raises ValueError: The stream was closed. Exit the thread immediately.
        :raises LookupError: No void header with content-length was found
        :raises EOFError: The stream may not contain any bytes yet, so retry.
        if self._logger is not None:
  'Input thread started')

        while not self._stop_requested:
                message = self.reader.read_message()

            except EOFError as error:
                # Thread fails once we read EOF. Halt the input thread
                self._log_exception(error, self.INPUT_THREAD_NAME)
            except (LookupError, ValueError) as error:
                # LookupError: Content-Length header was not found
                # ValueError: JSON deserialization failed
                self._log_exception(error, self.INPUT_THREAD_NAME)
                # Do not halt the input thread
            except Exception as error:
                # Catch generic exceptions
                self._log_exception(error, self.INPUT_THREAD_NAME)
                # Do not halt the input thread

    def _consume_output(self):
        Send output over the output stream
        if self._logger is not None:
  'Output thread started')

        while not self._stop_requested:
                # Block until queue contains a message to send
                message = self._output_queue.get()
                if message is not None:
                    # It is necessary to check for None here b/c unblock the queue get by adding
                    # None when we want to stop the service

            except ValueError as error:
                # Stream is closed, break out of the loop
                self._log_exception(error, self.OUTPUT_THREAD_NAME)
            except Exception as error:
                # Catch generic exceptions without breaking out of loop
                self._log_exception(error, self.OUTPUT_THREAD_NAME)

    def _dispatch_message(self, message):
        Dispatches a message that was received to the necessary handler
        :param message: The message that was received
        if message.message_type in [
            # Responses need to be routed to the handler that requested them
            # TODO: Route to the handler or send error message

        # Figure out which handler will execute the request/notification
        if message.message_type is JSONRPCMessageType.Request:
            if self._logger is not None:
      'Received request id=%s method=%s',
                                  message.message_id, message.message_method)
            handler = self._request_handlers.get(message.message_method)
            request_context = RequestContext(message, self._output_queue)

            # Make sure we got a handler for the request
            if handler is None:
                # TODO: Localize?
                    f'Requested method is unsupported: {message.message_method}'
                if self._logger is not None:
                    self._logger.warn('Requested method is unsupported: %s',

            # Call the handler with a request context and the deserialized parameter object
            if handler.class_ is None:
                # Don't attempt to do complex deserialization
                deserialized_object = message.message_params
                # Use the complex deserializer
                deserialized_object = handler.class_.from_dict(
                handler.handler(request_context, deserialized_object)
            except Exception as e:
                error_message = f'Unhandled exception while handling request method {message.message_method}: "{e}"'  # TODO: Localize
                if self._logger is not None:
                request_context.send_error(error_message, code=-32603)
        elif message.message_type is JSONRPCMessageType.Notification:
            if self._logger is not None:
      'Received notification method=%s',
            handler = self._notification_handlers.get(message.message_method)

            if handler is None:
                # Ignore the notification
                if self._logger is not None:
                    self._logger.warn('Notification method %s is unsupported',

            # Call the handler with a notification context
            notification_context = NotificationContext(self._output_queue)
            deserialized_object = None
            if handler.class_ is None:
                # Don't attempt to do complex deserialization
                deserialized_object = message.message_params
                # Use the complex deserializer
                deserialized_object = handler.class_.from_dict(
                handler.handler(notification_context, deserialized_object)
            except Exception:
                error_message = f'Unhandled exception while handling notification method {message.message_method}'
                if self._logger is not None:
            # If this happens we have a serious issue with the JSON RPC reader
            if self._logger is not None:
                self._logger.warn('Received unsupported message type %s',

    def _log_exception(self, ex, thread_name):
        Logs an exception if the logger is defined
        :param ex: Exception to log
        :param thread_name: Name of the thread that encountered the exception
        if self._logger is not None:
            self._logger.exception('Thread %s encountered exception %s',
                                   thread_name, ex)