def test_create_remove_at_equality_batch(self): scene = Scene.create(DIR, batch=2, config=3) self.assertEqual(6, scene.shape.volume) self.assertEqual(('batch', 'config'), scene.shape.names) scene_ = self.assertEqual(scene, scene_) repr(scene) scene.remove() try: " should fail with IOError if the directory does not exist." ) except IOError: pass
def test_create_remove_at_equality_single(self): scene = Scene.create(DIR) self.assertEqual(basename(scene.path)[:4], "sim_") self.assertEqual(1, scene.shape.volume) scene_ = self.assertEqual(scene, scene_) repr(scene) scene.remove() try: " should fail with IOError if the directory does not exist." ) except IOError: pass
def test_properties(self): scene = Scene.create(DIR) self.assertEqual(0, len( scene.put_property('a', 1) scene.put_properties({'b': 2, 'c': 3}, d=4) scene = self.assertEqual(4, len( scene.remove()
def plot_scalars(scene: str or tuple or list or Scene or math.Tensor, names: str or tuple or list or math.Tensor = None, reduce: str or tuple or list or math.Shape = 'names', down='', smooth=1, smooth_alpha=0.2, smooth_linewidth=2., size=(8, 6), transform: Callable = None, tight_layout=True, grid: str or dict = 'y', log_scale='', legend='upper right', x='steps', xlim=None, ylim=None, titles=True, labels: math.Tensor = None, xlabel: str = None, ylabel: str = None, colors: math.Tensor = 'default'): """ Args: scene: `str` or `Tensor`. Scene paths containing the data to plot. names: Data files to plot for each scene. The file must be located inside the scene directory and have the name `log_<name>.txt`. reduce: Tensor dimensions along which all curves are plotted in the same diagram. down: Tensor dimensions along which diagrams are ordered top-to-bottom instead of left-to-right. smooth: `int` or `Tensor`. Number of data points to average, -1 for all. smooth_alpha: Opacity of the non-smoothed curves under the smoothed curves. smooth_linewidth: Line width of the smoothed curves. size: Figure size in inches. transform: Function `T(x,y) -> (x,y)` transforming the curves. tight_layout: grid: log_scale: legend: x: xlim: ylim: titles: labels: xlabel: ylabel: colors: Line colors as `str`, `int` or `Tensor`. Integers are interpreted as indices of the default color list. Returns: MatPlotLib [figure]( """ scene = additional_reduce = () if names is None: first_path = next(iter(math.flatten(scene.paths))) names = [_str(n) for n in os.listdir(first_path)] names = [n[4:-4] for n in names if n.endswith('.txt') and n.startswith('log_')] names = math.wrap(names, batch('names')) additional_reduce = ['names'] elif isinstance(names, str): names = math.wrap(names) elif isinstance(names, (tuple, list)): names = math.wrap(names, batch('names')) else: assert isinstance(names, math.Tensor), f"Invalid argument 'names': {type(names)}" if not isinstance(colors, math.Tensor): colors = math.wrap(colors) if xlabel is None: xlabel = 'Iterations' if x == 'steps' else 'Time (s)' shape = (scene.shape & names.shape) batches = shape.without(reduce).without(additional_reduce) cycle = list(plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']) fig, axes = plt.subplots(batches.only(down).volume, batches.without(down).volume, figsize=size) axes = axes if isinstance(axes, numpy.ndarray) else [axes] for b, axis in zip(batches.meshgrid(), axes): assert isinstance(axis, plt.Axes) names_equal = names[b].rank == 0 paths_equal = scene.paths[b].rank == 0 if titles is not None and titles is not False: if isinstance(titles, str): axis.set_title(titles) elif names_equal: axis.set_title(display_name(str(names[b]))) elif paths_equal: axis.set_title(os.path.basename(scene.paths[b].native())) if labels is not None: curve_labels = labels elif names_equal: curve_labels =, scene.paths[b]) elif paths_equal: curve_labels = names[b] else: curve_labels = p, n: f"{os.path.basename(p)} - {n}", scene.paths[b], names[b]) def single_plot(name, path, label, i, color, smooth): logging.debug(f"Reading {os.path.join(path, f'log_{name}.txt')}") curve = numpy.loadtxt(os.path.join(path, f"log_{name}.txt")) if curve.ndim == 2: x_values, values, *_ = curve.T else: values = curve x_values = np.arange(len(values)) if x == 'steps': pass else: assert x == 'time', f"x must be 'steps' or 'time' but got {x}" logging.debug(f"Reading {os.path.join(path, 'log_step_time.txt')}") _, x_values, *_ = numpy.loadtxt(os.path.join(path, "log_step_time.txt")).T values = values[:len(x_values)] x_values = np.cumsum(x_values[:len(values)]) if transform: x_values, values = transform(np.stack([x_values, values])) if color == 'default': color = cycle[i] try: color = int(color) except ValueError: pass if isinstance(color, Number): color = cycle[int(color)] logging.debug(f"Plotting curve {label}") axis.plot(x_values, values, color=color, alpha=smooth_alpha, linewidth=1) curve = np.stack([x_values, values], -1) axis.plot(*smooth_uniform_curve(curve, smooth), color=color, linewidth=smooth_linewidth, label=label) if grid: if isinstance(grid, dict): axis.grid(**grid) else: grid_axis = 'both' if 'x' in grid and 'y' in grid else grid axis.grid(which='both', axis=grid_axis, linestyle='--', linewidth=size[1] * 0.3) if 'x' in log_scale: axis.set_xscale('log') if 'y' in log_scale: axis.set_yscale('log') if xlim: axis.set_xlim(xlim) if ylim: axis.set_ylim(ylim) if xlabel: axis.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel: axis.set_ylabel(ylabel) return name, names[b], scene.paths[b], curve_labels, math.range_tensor(shape.after_gather(b)), colors, smooth) if legend: axis.legend(loc=legend) # Final touches if tight_layout: plt.tight_layout() return fig