Beispiel #1
def get_pointgroup(rotations):
    """Return point group in international table symbol and number.

    The symbols are mapped to the numbers as follows:
    1   "1    "
    2   "-1   "
    3   "2    "
    4   "m    "
    5   "2/m  "
    6   "222  "
    7   "mm2  "
    8   "mmm  "
    9   "4    "
    10  "-4   "
    11  "4/m  "
    12  "422  "
    13  "4mm  "
    14  "-42m "
    15  "4/mmm"
    16  "3    "
    17  "-3   "
    18  "32   "
    19  "3m   "
    20  "-3m  "
    21  "6    "
    22  "-6   "
    23  "6/m  "
    24  "622  "
    25  "6mm  "
    26  "-62m "
    27  "6/mmm"
    28  "23   "
    29  "m-3  "
    30  "432  "
    31  "-43m "
    32  "m-3m "

    # (symbol, pointgroup_number, transformation_matrix)
    pointgroup = spg.pointgroup(np.array(rotations, dtype='intc', order='C'))
    return pointgroup
Beispiel #2
def get_pointgroup(rotations):
    """Return point group in international table symbol and number.

    The symbols are mapped to the numbers as follows:
    1   "1    "
    2   "-1   "
    3   "2    "
    4   "m    "
    5   "2/m  "
    6   "222  "
    7   "mm2  "
    8   "mmm  "
    9   "4    "
    10  "-4   "
    11  "4/m  "
    12  "422  "
    13  "4mm  "
    14  "-42m "
    15  "4/mmm"
    16  "3    "
    17  "-3   "
    18  "32   "
    19  "3m   "
    20  "-3m  "
    21  "6    "
    22  "-6   "
    23  "6/m  "
    24  "622  "
    25  "6mm  "
    26  "-62m "
    27  "6/mmm"
    28  "23   "
    29  "m-3  "
    30  "432  "
    31  "-43m "
    32  "m-3m "

    # (symbol, pointgroup_number, transformation_matrix)
    pointgroup = spg.pointgroup(np.array(rotations, dtype='intc', order='C'))
    return pointgroup
Beispiel #3
def get_pointgroup(rotations):
    Return point group in international table symbol and number.
    The symbols are mapped to the numbers as follows:
    1   "1    "
    2   "-1   "
    3   "2    "
    4   "m    "
    5   "2/m  "
    6   "222  "
    7   "mm2  "
    8   "mmm  "
    9   "4    "
    10  "-4   "
    11  "4/m  "
    12  "422  "
    13  "4mm  "
    14  "-42m "
    15  "4/mmm"
    16  "3    "
    17  "-3   "
    18  "32   "
    19  "3m   "
    20  "-3m  "
    21  "6    "
    22  "-6   "
    23  "6/m  "
    24  "622  "
    25  "6mm  "
    26  "-62m "
    27  "6/mmm"
    28  "23   "
    29  "m-3  "
    30  "432  "
    31  "-43m "
    32  "m-3m "

    # (symbol, pointgroup_number, transformation_matrix)
    return spg.pointgroup(np.intc(rotations).copy())
Beispiel #4
def get_pointgroup(rotations):
    Return point group in international table symbol and number.
    The symbols are mapped to the numbers as follows:
    1   "1    "
    2   "-1   "
    3   "2    "
    4   "m    "
    5   "2/m  "
    6   "222  "
    7   "mm2  "
    8   "mmm  "
    9   "4    "
    10  "-4   "
    11  "4/m  "
    12  "422  "
    13  "4mm  "
    14  "-42m "
    15  "4/mmm"
    16  "3    "
    17  "-3   "
    18  "32   "
    19  "3m   "
    20  "-3m  "
    21  "6    "
    22  "-6   "
    23  "6/m  "
    24  "622  "
    25  "6mm  "
    26  "-62m "
    27  "6/mmm"
    28  "23   "
    29  "m-3  "
    30  "432  "
    31  "-43m "
    32  "m-3m "

    # (symbol, pointgroup_number, transformation_matrix)
    return spg.pointgroup(np.intc(rotations).copy())