def endTTFile(self, stm):
        stm = ''
        numTables = count(self.otables)
        searchRange = 1
        entrySelector = 0
        while (searchRange * 2 <= numTables):
            searchRange = searchRange * 2
            entrySelector = entrySelector + 1

        searchRange = searchRange * 16
        rangeShift = numTables * 16 - searchRange

        # Header
        if (_TTF_MAC_HEADER):
            stm += (pack(">LHHHH", 0x74727565, numTables, searchRange,
                         entrySelector, rangeShift))  # Mac
            stm += (pack(">LHHHH", 0x00010000, numTables, searchRange,
                         entrySelector, rangeShift))  # Windows

        # Table directory
        tables = self.otables

        offset = 12 + numTables * 16
        sorted_tables = sorted(tables.items())
        for tag, data in sorted_tables:
            if (tag == 'head'):
                head_start = offset
            stm += tag
            checksum = calcChecksum(data)
            stm += pack(">HH", checksum[0], checksum[1])
            stm += pack(">LL", offset, strlen(data))
            paddedLength = (strlen(data) + 3) & ~3
            offset = offset + paddedLength

        # Table data
        for tag, data in sorted_tables:
            data += "\0\0\0"
            stm += substr(data, 0, (strlen(data) & ~3))

        checksum = calcChecksum(stm)
        checksum = sub32((0xB1B0, 0xAFBA), checksum)
        chk = pack(">HH", checksum[0], checksum[1])
        stm = self.splice(stm, (head_start + 8), chk)
        return stm
Beispiel #2
    def endTTFile(self, stm): 
        stm = ''
        numTables = count(self.otables)
        searchRange = 1
        entrySelector = 0
        while (searchRange * 2 <= numTables): 
            searchRange = searchRange * 2
            entrySelector = entrySelector + 1
        searchRange = searchRange * 16
        rangeShift = numTables * 16 - searchRange

        # Header
        if (_TTF_MAC_HEADER): 
            stm += (pack(">LHHHH", 0x74727565, numTables, searchRange, entrySelector, rangeShift))    # Mac
            stm += (pack(">LHHHH", 0x00010000 , numTables, searchRange, entrySelector, rangeShift))    # Windows

        # Table directory
        tables = self.otables

        offset = 12 + numTables * 16
        sorted_tables = sorted(tables.items())
        for tag, data in sorted_tables:
            if (tag == 'head'):
                head_start = offset 
            stm += tag
            checksum = calcChecksum(data)
            stm += pack(">HH", checksum[0],checksum[1])
            stm += pack(">LL", offset, strlen(data))
            paddedLength = (strlen(data)+3)&~3
            offset = offset + paddedLength

        # Table data
        for tag, data in sorted_tables: 
            data += "\0\0\0"
            stm += substr(data,0,(strlen(data)&~3))

        checksum = calcChecksum(stm)
        checksum = sub32((0xB1B0,0xAFBA), checksum)
        chk = pack(">HH", checksum[0],checksum[1])
        stm = self.splice(stm,(head_start + 8),chk)
        return stm 
    def makeSubset(self, file, subset):
        self.filename = file
        self.fh = open(file, 'rb')
        self._pos = 0
        self.charWidths = []
        self.glyphPos = {}
        self.charToGlyph = {}
        self.tables = {}
        self.otables = {}
        self.ascent = 0
        self.descent = 0
        self.maxUni = 0

        # head - Font header table
        indexToLocFormat = self.read_ushort()
        glyphDataFormat = self.read_ushort()

        # hhea - Horizontal header table
        metricDataFormat = self.read_ushort()
        orignHmetrics = numberOfHMetrics = self.read_ushort()

        # maxp - Maximum profile table
        numGlyphs = self.read_ushort()

        # cmap - Character to glyph index mapping table
        cmap_offset = self.seek_table("cmap")
        cmapTableCount = self.read_ushort()
        unicode_cmap_offset = 0
        unicode_cmap_offset12 = 0
        for i in range(cmapTableCount):
            platformID = self.read_ushort()
            encodingID = self.read_ushort()
            offset = self.read_ulong()
            save_pos = self._pos
            if platformID == 3 and encodingID == 10:  # Microsoft, UCS-4
                format = self.get_ushort(cmap_offset + offset)
                if (format == 12):
                    if not unicode_cmap_offset12:
                        unicode_cmap_offset12 = cmap_offset + offset
            if ((platformID == 3 and encodingID == 1)
                    or platformID == 0):  # Microsoft, Unicode
                format = self.get_ushort(cmap_offset + offset)
                if (format == 4):
                    unicode_cmap_offset = cmap_offset + offset


        if not unicode_cmap_offset and not unicode_cmap_offset12:
            die('Font (' + self.filename +
                ') does not have cmap for Unicode (platform 3, encoding 1, format 4, or platform 3, encoding 10, format 12, or platform 0, any encoding, format 4)'

        glyphToChar = {}
        charToGlyph = {}
        if unicode_cmap_offset12:
            self.getCMAP12(unicode_cmap_offset12, glyphToChar, charToGlyph)
            self.getCMAP4(unicode_cmap_offset, glyphToChar, charToGlyph)

        self.charToGlyph = charToGlyph

        # hmtx - Horizontal metrics table
        scale = 1  # not used
        self.getHMTX(numberOfHMetrics, numGlyphs, glyphToChar, scale)

        # loca - Index to location
        self.getLOCA(indexToLocFormat, numGlyphs)

        subsetglyphs = [(0, 0)]  # special "sorted dict"!
        subsetCharToGlyph = {}
        for code in subset:
            if (code in self.charToGlyph):
                if (self.charToGlyph[code], code) not in subsetglyphs:
                                         code))  # Old Glyph ID => Unicode
                subsetCharToGlyph[code] = self.charToGlyph[
                    code]  # Unicode to old GlyphID
            self.maxUni = max(self.maxUni, code)
        (start, dummy) = self.get_table_pos('glyf')

        glyphSet = {}
        n = 0
        fsLastCharIndex = 0  # maximum Unicode index (character code) in this font, according to the cmap subtable for platform ID 3 and platform- specific encoding ID 0 or 1.
        for originalGlyphIdx, uni in subsetglyphs:
            fsLastCharIndex = max(fsLastCharIndex, uni)
            glyphSet[originalGlyphIdx] = n  # old glyphID to new glyphID
            n += 1

        codeToGlyph = {}
        for uni, originalGlyphIdx in sorted(subsetCharToGlyph.items()):
            codeToGlyph[uni] = glyphSet[originalGlyphIdx]

        self.codeToGlyph = codeToGlyph

        for originalGlyphIdx, uni in subsetglyphs:
            nonlocals = {
                'start': start,
                'glyphSet': glyphSet,
                'subsetglyphs': subsetglyphs
            self.getGlyphs(originalGlyphIdx, nonlocals)

        numGlyphs = numberOfHMetrics = len(subsetglyphs)

        #tables copied from the original
        tags = ['name']
        for tag in tags:
            self.add(tag, self.get_table(tag))
        tags = ['cvt ', 'fpgm', 'prep', 'gasp']
        for tag in tags:
            if (tag in self.tables):
                self.add(tag, self.get_table(tag))

        # post - PostScript
        opost = self.get_table('post')
        post = "\x00\x03\x00\x00" + substr(
            opost, 4, 12
        ) + "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
        self.add('post', post)

        # Sort CID2GID map into segments of contiguous codes
        if 0 in codeToGlyph:
            del codeToGlyph[0]
        rangeid = 0
        range_ = {}
        prevcid = -2
        prevglidx = -1
        # for each character
        for cid, glidx in sorted(codeToGlyph.items()):
            if (cid == (prevcid + 1) and glidx == (prevglidx + 1)):
                # new range
                rangeid = cid
                range_[rangeid] = []
            prevcid = cid
            prevglidx = glidx

        # cmap - Character to glyph mapping - Format 4 (MS / )
        segCount = len(
            range_) + 1  # + 1 Last segment has missing character 0xFFFF
        searchRange = 1
        entrySelector = 0
        while (searchRange * 2 <= segCount):
            searchRange = searchRange * 2
            entrySelector = entrySelector + 1

        searchRange = searchRange * 2
        rangeShift = segCount * 2 - searchRange
        length = 16 + (8 * segCount) + (numGlyphs + 1)
        cmap = [
            1,  # Index : version, number of encoding subtables
            1,  # Encoding Subtable : platform (MS=3), encoding (Unicode)
            12,  # Encoding Subtable : offset (hi,lo)
            0,  # Format 4 Mapping subtable: format, length, language
            segCount * 2,

        range_ = sorted(range_.items())

        # endCode(s)
        for start, subrange in range_:
            endCode = start + (len(subrange) - 1)
            cmap.append(endCode)  # endCode(s)

        cmap.append(0xFFFF)  # endCode of last Segment
        cmap.append(0)  # reservedPad

        # startCode(s)
        for start, subrange in range_:
            cmap.append(start)  # startCode(s)

        cmap.append(0xFFFF)  # startCode of last Segment
        # idDelta(s)
        for start, subrange in range_:
            idDelta = -(start - subrange[0])
            n += count(subrange)
            cmap.append(idDelta)  # idDelta(s)

        cmap.append(1)  # idDelta of last Segment
        # idRangeOffset(s)
        for subrange in range_:
            )  # idRangeOffset[segCount]      Offset in bytes to glyph indexArray, or 0

        cmap.append(0)  # idRangeOffset of last Segment
        for subrange, glidx in range_:

        cmap.append(0)  # Mapping for last character
        cmapstr = ''
        for cm in cmap:
            if cm >= 0:
                cmapstr += pack(">H", cm)
                    cmapstr += pack(">h", cm)
                    warnings.warn("cmap value too big/small: %s" % cm)
                    cmapstr += pack(">H", -cm)
        self.add('cmap', cmapstr)

        # glyf - Glyph data
        (glyfOffset, glyfLength) = self.get_table_pos('glyf')
        if (glyfLength < self.maxStrLenRead):
            glyphData = self.get_table('glyf')

        offsets = []
        glyf = ''
        pos = 0

        hmtxstr = ''
        xMinT = 0
        yMinT = 0
        xMaxT = 0
        yMaxT = 0
        advanceWidthMax = 0
        minLeftSideBearing = 0
        minRightSideBearing = 0
        xMaxExtent = 0
        maxPoints = 0  # points in non-compound glyph
        maxContours = 0  # contours in non-compound glyph
        maxComponentPoints = 0  # points in compound glyph
        maxComponentContours = 0  # contours in compound glyph
        maxComponentElements = 0  # number of glyphs referenced at top level
        maxComponentDepth = 0  # levels of recursion, set to 0 if font has only simple glyphs
        self.glyphdata = {}

        for originalGlyphIdx, uni in subsetglyphs:
            # hmtx - Horizontal Metrics
            hm = self.getHMetric(orignHmetrics, originalGlyphIdx)
            hmtxstr += hm

                glyphPos = self.glyphPos[originalGlyphIdx]
                glyphLen = self.glyphPos[originalGlyphIdx + 1] - glyphPos
            except IndexError:
                warnings.warn("missing glyph %s" % (originalGlyphIdx))
                glyphLen = 0

            if (glyfLength < self.maxStrLenRead):
                data = substr(glyphData, glyphPos, glyphLen)
                if (glyphLen > 0):
                    data = self.get_chunk(glyfOffset + glyphPos, glyphLen)
                    data = ''

            if (glyphLen > 0):
                up = unpack(">H", substr(data, 0, 2))[0]
            if (glyphLen > 2 and (up & (1 << 15))
                ):  # If number of contours <= -1 i.e. composiste glyph
                pos_in_glyph = 10
                flags = GF_MORE
                nComponentElements = 0
                while (flags & GF_MORE):
                    nComponentElements += 1  # number of glyphs referenced at top level
                    up = unpack(">H", substr(data, pos_in_glyph, 2))
                    flags = up[0]
                    up = unpack(">H", substr(data, pos_in_glyph + 2, 2))
                    glyphIdx = up[0]
                    self.glyphdata.setdefault(originalGlyphIdx, {}).setdefault(
                        'compGlyphs', []).append(glyphIdx)
                        data = self._set_ushort(data, pos_in_glyph + 2,
                    except KeyError:
                        data = 0
                        warnings.warn("missing glyph data %s" % glyphIdx)
                    pos_in_glyph += 4
                    if (flags & GF_WORDS):
                        pos_in_glyph += 4
                        pos_in_glyph += 2
                    if (flags & GF_SCALE):
                        pos_in_glyph += 2
                    elif (flags & GF_XYSCALE):
                        pos_in_glyph += 4
                    elif (flags & GF_TWOBYTWO):
                        pos_in_glyph += 8

                maxComponentElements = max(maxComponentElements,

            glyf += data
            pos += glyphLen
            if (pos % 4 != 0):
                padding = 4 - (pos % 4)
                glyf += str_repeat("\0", padding)
                pos += padding

        self.add('glyf', glyf)

        # hmtx - Horizontal Metrics
        self.add('hmtx', hmtxstr)

        # loca - Index to location
        locastr = ''
        if (((pos + 1) >> 1) > 0xFFFF):
            indexToLocFormat = 1  # long format
            for offset in offsets:
                locastr += pack(">L", offset)
            indexToLocFormat = 0  # short format
            for offset in offsets:
                locastr += pack(">H", (offset / 2))

        self.add('loca', locastr)

        # head - Font header
        head = self.get_table('head')
        head = self._set_ushort(head, 50, indexToLocFormat)
        self.add('head', head)

        # hhea - Horizontal Header
        hhea = self.get_table('hhea')
        hhea = self._set_ushort(hhea, 34, numberOfHMetrics)
        self.add('hhea', hhea)

        # maxp - Maximum Profile
        maxp = self.get_table('maxp')
        maxp = self._set_ushort(maxp, 4, numGlyphs)
        self.add('maxp', maxp)

        # OS/2 - OS/2
        os2 = self.get_table('OS/2')
        self.add('OS/2', os2)


        # Put the TTF file together
        stm = self.endTTFile('')
        return stm
 def splice(self, stream, offset, value):
     return substr(stream, 0, offset) + value + substr(
         stream, offset + strlen(value))
Beispiel #5
    def makeSubset(self, file, subset):
        self.filename = file
        self.fh = open(file ,'rb')
        self._pos = 0
        self.charWidths = []
        self.glyphPos = {}
        self.charToGlyph = {}
        self.tables = {}
        self.otables = {}
        self.ascent = 0
        self.descent = 0
        self.maxUni = 0

        # head - Font header table
        indexToLocFormat = self.read_ushort()
        glyphDataFormat = self.read_ushort()

        # hhea - Horizontal header table
        metricDataFormat = self.read_ushort()
        orignHmetrics = numberOfHMetrics = self.read_ushort()

        # maxp - Maximum profile table
        numGlyphs = self.read_ushort()

        # cmap - Character to glyph index mapping table
        cmap_offset = self.seek_table("cmap")
        cmapTableCount = self.read_ushort()
        unicode_cmap_offset = 0
        unicode_cmap_offset12 = 0
        for i in range(cmapTableCount):
            platformID = self.read_ushort()
            encodingID = self.read_ushort()
            offset = self.read_ulong()
            save_pos = self._pos
            if platformID == 3 and encodingID == 10:  # Microsoft, UCS-4
                format = self.get_ushort(cmap_offset + offset)
                if (format == 12):
                    if not unicode_cmap_offset12:
                        unicode_cmap_offset12 = cmap_offset + offset
            if ((platformID == 3 and encodingID == 1) or platformID == 0):  # Microsoft, Unicode
                format = self.get_ushort(cmap_offset + offset)
                if (format == 4):
                    unicode_cmap_offset = cmap_offset + offset
        if not unicode_cmap_offset and not unicode_cmap_offset12:
            die('Font (' + self.filename + ') does not have cmap for Unicode (platform 3, encoding 1, format 4, or platform 3, encoding 10, format 12, or platform 0, any encoding, format 4)')

        glyphToChar = {}
        charToGlyph = {}
        if unicode_cmap_offset12:
            self.getCMAP12(unicode_cmap_offset12, glyphToChar, charToGlyph)
            self.getCMAP4(unicode_cmap_offset, glyphToChar, charToGlyph)

        self.charToGlyph = charToGlyph

        # hmtx - Horizontal metrics table
        scale = 1    # not used
        self.getHMTX(numberOfHMetrics, numGlyphs, glyphToChar, scale)

        # loca - Index to location
        self.getLOCA(indexToLocFormat, numGlyphs)

        subsetglyphs = [(0, 0)]     # special "sorted dict"!
        subsetCharToGlyph = {}
        for code in subset: 
            if (code in self.charToGlyph):
                if (self.charToGlyph[code], code) not in subsetglyphs:
                    subsetglyphs.append((self.charToGlyph[code], code))   # Old Glyph ID => Unicode
                subsetCharToGlyph[code] = self.charToGlyph[code]    # Unicode to old GlyphID
            self.maxUni = max(self.maxUni, code)
        (start,dummy) = self.get_table_pos('glyf')

        glyphSet = {}
        n = 0
        fsLastCharIndex = 0    # maximum Unicode index (character code) in this font, according to the cmap subtable for platform ID 3 and platform- specific encoding ID 0 or 1.
        for originalGlyphIdx, uni in subsetglyphs:
            fsLastCharIndex = max(fsLastCharIndex , uni)
            glyphSet[originalGlyphIdx] = n    # old glyphID to new glyphID
            n += 1

        codeToGlyph = {}
        for uni, originalGlyphIdx in sorted(subsetCharToGlyph.items()):
            codeToGlyph[uni] = glyphSet[originalGlyphIdx] 
        self.codeToGlyph = codeToGlyph
        for originalGlyphIdx, uni in subsetglyphs: 
            nonlocals = {'start': start, 'glyphSet': glyphSet, 
                         'subsetglyphs': subsetglyphs}
            self.getGlyphs(originalGlyphIdx, nonlocals)

        numGlyphs = numberOfHMetrics = len(subsetglyphs)

        #tables copied from the original
        tags = ['name']
        for tag in tags:  
            self.add(tag, self.get_table(tag)) 
        tags = ['cvt ', 'fpgm', 'prep', 'gasp']
        for tag in tags:
            if (tag in self.tables):  
                self.add(tag, self.get_table(tag))        

        # post - PostScript
        opost = self.get_table('post')
        post = "\x00\x03\x00\x00" + substr(opost,4,12) + "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
        self.add('post', post)

        # Sort CID2GID map into segments of contiguous codes
        if 0 in codeToGlyph:
            del codeToGlyph[0]
        rangeid = 0
        range_ = {}
        prevcid = -2
        prevglidx = -1
        # for each character
        for cid, glidx in sorted(codeToGlyph.items()):
            if (cid == (prevcid + 1) and glidx == (prevglidx + 1)):
                # new range
                rangeid = cid
                range_[rangeid] = []
            prevcid = cid
            prevglidx = glidx

        # cmap - Character to glyph mapping - Format 4 (MS / )
        segCount = len(range_) + 1    # + 1 Last segment has missing character 0xFFFF
        searchRange = 1
        entrySelector = 0
        while (searchRange * 2 <= segCount ):
            searchRange = searchRange * 2
            entrySelector = entrySelector + 1
        searchRange = searchRange * 2
        rangeShift = segCount * 2 - searchRange
        length = 16 + (8*segCount ) + (numGlyphs+1)
        cmap = [0, 1,        # Index : version, number of encoding subtables
            3, 1,                # Encoding Subtable : platform (MS=3), encoding (Unicode)
            0, 12,            # Encoding Subtable : offset (hi,lo)
            4, length, 0,         # Format 4 Mapping subtable: format, length, language

        range_ = sorted(range_.items())
        # endCode(s)
        for start, subrange in range_:
            endCode = start + (len(subrange)-1)
            cmap.append(endCode)    # endCode(s)
        cmap.append(0xFFFF)    # endCode of last Segment
        cmap.append(0)    # reservedPad

        # startCode(s)
        for start, subrange in range_: 
            cmap.append(start)    # startCode(s)
        cmap.append(0xFFFF)    # startCode of last Segment
        # idDelta(s) 
        for start, subrange in range_: 
            idDelta = -(start-subrange[0])
            n += count(subrange)
            cmap.append(idDelta)    # idDelta(s)
        cmap.append(1)    # idDelta of last Segment
        # idRangeOffset(s) 
        for subrange in range_: 
            cmap.append(0)    # idRangeOffset[segCount]      Offset in bytes to glyph indexArray, or 0
        cmap.append(0)    # idRangeOffset of last Segment
        for subrange, glidx in range_: 
        cmap.append(0)    # Mapping for last character
        cmapstr = ''
        for cm in cmap:
            if cm >= 0:
                cmapstr += pack(">H", cm) 
                    cmapstr += pack(">h", cm) 
                    warnings.warn("cmap value too big/small: %s" % cm)
                    cmapstr += pack(">H", -cm) 
        self.add('cmap', cmapstr)

        # glyf - Glyph data
        (glyfOffset,glyfLength) = self.get_table_pos('glyf')
        if (glyfLength < self.maxStrLenRead):
            glyphData = self.get_table('glyf')

        offsets = []
        glyf = ''
        pos = 0

        hmtxstr = ''
        xMinT = 0
        yMinT = 0
        xMaxT = 0
        yMaxT = 0
        advanceWidthMax = 0
        minLeftSideBearing = 0
        minRightSideBearing = 0
        xMaxExtent = 0
        maxPoints = 0            # points in non-compound glyph
        maxContours = 0            # contours in non-compound glyph
        maxComponentPoints = 0    # points in compound glyph
        maxComponentContours = 0    # contours in compound glyph
        maxComponentElements = 0    # number of glyphs referenced at top level
        maxComponentDepth = 0        # levels of recursion, set to 0 if font has only simple glyphs
        self.glyphdata = {}

        for originalGlyphIdx, uni in subsetglyphs: 
            # hmtx - Horizontal Metrics
            hm = self.getHMetric(orignHmetrics, originalGlyphIdx)    
            hmtxstr += hm

                glyphPos = self.glyphPos[originalGlyphIdx]
                glyphLen = self.glyphPos[originalGlyphIdx + 1] - glyphPos
            except IndexError:
                warnings.warn("missing glyph %s" % (originalGlyphIdx))
                glyphLen = 0

            if (glyfLength < self.maxStrLenRead):
                data = substr(glyphData,glyphPos,glyphLen)
                if (glyphLen > 0):
                    data = self.get_chunk(glyfOffset+glyphPos,glyphLen)
                    data = ''
            if (glyphLen > 0):
                up = unpack(">H", substr(data,0,2))[0]
            if (glyphLen > 2 and (up & (1 << 15)) ):     # If number of contours <= -1 i.e. composiste glyph
                pos_in_glyph = 10
                flags = GF_MORE
                nComponentElements = 0
                while (flags & GF_MORE):
                    nComponentElements += 1    # number of glyphs referenced at top level
                    up = unpack(">H", substr(data,pos_in_glyph,2))
                    flags = up[0]
                    up = unpack(">H", substr(data,pos_in_glyph+2,2))
                    glyphIdx = up[0]
                    self.glyphdata.setdefault(originalGlyphIdx, {}).setdefault('compGlyphs', []).append(glyphIdx)
                        data = self._set_ushort(data, pos_in_glyph + 2, glyphSet[glyphIdx])
                    except KeyError:
                        data = 0
                        warnings.warn("missing glyph data %s" % glyphIdx)
                    pos_in_glyph += 4
                    if (flags & GF_WORDS): 
                        pos_in_glyph += 4 
                        pos_in_glyph += 2 
                    if (flags & GF_SCALE):
                        pos_in_glyph += 2 
                    elif (flags & GF_XYSCALE):
                        pos_in_glyph += 4 
                    elif (flags & GF_TWOBYTWO):
                        pos_in_glyph += 8 
                maxComponentElements = max(maxComponentElements, nComponentElements)
            glyf += data
            pos += glyphLen
            if (pos % 4 != 0): 
                padding = 4 - (pos % 4)
                glyf += str_repeat("\0",padding)
                pos += padding

        self.add('glyf', glyf)

        # hmtx - Horizontal Metrics
        self.add('hmtx', hmtxstr)

        # loca - Index to location
        locastr = ''
        if (((pos + 1) >> 1) > 0xFFFF): 
            indexToLocFormat = 1        # long format
            for offset in offsets:
                locastr += pack(">L",offset) 
            indexToLocFormat = 0        # short format
            for offset in offsets:  
                locastr += pack(">H",(offset/2)) 
        self.add('loca', locastr)

        # head - Font header
        head = self.get_table('head')
        head = self._set_ushort(head, 50, indexToLocFormat)
        self.add('head', head)

        # hhea - Horizontal Header
        hhea = self.get_table('hhea')
        hhea = self._set_ushort(hhea, 34, numberOfHMetrics)
        self.add('hhea', hhea)

        # maxp - Maximum Profile
        maxp = self.get_table('maxp')
        maxp = self._set_ushort(maxp, 4, numGlyphs)
        self.add('maxp', maxp)

        # OS/2 - OS/2
        os2 = self.get_table('OS/2')
        self.add('OS/2', os2 )


        # Put the TTF file together
        stm = self.endTTFile('')
        return stm 
Beispiel #6
 def splice(self, stream, offset, value):
     return substr(stream,0,offset) + value + substr(stream,offset+strlen(value))