Beispiel #1
    def __format_data_section(self):
        """Format the data section of the parser into usable data

        ConfigError if the config file is not correct
        if "data" not in self.config:
            raise ConfigError("Missing section [data]")
        section = self.config["data"]

        # first load the data class
        data_name = section.get("type")
        if data_name is None:
            raise ConfigError("In section [data], variable 'type' "
                              "is required")
        module_name = section.get("module name")
        if module_name is None:
            module_name = re.sub('(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])', '_', data_name).lower()
            module_name = f"picca.delta_extraction.data_catalogues.{module_name.lower()}"
            (DataType, default_args,
             accepted_options) = class_from_string(data_name, module_name)
        except ImportError as error:
            raise ConfigError(
                f"Error loading class {data_name}, "
                f"module {module_name} could not be loaded") from error
        except AttributeError as error:
            raise ConfigError(
                f"Error loading class {data_name}, "
                f"module {module_name} did not contain requested class"
            ) from error

        if not issubclass(DataType, Data):
            raise ConfigError(
                f"Error loading class {DataType.__name__}. "
                "This class should inherit from Data but "
                "it does not. Please check for correct inheritance "

        # check that arguments are valid)
        accepted_options += accepted_data_options
        for key in section:
            if key not in accepted_options:
                raise ConfigError("Unrecognised option in section [data]. "
                                  f"Found: '{key}'. Accepted options are "

        # add "out dir" and "num processors" if necesssary
        section["out dir"] = self.out_dir
        if "num processors" in accepted_options and "num processors" not in section:
            section["num processors"] = str(self.num_processors)

        # update the section adding the default choices when necessary
        for key, value in default_args.items():
            if key not in section:
                section[key] = str(value)

        # finally add the information to = (DataType, section)
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, filename):
        """Initializes class instance

        filename: str
        Name of the config file
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        self.config = ConfigParser()
        # with this we allow options to use capital letters
        self.config.optionxform = lambda option: option
        # load default configuration
        # now read the configuration file
        if os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise ConfigError(f"Config file not found: {filename}")

        # parse the environ variables

        # format the sections
        self.overwrite = None
        self.log = None
        self.logging_level_console = None
        self.logging_level_file = None
        self.num_processors = None
        self.out_dir = None
        self.corrections = None
        self.num_corrections = None
        self.masks = None
        self.num_masks = None
        self.__format_masks_section() = None
        self.expected_flux = None

        # initialize folders where data will be saved

        # setup logger
Beispiel #3
    def __parse_environ_variables(self):
        """Read all variables and replaces the enviroment variables for their
        actual values. This assumes that enviroment variables are only used
        at the beggining of the paths.

        ConfigError if an environ variable was not defined
        for section in self.config:
            for key, value in self.config[section].items():
                if value.startswith("$"):
                    pos = value.find("/")
                    if os.getenv(value[1:pos]) is None:
                        raise ConfigError(
                            f"In section [{section}], undefined "
                            f"environment variable {value[1:pos]} "
                            "was found")
                    self.config[section][key] = value.replace(
                        value[:pos], os.getenv(value[1:pos]))
Beispiel #4
    def initialize_folders(self):
        """Initialize output folders

        ConfigError if the output path was already used and the
        overwrite is not selected
        if not os.path.exists(self.out_dir):
            os.makedirs(self.out_dir, exist_ok=True)
            os.makedirs(self.out_dir + "Delta/", exist_ok=True)
            os.makedirs(self.out_dir + "Log/", exist_ok=True)
        elif self.overwrite:
            os.makedirs(self.out_dir + "Delta/", exist_ok=True)
            os.makedirs(self.out_dir + "Log/", exist_ok=True)
            raise ConfigError("Specified folder contains a previous run. "
                              "Pass overwrite option in configuration file "
                              "in order to ignore the previous run or "
                              "change the output path variable to point "
                              f"elsewhere. Folder: {self.out_dir}")
Beispiel #5
    def __format_masks_section(self):
        """Format the masks section of the parser into usable data

        ConfigError if the config file is not correct
        self.masks = []
        if "masks" not in self.config:
            self.logger.warning("Missing section [masks]. No Masks will "
                                "be applied to data")
        section = self.config["masks"]

        self.num_masks = section.getint("num masks")
        if self.num_masks is None:
            raise ConfigError("In section [masks], variable 'num masks' "
                              "is required")
        if self.num_masks < 0:
            raise ConfigError("In section [masks], variable 'num masks' "
                              "must be a non-negative integer")

        # check that arguments are valid
        for key in section.keys():
            if key not in accepted_masks_options:
                if key.startswith("type") or key.startswith("module name"):
                        aux_str = key.replace("type",
                                              "").replace("module name", "")
                        assert int(aux_str) < self.num_masks
                    except ValueError:
                    except AssertionError as error:
                        raise ConfigError("In section [masks] found option "
                                          f"'{key}', but 'num masks' is "
                                          f"'{self.num_masks}' (keep in mind "
                                          "python zero indexing)") from error

                raise ConfigError("Unrecognised option in section [masks]. "
                                  f"Found: '{key}'. Accepted options are "

        for mask_index in range(self.num_masks):
            # first load the mask class
            mask_name = section.get(f"type {mask_index}")
            if mask_name is None:
                raise ConfigError("In section [masks], missing variable [type "
            module_name = section.get(f"module name {mask_index}")
            if module_name is None:
                module_name = re.sub('(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])', '_', mask_name).lower()
                module_name = f"picca.delta_extraction.masks.{module_name.lower()}"
                (MaskType, default_args,
                 accepted_options) = class_from_string(mask_name, module_name)
            except ImportError as error:
                raise ConfigError(
                    f"Error loading class {mask_name}, "
                    f"module {module_name} could not be loaded") from error
            except AttributeError as error:
                raise ConfigError(f"Error loading class {mask_name}, "
                                  f"module {module_name} did not contain "
                                  "requested class") from error

            if not issubclass(MaskType, Mask):
                raise ConfigError(
                    f"Error loading class {MaskType.__name__}. "
                    "This class should inherit from Mask but "
                    "it does not. Please check for correct inheritance "

            # now load the arguments with which to initialize this class
            if f"mask arguments {mask_index}" not in self.config:
                    f"Missing section [mask arguments {mask_index}]. "
                    f"Correction {mask_name} will be called without "
                self.config.read_dict({f"mask arguments {mask_index}": {}})
            mask_args = self.config[f"mask arguments {mask_index}"]

            # check that arguments are valid
            for key in mask_args:
                if key not in accepted_options:
                    raise ConfigError("Unrecognised option in section [mask "
                                      f"arguments {mask_index}]. "
                                      f"Found: '{key}'. Accepted options are "

            # update the section adding the default choices when necessary
            for key, value in default_args.items():
                if key not in mask_args:
                    mask_args[key] = str(value)

            # finally add the correction to self.masks
            self.masks.append((MaskType, mask_args))
Beispiel #6
    def __format_general_section(self):
        """Format the general section of the parser into usable data

        ConfigError if the config file is not correct
        # this should never be true as the general section is loaded in the
        # default dictionary
        if "general" not in self.config:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ConfigError("Missing section [general]")
        section = self.config["general"]

        # check that arguments are valid
        for key in section.keys():
            if key not in accepted_general_options:
                raise ConfigError("Unrecognised option in section [general]. "
                                  f"Found: '{key}'. Accepted options are "

        self.out_dir = section.get("out dir")
        if self.out_dir is None:
            raise ConfigError(
                "Missing variable 'out dir' in section [general]")
        if not self.out_dir.endswith("/"):
            self.out_dir += "/"

        self.overwrite = section.getboolean("overwrite")
        # this should never be true as the general section is loaded in the
        # default dictionary
        if self.overwrite is None:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ConfigError(
                "Missing variable 'overwrite' in section [general]")

        self.log = section.get("log")
        # this should never be true as the general section is loaded in the
        # default dictionary
        if self.log is None:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ConfigError("Missing variable 'log' in section [general]")
        if "/" in self.log:
            raise ConfigError(
                "Variable 'log' in section [general] should not incude folders. "
                f"Found: {self.log}")
        self.log = self.out_dir + "Log/" + self.log
        section["log"] = self.log

        self.logging_level_console = section.get("logging level console")
        # this should never be true as the general section is loaded in the
        # default dictionary
        if self.logging_level_console is None:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ConfigError(
                "Missing variable 'logging level console' in section [general]"
        self.logging_level_console = self.logging_level_console.upper()

        self.logging_level_file = section.get("logging level file")
        # this should never be true as the general section is loaded in the
        # default dictionary
        if self.logging_level_file is None:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ConfigError(
                "In section 'logging level file' in section [general]")
        self.logging_level_file = self.logging_level_file.upper()

        self.num_processors = section.getint("num processors")
        # this should never be true as the general section is loaded in the
        # default dictionary
        if self.num_processors is None:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ConfigError(
                "Missing variable 'num processors' in section [general]")
Beispiel #7
    def __format_expected_flux_section(self):
        """Format the expected flux section of the parser into usable data

        ConfigError if the config file is not correct
        if "expected flux" not in self.config:
            raise ConfigError("Missing section [expected flux]")
        section = self.config["expected flux"]

        # first load the data class
        expected_flux_name = section.get("type")
        if expected_flux_name is None:
            raise ConfigError("In section [expected flux], variable 'type' "
                              "is required")
        module_name = section.get("module name")
        if module_name is None:
            module_name = re.sub('(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])', '_',
            module_name = f"picca.delta_extraction.expected_fluxes.{module_name.lower()}"
            (ExpectedFluxType, default_args,
             accepted_options) = class_from_string(expected_flux_name,
        except ImportError as error:
            raise ConfigError(
                f"Error loading class {expected_flux_name}, "
                f"module {module_name} could not be loaded") from error
        except AttributeError as error:
            raise ConfigError(
                f"Error loading class {expected_flux_name}, "
                f"module {module_name} did not contain requested class"
            ) from error

        if not issubclass(ExpectedFluxType, ExpectedFlux):
            raise ConfigError(
                f"Error loading class {ExpectedFluxType.__name__}. "
                "This class should inherit from ExpectedFlux but "
                "it does not. Please check for correct inheritance "

        # check that arguments are valid)
        accepted_options += accepted_expected_flux_options
        for key in section:
            if key not in accepted_options:
                raise ConfigError(
                    "Unrecognised option in section [expected flux]. "
                    f"Found: '{key}'. Accepted options are "

        # add "out dir" and "num processors" if necesssary
        # currently all the expected fluxes accept both "out dir" and
        # "num processors" but that might not always be the case
        if "out dir" in accepted_options:  # pragma: no branch
            section["out dir"] = self.out_dir
        if ("num processors" in accepted_options
                and "num processors" not in section):  # pragma: no branch
            section["num processors"] = str(self.num_processors)

        # update the section adding the default choices when necessary
        for key, value in default_args.items():
            if key not in section:
                section[key] = str(value)

        # finally add the information to self.continua
        self.expected_flux = (ExpectedFluxType, section)