Beispiel #1
	def traceFrame( self, keyTime ):
		if keyTime not in self._keyTimeData:

		attrDataList = self._keyTimeData[ keyTime ]
		for attrData in attrDataList:

			#unpack the node data
			srcAttrpath, tgtAttrpath, keyItt, keyOtt, ix, iy, ox, oy = attrData

			#NOTE: setting itt and ott in the keyframe command doesn't work properly - if itt is spline and ott is stepped, maya sets them both to stepped...  win.
			setKeyframe( tgtAttrpath, v=getAttr( srcAttrpath ) )

			#check to see if we need to deal with weighted tangents
			#NOTE: we need to do this BEFORE setting any tangent data!
			if tgtAttrpath not in self._attrsWeightedTangentsDealtWith:
				self.dealWithWeightedTangents( tgtAttrpath )

			#need to special case this otherwise maya will screw up the stepped tangents on the out curve...  holy shit maya sucks  :(
			if keyOtt == 'step':
				keyTangent( tgtAttrpath, e=True, t=(keyTime,), itt=keyItt, ott=keyOtt )#, ix=ix, iy=iy )
				keyTangent( tgtAttrpath, e=True, t=(keyTime,), itt=keyItt, ott=keyOtt )#, ix=ix, iy=iy, ox=ox, oy=oy )

		#execute any post trace command for the tgt nodes on this keyframe
		if self._postTraceCmd:
			postTraceCmdStr = resolveCmdStr( self._postTraceCmd, self._tgt, [] )
			if postTraceCmdStr:
				maya.mel.eval( postTraceCmdStr )

				#once the post trace cmd has been executed, make sure to re-key each attribute with a key on this frame
				for attrData in attrDataList:
					tgtAttrpath = attrData[1]
					setKeyframe( tgtAttrpath )
Beispiel #2
    def preTrace(self):
        if self._isTransform:
            if self._constraint is None:
                self._constraint = constructDummyParentConstraint(
                    self._src, self._tgt)

        #now grab any other keyable attributes
        keyableAttrs = listAttr(
            self._src, keyable=True, scalar=True, shortNames=True) or []
        for attr in keyableAttrs:
            tgtAttrpath = '%s.%s' % (self._tgt, attr)
            if not objExists(tgtAttrpath):

            #check to see if we need to deal with weighted tangents
            srcAttrpath = '%s.%s' % (self._src, attr)
            if tgtAttrpath not in self._attrsWeightedTangentsDealtWith:

            #now get the list of keys for the attribute and store that as well
            srcKeysTimes = keyframe(srcAttrpath, q=True)
            if srcKeysTimes:
                srcKeysInTangents = keyTangent(srcAttrpath, q=True, itt=True)
                srcKeysOutTangents = keyTangent(srcAttrpath, q=True, ott=True)

                srcKeysInX = keyTangent(srcAttrpath, q=True, ix=True)
                srcKeysInY = keyTangent(srcAttrpath, q=True, iy=True)
                srcKeysOutX = keyTangent(srcAttrpath, q=True, ox=True)
                srcKeysOutY = keyTangent(srcAttrpath, q=True, oy=True)

                #if the attr is a transform attr - set the srcAttrpath to the appropriate attribute on the constraint
                if attr in self.SHORT_TRANSFORM_ATTRS:
                    srcAttrpath = '%s.c%s' % (self._constraint, attr)

                for keyTime, keyItt, keyOtt, ix, iy, ox, oy in zip(
                        srcKeysTimes, srcKeysInTangents, srcKeysOutTangents,
                        srcKeysInX, srcKeysInY, srcKeysOutX, srcKeysOutY):
                    self._keyTimeData.setdefault(keyTime, [])
                        (srcAttrpath, tgtAttrpath, keyItt, keyOtt, ix, iy, ox,

        #finally see if the node has a post trace cmd - if it does, track it
        postTraceCmdAttrpath = '%s.xferPostTraceCmd' % self._tgt
        if objExists(postTraceCmdAttrpath):
            cmdStr = getAttr(postTraceCmdAttrpath)
            self._postTraceCmd = resolveCmdStr(cmdStr, self._tgt, [])
Beispiel #3
	def preTrace( self ):
		if self._isTransform:
			if self._constraint is None:
				self._constraint = constructDummyParentConstraint( self._src, self._tgt )

		#now grab any other keyable attributes
		keyableAttrs = listAttr( self._src, keyable=True, scalar=True, shortNames=True ) or []
		for attr in keyableAttrs:
			tgtAttrpath = '%s.%s' % (self._tgt, attr)
			if not objExists( tgtAttrpath ):

			#check to see if we need to deal with weighted tangents
			srcAttrpath = '%s.%s' % (self._src, attr)
			if tgtAttrpath not in self._attrsWeightedTangentsDealtWith:
				self.dealWithWeightedTangents( tgtAttrpath )

			#now get the list of keys for the attribute and store that as well
			srcKeysTimes = keyframe( srcAttrpath, q=True )
			if srcKeysTimes:
				srcKeysInTangents = keyTangent( srcAttrpath, q=True, itt=True )
				srcKeysOutTangents = keyTangent( srcAttrpath, q=True, ott=True )

				srcKeysInX = keyTangent( srcAttrpath, q=True, ix=True )
				srcKeysInY = keyTangent( srcAttrpath, q=True, iy=True )
				srcKeysOutX = keyTangent( srcAttrpath, q=True, ox=True )
				srcKeysOutY = keyTangent( srcAttrpath, q=True, oy=True )

				#if the attr is a transform attr - set the srcAttrpath to the appropriate attribute on the constraint
				if attr in self.SHORT_TRANSFORM_ATTRS:
					srcAttrpath = '%s.c%s' % (self._constraint, attr)

				for keyTime, keyItt, keyOtt, ix, iy, ox, oy in zip( srcKeysTimes, srcKeysInTangents, srcKeysOutTangents, srcKeysInX, srcKeysInY, srcKeysOutX, srcKeysOutY ):
					self._keyTimeData.setdefault( keyTime, [] )
					self._keyTimeData[ keyTime ].append( (srcAttrpath, tgtAttrpath, keyItt, keyOtt, ix, iy, ox, oy) )

		#finally see if the node has a post trace cmd - if it does, track it
		postTraceCmdAttrpath = '%s.xferPostTraceCmd' % self._tgt
		if objExists( postTraceCmdAttrpath ):
			cmdStr = getAttr( postTraceCmdAttrpath )
			self._postTraceCmd = resolveCmdStr( cmdStr, self._tgt, [] )
Beispiel #4
def executePostTraceCmd( node ):
	cmdStr = getPostTraceCmd( node )
	resolvedCmdStr = resolveCmdStr( cmdStr, node, [] )
	mel.eval( resolvedCmdStr )