def initialise(): # Setup pz.init() pz.setOutputConfig(0, 2) # set output 0 to Servo pz.setOutputConfig(1, 1) # set output 1 to PWM pz.setOutputConfig(2, 1) # set output 2 to PWM pz.setOutputConfig(3, 1) # set output 3 to PWM pz.setInputConfig(0, 0) # set input 1 to digital # Setup Action queues global qLED qLED = Queue(maxsize=0) global qServo qServo = Queue(maxsize=0) workerLED = Thread(target=processq, args=(qLED, )) workerLED.setDaemon(True) workerLED.start() workerServo = Thread(target=processq, args=(qServo, )) workerServo.setDaemon(True) workerServo.start() # Initialise dropbox global dbx dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(get_dropboxkey())
def __init__(self): pz.init() GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # 24, 25 is BCM 18, 22 self.sensor_right = DistanceSensor(echo=18, trigger=22) # 22, 23 is BCM 15, 16 self.sensor_left = DistanceSensor(echo=15, trigger=16)
def init(): print('======= App init =====') pz.init() GPIO.setwarnings(False) LineSensor.setup() ServGrap.setup() UltrasonicSensor.setup() print('=======App initialized=====')
def __init__(self): pz.init() self._pan = 0 self._tilt = 1 pz.setOutputConfig(self._pan, 2) pz.setOutputConfig(self._tilt, 2) self.tilt(90) self.pan(90)
def __init__(self): pz.init() # 1= 2 place, 1 = PWM output channel pz.setOutputConfig(1, 1) # 2= 3 place, 1 = PWM output channel pz.setOutputConfig(2, 1) # Set initial state as off pz.setOutput(1, 0) pz.setOutput(2, 0) # Create a lock to syncronize access to hardware from multiple threads. self._lock = threading.Lock()
def init(): print("Simple obstacle avoider") print("Press Ctrl-C to end") print() pz.init() pz.setOutputConfig(5, 3) # set output 5 to WS2812 rev = pz.getRevision() print(rev[0], rev[1]) hcsr04.init()
def initPZ(): pz.init() # Set output mode to Servo pz.setOutputConfig(pan, 2) pz.setOutputConfig(tilt, 2) # set output 5 to WS2812 pz.setOutputConfig(pixel, 3) hcsr04.init() # Centre all servos panVal = 90 tiltVal = 90 pz.setOutput(pan, panVal) pz.setOutput(tilt, tiltVal)
self.epoll = select.epoll() self.fdmap = {} def register(self, obj, flags): fd = obj.fileno() self.epoll.register(fd, flags) self.fdmap[fd] = obj def unregister(self, obj): fd = obj.fileno() del self.fdmap[fd] self.epoll.unregister(fd) def poll(self): evt = self.epoll.poll() for fd, flags in evt: yield self.fdmap[fd], flags if __name__ == "__main__": pollster = EPoll() pollster.register(Server(("", 54321), pollster), select.EPOLLIN) pz.init() pz.setOutputConfig(5, 3) # set output 5 to WS2812 hcsr04.init() while True: evt = pollster.poll() for obj, flags in evt: readwrite(obj, flags)
def __init__(self): pz.init()
#! /usr/bin/env python # GNU GPL V3 # Test code for 4tronix Picon Zero import piconzero as pz, time pz.init() pz.setInputConfig(0, 2) # set input 0 to DS18B20 pz.setInputConfig(2, 2) # set input 2 to DS18B20 try: while True: ana0 = pz.readInput(0) if (ana0>32767): ana0 -= 65536 ana2 = pz.readInput(2) if (ana2>32767): ana2 -= 65536 print ana0*0.0625, ana2*0.0625 time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print finally: pz.cleanup()
import piconzero as pz import time from gpiozero import Button import sys from inputs import get_key import os import hcsr04 import I2C_LCD_driver #I2C LCD driver from #____________________________________________________________________________________ #hardware setup mylcd = I2C_LCD_driver.lcd() #assign LCD to variable for ease of use pz.init() #initiate hardware pz.setInputConfig(0, 0) #right IR sensor is input 0 and digital pz.setInputConfig(1, 0) #left IR sensor is input 1 and digital pz.setInputConfig(2, 0) #right line sensor is input 2 and digital pz.setInputConfig(3, 0) #left line is input 3 and digital RIGHTIR = pz.readInput(0) #assign right IR to a variable LEFTIR = pz.readInput(1) #assign left IR to a variable RIGHTLINE = pz.readInput(2) #assign right line sensor to a variable LEFTLINE = pz.readInput(3) #assign left line sensor to a variable hcsr04.init() #initiate hardware RANGE = hcsr04.getDistance() #assign HC-SR04 range to variable button = Button(22)
finally: print "Arret du mode labyrinthe" ControleRobot(action="arrete") camera(action=1) time.sleep(5) os.system('clear') tuto()'L utilisateur a quitte le mode labyrinthe') #MAIN'L utilisateur est passe en mode manuel') camera(action=1) tuto() speed=65 pz.init() #Initialise l utilisation des fonctions PZ contenue dans la librairie PICONZERO # Boucle principale try: while True: keyp = readkey() #Permet de faire avancer le robot tout droit a l aide la manette et les touches. if keyp == 'z' or ord(keyp) == 16: pz.reverse(speed)'Le robot va tout droit.') print 'Avance a une vitesse de ' + str(mru()) + 'cm/s.', speed #Permet de faire reculer le robot a l aide de la manette et les touches. elif keyp == 's' or ord(keyp) == 17: pz.forward(speed)
def __init__(self): pz.init() # Create a lock to syncronize access to hardware from multiple threads. self._lock = threading.Lock()
# Use G and H to open and close the Gripper arm # Press Ctrl-C to stop # import piconzero as pz, time # get the servo module import hcsr04 # get the ultrasonic module from init import limMin, limMax, positions from operationModes import * #====================================================== # Initialization print("Initialization started") pz.init() # load servo operation library # Set output mode to Servo pz.setOutputConfig(rot, 2) pz.setOutputConfig(tilt, 2) pz.setOutputConfig(lift, 2) pz.setOutputConfig(grip, 2) # Sets the robot to the initial position. # Possible issue: rapid movement from the previous operation stop point. for i in channels: smoothMotion(i, positions[i]) # End of initialization of operation #======================================================
def ensure_piconzero_is_initialized(self): if not self.piconzero_initialized: pz.init() self.piconzero_initialized = True