Beispiel #1
def run_papara(tree: str, ref_msa: dict, study_fasta: str, out_dir: str,
               threads=1, print_cmds=False):
    '''Run PaPaRa to place study sequences into reference multiple-sequence
    alignment (MSA). Will return dictionary of the the output MSA (sequence ids
    as keys). Expects path to tree and study FASTA as strings. Expects
    reference MSA as a dictionary output by read_fasta. This MSA will be
    converted to phylip format before running PaPaRa.'''

    # Get absolute paths to input files.
    tree = path.abspath(tree)
    study_fasta = path.abspath(study_fasta)

    # Change working directory to out directory (but keep track of original).
    # This is necessary because PaPaRa outputs into the current working
    # directory.
    orig_wd = getcwd()

    # Convert ref sequences from MSA FASTA to phylip.
    write_phylip(ref_msa, "ref_seqs.phylip")

    # Make call to papara to place sequences (outputs phylip format).
    system_call_check("papara -t " + tree + " -s ref_seqs.phylip " +
                      "-q " + study_fasta + " -j " + str(threads) +
                      " -n out", print_command=print_cmds,
                      print_stdout=print_cmds, print_stderr=print_cmds)

    # Change back to original working directory.

    # Read in papara phylip output and return.
    return(read_phylip(path.join(out_dir, "papara_alignment.out"),
Beispiel #2
    def test_read_write_phylip(self):
        '''Basic test that Phylip files are read and written correctly.'''

        test_seqs_dict = {
            "seq1": "GNATNGAC",
            "seq2": "GTCGTGGC",
            "seq3": "GNCTGAGA"

        # Write these sequences temp file and then read them back in again.
        with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
            outfile = path.join(temp_dir, "test.phylip")

            write_phylip(test_seqs_dict, outfile)

            test_seqs_dict_in = read_phylip(outfile)

        self.assertEqual(test_seqs_dict, test_seqs_dict_in)