class MotorController(): def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('motor_controller',log_level=rospy.INFO) # ------ PARAMETRI ------ # frequenza del loop self.freq = rospy.get_param('/eod/loop_freq/motor_ctrl') self.rate = rospy.Rate(self.freq) # parametri pid dx self.kp_dx = rospy.get_param('/eod/pid_dx/Kp') self.ki_dx = rospy.get_param('/eod/pid_dx/Ki') self.kd_dx = rospy.get_param('/eod/pid_dx/Kd') self.vMin_dx = rospy.get_param('/eod/pid_dx/v_min') self.vMax_dx = rospy.get_param('/eod/pid_dx/v_max') # parametri pid sx self.kp_sx = rospy.get_param('/eod/pid_sx/Kp') self.ki_sx = rospy.get_param('/eod/pid_sx/Ki') self.kd_sx = rospy.get_param('/eod/pid_sx/Kd') self.vMin_sx = rospy.get_param('/eod/pid_sx/v_min') self.vMax_sx = rospy.get_param('/eod/pid_sx/v_max') # ------ VARIABILI ------ self.old_time = self.pid_dx = PID(self.kp_dx, self.ki_dx, self.kd_dx, self.vMin_dx, self.vMax_dx) self.pid_sx = PID(self.kp_sx, self.ki_sx, self.kd_sx, self.vMin_sx, self.vMax_sx) self.v_dx = 0.0 self.v_sx = 0.0 self.ref_dx = 0.0 self.ref_sx = 0.0 # ------ TOPIC ------ rospy.Subscriber('v_target', Wheels_Vel, self.v_target_callback) rospy.Subscriber('wheels_velocity', Wheels_Vel, self.wheels_velocity_callback) # il messaggio Wheels_Vel contiene due valori di tensione self.cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher('motor_cmd', Wheels_Vel, queue_size=10) def loop(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # calcolo dt e aggiornamento dt = self.calculate_dt() # calcolo della legge di controlo v_input_dx = self.pid_dx.calculate(self.v_dx, self.ref_dx, dt) v_input_sx = self.pid_sx.calculate(self.v_sx, self.ref_sx, dt) # controllo tra segno della tensione e direzione di marcia v_input_dx = self.saturation(v_input_dx, numpy.sign(self.ref_dx)) v_input_sx = self.saturation(v_input_sx, numpy.sign(self.ref_sx)) # normalizzazione input tra [0,1] v_input_dx = v_input_dx/self.vMax_dx v_input_sx = v_input_sx/self.vMax_sx # pubblicazione dei segnali di controllo self.publish_motor_cmd(v_input_dx, v_input_sx) self.rate.sleep() def calculate_dt(self): current_time = dt = (current_time - self.old_time).to_sec() self.old_time = current_time return dt def saturation(self, v_input, sign): # se l'input da fornire al motore e' opposto alla direzione di marcia # si preferisce fornire una tensione nulla if ((sign > 0) and (v_input < 0)) or ((sign < 0) and (v_input > 0)): return 0.0 else: return v_input def publish_motor_cmd(self, v_input_dx, v_input_sx): # anche se il messaggio e' di tipo Wheels_Vel stiamo # pubblicando il valore di due tensioni msg_cmd = Wheels_Vel() msg_cmd.right = v_input_dx msg_cmd.left = v_input_sx self.cmd_pub.publish(msg_cmd) def v_target_callback(self, msg): self.ref_dx = msg.right self.ref_sx = msg.left def wheels_velocity_callback(self, msg): self.v_dx = msg.right self.v_sx = msg.left
def main(): #Variables for PID kp = 1 kd = 0.5 ki = 0 min = 0 max = 255 #Variables for cv2 center = 320 source = 2 red = (0, 0, 255) green = (0, 255, 0) thinkness = 3 center_x = (center, 480) center_end = (center, 0) ''' base = Base() if base.find_arduino() is False: print("Cannot connect to arduino") return ''' cam = cv2.VideoCapture(source) if cam is None or not cam.isOpened(): print("Warning: unable to open video source:") return pid = PID(kp, kd, ki, min, max) while True: ret, frame = if not ret: break gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) index = get_signature(gray) frame = cv2.line(frame, center_x, center_end, green, thinkness) if index == None: print("Black line is not detected") #base.set_motor(ac.MOTOR_L, ac.FORWARD, ac.MINPOWER) #base.set_motor(ac.MOTOR_R, ac.FORWARD, ac.MINPOWER) else: start_point = (index, frame.shape[0]) end_point = (index, 0) frame = cv2.line(frame, start_point, end_point, red, thinkness) err = center - index if err > 0: result = pid.calculate(err) print("Left: ", result) #base.set_motor(ac.MOTOR_L, ac.FORWARD, ac.MAXPOWER - result) #base.set_motor(ac.MOTOR_R, ac.FORWARD, ac.MAXPOWER) else: result = pid.calculate(-err) print("Right:", result) #base.set_motor(ac.MOTOR_L, ac.FORWARD, ac.MAXPOWER) #base.set_motor(ac.MOTOR_R, ac.FORWARD, ac.MAXPOWER - result) cv2.imshow("Video", frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cv2.destroyAllWindows()
class controller(threading.Thread): # Instantiate the motor controller def __init__(self, pwm_name, dir_a, dir_b, eqep): # Initialize the thread base super(controller, self).__init__() # Create stop event object self.stop_event = threading.Event() self.stop_confirm = threading.Event() # Store parameters self.pwm = pwm_name self.dir_a = dir_a self.dir_b = dir_b # Create a PID controller = PID(0.01, 0.01, 0.0, -100.0, 100.0, 0.0) # Load the eQEP interface self.eqep = eQEP(eqep, eQEP.MODE_RELATIVE) self.eqep.set_period(10000000) # Setup the GPIO gpio.setup(self.dir_a, gpio.OUT) gpio.setup(self.dir_b, gpio.OUT) gpio.output(self.dir_a, gpio.LOW) gpio.output(self.dir_b, gpio.LOW) # Setup the PWM pwm.start(self.pwm, 100.0) # Process of the running thing def run(self): while (self.stop_event.is_set() == False): current = float(self.eqep.poll_position()) output = # Calculate the output duty cycle duty = 100.0 - abs(output) # Setup the IO lines correctly if(output > 0.0): gpio.output(self.dir_a, gpio.HIGH) gpio.output(self.dir_b, gpio.LOW) else: gpio.output(self.dir_a, gpio.LOW) gpio.output(self.dir_b, gpio.HIGH) # Set the pwm pwm.set_duty_cycle(self.pwm, duty) # Log #print "Current = " + str(current) + "; Output = " + str(output) # Confirm stop self.stop_confirm.set() # Stop the motor def stop(self): self.stop_event.set() self.stop_confirm.wait() self.stop_event.clear() self.stop_confirm.clear() gpio.output(self.dir_a, gpio.LOW) gpio.output(self.dir_b, gpio.LOW) pwm.set_duty_cycle(self.pwm, 100.0)
encoder = Encoder(21, 20) #port nums for encoder pid = PID(0.001, 0, 0, 2000) # p , i , d , setpoint pid.setMinMax(-0.6, 0.6) IO.setwarnings(False) IO.setmode(IO.BCM) IO.setup(19,IO.OUT) p = IO.PWM(19,50) p.start(0) def setPWM(pwm): return (pwm - 7)/3 #7 is mid value, 3 is range / 2 def setSpeed(speed): return (speed * 3.0) + 7.0 encoder.start() while True: #print(setSpeed(pid.calculate(encoder.position()))) print(pid.error(encoder.position())) p.ChangeDutyCycle(setSpeed(pid.calculate(encoder.position()))) if (abs(pid.error(encoder.position())) < 30): encoder.stop() encoder.join() break # print("working") # for x in range(0, 40): # p.ChangeDutyCycle(7 - (x/10.0)) # print(7 - (x/10.0)) # time.sleep(0.05)
while self.controlEnabled: if self.stopped(): self.motor.ChangeDutyCycle(0) return self.motor.ChangeDutyCycle(self.pwmSpeed) def stop(self): self._stop.set() def stopped(self): return self._stop.isSet() def enableController(self, enable): self.controlEnabled = enable def setSpeed(self, speed): self.speed = speed self.pwmSpeed = (self.speed * 3.0) + 7.0 p = PWMMotorControl(19) p.start() encoder.start() while True: print(pid.error(encoder.position())) p.setSpeed(pid.calculate(encoder.position())) if (abs(pid.error(encoder.position())) < 10): p.stop() encoder.stop() break