Beispiel #1
        y = data["pos"][1]  # y+ -> pitch+
        z = data["pos"][2]  # z+ -> thrust+
        angle = data["angle"]
        detected = data["detect"]

        if detected:
            last_detect_ts = time.time()

        #x_r = (x/f_x) * z
        #y_r = (y/f_y) * z

            while True:
                md = midi_conn.recv_json(zmq.NOBLOCK)
                print(md["knobs"][0] - 0.5) * 2
                r_pid.set_point = (md["knobs"][0] - 0.5) * 2
                p_pid.set_point = (md["knobs"][1] - 0.5) * 2
                y_pid.set_point = md["knobs"][2] * 360

                rp_p = md["sliders"][0] * 40
                rp_i = md["sliders"][1]
                rp_d = md["sliders"][2] * 200

                #r_pid.Kp = rp_p
                #p_pid.Kp = rp_p

                #r_pid.Ki = rp_i
                #p_pid.Ki = rp_i

                #r_pid.Kd = rp_d
                #p_pid.Kd = rp_d
Beispiel #2
        roll = data["angle"][0]
        detected = data["detect"]

        if detected:
            last_detect_ts = time.time()

        #x_r = (x/f_x) * z
        #y_r = (y/f_y) * z

            while True:
                md = midi_conn.recv_json(zmq.NOBLOCK)
                print (md["knobs"][0] - 0.5) * 2
                r_pid.set_point = (md["knobs"][0]-0.5) * 2
                p_pid.set_point = (md["knobs"][1]-0.5) * 2
                y_pid.set_point = md["knobs"][2] * 360

                rp_p = md["sliders"][0] * 40
                rp_i = md["sliders"][1]
                rp_d = md["sliders"][2] * 200

                #r_pid.Kp = rp_p
                #p_pid.Kp = rp_p

                #r_pid.Ki = rp_i
                #p_pid.Ki = rp_i

                #r_pid.Kd = rp_d
                #p_pid.Kd = rp_d
Beispiel #3
        Check if body is being tracked by cameras
        detected = unpackd[-1]
        if detected:
            detect_ts = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
            delta = unpackd[-2]
            print("Not Tracking!!")

        # Get the set-points (if there are any)
            while True:
                ctrl_sp = ctrl_conn.recv_json(zmq.NOBLOCK)
                yaw_sp = ctrl_sp["set-points"]["yaw"]
                r_pid.set_point = ctrl_sp["set-points"]["roll"]
                p_pid.set_point = ctrl_sp["set-points"]["pitch"]
                midi_acc = ctrl_sp["set-points"]["velocity"]
        except zmq.error.Again:

        #print "RP P/I/D={}/{}/{}".format(rp_p, rp_i, rp_d)
        x_r = (x/f_x) * z
        y_r = (y/f_y) * z

        Run the controller if we are getting a frame rate better than 100fps. Do not run if we are running faster than
        ~130 fps
        step = detect_ts - last_detect_ts
        if (max_step > step > min_step) and detected: