class PIDController(object):
    ''' Controls the flight of the drone by running a PID controller on the
    error calculated by the desired and current velocity and position of the drone
    def __init__(self):
        # Initialize the current and desired modes
        self.current_mode = Mode('DISARMED')
        self.desired_mode = Mode('DISARMED')

        # Initialize in velocity control
        self.position_control = False

        # Initialize the current and desired positions
        self.current_position = Position()
        self.desired_position = Position(z=0.3)
        self.last_desired_position = Position(z=0.3)

        # Initialize the position error
        self.position_error = Error()

        # Initialize the current and desired velocities
        self.current_velocity = Velocity()
        self.desired_velocity = Velocity()

        # Initialize the velocity error
        self.velocity_error = Error()

        # Set the distance that a velocity command will move the drone (m)
        self.desired_velocity_travel_distance = 0.1
        # Set a static duration that a velocity command will be held
        self.desired_velocity_travel_time = 0.1

        # Set a static duration that a yaw velocity command will be held
        self.desired_yaw_velocity_travel_time = 0.25

        # Store the start time of the desired velocities
        self.desired_velocity_start_time = None
        self.desired_yaw_velocity_start_time = None

        # Initialize the primary PID = PID()

        # Initialize the error used for the PID which is vx, vy, z where vx and
        # vy are velocities, and z is the error in the altitude of the drone
        self.pid_error = Error()

        # Initialize the 'position error to velocity error' PIDs:
        # left/right (roll) pid
        self.lr_pid = PIDaxis(kp=10.0,
                              control_range=(-10.0, 10.0))
        # front/back (pitch) pid
        self.fb_pid = PIDaxis(kp=10.0,
                              control_range=(-10.0, 10.0))

        # Initialize the pose callback time
        self.last_pose_time = None

        # Initialize the desired yaw velocity
        self.desired_yaw_velocity = 0

        # Initialize the current and  previous roll, pitch, yaw values
        self.current_rpy = RPY()
        self.previous_rpy = RPY()

        # initialize the current and previous states
        self.current_state = State()
        self.previous_state = State()

        # Store the command publisher
        self.cmdpub = None

        # a variable used to determine if the drone is moving between disired
        # positions
        self.moving = False

        # a variable that determines the maximum magnitude of the position error
        # Any greater position error will overide the drone into velocity
        # control
        self.safety_threshold = 1.5

        # determines if the position of the drone is known
        self.lost = False

        # determines if the desired poses are aboslute or relative to the drone
        self.absolute_desired_position = False

        # determines whether to use open loop velocity path planning which is
        # accomplished by calculate_travel_time
        self.path_planning = True

    def current_state_callback(self, state):
        """ Store the drone's current state for calculations """
        self.previous_state = self.current_state
        self.current_state = state

    def desired_pose_callback(self, msg):
        """ Update the desired pose """
        # store the previous desired position
        self.last_desired_position = self.desired_position
        # set the desired positions equal to the desired pose message
        if self.absolute_desired_position:
            self.desired_position.x = msg.position.x
            self.desired_position.y = msg.position.y
            # the desired z must be above z and below the range of the ir sensor (.55meters)
            self.desired_position.z = msg.position.z if 0 <= desired_z <= 0.5 else self.last_desired_position.z
        # set the desired positions relative to the current position (except for z to make it more responsive)
            self.desired_position.x = self.current_position.x + msg.position.x
            self.desired_position.y = self.current_position.y + msg.position.y
            # set the disired z position relative to the last desired position (doesn't limit the mag of the error)
            # the desired z must be above z and below the range of the ir sensor (.55meters)
            desired_z = self.last_desired_position.z + msg.position.z
            self.desired_position.z = desired_z if 0 <= desired_z <= 0.5 else self.last_desired_position.z

        if self.desired_position != self.last_desired_position:
            # the drone is moving between desired positions
            self.moving = True
            print 'moving'

    def desired_twist_callback(self, msg):
        """ Update the desired twist """
        self.desired_velocity.x = msg.linear.x
        self.desired_velocity.y = msg.linear.y
        self.desired_velocity.z = msg.linear.z
        self.desired_yaw_velocity = msg.angular.z
        self.desired_velocity_start_time = None
        self.desired_yaw_velocity_start_time = None
        if self.path_planning:

    def current_mode_callback(self, msg):
        """ Update the current mode """
        self.current_mode = msg.mode

    def desired_mode_callback(self, msg):
        """ Update the desired mode """
        self.desired_mode = msg.mode

    def position_control_callback(self, msg):
        """ Set whether or not position control is enabled """
        self.position_control =
        if self.position_control:
        print "Position Control", self.position_control

    def reset_callback(self, empty):
        """ Reset the desired and current poses of the drone and set
        desired velocities to zero """
        self.current_position = Position(z=self.current_position.z)
        self.desired_position = Position(z=self.current_position.z)
        self.desired_velocity.x = 0
        self.desired_velocity.y = 0

    def lost_callback(self, msg):
        self.lost =

    # Step Method
    def step(self):
        """ Returns the commands generated by the pid """
        if self.position_control:
            if self.position_error.planar_magnitude(
            ) < self.safety_threshold and not self.lost:
                if self.moving:
                    if self.position_error.magnitude() > 0.05:
                        self.pid_error -= self.velocity_error * 100
                        self.moving = False
                        print 'not moving'

        if self.desired_velocity.magnitude() > 0 or abs(
                self.desired_yaw_velocity) > 0:

        return, self.desired_yaw_velocity)

    def state_to_three_dim_vec_structs(self):
        Convert the values from the state estimator into ThreeDimVec structs to
        make calculations concise
        # store the positions
        pose = self.current_state.pose_with_covariance.pose
        self.current_position.x = pose.position.x
        self.current_position.y = pose.position.y
        self.current_position.z = pose.position.z

        # store the linear velocities
        twist = self.current_state.twist_with_covariance.twist
        self.current_velocity.x = twist.linear.x
        self.current_velocity.y = twist.linear.y
        self.current_velocity.z = twist.linear.z

        # store the orientations
        self.previous_rpy = self.current_rpy
        quaternion = (pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y,
                      pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w)
        r, p, y = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion)
        self.current_rpy = RPY(r, p, y)

    def adjust_desired_velocity(self):
        """ Set the desired velocity back to 0 once the drone has traveled the
        amount of time that causes it to move the specified desired velocity
        travel distance if path_planning otherwise just set the velocities back
        to 0 after the . This is an open loop method meaning that the specified
        travel distance cannot be guarenteed. If path planning_planning is false,
        just set the velocities back to zero, this allows the user to move the
        drone for as long as they are holding down a key
        curr_time = rospy.get_time()
        # set the desired planar velocities to zero if the duration is up
        if self.desired_velocity_start_time is not None:
            # the amount of time the set point velocity is not zero
            duration = curr_time - self.desired_velocity_start_time
            if duration > self.desired_velocity_travel_time:
                self.desired_velocity.x = 0
                self.desired_velocity.y = 0
                self.desired_velocity_start_time = None
            self.desired_velocity_start_time = curr_time

        # set the desired yaw velocity to zero if the duration is up
        if self.desired_yaw_velocity_start_time is not None:
            # the amount of time the set point velocity is not zero
            duration = curr_time - self.desired_yaw_velocity_start_time
            if duration > self.desired_yaw_velocity_travel_time:
                self.desired_yaw_velocity = 0
                self.desired_yaw_velocity_start_time = None
            self.desired_yaw_velocity_start_time = curr_time

    def calc_error(self):
        """ Calculate the error in velocity, and if in position hold, add the
        error from lr_pid and fb_pid to the velocity error to control the
        position of the drone
        # store the time difference
        pose_dt = 0
        if self.last_pose_time != None:
            pose_dt = rospy.get_time() - self.last_pose_time
        self.last_pose_time = rospy.get_time()
        # calculate the velocity error
        self.velocity_error = self.desired_velocity - self.current_velocity
        # calculate the z position error
        dz = self.desired_position.z - self.current_position.z
        # calculate the pid_error from the above values
        self.pid_error.x = self.velocity_error.x
        self.pid_error.y = self.velocity_error.y
        self.pid_error.z = dz
        # multiply by 100 to account for the fact that code was originally written using cm
        self.pid_error = self.pid_error * 100
        if self.position_control:
            # calculate the position error
            self.position_error = self.desired_position - self.current_position
            # calculate a value to add to the velocity error based based on the
            # position error in the x (roll) direction
            lr_step = self.lr_pid.step(self.position_error.x, pose_dt)
            # calculate a value to add to the velocity error based based on the
            # position error in the y (pitch) direction
            fb_step = self.fb_pid.step(self.position_error.y, pose_dt)
            self.pid_error.x += lr_step
            self.pid_error.y += fb_step

    def calculate_travel_time(self):
        ''' return the amount of time that desired velocity should be used to
        calculate the error in order to move the drone the specified travel
        distance for a desired velocity
        if self.desired_velocity.magnitude() > 0:
            # tiime = distance / velocity
            travel_time = self.desired_velocity_travel_distance / self.desired_velocity.planar_magnitude(
            travel_time = 0.0
        self.desired_velocity_travel_time = travel_time

    def reset(self):
        ''' Set desired_position to be current position, set
        filtered_desired_velocity to be zero, and reset both the PositionPID
        and VelocityPID
        # reset position control variables
        self.position_error = Error(0, 0, 0)
        self.desired_position = Position(self.current_position.x,
                                         self.current_position.y, 0.3)
        # reset velocity control_variables
        self.velocity_error = Error(0, 0, 0)
        self.desired_velocity = Velocity(0, 0, 0)
        # reset the pids

    def ctrl_c_handler(self, signal, frame):
        """ Gracefully handles ctrl-c """
        print 'Caught ctrl-c\n Stopping Controller'

    def publish_cmd(self, cmd):
        """Publish the controls to /pidrone/fly_commands """
        msg = RC()
        msg.roll = cmd[0]
        msg.pitch = cmd[1]
        msg.yaw = cmd[2]
        msg.throttle = cmd[3]
Beispiel #2
                error = axes_err()
                if homography.update_H(curr_img):
                    vel, z = homography.get_vel_and_z()
                    if np.abs(np.linalg.norm(vel)) < 2500:
                        print "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
                        smoothed_vel = (1 - alpha) * smoothed_vel + alpha * vel
                        error.x.err = smoothed_vel[0]
                        error.y.err = smoothed_vel[1]
                        print "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&"
                        print np.abs(np.linalg.norm(vel))
                    print "###################################################################################################"
                    print "Couldn't update H"
                error.z.err = init_z - homography.curr_z + 40
                cmds = pid.step(error)
                print 'ultra', homography.curr_z, 'vrpn', vrpn_pos.pose.position.z
                print error
                print cmds
                board.sendCMD(8, MultiWii.SET_RAW_RC, cmds)
        print "Shutdown Recieved"
    except Exception as e: