def movePiece(self, x, y): chessboard.get((self.active_x, self.active_y)).move(x, y) chessboard[(x, y)] = chessboard.get((self.active_x, self.active_y)) del chessboard[(self.active_x, self.active_y)] self.deselectAll() self.refreshPiece() self.next_move = not self.next_move if not self.black_king.alive: dialog = QtGui.QDialog() elif not self.white_king.alive: QMessageBox.about(self, "Black wins.", "")
def slotClicked(self, x, y): if chessboard.has_key((x, y)) and labels.get((x, y)).styleSheet() == "background: #00f": chessboard.get((x, y)).makeNotAlive() self.movePiece(x, y) elif chessboard.has_key((x, y)): if chessboard.get((x, y)).color == self.next_move: for i in xrange(8): for j in xrange(8): labels[(i, j)].setStyleSheet([(i+j) % 2]) if chessboard.get((x, y)).moveValidator(i, j) and not chessboard.get((x, y)).isSelfHere(i, j): labels.get((i, j)).setStyleSheet("background: #00f") else: labels.get((x, y)).setStyleSheet([(i+j) % 2]) labels.get((x, y)).setStyleSheet("background: #f00") self.active_x = x self.active_y = y elif labels.get((x, y)).styleSheet() == "background: #00f": self.movePiece(x, y)
def refreshPiece(self): for i in xrange(8): for j in xrange(8): if chessboard.has_key((i, j)): piece = chessboard.get((i, j)) if piece.alive: if piece.color: labels.get((i, j)).setImagePiece(piece.src_black) else: labels.get((i, j)).setImagePiece(piece.src_white) else: labels.get((i, j)).setImagePiece("")