Beispiel #1
    def test_add_joint(self):
        model = pin.Model()
        idx = 0
        idx = model.addJoint(idx, pin.JointModelRY(), pin.SE3.Identity(),
                             'joint_' + str(idx + 1))

        MAX_EFF = 100.
        MAX_VEL = 10.
        MIN_POS = -1.
        MAX_POS = 1.

        me = np.matrix([MAX_EFF])
        mv = np.matrix([MAX_VEL])
        lb = np.matrix([MIN_POS])
        ub = np.matrix([MAX_POS])
        idx = model.addJoint(idx, pin.JointModelRY(), pin.SE3.Identity(),
                             'joint_' + str(idx + 1), me, mv, lb, ub)

        self.assertEqual(model.nbodies, 1)
        self.assertEqual(model.njoints, 3)
        self.assertEqual(model.nq, 2)
        self.assertEqual(model.nv, 2)

        self.assertEqual(float(model.effortLimit[1]), MAX_EFF)
        self.assertEqual(float(model.velocityLimit[1]), MAX_VEL)
        self.assertEqual(float(model.lowerPositionLimit[1]), MIN_POS)
        self.assertEqual(float(model.upperPositionLimit[1]), MAX_POS)
Beispiel #2
    def test_add_joint(self):
        model = pin.Model()
        idx = 0
        idx = model.addJoint(idx, pin.JointModelRY(), pin.SE3.Identity(), 'joint_'+str(idx+1))

        MAX_EFF = 100.
        MAX_VEL = 10.
        MIN_POS = -1.
        MAX_POS = 1.

        me = np.matrix([MAX_EFF])
        mv = np.matrix([MAX_VEL])
        lb = np.matrix([MIN_POS])
        ub = np.matrix([MAX_POS])
        idx = model.addJoint(idx, pin.JointModelRY(), pin.SE3.Identity(), 'joint_'+str(idx+1),me,mv,lb,ub)

        self.assertEqual(model.nbodies, 1)
        self.assertEqual(model.njoints, 3)
        self.assertEqual(model.nq, 2)
        self.assertEqual(model.nv, 2)

        self.assertEqual(float(model.effortLimit[1]), MAX_EFF)
        self.assertEqual(float(model.velocityLimit[1]), MAX_VEL)
        self.assertEqual(float(model.lowerPositionLimit[1]), MIN_POS)
        self.assertEqual(float(model.upperPositionLimit[1]), MAX_POS)
Beispiel #3
    def test_se3(self):
        R, p, m = self.R, self.p, self.m
        X = np.vstack([np.hstack([R, skew(p) * R]), np.hstack([zero([3, 3]), R])])
        self.assertApprox(m.action, X)
        M = np.vstack([np.hstack([R, p]), np.matrix('0 0 0 1', np.double)])
        self.assertApprox(m.homogeneous, M)
        m2 = se3.SE3.Random()
        self.assertApprox((m * m2).homogeneous, m.homogeneous * m2.homogeneous)
        self.assertApprox((~m).homogeneous, npl.inv(m.homogeneous))

        p = rand(3)
        self.assertApprox(m * p, m.rotation * p + m.translation)
        self.assertApprox(m.actInv(p), m.rotation.T * p - m.rotation.T * m.translation)

        p = np.vstack([p, 1])
        self.assertApprox(m * p, m.homogeneous * p)
        self.assertApprox(m.actInv(p), npl.inv(m.homogeneous) * p)

        p = rand(6)
        self.assertApprox(m * p, m.action * p)
        self.assertApprox(m.actInv(p), npl.inv(m.action) * p)

        p = rand(5)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            m * p
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Beispiel #4
def placement(x=0, y=0, z=0, rx=0, ry=0, rz=0):
    m = se3.SE3.Identity()
    m.translation = np.matrix([[float(i)] for i in [x, y, z]])
    m.rotation *= rotate('x', rx)
    m.rotation *= rotate('y', ry)
    m.rotation *= rotate('z', rz)
    return m
Beispiel #5
def placement(x=0, y=0, z=0, rx=0, ry=0, rz=0):
    m = pin.SE3.Identity()
    m.translation = np.matrix([[float(i)] for i in [x, y, z]])
    m.rotation *= rotate('x', rx)
    m.rotation *= rotate('y', ry)
    m.rotation *= rotate('z', rz)
    return m
Beispiel #6
    def test_se3(self):
        R, p, m = self.R, self.p, self.m
        X = np.vstack(
            [np.hstack([R, skew(p) * R]),
             np.hstack([zero([3, 3]), R])])
        self.assertApprox(m.action, X)
        M = np.vstack([np.hstack([R, p]), np.matrix('0 0 0 1', np.double)])
        self.assertApprox(m.homogeneous, M)
        m2 = se3.SE3.Random()
        self.assertApprox((m * m2).homogeneous, m.homogeneous * m2.homogeneous)
        self.assertApprox((~m).homogeneous, npl.inv(m.homogeneous))

        p = rand(3)
        self.assertApprox(m * p, m.rotation * p + m.translation)
                          m.rotation.T * p - m.rotation.T * m.translation)

        p = np.vstack([p, 1])
        self.assertApprox(m * p, m.homogeneous * p)
        self.assertApprox(m.actInv(p), npl.inv(m.homogeneous) * p)

        p = rand(6)
        self.assertApprox(m * p, m.action * p)
        self.assertApprox(m.actInv(p), npl.inv(m.action) * p)

        p = rand(5)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            m * p
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Beispiel #7
    def test_se3(self):
        R, p, m = self.R, self.p, self.m
        X = np.vstack([np.hstack([R, skew(p) * R]), np.hstack([zero([3, 3]), R])])
        self.assertApprox(m.action, X)
        M = np.vstack([np.hstack([R, p]), np.matrix([0., 0., 0., 1.], np.double)])
        self.assertApprox(m.homogeneous, M)
        m2 = pin.SE3.Random()
        self.assertApprox((m * m2).homogeneous, m.homogeneous * m2.homogeneous)
        self.assertApprox((~m).homogeneous, npl.inv(m.homogeneous))

        p = rand(3)
        self.assertApprox(m * p, m.rotation * p + m.translation)
        self.assertApprox(m.actInv(p), m.rotation.T * p - m.rotation.T * m.translation)

        ## not supported
        # p = np.vstack([p, 1])
        # self.assertApprox(m * p, m.homogeneous * p)
        # self.assertApprox(m.actInv(p), npl.inv(m.homogeneous) * p)

        ## not supported
        # p = rand(6)
        # self.assertApprox(m * p, m.action * p)
        # self.assertApprox(m.actInv(p), npl.inv(m.action) * p)

        # Currently, the different cases do not throw the same exception type.
        # To have a more robust test, only Exception is checked.
        # In the comments, the most specific actual exception class at the time of writing
        p = rand(5)
        with self.assertRaises(Exception): # RuntimeError
            m * p
        with self.assertRaises(Exception): # RuntimeError
        with self.assertRaises(Exception): # Boost.Python.ArgumentError (subclass of TypeError)
Beispiel #8
    def test_se3(self):
        R, p, m = self.R, self.p, self.m
        X = np.vstack(
            [np.hstack([R, skew(p) * R]),
             np.hstack([zero([3, 3]), R])])
        self.assertApprox(m.action, X)
        M = np.vstack(
            [np.hstack([R, p]),
             np.matrix([0., 0., 0., 1.], np.double)])
        self.assertApprox(m.homogeneous, M)
        m2 = se3.SE3.Random()
        self.assertApprox((m * m2).homogeneous, m.homogeneous * m2.homogeneous)
        self.assertApprox((~m).homogeneous, npl.inv(m.homogeneous))

        p = rand(3)
        self.assertApprox(m * p, m.rotation * p + m.translation)
                          m.rotation.T * p - m.rotation.T * m.translation)

        ## not supported
        # p = np.vstack([p, 1])
        # self.assertApprox(m * p, m.homogeneous * p)
        # self.assertApprox(m.actInv(p), npl.inv(m.homogeneous) * p)

        ## not supported
        # p = rand(6)
        # self.assertApprox(m * p, m.action * p)
        # self.assertApprox(m.actInv(p), npl.inv(m.action) * p)

        # Currently, the different cases do not throw the same exception type.
        # To have a more robust test, only Exception is checked.
        # In the comments, the most specific actual exception class at the time of writing
        p = rand(5)
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):  # RuntimeError
            m * p
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):  # RuntimeError
        with self.assertRaises(
        ):  # Boost.Python.ArgumentError (subclass of TypeError)
Beispiel #9
 def test_gravity(self):
                       np.matrix('0 0 -9.81 0 0 0').T)
Beispiel #10
 def test_gravity(self):
     self.assertApprox(, np.matrix('0 0 -9.81 0 0 0').T)