def __init__(self, name, robot, frameName):
        TaskMotion.__init__(self, name, robot)
        self.frameName = frameName
        self.constraint = ConstraintEquality(name, rows=6, cols=robot.nv)
        self.ref = TrajectorySample(12, 6)
        assert self.robot.model.existFrame(frameName) = self.robot.model.getFrameId(frameName)

        self.v_ref = se3.Motion()
        self.a_Ref = se3.Motion()
        self.M_ref = se3.SE3()
        self.wMl = se3.SE3()
        self.p_error_vec = np.zeros(6)
        self.v_error_vec = np.zeros(6)
        self.p = np.zeros(12)
        self.v = np.zeros(6)
        self.p_ref = np.zeros(12)
        self.v_ref_vec = np.zeros(6)
        self.Kp = np.zeros(6)
        self.Kd = np.zeros(6)
        self.a_des = np.zeros(6)
        self.J = np.zeros((6, self.robot.nv))
        self.J_rotated = np.zeros((6, self.robot.nv))

        self.mask = np.ones(6)
        self.local = True
Beispiel #2
 def writeFromMessage(self, msg):
     t = msg.time
     q = np.zeros(self._model.nq)
     v = np.zeros(self._model.nv)
     tau = np.zeros(self._model.njoints - 2)
     p = dict()
     pd = dict()
     f = dict()
     s = dict()
     # Retrieve the generalized position and velocity, and joint torques
     q[3] = msg.centroidal.base_orientation.x
     q[4] = msg.centroidal.base_orientation.y
     q[5] = msg.centroidal.base_orientation.z
     q[6] = msg.centroidal.base_orientation.w
     v[3] = msg.centroidal.base_angular_velocity.x
     v[4] = msg.centroidal.base_angular_velocity.y
     v[5] = msg.centroidal.base_angular_velocity.z
     for j in range(len(msg.joints)):
         jointId = self._model.getJointId(msg.joints[j].name) - 2
         q[jointId + 7] = msg.joints[j].position
         v[jointId + 6] = msg.joints[j].velocity
         tau[jointId] = msg.joints[j].effort
     pinocchio.centerOfMass(self._model, self._data, q, v)
     q[0] = msg.centroidal.com_position.x -[0][0]
     q[1] = msg.centroidal.com_position.y -[0][1]
     q[2] = msg.centroidal.com_position.z -[0][2]
     v[0] = msg.centroidal.com_velocity.x - self._data.vcom[0][0]
     v[1] = msg.centroidal.com_velocity.y - self._data.vcom[0][1]
     v[2] = msg.centroidal.com_velocity.z - self._data.vcom[0][2]
     # Retrive the contact information
     for contact in msg.contacts:
         name =
         # Contact pose
         pose = contact.pose
         position = np.array(
             [pose.position.x, pose.position.y, pose.position.z])
         quaternion = pinocchio.Quaternion(pose.orientation.w,
         p[name] = pinocchio.SE3(quaternion, position)
         # Contact velocity
         velocity = contact.velocity
         lin_vel = np.array(
             [velocity.linear.x, velocity.linear.y, velocity.linear.z])
         ang_vel = np.array(
             [velocity.angular.x, velocity.angular.y, velocity.angular.z])
         pd[name] = pinocchio.Motion(lin_vel, ang_vel)
         # Contact wrench
         wrench = contact.wrench
         force = np.array([wrench.force.x, wrench.force.y, wrench.force.z])
         torque = np.array(
             [wrench.torque.x, wrench.torque.y, wrench.torque.z])
         f[name] = [contact.type, pinocchio.Force(force, torque)]
         # Surface normal and friction coefficient
         normal = contact.surface_normal
         nsurf = np.array([normal.x, normal.y, normal.z])
         s[name] = [nsurf, contact.friction_coefficient]
     return t, q, v, tau, p, pd, f, s
Beispiel #3
    def test_conversion(self):

        m = pin.Motion.Random()
        m_array = np.array(m)

        m_from_array = pin.Motion(m_array)

        self.assertTrue(m_from_array == m)
Beispiel #4
 def test_se3_action(self):
     f = pin.Force.Random()
     m = pin.SE3.Random()
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose((m * f).vector,  np.linalg.inv(m.action.T) * f.vector))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(m.act(f).vector, np.linalg.inv(m.action.T) * f.vector))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose((m.actInv(f)).vector, m.action.T * f.vector))
     v = pin.Motion(np.vstack([f.vector[3:], f.vector[:3]]))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose((v ^ f).vector, zero(6)))
Beispiel #5
 def __init__(self, state, xref, gains=[0., 0.]):
     crocoddyl.ContactModelAbstract.__init__(self, state, 3)
     self.xref = xref
     self.gains = gains
     self.joint = state.pinocchio.frames[xref.frame].parent
     self.fXj = state.pinocchio.frames[xref.frame].placement.inverse().action
     v = pinocchio.Motion().Zero()
     self.vw = v.angular
     self.vv = v.linear
     self.Jw =, state.pinocchio.nv))
Beispiel #6
def c_control(dt, robot, sample, t_simu):

    qa = robot.q  # actuation joint position
    qa_dot = robot.v  # actuation joint velocity

    # Method : Joint Control A q_ddot = torque
    Kp = 400.  # Convergence gain
    ID_EE = robot.model.getFrameId(
        "LWrMot3")  # Control target (End effector) ID

    # Compute/update all joints and frames
    se3.computeAllTerms(robot.model,, qa, qa_dot)

    # Get kinematics information
    oMi = robot.framePlacement(qa, ID_EE)  ## EE's placement
    v_frame = robot.frameVelocity(qa, qa_dot, ID_EE)  # EE's velocity
    J = robot.computeFrameJacobian(qa,
                                   ID_EE)  ## EE's Jacobian w.r.t Local Frame

    # Get dynamics information
    M = robot.mass(qa)  # Mass Matrix
    NLE = robot.nle(qa, qa_dot)  #gravity and Coriolis
    Lam = np.linalg.inv(J * np.linalg.inv(M) * J.transpose())  # Lambda Matrix

    # Update Target oMi position
    wMl = copy.deepcopy(sample.pos)
    wMl.rotation = copy.deepcopy(oMi.rotation)
    v_frame_ref = se3.Motion()  # target velocity (v, w)

    # Get placement Error
    p_error = se3.log(sample.pos.inverse() * oMi)
    v_error = v_frame - wMl.actInv(v_frame_ref)

    # Task Force
    p_vec = p_error.vector
    v_vec = v_error.vector

    for i in range(0, 3):  # for position only control
        p_vec[i + 3] = 0.0
        v_vec[i + 3] = 0.0

    f_star = Lam * (-Kp * p_vec - 2.0 * np.sqrt(Kp) * v_vec)

    # Torque from Joint error
    torque = J.transpose() * f_star + NLE
    torque[0] = 0.0

    return torque

import pinocchio as se3
from pinocchio.utils import *
norm = npl.norm
import time

N = 1000
M = se3.SE3.Identity()

# Integrate a constant body velocity.
v = zero(3)
v[2] = 1.0 / N
w = zero(3)
w[1] = 1.0 / N
nu = se3.Motion(v, w)

for i in range(N):
    M = se3.exp(nu) * M
    viewer.updateElementConfig('RomeoTrunkYaw', se3ToRpy(M))

# Integrate a velocity of the body that is constant in the world frame.
for i in range(N):
    Mc = se3.SE3(M.rotation, zero(3))
    M = M * se3.exp(Mc.actInv(nu))
    viewer.updateElementConfig('RomeoTrunkYaw', se3ToRpy(M))

# Integrate a constant "log" velocity in body frame.
ME = se3.SE3(
def estimate(transforms, Tm):
    errs = [ pinocchio.log6(Tm.actInv(T)).vector for T in transforms ]
    v_mean = np.mean(errs, 0)
    v_var = np.var(errs, 0)
    Tm = Tm * pinocchio.exp6(pinocchio.Motion(v_mean))
    return Tm, v_var
Beispiel #9
def c_control(dt, robot, sample, t_simu):

    qa = np.matrix(np.zeros((7, 1)))
    qa_dot = np.matrix(np.zeros((7, 1)))

    for i in range(7):
        qa[i, 0] = robot.q[i]
        qa_dot[i, 0] = robot.v[i]

    # Method : Joint Control A q_ddot = torque
    Kp = 400.  # Convergence gain
    ID_EE = robot.model.getFrameId(
        "LWrMot3")  # Control target (End effector) ID

    # Compute/update all joints and frames
    se3.computeAllTerms(robot.model,, qa, qa_dot)

    # Get kinematics information
    oMi = robot.framePlacement(qa, ID_EE)  ## EE's placement
    v_frame = robot.frameVelocity(qa, qa_dot, ID_EE)  # EE's velocity
    J = robot.computeFrameJacobian(
        qa, ID_EE)[:3, :]  ## EE's Jacobian w.r.t Local Frame

    # Get dynamics information
    M = robot.mass(qa)  # Mass Matrix
    NLE = robot.nle(qa, qa_dot)  #gravity and Coriolis
    Lam = np.linalg.inv(J * np.linalg.inv(M) * J.transpose())  # Lambda Matrix

    # Update Target oMi position
    wMl = copy.deepcopy(sample.pos)
    wMl.rotation = copy.deepcopy(oMi.rotation)
    v_frame_ref = se3.Motion()  # target velocity (v, w)

    # Get placement Error
    p_error = se3.log(sample.pos.inverse() * oMi)
    v_error = v_frame - wMl.actInv(v_frame_ref)

    # Task Force
    p_vec = p_error.linear
    v_vec = v_error.linear

    xddotstar = (-Kp * p_vec - 2 * np.sqrt(Kp) * v_vec)
    f_star = Lam * xddotstar

    # Torque from Joint error
    torque = J.transpose() * f_star + NLE
    torque[0] = 0.0

    # Selection Matrix
    Id7 = np.identity(7)
    fault_joint_num = 0
    S = np.delete(Id7, (fault_joint_num),
                  axis=0)  #delete fault joint corresponding row
    # Selection Matrix Inverse - dynamically consistent inverse
    Minv = np.linalg.inv(M)
    ST = S.transpose()
    SbarT = np.linalg.pinv(S * Minv * ST) * S * Minv
    # Jacobian Matrix Inverse - dynamically consistent inverse
    JbarT = Lam * J * np.linalg.inv(M)
    #Weighting matrix
    W = S * Minv * ST
    Winv = np.linalg.inv(W)
    #Weighted pseudo inverse of JbarT*ST
    JtildeT = Winv * (JbarT * ST).transpose() * np.linalg.pinv(
        JbarT * ST * Winv * (JbarT * ST).transpose())
    #Null-space projection matrix
    Id6 = np.identity(6)
    NtildeT = Id6 - JtildeT * JbarT * ST
    null_torque = 0.0 * qa_dot  # joint damping

    torque = ST * (JtildeT * f_star + NtildeT * SbarT * null_torque +
                   SbarT * NLE)

    return torque
Beispiel #10
#mprint(rand([6, 6]))        # Matlab-style print
skew(rand(3))  # Skew "cross-product" 3x3 matrix from a 3x1 vector
cross(rand(3), rand(3))  # Cross product of R^3
rotate('x', 0.4)  # Build a rotation matrix of 0.4rad around X.

import pinocchio as se3

R = eye(3)
p = zero(3)
M0 = se3.SE3(R, p)
M = se3.SE3.Random()
M.translation = p
M.rotation = R
v = zero(3)
w = zero(3)
nu0 = se3.Motion(v, w)
nu = se3.Motion.Random()
nu.linear = v
nu.angular = w
f = zero(3)
tau = zero(3)
phi0 = se3.Force(f, tau)
phi = se3.Force.Random()
phi.linear = f
phi.angular = tau

from pinocchio.robot_wrapper import RobotWrapper
from os.path import join

PKG = '/home/alumno04/dev_samir/ros/sawyer_ws/src/'
URDF = join(PKG, '/sawyer_robot/sawyer_description/urdf/model1.urdf')
 def setReference(self, ref):
     self.ref = copy.deepcopy(ref)
     self.M_ref.translation = copy.deepcopy(ref.getPos()[:3])
     self.M_ref.rotation = copy.deepcopy(ref.getPos()[3:].reshape((3, 3)))
     self.v_ref = se3.Motion(ref.getVel())
     self.a_ref = se3.Motion(ref.getAcc())
#                 [-s, 0, c]
#              ])
# target = np.array([np.sin(angle), 0, np.cos(angle)]))
runningCostModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(state,
terminalCostModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(state,
target = np.array(
footName = 'foot'
footFrameID = robot_model.getFrameId(footName)
assert (robot_model.existFrame(footName))
Pref = crocoddyl.FrameTranslation(footFrameID, target)
# If also the orientation is useful for the task use
# Mref = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(footFrameID,
#                                pinocchio.SE3(R, conf.n_links * np.matrix([[np.sin(angle)], [0], [np.cos(angle)]])))
footTrackingCost = crocoddyl.CostModelFrameTranslation(state, Pref,
Vref = crocoddyl.FrameMotion(footFrameID, pinocchio.Motion(np.zeros(6)))
footFinalVelocity = crocoddyl.CostModelFrameVelocity(state, Vref,
# simulating the cost on the power with a cost on the control
power_act = crocoddyl.ActivationModelQuad(conf.n_links)
u2 = crocoddyl.CostModelControl(
    state, power_act,  # joule dissipation cost without friction, for benchmarking
stateAct = crocoddyl.ActivationModelWeightedQuad(
    np.concatenate([np.zeros(state.nq + 1),
                    np.ones(state.nv - 1)]))
v2 = crocoddyl.CostModelState(state, stateAct, np.zeros(state.nx),
joint_friction = CostModelJointFrictionSmooth(state, power_act,
joule_dissipation = CostModelJouleDissipation(state, power_act,

Beispiel #13
        b_a = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
        b_w = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
        b_proper_acc = b_a - oRb_int.T @ gravity

        # direct preint
        p_int = p_int + v_int * dt + 0.5 * oRb_int @ b_a * dt**2
        v_int = v_int + oRb_int @ b_a * dt
        oRb_int = oRb_int @ pin.exp(b_w * dt)

        # preint
        Deltat += dt
        deltak = compute_current_delta_IMU(b_proper_acc, b_w, dt)
        DeltaIMU = compose_delta_IMU(DeltaIMU, deltak, dt)
        x_imu_int = state_plus_delta_IMU(x_imu_ori, DeltaIMU, Deltat)

        # pin
        b_nu_int += pin.Motion(b_dnu * dt)

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    v_direct_arr = np.array(v_direct_lst)
    v_preint_arr = np.array(v_preint_lst)
    v_err = v_direct_arr - v_preint_arr

    plt.figure('Velocity direct - preint (error)')
    plt.plot(t_arr, v_err[:, 0], 'r')
    plt.plot(t_arr, v_err[:, 1], 'g')
    plt.plot(t_arr, v_err[:, 2], 'b')