def getCoilStates(self):
        """ Gets the current state of the coils. """

        pycoils =
        vpcoils = [False]*64
        if(self.Sys11 == True):
            ACState = pycoils[12+39].curr_state

        for i in range(0,len(vpcoils)):

            if i < 33:
                    if i<=28: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[i+39].curr_state
                    elif i<=32: vpcoils[i] = False # Unused?

                else: # do the relay lying here...
                    if i<=8: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[i+39].curr_state and (ACState == False)
                    elif i<=24: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[i+39].curr_state
                    elif i<=32: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[i+39].curr_state and (ACState == True)

            # Use the machine's Hold coils for the VP flippers
            # since they stay on until the button is released
            elif i == 34: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[pinproc.decode(, "FURH")].curr_state
            elif i == 36: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[pinproc.decode(, "FULH")].curr_state
            elif i<44:
                if == pinproc.MachineTypeWPC95:
                    vpcoils[i] = pycoils[i+31].curr_state
                else: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[i+107].curr_state
            elif i == 46: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[pinproc.decode(, "FLRH")].curr_state
            elif i == 48: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[pinproc.decode(, "FLLH")].curr_state
            else: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[i+108].curr_state

        return vpcoils      
    def SetSwitch(self, number, value):
        """ Set the value of the requested switch. """
        if self.GameIsDead:
            raise COMException(desc=self.ErrorMsg, scode=winerror.E_FAIL)

        # All of the 'None' logic is error handling for unexpected
        # cases when None is passed in as a parameter.  This seems to
        # only happen with the original VP scripts when the switch data
        # is corrupted by making COM calls into this object.  This
        # appears to be a pywin32 bug.

        if value == None:
            return self.Switch(number)
        if number == None:
            return self.Switch(number)
        if number != None:
            self.lastSwitch = number
        self.switch[self.lastSwitch] = value

        if self.Sys11 == True:
            if self.lastSwitch < 1:
                prNumber = self.VPSwitchDedToPRSwitch(abs(self.lastSwitch))
            elif self.lastSwitch == 82:
                prNumber = pinproc.decode(, "SF1")
            elif self.lastSwitch == 84:
                prNumber = pinproc.decode(, "SF2")
            elif self.lastSwitch < 65:
                # number = number -1
                prNumber = (((number / 8) + 1) * 10) + ((number % 8))
                prNumber = self.VPSwitchMatrixToPRSwitch(prNumber)
                prNumber = 0
            if self.lastSwitch < 10:
                prNumber = self.VPSwitchDedToPRSwitch(self.lastSwitch)
            elif self.lastSwitch < 110:
                prNumber = self.VPSwitchMatrixToPRSwitch(self.lastSwitch)
            elif self.lastSwitch < 120:
                prNumber = self.VPSwitchFlipperToPRSwitch(self.lastSwitch)
                prNumber = 0

        if not
            return False
        if[prNumber].type == "NC":
            self.AddSwitchEvent(prNumber, not value)
            self.AddSwitchEvent(prNumber, value)

        return True
    def PROC_OSC_message_handler(self, addr, tags, data, client_address):
        """ receives OSC messages and acts on them by setting switches."""
        print("recvd OSC message " + str(addr))
        # need to add supprt for "sync" instruction which we'll call when switching tabs in touchOSC
        #strip out the switch name
        switchname = addr.split("/")[-1]  # This is the OSC address, not the IP address. Strip out the characters after the final "/"

        if switchname in
            switch_number =[switchname].number
            switch_number = pinproc.decode(, switchname)

        # I'm kind of cheating by using desktop.key_events here, but I guess this is ok?
        if data[0] == 1.0:  # close the switch
  {'type': pinproc.EventTypeSwitchClosedDebounced, 'value': switch_number})
        elif data[0] == 0.0:  # open the switch
  {'type': pinproc.EventTypeSwitchOpenDebounced, 'value': switch_number})

        # since we just got a message from a client, let's set up a connection to it
        if not self.do_we_have_a_client:
            if not self.clientIP:  # if a client IP wasn't specified, use the one that just communicated with us now
                self.clientIP = client_address[0]
            self.clientTuple = (self.clientIP, self.clientPort)
    def GetMech(self, number):
        """ Currently unused.  Game specific mechanism handling will
        be called through this method. """
        if self.GameIsDead:
            raise COMException(desc=self.ErrorMsg, scode=winerror.E_FAIL)

        if self.GameName == "t2_l8":
            # if the coil associated with this mech is on
            if[pinproc.decode(, "C11")].curr_state == True:
                # check the direction
       = True
                logging.getLogger("vpcom").info("Coil # %d " % number)
                if self.direction == 1:
                    self.pos = self.pos + 0.5
                    if self.pos >= 41:
                        self.direction = -1
                    self.pos = self.pos - 0.5
                    if self.pos <= 0:
                        self.direction = 1
                if self.pos == 0:
                    self.SetSwitch(33, True)
                elif self.pos == 1:
                    self.SetSwitch(33, False)
                elif self.pos == 27:
                    self.SetSwitch(32, True)
                elif (self.pos == 28) or (self.pos == 26):
                    self.SetSwitch(32, False)
            return self.pos
        return 0
    def GetMech(self, number):
        """ Currently unused.  Game specific mechanism handling will
        be called through this method. """

            # if the coil associated with this mech is on
            if([pinproc.decode(, "C11")].curr_state == True) :
                # check the direction
       = True
                logging.getLogger('vpcom').info("Coil # %d " % number )
                if(self.direction == 1):
                    self.pos = self.pos + .5
                    if(self.pos >= 41):
                        self.direction = -1
                    self.pos = self.pos - .5
                    if(self.pos <= 0):
                        self.direction = 1
                if(self.pos == 0):
                    self.SetSwitch(33, True)
                elif(self.pos == 1):
                    self.SetSwitch(33, False)
                elif(self.pos == 27):
                    self.SetSwitch(32, True)
                elif((self.pos == 28) or (self.pos == 26)):
                    self.SetSwitch(32, False)
            return self.pos
        return 0
    def process_switch(self, switchname, data):
        """Processes a switch event received from the OSC client"""

        if switchname in
            switch_number =[switchname].number
            switch_number = pinproc.decode(, switchname)

        if[switchname].type == 'NC':
            # Need to 'flip' the switch if the machine YAML file configures
            # it to be normally closed

            if data[0] == 1.0:
                data[0] = 0.0
            elif data[0] == 0.0:
                data[0] = 1.0

        # I'm kind of cheating by using desktop.key_events here, but I guess this is ok?
        if data[0] == 1.0:  # close the switch
                {'type': pinproc.EventTypeSwitchClosedDebounced,
                 'value': switch_number})
        elif data[0] == 0.0:  # open the switch
                {'type': pinproc.EventTypeSwitchOpenDebounced,
                 'value': switch_number})
Beispiel #7
	def VPSwitchMatrixToPRSwitch(self, number):
		""" Helper method to find the P-ROC number of a matrix switch. """
		vpNumber = ((number / 10)*8) + ((number%10) - 1)
		vpIndex = vpNumber / 8
		vpOffset = vpNumber % 8 + 1
		if vpIndex < 10:
			switch = 'S' + str(vpIndex) + str(vpOffset)
			return pinproc.decode(,switch)
		else: return number
 def open(self):
     #if self.is_open():
     #    return
     value = pinproc.decode("wpc", # FIXME: Hard-coded to WPC
         "command": "switch",
         "type": pinproc.EventTypeSwitchOpenDebounced,
         "value": value
 def VPSwitchMatrixToPRSwitch(self, number):
     """ Helper method to find the P-ROC number of a matrix switch. """
     vpNumber = ((number / 10)*8) + ((number%10) - 1)
     vpIndex = vpNumber / 8
     vpOffset = vpNumber % 8 + 1
     if vpIndex < 10:
         switch = 'S' + str(vpIndex) + str(vpOffset)
         return pinproc.decode(,switch)
     else: return number
Beispiel #10
	def getGIStates(self):
		""" Gets the current state of the GI strings. """
		vpgi = [False]*5
		for i in range(0,5):
			numStr = 'G0' + str(i+1)
			prNumber = pinproc.decode(, numStr)
			vpgi[i] =[prNumber].curr_state
		return vpgi
    def getGIStates(self):
        """ Gets the current state of the GI strings. """
        if self.GameIsDead:
            raise COMException(desc=self.ErrorMsg, scode=winerror.E_FAIL)

        vpgi = [False] * 5

        for i in range(0, 5):
            numStr = "G0" + str(i + 1)
            prNumber = pinproc.decode(, numStr)
            vpgi[i] =[prNumber].curr_state

        return vpgi
 def set_initial_switches(self):
     """sets up the initial switches that should be closed, then marks the client to sync
     Should I add some logic here to only do this with fakepinproc?
     for switchname in self.closed_switches:  # run through the list of closed_switches passed to the mode as args
         if switchname in  # convert the names to switch numbers
             switch_number =[switchname].number
             switch_number = pinproc.decode(, switchname){'type': pinproc.EventTypeSwitchClosedDebounced, 'value': switch_number})  # add these switch close events to the queue
     self.client_needs_sync = True  # Now that this is done we set the flag to sync the client
Beispiel #13
    def PROC_OSC_message_handler(self, addr, tags, data, client_address):
        """ receives OSC messages and acts on them by setting switches."""
        #print("GOING THROUGH DEFAULT HANDLER %s " % addr)
        # print("recvd OSC message " + str(addr) +" tags:"+ str(tags) +" data:"+ str(data))
        # need to add supprt for "sync" instruction which we'll call when switching tabs in touchOSC

        #strip out the switch name
        switchname = addr.split(
        )[-1]  # This is the OSC address, not the IP address. Strip out the characters after the final "/"

        if switchname in
            switch_number =[switchname].number
            #print("switch_number is local -> %d" % switch_number)
            switch_number = pinproc.decode(, switchname)
            #print("switch_number is lookedup -> %d" % switch_number)

        # I'm kind of cheating by using desktop.key_events here, but I guess this is ok?
        if data[0] == 1.0:  # close the switch
                'type': pinproc.EventTypeSwitchClosedDebounced,
                'value': switch_number
        elif data[0] == 0.0:  # open the switch
                'type': pinproc.EventTypeSwitchOpenDebounced,
                'value': switch_number

        # since we just got a message from a client, let's set up a connection to it
        if not self.do_we_have_a_client:
            if not self.clientIP:  # if a client IP wasn't specified, use the one that just communicated with us now
                self.clientIP = client_address[0]

            self.clientTuple = (self.clientIP, self.clientPort)
            # print(self.clientTuple)
            # print("OSC attempting connection back to client")
            self.OSC_client = OSC.OSCClient()
            self.do_we_have_a_client = True
            # print("We do have a client...")

        if (self.do_we_have_a_client):
            # print("OSC sending back back to client")
            OSC_message = OSC.OSCMessage()
Beispiel #14
	def __init__(self, machine_type):
		super(BasicGame, self).__init__(machine_type)

		self.aux_port = auxport.AuxPort(self)
		if self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypeWPCAlphanumeric:
			self.alpha_display = alphanumeric.AlphanumericDisplay(self.aux_port)
			self.dmd = DisplayController(self, width=128, height=32, message_font=font_named('Font07x5.dmd'))
		self.score_display = ScoreDisplay(self, 0)
		self.desktop = Desktop()
		if self.dmd: self.dmd.frame_handlers.append(self.set_last_frame)
		key_map_config = config.value_for_key_path(keypath='keyboard_switch_map', default={})
		for k, v in key_map_config.items():
			self.desktop.add_key_map(ord(str(k)), pinproc.decode(machine_type, v))
    def PROC_OSC_message_handler(self, addr, tags, data, client_address):
        """ receives OSC messages and acts on them by setting switches."""
        #print("GOING THROUGH DEFAULT HANDLER %s " % addr)
        # print("recvd OSC message " + str(addr) +" tags:"+ str(tags) +" data:"+ str(data))
        # need to add supprt for "sync" instruction which we'll call when switching tabs in touchOSC
        #strip out the switch name
        switchname = addr.split("/")[-1]  # This is the OSC address, not the IP address. Strip out the characters after the final "/"

        if switchname in
            switch_number =[switchname].number
            #print("switch_number is local -> %d" % switch_number)
            switch_number = pinproc.decode(, switchname)
            #print("switch_number is lookedup -> %d" % switch_number)

        if([switchname].type == 'NC'):
            # use desktop.key_events here, but I guess this is ok?
            if data[0] == 1.0:  # normally closed, so this means open the switch
      {'type': pinproc.EventTypeSwitchOpenDebounced, 'value': switch_number})
            elif data[0] == 0.0:  # close the switch
      {'type': pinproc.EventTypeSwitchClosedDebounced, 'value': switch_number})
            # use desktop.key_events here, but I guess this is ok?
            if data[0] == 1.0:  # close the switch
      {'type': pinproc.EventTypeSwitchClosedDebounced, 'value': switch_number})
            elif data[0] == 0.0:  # open the switch
      {'type': pinproc.EventTypeSwitchOpenDebounced, 'value': switch_number})

        # since we just got a message from a client, let's set up a connection to it
        if not self.do_we_have_a_client:
            if not self.clientIP:  # if a client IP wasn't specified, use the one that just communicated with us now
                self.clientIP = client_address[0]

            self.clientTuple = (self.clientIP, self.clientPort)
            # print(self.clientTuple)
            # print("OSC attempting connection back to client")
            self.OSC_client = OSC.OSCClient()
            self.do_we_have_a_client = True
            # print("We do have a client...")

            # print("OSC sending back back to client")
            OSC_message = OSC.OSCMessage()
Beispiel #16
	def getCoilStates(self):
		""" Gets the current state of the coils. """

		pycoils =
		vpcoils = [False]*64
		for i in range(0,len(vpcoils)):
			if i<=28: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[i+39].curr_state
			elif i<33: vpcoils[i] = False # Unused?

			# Use the machine's Hold coils for the VP flippers
			# since they stay on until the button is released
			elif i == 34: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[pinproc.decode(, "FURH")].curr_state
			elif i == 36: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[pinproc.decode(, "FULH")].curr_state
			elif i<44:
				if == pinproc.MachineTypeWPC95:
					vpcoils[i] = pycoils[i+31].curr_state
				else: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[i+107].curr_state
			elif i == 46: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[pinproc.decode(, "FLRH")].curr_state
			elif i == 48: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[pinproc.decode(, "FLLH")].curr_state
			else: vpcoils[i] = pycoils[i+108].curr_state

		return vpcoils		
Beispiel #17
	def load_config(self, path):
		# Setup the key mappings from the config.yaml.
		# We used to do this in __init__, but at that time the
		# configuration isn't loaded so we can't peek into self.switches.
		key_map_config = config.value_for_key_path(keypath='keyboard_switch_map', default={})
		if self.desktop:
			for k, v in key_map_config.items():
				switch_name = str(v)
				if self.switches.has_key(switch_name):
					switch_number = self.switches[switch_name].number
					switch_number = pinproc.decode(self.machine_type, switch_name)
				self.desktop.add_key_map(ord(str(k)), switch_number)
    def load_trigger(self, button, value):
        code = value.get('number')

        value = pinproc.decode("wpc", code)
        opto = p.switches[code].type == "NC"

        if button['bg'] == 'red':
            button['activebackground'] = 'green'
            button['bg'] = 'green'
            event = (pinproc.EventTypeSwitchOpenDebounced if not opto
                    else pinproc.EventTypeSwitchClosedDebounced)
                "type": event,
                "value": pinproc.decode('wpc', code)
            button['activebackground'] = 'red'
            button['bg'] = 'red'
            event = (pinproc.EventTypeSwitchClosedDebounced if not opto
                    else pinproc.EventTypeSwitchOpenDebounced)
                "type": event,
                "value": pinproc.decode('wpc', code)
Beispiel #19
	def load_config(self, path):
		# Setup the key mappings from the config.yaml.
		# We used to do this in __init__, but at that time the
		# configuration isn't loaded so we can't peek into self.switches.
		key_map_config = config.value_for_key_path(keypath='keyboard_switch_map', default={})
		if self.desktop:
			for k, v in key_map_config.items():
				switch_name = str(v)
				if self.switches.has_key(switch_name):
					switch_number = self.switches[switch_name].number
					switch_number = pinproc.decode(self.machine_type, switch_name)
				self.desktop.add_key_map(ord(str(k)), switch_number)
Beispiel #20
    def set_initial_switches(self):
        """sets up the initial switches that should be closed, then marks the client to sync
        Should I add some logic here to only do this with fakepinproc?
        if ('pinproc_class' in procgame.config.values
                and procgame.config.values['pinproc_class']
                == 'procgame.fakepinproc.FakePinPROC'):
            for switchname in self.closed_switches:  # run through the list of closed_switches passed to the mode as args
                if switchname in  # convert the names to switch numbers
                    switch_number =[switchname].number
                    switch_number = pinproc.decode(,
                    'type': pinproc.EventTypeSwitchClosedDebounced,
                    'value': switch_number
                })  # add these switch close events to the queue

            self.client_needs_sync = True  # Now that this is done we set the flag to sync the client
	def load_config(self, path):
		# Setup the key mappings from the config.yaml.
		# We used to do this in __init__, but at that time the
		# configuration isn't loaded so we can't peek into self.switches.
		key_map_config = config.value_for_key_path(keypath='keyboard_switch_map', default={})
		if self.desktop:
			for k, v in key_map_config.items():
				switch_name = str(v)
				if self.switches.has_key(switch_name):
					switch_number = self.switches[switch_name].number
					switch_number = pinproc.decode(self.machine_type, switch_name)
				if(type(k)!=int): # letter keys are added as letters (obv)
					self.desktop.add_key_map(ord(str(k)), switch_number)
				elif(k<10): # 0-9 as keys
					self.desktop.add_key_map(ord(str(k)), switch_number)
				else: # numbers used as bindings for specials -- examples below
					self.desktop.add_key_map(k, switch_number)
Beispiel #22
    def set_initial_closed_switches(self):
        """If FakePinProc is being used, sets up the initial switches that
        should be closed, then marks the client to sync

        if ('pinproc_class' in procgame.config.values and
                procgame.config.values['pinproc_class'] ==
            for switchname in self.closed_switches:
            # run through the list of closed_switches passed to the mode as args
                if switchname in
                    # convert the names to switch numbers
                    switch_number =[switchname].number
                    switch_number = pinproc.decode(,
                    'type': pinproc.EventTypeSwitchClosedDebounced,
                    # add these switch close events to the queue
                    'value': switch_number})

            self.client_needs_sync = True  # Now that this is done we set the
    def load_config(self, path):
        super(BasicGame, self).load_config(path)

        # Setup the key mappings from the config.yaml.
        # We used to do this in __init__, but at that time the
        # configuration isn't loaded so we can't peek into self.switches.
        key_map_config = config.value_for_key_path(
            keypath='keyboard_switch_map', default={})
        if self.desktop:
            for k, v in key_map_config.items():
                switch_name = str(v)
                if self.switches.has_key(switch_name):
                    switch_number = self.switches[switch_name].number
                    switch_number = pinproc.decode(self.machine_type,
                if (type(k) != int):  # letter keys are added as letters (obv)
                    self.desktop.add_key_map(ord(str(k)), switch_number)
                elif (k < 10):  # 0-9 as keys
                    self.desktop.add_key_map(ord(str(k)), switch_number)
                else:  # numbers used as bindings for specials -- examples below
                    self.desktop.add_key_map(k, switch_number)
Beispiel #24
	def VPSwitchFlipperToPRSwitch(self, number):
		""" Helper method to find the P-ROC number of a flipper switch. """
		vpNumber = number - 110
		switch = 'SF' + str(vpNumber)
		return pinproc.decode(, switch)
 def VPSwitchDedToPRSwitch(self, number):
     """ Helper method to find the P-ROC number of a direct switch. """
     vpNumber = number
     switch = 'SD' + str(vpNumber)
     return pinproc.decode(, switch)
 def VPSwitchFlipperToPRSwitch(self, number):
     """ Helper method to find the P-ROC number of a flipper switch. """
     vpNumber = number - 110
     switch = 'SF' + str(vpNumber)
     return pinproc.decode(, switch)
Beispiel #27
	def load_config(self, filename):
		"""Reads the YAML machine configuration file into memory.
		Configures the switches, lamps, and coils members.
		Enables notifyHost for the open and closed debounced states on each configured switch.
		"""'Loading machine configuration from "%s"...', filename)
		self.config = config_named(filename)
		if not self.config:
			raise ValueError, 'load_config(filename="%s") could not be found. Did you set config_path?' % (filename)
		pairs = [('PRCoils', self.coils, Driver), 
		         ('PRLamps', self.lamps, Driver), 
		         ('PRSwitches', self.switches, Switch)]
		new_virtual_drivers = []
		polarity = self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypeSternWhitestar or self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypeSternSAM
		for section, collection, klass in pairs:
			sect_dict = self.config[section]
			for name in sect_dict:
				item_dict = sect_dict[name]
				number = pinproc.decode(self.machine_type, str(item_dict['number']))
				item = None
				if 'bus' in item_dict and item_dict['bus'] == 'AuxPort':
					item = VirtualDriver(self, name, number, polarity)
					new_virtual_drivers += [number]
					item = klass(self, name, number)
					if 'type' in item_dict:
						item.type = item_dict['type']
				collection.add(name, item)

		# In the P-ROC, VirtualDrivers will conflict with regular drivers on the same group.
		# So if any VirtualDrivers were added, the regular drivers in that group must be changed
		# to VirtualDrivers as well.
		for virtual_driver in new_virtual_drivers:
			base_group_number = virtual_driver/8
			for collection in [self.coils, self.lamps]:
				items_to_remove = []
				for item in collection:
					if item.number/8 == base_group_number:
						items_to_remove += [{,number:item.number}]
				for item in items_to_remove:
					print "Removing %s from %s" % (item[name],str(collection))
					collection.remove(item[name], item[number])
					print "Adding %s to VirtualDrivers" % (item[name])
					collection.add(item[name], VirtualDriver(self, item[name], item[number], polarity))

		if 'PRBallSave' in self.config:
			sect_dict = self.config['PRBallSave']
			self.ballsearch_coils = sect_dict['pulseCoils']
			self.ballsearch_stopSwitches = sect_dict['stopSwitches']
			self.ballsearch_resetSwitches = sect_dict['resetSwitches']

		# We want to receive events for all of the defined switches:"Programming switch rules...")
		for switch in self.switches:
			self.proc.switch_update_rule(switch.number, 'closed_debounced', {'notifyHost':True, 'reloadActive':False}, [], False)
			self.proc.switch_update_rule(switch.number, 'open_debounced', {'notifyHost':True, 'reloadActive':False}, [], False)
		# Configure the initial switch states:
		states = self.proc.switch_get_states()
		for sw in self.switches:
			sw.set_state(states[sw.number] == 1)

		sect_dict = self.config['PRGame']
		self.num_balls_total = sect_dict['numBalls']
Beispiel #28
	def enable_flippers(self, enable):
		#return True
		"""Enables or disables the flippers AND bumpers."""
		if self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypeWPC or self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypeWPC95 or self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypeWPCAlphanumeric:
			for flipper in self.config['PRFlippers']:"Programming flipper %s", flipper)
				main_coil = self.coils[flipper+'Main']
				hold_coil = self.coils[flipper+'Hold']
				switch_num = self.switches[flipper].number

				# Chck to see if the flipper should be activated now.
				#if enable:
				#	if self.switches[flipper].is_active():
				#		self.coils[flipper+'Main'].pulse(34)
				#		self.coils[flipper+'Hold'].pulse(0)
				#	else: self.coils[flipper+'Hold'].disable()
				#else: self.coils[flipper+'Hold'].disable()

				drivers = []
				if enable:
					drivers += [pinproc.driver_state_pulse(main_coil.state(), 34)]
					drivers += [pinproc.driver_state_pulse(hold_coil.state(), 0)]
				self.proc.switch_update_rule(switch_num, 'closed_nondebounced', {'notifyHost':False, 'reloadActive':False}, drivers, len(drivers) > 0)
				drivers = []
				if enable:
					drivers += [pinproc.driver_state_disable(main_coil.state())]
					drivers += [pinproc.driver_state_disable(hold_coil.state())]
				self.proc.switch_update_rule(switch_num, 'open_nondebounced', {'notifyHost':False, 'reloadActive':False}, drivers, len(drivers) > 0)

				if not enable:

			# Enable the flipper relay on wpcAlphanumeric machines
                        if self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypeWPCAlphanumeric:
				# 79 corresponds to the circuit on the power/driver board.  It will be 79 for all WPCAlphanumeric machines.
				flipperRelayPRNumber = 79
                                if enable:
                elif self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypeSternWhitestar or self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypeSternSAM:
			for flipper in self.config['PRFlippers']:
				print("  programming flipper %s" % (flipper))
				main_coil = self.coils[flipper+'Main']
				switch_num = pinproc.decode(self.machine_type, str(self.switches[flipper].number))

				# Check to see if the flipper should be activated now.
				#if enable:
				#	if self.switches[flipper].is_active():
				#		self.coils[flipper+'Main'].patter(3, 22, 34)
				#	else: self.coils[flipper+'Main'].disable()
				#else: self.coils[flipper+'Main'].disable()

				drivers = []
				if enable:
					drivers += [pinproc.driver_state_patter(main_coil.state(), 2, 18, 34)]
				self.proc.switch_update_rule(switch_num, 'closed_nondebounced', {'notifyHost':False, 'reloadActive':False}, drivers, len(drivers) > 0)
				drivers = []
				if enable:
					drivers += [pinproc.driver_state_disable(main_coil.state())]
				self.proc.switch_update_rule(switch_num, 'open_nondebounced', {'notifyHost':False, 'reloadActive':False}, drivers, len(drivers) > 0)

				if not enable:
		for bumper in self.config['PRBumpers']:
			switch_num = self.switches[bumper].number
			coil = self.coils[bumper]

			drivers = []
			if enable:
				drivers += [pinproc.driver_state_pulse(coil.state(), 20)]

			self.proc.switch_update_rule(switch_num, 'closed_nondebounced', {'notifyHost':False, 'reloadActive':True}, drivers, False)
Beispiel #29
    def configure_switch(self, config):
        """Configures a P3-ROC switch.

            config: Dictionary of settings for the switch. In the case
                of the P3-ROC, it uses the following:
            number : The number (or number string) for the switch as specified
                in the machine configuration file.
            debounce : Boolean which specifies whether the P3-ROC should
                debounce this switch first before sending open and close
                notifications to the host computer.

            switch : A reference to the switch object that was just created.
            proc_num : Integer of the actual hardware switch number the P3-ROC
                uses to refer to this switch. Typically your machine
                configuration files would specify a switch number like `SD12` or
                `7/5`. This `proc_num` is an int between 0 and 255.
            state : An integer of the current hardware state of the switch, used
                to set the initial state state in the machine. A value of 0
                means the switch is open, and 1 means it's closed. Note this
                state is the physical state of the switch, so if you configure
                the switch to be normally-closed (i.e. "inverted" then your code
                will have to invert it too.) MPF handles this automatically if
                the switch type is 'NC'.


        if self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypePDB:
            proc_num = self.pdbconfig.get_proc_number("switch", str(config["number"]))
            if proc_num == -1:
                self.log.error("Switch %s cannot be controlled by the P3-ROC. " "Ignoring.", str(config["number"]))
            proc_num = pinproc.decode(self.machine_type, str(config["number"]))

        switch = PROCSwitch(proc_num)
        # The P3-ROC needs to be configured to notify the host computers of
        # switch events. (That notification can be for open or closed,
        # debounced or nondebounced.)
            "Configuring switch's host notification settings. P3-ROC" "number: %s, debounce: %s",
        if config["debounce"] is False or proc_num >= pinproc.SwitchNeverDebounceFirst:
                proc_num, "closed_nondebounced", {"notifyHost": True, "reloadActive": False}, [], False
                proc_num, "open_nondebounced", {"notifyHost": True, "reloadActive": False}, [], False
                proc_num, "closed_debounced", {"notifyHost": True, "reloadActive": False}, [], False
                proc_num, "open_debounced", {"notifyHost": True, "reloadActive": False}, [], False

        return switch, proc_num
def pulse(n, t=20):
    """docstring for pulse"""
    pr.driver_pulse(pinproc.decode(machine_type, str(n)), t)
Beispiel #31
    def process_config(self):
        """Called by :meth:`load_config` and :meth:`load_config_stream` to process the values in :attr:`config`."""
        pairs = [('PRCoils', self.coils, Driver), 
                 ('PRLamps', self.lamps, Driver), 
                 ('PRSwitches', self.switches, Switch),
                 ('PRLEDs', self.leds, LED) ]

        new_virtual_drivers = []
        polarity = self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypeSternWhitestar or self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypeSternSAM or self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypePDB
        # Because PDBs can be configured in many different ways, we need to traverse
        # the YAML settings to see how many PDBs are being used.  Then we can configure
        # the P-ROC appropriately to use those PDBs.  Only then can we relate the YAML
        # coil/lamp #'s to P-ROC numbers for the collections.
        if self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypePDB:
            pdb_config = PDBConfig(self.proc, self.config)
        for section, collection, klass in pairs:
            if section in self.config:
                sect_dict = self.config[section]
                for name in sect_dict:

                    item_dict = sect_dict[name]
                    # Find the P-ROC number for each item in the YAML sections.  For PDB's
                    # the number is based on the PDB configuration determined above.  For
                    # other machine types, pinproc's decode() method can provide the number.
                    if self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypePDB:
                        number = pdb_config.get_proc_number(section, str(item_dict['number']))
                        if number == -1: 
                            self.logger.error('%s Item: %s cannot be controlled by the P-ROC.  Ignoring...', section, name)
                        number = pinproc.decode(self.machine_type, str(item_dict['number']))

                    item = None
                    if ('bus' in item_dict and item_dict['bus'] == 'AuxPort') or number >= pinproc.DriverCount:
                        item = VirtualDriver(self, name, number, polarity)
                        new_virtual_drivers += [number]
                        yaml_number = str(item_dict['number'])
                        if klass==LED:
                            number = yaml_number
                        item = klass(self, name, number)
                        item.yaml_number = yaml_number
                        if 'label' in item_dict:
                            item.label = item_dict['label']
                        if 'type' in item_dict:
                            item.type = item_dict['type']
                        if 'tags' in item_dict:
                            tags = item_dict['tags']
                            if type(tags) == str:
                                item.tags = tags.split(',')
                            elif type(tags) == list:
                                item.tags = tags
                                self.logger.warning('Configuration item named "%s" has unexpected tags type %s. Should be list or comma-delimited string.' % (name, type(tags)))
                        if klass==Switch:
                            if (('debounce' in item_dict and item_dict['debounce'] == False) or number >= pinproc.SwitchNeverDebounceFirst):
                                item.debounce = False
                        if klass==Driver:
                            if ('pulseTime' in item_dict):
                                item.default_pulse_time = item_dict['pulseTime']    
                            if ('polarity' in item_dict):
                        if klass==LED:
                            if ('polarity' in item_dict):
                                item.invert = not item_dict['polarity']

                    collection.add(name, item)
        # In the P-ROC, VirtualDrivers will conflict with regular drivers on the same group.
        # So if any VirtualDrivers were added, the regular drivers in that group must be changed
        # to VirtualDrivers as well.
        for virtual_driver in new_virtual_drivers:
            base_group_number = virtual_driver/8
            for collection in [self.coils, self.lamps]:
                items_to_remove = []
                for item in collection:
                    if item.number/8 == base_group_number:
                        items_to_remove += [{,number:item.number}]
                for item in items_to_remove:
           "Removing %s from %s" , item[name],str(collection))
                    collection.remove(item[name], item[number])
          "Adding %s to VirtualDrivers",item[name])
                    collection.add(item[name], VirtualDriver(self, item[name], item[number], polarity))

        if 'PRBallSave' in self.config:
            sect_dict = self.config['PRBallSave']
            self.ballsearch_coils = sect_dict['pulseCoils']
            self.ballsearch_stopSwitches = sect_dict['stopSwitches']
            self.ballsearch_resetSwitches = sect_dict['resetSwitches']

        # We want to receive events for all of the defined switches:"Programming switch rules...")
        for switch in self.switches:
            if switch.debounce:
                self.proc.switch_update_rule(switch.number, 'closed_debounced', {'notifyHost':True, 'reloadActive':False}, [], False)
                self.proc.switch_update_rule(switch.number, 'open_debounced', {'notifyHost':True, 'reloadActive':False}, [], False)
                self.proc.switch_update_rule(switch.number, 'closed_nondebounced', {'notifyHost':True, 'reloadActive':False}, [], False)
                self.proc.switch_update_rule(switch.number, 'open_nondebounced', {'notifyHost':True, 'reloadActive':False}, [], False)
        # Configure the initial switch states:
        states = self.proc.switch_get_states()
        for sw in self.switches:
            sw.set_state(states[sw.number] == 1)

        sect_dict = self.config['PRGame']
        self.num_balls_total = sect_dict['numBalls']"LEDS...")
        for led in self.leds:
  " LED name=%s; number=%s" % (,led.yaml_number))
	def process_config(self):
		"""Called by :meth:`load_config` and :meth:`load_config_stream` to process the values in :attr:`config`."""
		pairs = [('PRCoils', self.coils, Driver), 
		         ('PRLamps', self.lamps, Driver), 
		         ('PRSwitches', self.switches, Switch),
		         ('PRLEDs', self.leds, LED) ]

		new_virtual_drivers = []
		polarity = self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypeSternWhitestar or self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypeSternSAM or self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypePDB
		# Because PDBs can be configured in many different ways, we need to traverse
		# the YAML settings to see how many PDBs are being used.  Then we can configure
		# the P-ROC appropriately to use those PDBs.  Only then can we relate the YAML
		# coil/lamp #'s to P-ROC numbers for the collections.
		if self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypePDB:
			pdb_config = PDBConfig(self.proc, self.config)
		for section, collection, klass in pairs:
			if section in self.config:
				sect_dict = self.config[section]
				for name in sect_dict:

					item_dict = sect_dict[name]
					# Find the P-ROC number for each item in the YAML sections.  For PDB's
					# the number is based on the PDB configuration determined above.  For
					# other machine types, pinproc's decode() method can provide the number.
					if self.machine_type == pinproc.MachineTypePDB:
						number = pdb_config.get_proc_number(section, str(item_dict['number']))
						if number == -1: 
							self.logger.error('%s Item: %s cannot be controlled by the P-ROC.  Ignoring...', section, name)
						number = pinproc.decode(self.machine_type, str(item_dict['number']))

					item = None
					if ('bus' in item_dict and item_dict['bus'] == 'AuxPort') or number >= pinproc.DriverCount:
						item = VirtualDriver(self, name, number, polarity)
						new_virtual_drivers += [number]
						yaml_number = str(item_dict['number'])
						if klass==LED:
							number = yaml_number
						item = klass(self, name, number)
						item.yaml_number = yaml_number
						if 'label' in item_dict:
							item.label = item_dict['label']
						if 'type' in item_dict:
							item.type = item_dict['type']
						if 'tags' in item_dict:
							tags = item_dict['tags']
							if type(tags) == str:
								item.tags = tags.split(',')
							elif type(tags) == list:
								item.tags = tags
								self.logger.warning('Configuration item named "%s" has unexpected tags type %s. Should be list or comma-delimited string.' % (name, type(tags)))
						if klass==Switch:
							if (('debounce' in item_dict and item_dict['debounce'] == False) or number >= pinproc.SwitchNeverDebounceFirst):
								item.debounce = False
						if klass==Driver:
							if ('pulseTime' in item_dict):
								item.default_pulse_time = item_dict['pulseTime']	
							if ('polarity' in item_dict):
						if klass==LED:
							if ('polarity' in item_dict):
								item.invert = not item_dict['polarity']

					collection.add(name, item)
		# In the P-ROC, VirtualDrivers will conflict with regular drivers on the same group.
		# So if any VirtualDrivers were added, the regular drivers in that group must be changed
		# to VirtualDrivers as well.
		for virtual_driver in new_virtual_drivers:
			base_group_number = virtual_driver/8
			for collection in [self.coils, self.lamps]:
				items_to_remove = []
				for item in collection:
					if item.number/8 == base_group_number:
						items_to_remove += [{,number:item.number}]
				for item in items_to_remove: "Removing %s from %s" , item[name],str(collection))
					collection.remove(item[name], item[number])"Adding %s to VirtualDrivers",item[name])
					collection.add(item[name], VirtualDriver(self, item[name], item[number], polarity))

		if 'PRBallSave' in self.config:
			sect_dict = self.config['PRBallSave']
			self.ballsearch_coils = sect_dict['pulseCoils']
			self.ballsearch_stopSwitches = sect_dict['stopSwitches']
			self.ballsearch_resetSwitches = sect_dict['resetSwitches']

		# We want to receive events for all of the defined switches:"Programming switch rules...")
		for switch in self.switches:
			if switch.debounce:
				self.proc.switch_update_rule(switch.number, 'closed_debounced', {'notifyHost':True, 'reloadActive':False}, [], False)
				self.proc.switch_update_rule(switch.number, 'open_debounced', {'notifyHost':True, 'reloadActive':False}, [], False)
				self.proc.switch_update_rule(switch.number, 'closed_nondebounced', {'notifyHost':True, 'reloadActive':False}, [], False)
				self.proc.switch_update_rule(switch.number, 'open_nondebounced', {'notifyHost':True, 'reloadActive':False}, [], False)
		# Configure the initial switch states:
		states = self.proc.switch_get_states()
		for sw in self.switches:
			sw.set_state(states[sw.number] == 1)

		sect_dict = self.config['PRGame']
		self.num_balls_total = sect_dict['numBalls']"LEDS...")
		for led in self.leds:" LED name=%s; number=%s" % (,led.yaml_number))
Beispiel #33
	def VPSwitchDedToPRSwitch(self, number):
		""" Helper method to find the P-ROC number of a direct switch. """
		vpNumber = number
		switch = 'SD' + str(vpNumber)
		return pinproc.decode(, switch)
Beispiel #34
def pulse(n, t = 20):
	"""docstring for pulse"""
	pr.driver_pulse(pinproc.decode(machine_type, str(n)), t)