Defines common/useful physical constants.  

import math
import warnings
from pint import UnitRegistry, Quantity

with warnings.catch_warnings():

unit_registry = UnitRegistry()

# Register gamma*beta units for electrons
unit_registry.define('GB = 510998.946 * eV/c')

# physical_constants
c = 299792458 * unit_registry.parse_expression("m/s")
e = 1.602176634e-19 * unit_registry.parse_expression(
    "coulomb")  # Fundamental Charge Unit
qe = -e  # Charge on electron
me = 9.1093837015e-31 * unit_registry.kg  # Mass of electron
MC2 = (me * c * c).to(unit_registry.electron_volt)  # Electron rest mass

# Mathematical constants
pi = math.pi * unit_registry("rad")
Beispiel #2
import sys

import CoolProp
from pint import UnitRegistry, DimensionalityError
from pint.unit import UnitsContainer, UnitDefinition
from pint.converters import ScaleConverter

try:  # pragma: no cover
    from IPython.core.ultratb import AutoFormattedTB
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    AutoFormattedTB = None

units = UnitRegistry(autoconvert_offset_to_baseunit=True)
Q_ = units.Quantity
units.define(UnitDefinition("percent", "pct", (), ScaleConverter(1.0 / 100.0)))

# Don't add the _render_traceback_ function to DimensionalityError if
# IPython isn't present. This function is only used by the IPython/ipykernel
# anyways, so it doesn't matter if it's missing if IPython isn't available.
if AutoFormattedTB is not None:  # pragma: no cover

    def render_traceback(self):
        """Render a minimized version of the DimensionalityError traceback.

        The default Jupyter/IPython traceback includes a lot of
        context from within pint that actually raises the
        DimensionalityError. This context isn't really needed for
        this particular error, since the problem is almost certainly in
        the user code. This function removes the additional context.
Beispiel #3
# eq['p_p'] = export_latex(_p_p(rho_m, v_s, v_p), p_p)
# eq['p_man'] = export_latex(_p_man(p_p, p_s), p_man)


#%% Q_h graph

from pint import UnitRegistry
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd

u = UnitRegistry()

p_atm = (1. * u.atmosphere).to('Pa')

L_p = 200. * u.m
L_s = 10. * u.m
L_a = 7. * u.m
theta = 10. * u.deg
S = 30. * u.m
H = 32. * u.m
a = S - L_a * np.sin(theta.to('rad').m)

D_s = 100. * u.mm
D_p = 150. * u.mm

epsilon_b = 0.4
import numpy as np
import six
from IPython.display import Latex
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pytablewriter
from enum import Enum
from collections import UserList
from pint import UnitRegistry, set_application_registry
from pint import __version__ as pint_version

u = UnitRegistry(autoconvert_offset_to_baseunit=True)
if int(pint_version.split('.')[0]) * 10 + int(pint_version.split('.')[1]) > 8:

u.default_format = '.4f~L'


__all__ = [
    'density', 'specific_volume', 'u', 'np', 'latex', 'V_flux', 'delta_u',
    'speed', 'Delta_speed', 'isentropisch_work', 'isentropische_dT',
    'isentropische_dV', 'isentropische_dv', 'isentropische_dP', 'isobaar_heat',
    'isobaar_work', 'isobaar_dv', 'isobaar_dT', 'technical_work',
    'delta_e_kin', 'delta_h', 'ProcessType', 'TransitionState', 'Transition',
    'Cycle', 'States', 'mass_flux'

class ProcessType(Enum):
Beispiel #5
from pint import UnitRegistry
ureg = UnitRegistry()
Q_ = ureg.Quantity
Beispiel #6
from pint import UnitRegistry

ureg = UnitRegistry()
Q_ = ureg.Quantity

mks_units = {
    "Supply Temperature": ureg.degC,
    "Target Temperature": ureg.degC,
    "Heat Capacity Flowrate": ureg.kilowatt / ureg.degK,
    "Enthalpy": ureg.megajoule / ureg.hour,

imperial_units = {
    "Supply Temperature": ureg.degF,
    "Target Temperature": ureg.degF,
    "Heat Capacity Flowrate": ureg.btu / ureg.delta_degF / ureg.hour,
    "Enthalpy": ureg.btu / ureg.hour,