Beispiel #1
    def get_connection(self, url, proxies=None):
        """Returns a urllib3 connection for the given URL. This should not be
        called from user code, and is only exposed for use when subclassing the
        :class:`HTTPAdapter <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter>`.

        :param url: The URL to connect to.
        :param proxies: (optional) A Requests-style dictionary of proxies used on this request.
        proxies = proxies or {}
        proxy = proxies.get(urlparse(url.lower()).scheme)

        if proxy:
            proxy_headers = self.proxy_headers(proxy)

            if not proxy in self.proxy_manager:
                self.proxy_manager[proxy] = proxy_from_url(
                    proxy, proxy_headers=proxy_headers)

            conn = self.proxy_manager[proxy].connection_from_url(url)
            # Only scheme should be lower case
            parsed = urlparse(url)
            url = parsed.geturl()
            conn = self.poolmanager.connection_from_url(url)

        return conn
Beispiel #2
    def get_connection(self, url, proxies=None):
        """Returns a urllib3 connection for the given URL. This should not be
        called from user code, and is only exposed for use when subclassing the
        :class:`HTTPAdapter <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter>`.

        :param url: The URL to connect to.
        :param proxies: (optional) A Requests-style dictionary of proxies used on this request.
        proxies = proxies or {}
        proxy = proxies.get(urlparse(url.lower()).scheme)

        if proxy:
            proxy_headers = self.proxy_headers(proxy)

            if not proxy in self.proxy_manager:
                self.proxy_manager[proxy] = proxy_from_url(

            conn = self.proxy_manager[proxy].connection_from_url(url)
            # Only scheme should be lower case
            parsed = urlparse(url)
            url = parsed.geturl()
            conn = self.poolmanager.connection_from_url(url)

        return conn
Beispiel #3
def except_on_missing_scheme(url):
    """Given a URL, raise a MissingSchema exception if the scheme is missing.
    scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse(url)

    if not scheme:
        raise MissingSchema('Proxy URLs must have explicit schemes.')
Beispiel #4
def get_auth_from_url(url):
    """Given a url with authentication components, extract them into a tuple of
    if url:
        url = unquote(url)
        parsed = urlparse(url)
        return (parsed.username, parsed.password)
        return ('', '')
Beispiel #5
 def get_full_url(self):
     # Only return the response's URL if the user hadn't set the Host
     # header
     if not self._r.headers.get('Host'):
         return self._r.url
     # If they did set it, retrieve it and reconstruct the expected domain
     host = self._r.headers['Host']
     parsed = urlparse(self._r.url)
     # Reconstruct the URL as we expect it
     return urlunparse([
         parsed.scheme, host, parsed.path, parsed.params, parsed.query,
Beispiel #6
 def get_full_url(self):
     # Only return the response's URL if the user hadn't set the Host
     # header
     if not self._r.headers.get('Host'):
         return self._r.url
     # If they did set it, retrieve it and reconstruct the expected domain
     host = self._r.headers['Host']
     parsed = urlparse(self._r.url)
     # Reconstruct the URL as we expect it
     return urlunparse([
         parsed.scheme, host, parsed.path, parsed.params, parsed.query,
Beispiel #7
def get_environ_proxies(url):
    """Return a dict of environment proxies."""

    get_proxy = lambda k: os.environ.get(k) or os.environ.get(k.upper())

    # First check whether no_proxy is defined. If it is, check that the URL
    # we're getting isn't in the no_proxy list.
    no_proxy = get_proxy('no_proxy')
    netloc = urlparse(url).netloc

    if no_proxy:
        # We need to check whether we match here. We need to see if we match
        # the end of the netloc, both with and without the port.
        no_proxy = no_proxy.replace(' ', '').split(',')

        ip = netloc.split(':')[0]
        if is_ipv4_address(ip):
            for proxy_ip in no_proxy:
                if is_valid_cidr(proxy_ip):
                    if address_in_network(ip, proxy_ip):
                        return {}
            for host in no_proxy:
                if netloc.endswith(host) or netloc.split(':')[0].endswith(
                    # The URL does match something in no_proxy, so we don't want
                    # to apply the proxies on this URL.
                    return {}

    # If the system proxy settings indicate that this URL should be bypassed,
    # don't proxy.
    if proxy_bypass(netloc):
        return {}

    # If we get here, we either didn't have no_proxy set or we're not going
    # anywhere that no_proxy applies to, and the system settings don't require
    # bypassing the proxy for the current URL.
    return getproxies()
Beispiel #8
    def request_url(self, request, proxies):
        """Obtain the url to use when making the final request.

        If the message is being sent through a HTTP proxy, the full URL has to
        be used. Otherwise, we should only use the path portion of the URL.

        This should not be called from user code, and is only exposed for use
        when subclassing the
        :class:`HTTPAdapter <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter>`.

        :param request: The :class:`PreparedRequest <PreparedRequest>` being sent.
        :param proxies: A dictionary of schemes to proxy URLs.
        proxies = proxies or {}
        scheme = urlparse(request.url).scheme
        proxy = proxies.get(scheme)

        if proxy and scheme != 'https':
            url, _ = urldefrag(request.url)
            url = request.path_url

        return url
Beispiel #9
    def request_url(self, request, proxies):
        """Obtain the url to use when making the final request.

        If the message is being sent through a HTTP proxy, the full URL has to
        be used. Otherwise, we should only use the path portion of the URL.

        This should not be called from user code, and is only exposed for use
        when subclassing the
        :class:`HTTPAdapter <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter>`.

        :param request: The :class:`PreparedRequest <PreparedRequest>` being sent.
        :param proxies: A dictionary of schemes to proxy URLs.
        proxies = proxies or {}
        scheme = urlparse(request.url).scheme
        proxy = proxies.get(scheme)

        if proxy and scheme != 'https':
            url, _ = urldefrag(request.url)
            url = request.path_url

        return url
Beispiel #10
def get_netrc_auth(url):
    """Returns the Requests tuple auth for a given url from netrc."""

        from netrc import netrc, NetrcParseError

        locations = (os.path.expanduser('~/{0}'.format(f))
                     for f in NETRC_FILES)
        netrc_path = None

        for loc in locations:
            if os.path.exists(loc) and not netrc_path:
                netrc_path = loc

        # Abort early if there isn't one.
        if netrc_path is None:
            return netrc_path

        ri = urlparse(url)

        # Strip port numbers from netloc
        host = ri.netloc.split(':')[0]

            _netrc = netrc(netrc_path).authenticators(host)
            if _netrc:
                # Return with login / password
                login_i = (0 if _netrc[0] else 1)
                return (_netrc[login_i], _netrc[2])
        except (NetrcParseError, IOError):
            # If there was a parsing error or a permissions issue reading the file,
            # we'll just skip netrc auth

    # AppEngine hackiness.
    except (ImportError, AttributeError):
Beispiel #11
    def resolve_redirects(self, resp, req, stream=False, timeout=None,
                          verify=True, cert=None, proxies=None):
        """Receives a Response. Returns a generator of Responses."""

        i = 0

        # ((resp.status_code is codes.see_other))
        while ('location' in resp.headers and resp.status_code in REDIRECT_STATI):
            prepared_request = req.copy()

            resp.content  # Consume socket so it can be released

            if i >= self.max_redirects:
                raise TooManyRedirects('Exceeded %s redirects.' % self.max_redirects)

            # Release the connection back into the pool.

            url = resp.headers['location']
            method = req.method

            # Handle redirection without scheme (see: RFC 1808 Section 4)
            if url.startswith('//'):
                parsed_rurl = urlparse(resp.url)
                url = '%s:%s' % (parsed_rurl.scheme, url)

            # The scheme should be lower case...
            parsed = urlparse(url)
            url = parsed.geturl()

            # Facilitate non-RFC2616-compliant 'location' headers
            # (e.g. '/path/to/resource' instead of 'http://domain.tld/path/to/resource')
            # Compliant with RFC3986, we percent encode the url.
            if not urlparse(url).netloc:
                url = urljoin(resp.url, requote_uri(url))
                url = requote_uri(url)

            prepared_request.url = url

            if (resp.status_code == codes.see_other and
                    method != 'HEAD'):
                method = 'GET'

            # Do what the browsers do, despite standards...
            # First, turn 302s into GETs.
            if resp.status_code == codes.found and method != 'HEAD':
                method = 'GET'

            # Second, if a POST is responded to with a 301, turn it into a GET.
            # This bizarre behaviour is explained in Issue 1704.
            if resp.status_code == codes.moved and method == 'POST':
                method = 'GET'

            prepared_request.method = method

            if resp.status_code not in (codes.temporary, codes.resume):
                if 'Content-Length' in prepared_request.headers:
                    del prepared_request.headers['Content-Length']

                prepared_request.body = None

            headers = prepared_request.headers
                del headers['Cookie']
            except KeyError:

                                   prepared_request, resp.raw)

            resp = self.send(

            extract_cookies_to_jar(self.cookies, prepared_request, resp.raw)

            i += 1
            yield resp
Beispiel #12
    def build_digest_header(self, method, url):

        realm = self.chal['realm']
        nonce = self.chal['nonce']
        qop = self.chal.get('qop')
        algorithm = self.chal.get('algorithm')
        opaque = self.chal.get('opaque')

        if algorithm is None:
            _algorithm = 'MD5'
            _algorithm = algorithm.upper()
        # lambdas assume digest modules are imported at the top level
        if _algorithm == 'MD5' or _algorithm == 'MD5-SESS':

            def md5_utf8(x):
                if isinstance(x, str):
                    x = x.encode('utf-8')
                return hashlib.md5(x).hexdigest()

            hash_utf8 = md5_utf8
        elif _algorithm == 'SHA':

            def sha_utf8(x):
                if isinstance(x, str):
                    x = x.encode('utf-8')
                return hashlib.sha1(x).hexdigest()

            hash_utf8 = sha_utf8

        KD = lambda s, d: hash_utf8("%s:%s" % (s, d))

        if hash_utf8 is None:
            return None

        # XXX not implemented yet
        entdig = None
        p_parsed = urlparse(url)
        path = p_parsed.path
        if p_parsed.query:
            path += '?' + p_parsed.query

        A1 = '%s:%s:%s' % (self.username, realm, self.password)
        A2 = '%s:%s' % (method, path)

        HA1 = hash_utf8(A1)
        HA2 = hash_utf8(A2)

        if nonce == self.last_nonce:
            self.nonce_count += 1
            self.nonce_count = 1
        ncvalue = '%08x' % self.nonce_count
        s = str(self.nonce_count).encode('utf-8')
        s += nonce.encode('utf-8')
        s += time.ctime().encode('utf-8')
        s += os.urandom(8)

        cnonce = (hashlib.sha1(s).hexdigest()[:16])
        noncebit = "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % (nonce, ncvalue, cnonce, qop, HA2)
        if _algorithm == 'MD5-SESS':
            HA1 = hash_utf8('%s:%s:%s' % (HA1, nonce, cnonce))

        if qop is None:
            respdig = KD(HA1, "%s:%s" % (nonce, HA2))
        elif qop == 'auth' or 'auth' in qop.split(','):
            respdig = KD(HA1, noncebit)
            # XXX handle auth-int.
            return None

        self.last_nonce = nonce

        # XXX should the partial digests be encoded too?
        base = 'username="******", realm="%s", nonce="%s", uri="%s", ' \
               'response="%s"' % (self.username, realm, nonce, path, respdig)
        if opaque:
            base += ', opaque="%s"' % opaque
        if algorithm:
            base += ', algorithm="%s"' % algorithm
        if entdig:
            base += ', digest="%s"' % entdig
        if qop:
            base += ', qop="auth", nc=%s, cnonce="%s"' % (ncvalue, cnonce)

        return 'Digest %s' % (base)
Beispiel #13
 def get_host(self):
     return urlparse(self._r.url).netloc
Beispiel #14
 def __init__(self, request):
     self._r = request
     self._new_headers = {}
     self.type = urlparse(self._r.url).scheme
Beispiel #15
 def get_host(self):
     return urlparse(self._r.url).netloc
Beispiel #16
 def __init__(self, request):
     self._r = request
     self._new_headers = {}
     self.type = urlparse(self._r.url).scheme