Beispiel #1
 def is_supported():
     Check whether the current system supports the implemented package
     logger.debug("Falling back to dummy package manager interface ..")
     return True
Beispiel #2
def fix_hashbang(python, contents):
    Rewrite the hashbang in an executable script so that the Python program
    inside the virtual environment is used instead of a system wide Python.

    :param python: The absolute pathname of the Python program inside the
                   virtual environment.
    :param contents: A string with the contents of the script whose hashbang
                     should be fixed.
    :returns: The modified contents of the script as a string.
    # Separate the first line in the file from the remainder of the contents
    # while preserving the end of line sequence (CR+LF or just an LF) and
    # without having to split all lines in the file (there's no point).
    parts = re.split(r'(\r?\n)', contents, 1)
    hashbang = parts[0]
    # Get the base name of the command in the hashbang and deal with hashbangs
    # like `#!/usr/bin/env python'.
    modified_name = re.sub('^env ', '', os.path.basename(hashbang))
    # Only rewrite hashbangs that actually involve Python.
    if re.match(r'^python(\d+(\.\d+)*)?$', modified_name):
        logger.debug("Hashbang %r looks like a Python hashbang! We'll rewrite it!", hashbang)
        parts[0] = '#!%s' % python
        contents = ''.join(parts)
        logger.debug("Warning: Failed to match hashbang: %r.", hashbang)
    return contents
Beispiel #3
def build_missing_binary_dists(requirements):
    Convert source distributions to binary distributions.

    :param requirements: A list of tuples in the format of the return value of
                         the :py:func:`unpack_source_dists()` function.

    :returns: ``True`` if it succeeds in building a binary distribution,
              ``False`` otherwise (probably because of missing binary
              dependencies like system libraries).
    existing_binary_dists = find_cached_binary_dists()"Building binary distributions ..")
    pyversion = get_python_version()
    for name, version, directory in requirements:
        # Check if a binary distribution already exists.
        filename = existing_binary_dists.get((name.lower(), version, pyversion))
        if filename:
            logger.debug("Existing binary distribution for %s (%s) found at %s.", name, version, filename)
        # Make sure the source distribution contains a setup script.
        setup_script = os.path.join(directory, '')
        if not os.path.isfile(setup_script):
            logger.warn("Package %s (%s) is not a source distribution.", name, version)
        # Try to build the binary distribution.
        if not build_binary_dist(name, version, directory, pyversion):
            if not build_binary_dist(name, version, directory, pyversion):
                return False"Finished building binary distributions.")
    return True
Beispiel #4
 def is_supported():
     Check whether the current system supports the implemented package
     logger.debug("Falling back to dummy package manager interface ..")
     return True
Beispiel #5
def build_binary_dist(name, version, directory, pyversion):
    Convert a single, unpacked source distribution to a binary distribution.

    :param name: The name of the requirement to build.
    :param version: The version of the requirement to build.
    :param directory: The directory where the unpacked sources of the
                      requirement are available.

    :returns: ``True`` if we succeed in building a binary distribution,
              ``False`` otherwise (probably because of missing binary
              dependencies like system libraries).
    # Cleanup previously generated distributions.
    dist_directory = os.path.join(directory, 'dist')
    if os.path.isdir(dist_directory):"Cleaning up previously generated distributions in %s ..", dist_directory)
    # Let the user know what's going on.
    build_text = "Building binary distribution of %s (%s) .." % (name, version)"%s", build_text)
    # Compose the command line needed to build the binary distribution.
    command_line = '"%s/bin/python" bdist_dumb --format=gztar' % ENVIRONMENT
    logger.debug("Executing external command: %s", command_line)
    # Redirect all output of the build to a temporary file.
    fd, temporary_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
    command_line = '%s > "%s" 2>&1' % (command_line, temporary_file)
    # Start the build.
    build = subprocess.Popen(['sh', '-c', command_line], cwd=directory)
    # Wait for the build to finish.
        # Provide feedback to the user in the mean time.
        spinner = Spinner(build_text)
        while build.poll() is None:
    # Make sure the build succeeded.
    if build.returncode != 0:
        logger.error("Failed to build binary distribution of %s! (version: %s)", name, version)
        with open(temporary_file) as handle:
  "Build output (will probably provide a hint as to what went wrong):\n%s",
        return False
    # Move the generated distribution to the binary index.
    filenames = os.listdir(dist_directory)
    if len(filenames) != 1:
        logger.error("Build process did not result in one binary distribution! (matches: %s)", filenames)
        return False
    cache_file = '%s:%s:%s.tar.gz' % (name, version, pyversion)"Copying binary distribution %s to cache as %s.", filenames[0], cache_file)
    cache_binary_dist(os.path.join(directory, 'dist', filenames[0]),
                      os.path.join(binary_index, cache_file))
    return True
Beispiel #6
def clear_build_directory(directory):
    Since pip 1.4 there is a new exception that's raised by pip:
    ``PreviousBuildDirError``. Unfortunately pip-accel apparently triggers the
    worst possible side effect of this new "feature" and the only way to avoid
    it is to start with an empty build directory in every step of pip-accel's
    process (possibly very inefficient).

    :param directory: The build directory to clear.
    logger.debug("Clearing build directory ..")
    if os.path.isdir(directory):
Beispiel #7
def clear_build_directory(directory):
    Since pip 1.4 there is a new exception that's raised by pip:
    ``PreviousBuildDirError``. Unfortunately pip-accel apparently triggers the
    worst possible side effect of this new "feature" and the only way to avoid
    it is to start with an empty build directory in every step of pip-accel's
    process (possibly very inefficient).

    :param directory: The build directory to clear.
    logger.debug("Clearing build directory ..")
    if os.path.isdir(directory):
Beispiel #8
 def __init__(self):
     Load any predefined dependencies for the platform from a configuration
     file bundled with the pip accelerator.
     config_name = getattr(self, 'config', '')
     if config_name:
         script = os.path.abspath(__file__)
         directory = os.path.dirname(script)
         config_path = os.path.join(directory, '%s.ini' % config_name)
         if os.path.isfile(config_path):
             logger.debug("Loading system package configuration from %s ..", config_path)
             parser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
             if parser.has_section('dependencies'):
                 self.dependencies = dict((n.lower(), v.split()) for n, v in parser.items('dependencies'))
Beispiel #9
 def __init__(self):
     Load any predefined dependencies for the platform from a configuration
     file bundled with the pip accelerator.
     config_name = getattr(self, 'config', '')
     if config_name:
         script = os.path.abspath(__file__)
         directory = os.path.dirname(script)
         config_path = os.path.join(directory, '%s.ini' % config_name)
         if os.path.isfile(config_path):
             logger.debug("Loading system package configuration from %s ..",
             parser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
             if parser.has_section('dependencies'):
                 self.dependencies = dict(
                     (n.lower(), v.split())
                     for n, v in parser.items('dependencies'))
Beispiel #10
def install_binary_dist(package, filename, install_prefix=ENVIRONMENT):
    Install a binary distribution created with ``python bdist`` into
    the given prefix (a directory like ``/usr``, ``/usr/local`` or a virtual

    :param package: The name of the package to install.
    :param filename: The pathname of the tar archive.
    :param install_prefix: The "prefix" under which the requirements should be
                           installed. This will be a pathname like ``/usr``,
                           ``/usr/local`` or the pathname of a virtual
    # TODO This is quite slow for modules like Django. Speed it up! Two choices:
    #  1. Run the external tar program to unpack the archive. This will
    #     slightly complicate the fixing up of hashbangs.
    #  2. Using links? The plan: We can maintain a "seed" environment under
    #     $PIP_ACCEL_CACHE and use symbolic and/or hard links to populate other
    #     places based on the "seed" environment.
    install_timer = Timer()
    python = os.path.join(install_prefix, 'bin', 'python')
    pip = os.path.join(install_prefix, 'bin', 'pip')
    if os.system('"%s" uninstall --yes "%s" >/dev/null 2>&1' % (pip, package)) == 0:"Uninstalled previously installed package %s.", package)"Installing package %s from binary distribution %s to %s ..", package, filename, install_prefix)
    archive =, 'r:gz')
    for member in archive.getmembers():
        install_path = os.path.join(install_prefix,
        directory = os.path.dirname(install_path)
        if not os.path.isdir(directory):
            logger.debug("Creating directory: %s ..", directory)
        logger.debug("Writing file: %s ..", install_path)
        file_handle = archive.extractfile(member)
        with open(install_path, 'w') as handle:
            contents =
            if contents.startswith('#!/'):
                contents = fix_hashbang(python, contents)
        os.chmod(install_path, member.mode)
    archive.close()"Finished installing binary distribution in %s.", install_timer)
Beispiel #11
def initialize_directories():
    Create the directories for the download cache, the source index and the
    binary index if any of them don't exist yet and reset the binary index
    when its format changes.
    # Create all required directories on the fly.
    for directory in [download_cache, source_index, binary_index]:
        if not os.path.isdir(directory):
    # Invalidate the binary distribution cache when the
    # format is changed in backwards incompatible ways.
    if os.path.isfile(index_version_file):
        with open(index_version_file) as handle:
            if int( == CACHE_FORMAT_REVISION:
                logger.debug("Binary distribution cache format is compatible.")
        "Binary distribution cache format is incompatible; clearing cache ..")
    for entry in os.listdir(binary_index):
        pathname = os.path.join(binary_index, entry)
        logger.debug(" - Deleting %s.", pathname)
    with open(index_version_file, 'w') as handle:
        handle.write("%i\n" % CACHE_FORMAT_REVISION)
Beispiel #12
    def is_supported():
        Use the ``lsb_release`` program to check whether we are on a Debian
        Linux system (or a derivative distribution of Debian like Ubuntu).

        :returns: ``True`` if we are, ``False`` if we're not.
        logger.debug("Checking if we're on a Debian (derived) system ..")
        handle = os.popen('lsb_release -si 2>/dev/null')
        output =
        distributor_id = output.strip()
        logger.debug("Distributor ID: %s", distributor_id)
        if distributor_id.lower() in ('debian', 'ubuntu'):
            logger.debug("Using Debian package manager interface ..")
            return True
Beispiel #13
    def is_supported():
        Use the ``lsb_release`` program to check whether we are on a Debian
        Linux system (or a derivative distribution of Debian like Ubuntu).

        :returns: ``True`` if we are, ``False`` if we're not.
        logger.debug("Checking if we're on a Debian (derived) system ..")
        handle = os.popen('lsb_release -si 2>/dev/null')
        output =
        distributor_id = output.strip()
        logger.debug("Distributor ID: %s", distributor_id)
        if distributor_id.lower() in ('debian', 'ubuntu'):
            logger.debug("Using Debian package manager interface ..")
            return True
Beispiel #14
def cache_binary_dist(input_path, output_path):
    Transform a binary distribution archive created with ``python
    bdist_dumb --format=gztar`` into a form that can be cached for future use.
    This comes down to making the pathnames inside the archive relative to the
    `prefix` that the binary distribution was built for.

    :param input_path: The pathname of the original binary distribution archive
    :param output_path: The pathname of the binary distribution in the cache
    # Copy the tar archive file by file so we can rewrite their pathnames.
    logger.debug("Expected prefix in binary distribution archive: %s.", ENVIRONMENT)
    input_bdist =, 'r:gz')
    output_bdist =, 'w:gz')
    for member in input_bdist.getmembers():
        # In my testing the `dumb' tar files created with the `python
        # bdist' command contain pathnames that are relative to `/' which is
        # kind of awkward: I would like to use os.path.relpath() on them but
        # that won't give the correct result without preprocessing...
        original_pathname =
        absolute_pathname = re.sub(r'^\./', '/', original_pathname)
        if member.isdev():
            logger.debug("Warning: Ignoring device file: %s.", absolute_pathname)
        elif not member.isdir():
            modified_pathname = os.path.relpath(absolute_pathname, ENVIRONMENT)
            if os.path.isabs(modified_pathname):
                logger.warn("Failed to transform pathname in binary distribution to relative path! (original: %r, modified: %r)",
                            original_pathname, modified_pathname)
                # Some binary distributions include C header files (see for
                # example the greenlet package) however the subdirectory of
                # include/ in a virtual environment is a symbolic link to a
                # subdirectory of /usr/include/ so we should never try to
                # install C header files inside the directory pointed to by the
                # symbolic link. Instead we implement the same workaround that
                # pip uses to avoid this problem.
                modified_pathname = re.sub('^include/', 'include/site/', modified_pathname)
                logger.debug("Transformed %r -> %r.", original_pathname, modified_pathname)
                # Get the file data from the input archive.
                file_data = input_bdist.extractfile(original_pathname)
                # Use all metadata from the input archive but modify the filename.
       = modified_pathname
                # Copy modified metadata + original file data to output archive.
                output_bdist.addfile(member, file_data)
Beispiel #15
def initialize_directories():
    Create the directories for the download cache, the source index and the
    binary index if any of them don't exist yet and reset the binary index
    when its format changes.
    # Create all required directories on the fly.
    for directory in [download_cache, source_index, binary_index]:
        if not os.path.isdir(directory):
    # Invalidate the binary distribution cache when the
    # format is changed in backwards incompatible ways.
    if os.path.isfile(index_version_file):
        with open(index_version_file) as handle:
            if int( == CACHE_FORMAT_REVISION:
                logger.debug("Binary distribution cache format is compatible.")
    logger.debug("Binary distribution cache format is incompatible; clearing cache ..")
    for entry in os.listdir(binary_index):
        pathname = os.path.join(binary_index, entry)
        logger.debug(" - Deleting %s.", pathname)
    with open(index_version_file, 'w') as handle:
        handle.write("%i\n" % CACHE_FORMAT_REVISION)
Beispiel #16
def find_cached_binary_dists():
    Find all previously cached binary distributions.

    :returns: A dictionary with (package-name, package-version, python-version)
              tuples as keys and pathnames of binary archives as values.
    """"Scanning binary distribution index ..")
    distributions = {}
    for filename in sorted(os.listdir(binary_index), key=str.lower):
        if filename.endswith('.tar.gz'):
            basename = re.sub('\.tar.gz$', '', filename)
            parts = basename.split(':')
            if len(parts) == 3:
                key = (parts[0].lower(), parts[1], parts[2])
                logger.debug("Matched %s in %s.", key, filename)
                distributions[key] = os.path.join(binary_index, filename)
        logger.debug("Failed to match filename: %s.", filename)"Found %i existing binary distribution%s.",
                len(distributions), '' if len(distributions) == 1 else 's')
    for (name, version, pyversion), filename in distributions.iteritems():
        logger.debug(" - %s (%s, %s) in %s.", name, version, pyversion, filename)
    return distributions