def pipe_privateinput(context=None, _INPUT=None, conf=None, **kwargs): """This source prompts the user for some text and yields it forever. Keyword arguments: context -- pipeline context _INPUT -- not used conf: name -- input parameter name default -- default prompt -- prompt Yields (_OUTPUT): text """ value = util.get_input(context, conf) while True: yield value
def pipe_privateinput(context, _INPUT, conf, **kwargs): """This source prompts the user for some text and yields it forever. Keyword arguments: context -- pipeline context _INPUT -- not used conf: name -- input parameter name default -- default prompt -- prompt Yields (_OUTPUT): text """ value = util.get_input(context, conf) while True: yield value
def pipe_urlinput(context, _INPUT, conf, **kwargs): """This source prompts the user for a url and yields it forever. Keyword arguments: context -- pipeline context _INPUT -- not used conf: name -- input parameter name default -- default prompt -- prompt Yields (_OUTPUT): url """ value = util.get_input(context, conf) #Ensure url is valid value = util.url_quote(value) while True: yield value
def pipe_urlinput(context, _INPUT, conf, **kwargs): """This source prompts the user for a url and yields it forever. Keyword arguments: context -- pipeline context _INPUT -- not used conf: name -- input parameter name default -- default prompt -- prompt Yields (_OUTPUT): url """ value = util.get_input(context, conf) #Ensure url is valid value = urllib2.quote(value, safe="%/:=&?~#+!$,;'@()*[]") while True: yield value
def pipe_numberinput(context, _INPUT, conf, **kwargs): """This source prompts the user for a number and yields it forever. Keyword arguments: context -- pipeline context _INPUT -- not used conf: name -- input parameter name default -- default prompt -- prompt Yields (_OUTPUT): text """ value = util.get_input(context, conf) try: value = float(value) except: value = 0 while True: yield value